workflow::case::fsm::get_element (public)

 workflow::case::fsm::get_element -case_id case_id -element element \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl

Return a single element from the information about a case.

The ID of the case
The element you want
If specified, will return the case information as if the given action had already been executed. This is useful for presenting forms for actions that do not take place until the user hits OK.
The element you asked for
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get_current_state->workflow::case::fsm::get_element workflow::case::fsm::get workflow::case::fsm::get (public) workflow::case::fsm::get_element->workflow::case::fsm::get

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