util::http::set_cookies (public)

 util::http::set_cookies -resp_headers resp_headers \
    [ -headers headers ] [ -cookie_names cookie_names ] \
    [ -pattern pattern ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl

Extracts cookies from response headers. This is done reading every 'set-cookie' header and populating an ns_set of request headers suitable for issuing 'util::http' requests.

Response headers, in a list form as returned by 'util::http' API.
ns_set of request headers that will be populated with extracted cookies. If not specified, a new ns_set will be created. Existing cookies will be overwritten.
Cookie names we want to retrieve. Other cookies will be ignored. If omitted together with '-pattern' proc will include every cookie.
Cookies which name respects this pattern as in 'string match' will be included. If omitted together with '-cookie_names' proc will include every cookie.
ns_set of headers containing received cookies

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::http::cookie_auth util::http::cookie_auth (public) util::http::set_cookies util::http::set_cookies util::http::cookie_auth->util::http::set_cookies

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