cr_filename_to_mime_type (public)

 cr_filename_to_mime_type [ -create ] filename

Defined in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/revision-procs.tcl

given a filename, returns the mime type. If the -create flag is given the mime type will be created; this assumes there is some other way such as ns_guesstype to find the filename

(boolean) (optional)
flag whether to create the mime type the routine picks for filename
filename - the filename to try to guess a mime type for (the file need not exist, the routine does not attempt to access the file in any way)
mimetype (or */* of unknown)
Jeff Davis <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authenticate auth_authenticate (test acs-authentication) cr_filename_to_mime_type cr_filename_to_mime_type test_auth_authenticate->cr_filename_to_mime_type cr_create_mime_type cr_create_mime_type (private) cr_filename_to_mime_type->cr_create_mime_type db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) cr_filename_to_mime_type->db_0or1row acs_mail_lite::send_immediately acs_mail_lite::send_immediately (private) acs_mail_lite::send_immediately->cr_filename_to_mime_type cr_check_mime_type cr_check_mime_type (public) cr_check_mime_type->cr_filename_to_mime_type download_insert_revision download_insert_revision (public) download_insert_revision->cr_filename_to_mime_type email_image::edit_email_image email_image::edit_email_image (public) email_image::edit_email_image->cr_filename_to_mime_type email_image::new_item email_image::new_item (public) email_image::new_item->cr_filename_to_mime_type

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