dt_widget_month_centered (public, deprecated)

 dt_widget_month_centered [ -calendar_details calendar_details ] \
    [ -date date ] [ -days_of_week days_of_week ] \
    [ -large_calendar_p large_calendar_p ] \
    [ -master_bgcolor master_bgcolor ] \
    [ -header_bgcolor header_bgcolor ] \
    [ -header_text_color header_text_color ] \
    [ -header_text_size header_text_size ] \
    [ -day_number_template day_number_template ] \
    [ -day_header_size day_header_size ] \
    [ -day_header_bgcolor day_header_bgcolor ] \
    [ -calendar_width calendar_width ] [ -day_bgcolor day_bgcolor ] \
    [ -day_text_color day_text_color ] \
    [ -empty_bgcolor empty_bgcolor ] \
    [ -next_month_template next_month_template ] \
    [ -prev_month_template prev_month_template ]

Defined in packages/acs-datetime/tcl/acs-calendar-procs.tcl

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

DEPRECATED: modern HTML5 feature make this widget less relevant. It is also cumbersome to style and localize.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "black") (optional)
(defaults to "black") (optional)
(defaults to "white") (optional)
(defaults to "+1") (optional)
(defaults to "<!--$julian_date-->$day_number") (optional)
(defaults to "1") (optional)
(defaults to "#666666") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "#DDDDDD") (optional)
(defaults to "white") (optional)
(defaults to "white") (optional)
a calendar for a specific month, with details supplied by Julian date. Defaults to this month.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) dt_get_info dt_get_info (public) dt_widget_month_small dt_widget_month_small (public, deprecated) dt_widget_month_centered dt_widget_month_centered dt_widget_month_centered->_ dt_widget_month_centered->ad_log_deprecated dt_widget_month_centered->dt_get_info dt_widget_month_centered->dt_widget_month_small

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