• Publicity: Public Only All


Procs for authority management.

Lars Pind <lars@collaobraid.biz>
CVS Identification:
$Id: authority-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/29 14:17:23 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

auth::authority::batch_sync (public)

 auth::authority::batch_sync -authority_id authority_id

Execute batch synchronization for this authority now.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_sync_batch_for_local sync_batch_for_local (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::batch_sync auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_for_local->auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc sync_batch_ims_example_doc (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc->auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_ims_test sync_batch_ims_test (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_test->auth::authority::batch_sync ad_log ad_log (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->ad_try auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::authority::get auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument (private) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument auth::sync::GetDocument auth::sync::GetDocument (private) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::sync::GetDocument auth::sync::sweeper auth::sync::sweeper (private) auth::sync::sweeper->auth::authority::batch_sync packages/acs-admin/www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl->auth::authority::batch_sync

sync_batch_for_local, sync_batch_ims_example_doc, sync_batch_ims_test

auth::authority::create (public)

 auth::authority::create [ -authority_id authority_id ] -array array

Create a new authentication authority.

Name of an array containing the column values. The entries are:
  • short_name Short name for authority. Used as a key by applications to identify this authority.
  • pretty_name Label for the authority to be shown in a list to users picking an authority.
  • enabled_p 't' if this authority available, 'f' if it's disabled. Defaults to 'f'.
  • sort_order Sort ordering determines the order in which authorities are listed in the user interface. Defaults to the currently highest sort order plus one.
  • auth_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • pwd_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • forgotten_pwd_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user has forgotten his/her password. Defaults to none.
  • change_pwd_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to change his/her password. Defaults to none.
  • register_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • register_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to register for an account. Defaults to none.
  • user_info_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • get_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_retrieve' service contract implementation
  • process_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_process' service contract implementation
  • batch_sync_enabled_p Is batch sync enabled for the authority?
Authority_id, or blank if you want one generated for you.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::create auth::authority::create test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::create test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc sync_batch_ims_example_doc (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc->auth::authority::create test_sync_batch_ims_test sync_batch_ims_test (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_test->auth::authority::create ad_conn ad_conn (public) auth::authority::create->ad_conn auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit (public) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::edit auth::authority::get_column_defaults auth::authority::get_column_defaults (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_column_defaults auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_required_columns auth::authority::get_required_columns (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_required_columns acs::test::auth::install acs::test::auth::install (private) acs::test::auth::install->auth::authority::create packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl->auth::authority::create

auth_authority_api, sync_batch_ims_example_doc, sync_batch_ims_test

auth::authority::delete (public)

 auth::authority::delete -authority_id authority_id

Delete an authority.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::delete auth::authority::delete test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::delete auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::delete->auth::authority::get_id_flush db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) auth::authority::delete->db_exec_plsql packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-delete.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-delete.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-delete.tcl->auth::authority::delete


auth::authority::edit (public)

 auth::authority::edit -authority_id authority_id -array array

Edit info about an authority. Note that there's no checking that the columns you name exist.

The authority you want to get.
Name of an array with column values to update.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::edit auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_columns (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element (public) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_id_flush db_dml db_dml (public) auth::authority::edit->db_dml auth::authority::create auth::authority::create (public) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::edit auth::local::install auth::local::install (private) auth::local::install->auth::authority::edit auth::local::uninstall auth::local::uninstall (private) auth::local::uninstall->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl->auth::authority::edit

auth_authority_api, auth_authority_edit

auth::authority::get (public)

 auth::authority::get [ -authority_id authority_id ] [ -array array ]

Get info about an authority and return the authority_id. If no authority is specified, then return

The authority you want to get. If not specified, return the default authority
Name of an array into which the detailed attributes should be delivered
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get auth::authority::get test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values auth_driver_get_parameter_values (test acs-authentication) test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_authority_options (public) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_not_cached auth::authority::get_not_cached (private) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_not_cached util_memoize util_memoize (public) auth::authority::get->util_memoize acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) acs_user::get_by_username->auth::authority::get auth::authority::batch_sync auth::authority::batch_sync (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element (public) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get auth::get_local_account auth::get_local_account (private) auth::get_local_account->auth::authority::get auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get

auth_authority_api, auth_driver_get_parameter_values, auth_authority_edit

auth::authority::get_authority_options (public)


Returns options (value label pairs) for building the authority HTML select box.

Simon Carstensen

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_authority_options test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_authority_options db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) auth::authority::get_authority_options->db_list_of_lists auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_authority_options http_auth::set_user_id http_auth::set_user_id (public) http_auth::set_user_id->auth::authority::get_authority_options oacs_dav::set_user_id oacs_dav::set_user_id (public) oacs_dav::set_user_id->auth::authority::get_authority_options packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/ lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl->auth::authority::get_authority_options packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl->auth::authority::get_authority_options


auth::authority::get_element (public)

 auth::authority::get_element [ -authority_id authority_id ] \
    -element element

Return a specific element of the auth_authority data table.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_select_columns auth::authority::get_select_columns (private) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get_select_columns auth::authenticate auth::authenticate (public) auth::authenticate->auth::authority::get_element auth::authentication::authenticate auth::authentication::authenticate (public) auth::authentication::authenticate->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit (public) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::create_local_account auth::create_local_account (public) auth::create_local_account->auth::authority::get_element auth::create_user auth::create_user (public) auth::create_user->auth::authority::get_element


auth::authority::get_id (public)

 auth::authority::get_id -short_name short_name

Get authority_id by short_name.

The short_name of the authority you wish to get information for.
authority_id or the empty string if short_name doesn't exist.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_id test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get_id test_auth_use_email_for_login_p auth_use_email_for_login_p (test acs-authentication) test_auth_use_email_for_login_p->auth::authority::get_id test_party_procs_test party_procs_test (test acs-tcl) test_party_procs_test->auth::authority::get_id test_person_procs_test person_procs_test (test acs-tcl) test_person_procs_test->auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id_not_cached auth::authority::get_id_not_cached (private) auth::authority::get_id->auth::authority::get_id_not_cached util_memoize util_memoize (public) auth::authority::get_id->util_memoize acs::test::auth::install acs::test::auth::install (private) acs::test::auth::install->auth::authority::get_id acs::test::user::create acs::test::user::create (public) acs::test::user::create->auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::local auth::authority::local (public) auth::authority::local->auth::authority::get_id auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get_id

auth_authority_api, auth_use_email_for_login_p, auth_authority_edit, sync_snapshot, person_procs_test, party_procs_test

auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns (public)


Get a list of column names for storing service contract implementation ids of the authority.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_authority__get_sc_impl_columns authority__get_sc_impl_columns (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns test_authority__get_sc_impl_columns->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns ad_acs_version ad_acs_version (public) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns->ad_acs_version apm_version_names_compare apm_version_names_compare (public) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns->apm_version_names_compare packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns


auth::authority::get_short_names (public)


Return a list of authority short names.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_short_names auth::authority::get_short_names test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_short_names db_list db_list (public) auth::authority::get_short_names->db_list auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get_short_names


auth::authority::local (public)


Returns the authority_id of the local authority.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values auth_driver_get_parameter_values (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::local auth::authority::local test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values->auth::authority::local test_auth_password_reset auth_password_reset (test acs-authentication) test_auth_password_reset->auth::authority::local test_auth_use_email_for_login_p auth_use_email_for_login_p (test acs-authentication) test_auth_use_email_for_login_p->auth::authority::local test_sync_actions sync_actions (test acs-authentication) test_sync_actions->auth::authority::local test_sync_batch_for_local sync_batch_for_local (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_for_local->auth::authority::local auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id (public) auth::authority::local->auth::authority::get_id Class ::xo::Authorize Class ::xo::Authorize (public) Class ::xo::Authorize->auth::authority::local auth::authenticate auth::authenticate (public) auth::authenticate->auth::authority::local auth::create_local_account auth::create_local_account (public) auth::create_local_account->auth::authority::local auth::get_local_account auth::get_local_account (private) auth::get_local_account->auth::authority::local auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::local

auth_password_reset, auth_driver_get_parameter_values, auth_use_email_for_login_p, sync_start_end, sync_actions, sync_batch_for_local
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Procs for authority management.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaobraid.biz)
    @creation-date 2003-05-14
    @cvs-id $Id: authority-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/29 14:17:23 antoniop Exp $

namespace eval auth {}
namespace eval auth::authority {}

# auth::authority

d_proc -public auth::authority::create {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Create a new authentication authority.

    @option authority_id      Authority_id, or blank if you want one generated for you.

    @param array              Name of an array containing the column values. The entries are:


      <li> short_name          Short name for authority. Used as a key by applications to identify this authority.

      <li> pretty_name         Label for the authority to be shown in a list to users picking an authority.

      <li> enabled_p            't' if this authority available, 'f' if it's disabled. Defaults to 'f'.

      <li> sort_order          Sort ordering determines the order in which authorities are listed in the user interface.
                               Defaults to the currently highest sort order plus one.

      <li> auth_impl_id        The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> pwd_impl_id         The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. Defaults to none.

      <li> forgotten_pwd_url   An alternative URL to redirect to when the user has forgotten his/her password.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> change_pwd_url      An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to change his/her password.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> register_impl_id    The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> register_url        An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to register for an account.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> user_info_impl_id   The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> get_doc_impl_id     Id of the 'auth_sync_retrieve' service contract implementation

      <li> process_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_process' service contract implementation

      <li> batch_sync_enabled_p Is batch sync enabled for the authority?

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    upvar $array row

    db_transaction {

        if { $authority_id eq "" } {
            set authority_id [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"]

        set names [array names row]

        array set column_defaults [get_column_defaults]
        set all_columns [array names column_defaults]

        # Check that the columns provided in the array are all valid
        # Set array entries as local variables
        foreach name $names {
            if {$name ni $all_columns} {
                error "Attribute '$name' isn't valid for auth_authorities."
            set $name $row($name)

        # Check that the required columns are there
        foreach name [get_required_columns] {
            if { ![info exists $name] } {
                error "Required column '$name' missing for auth_authorities."

        # Set default values for columns not provided
        foreach column $all_columns {
            if { $column ni $names } {
                set $column $column_defaults($column)

        if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
            set context_id    [ad_conn package_id]
            set creation_user [ad_conn user_id]
            set creation_ip   [ad_conn peeraddr]
        } else {
            set context_id    ""
            set creation_user ""
            set creation_ip   ""

        # Auto generate short name if not provided and make
        # sure it's unique
        # TODO: check for max length 255?
        if { $short_name eq "" } {
            set existing_short_names [db_list select_short_names {
                select short_name
                from auth_authorities
            set short_name [util_text_to_url \
                                -replacement "_" \
                                -existing_urls $existing_short_names \
                                -text $pretty_name]

        db_transaction {
            set authority_id [db_exec_plsql create_authority {}]

            # Set the arguments not taken by the new function with an update statement
            # LARS: Great, we had a nice abstraction going, so you only had to add a new column in
            # one place, now that abstraction is broken, because you have to add it here as well
            foreach column {
            } {
                set edit_columns($column) [set $column]

            edit -authority_id $authority_id -array edit_columns

    # Flush the cache, so that if we've tried to request this short_name while it didn't exist, we will now find it
    if { [info exists row(short_name)] && $row(short_name) ne "" } {
        get_id_flush -short_name $row(short_name)

    return $authority_id

d_proc -public auth::authority::get {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Get info about an authority and return the authority_id. If no authority is specified, then

    @param  authority_id The authority you want to get.
            If not specified, return the default authority
    @param  array Name of an array into which the detailed attributes
            should be delivered
    @return authority_id

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {

    if {$authority_id eq ""} {
        # Get the default authority (in future probably for the
        # specified or current subsite).
        set authority_id [lindex [auth::authority::get_authority_options] 0 1]

    if {[info exists array]} {
        upvar $array row
        array set row [util_memoize [list auth::authority::get_not_cached $authority_id]]

    return $authority_id

d_proc -public auth::authority::get_element {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Return a specific element of the auth_authority data table.

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    if { $element ni [get_select_columns] } {
        error "Column '$element' not found in the auth_authority data source."

    get -authority_id $authority_id -array row
    return $row($element)

d_proc -public auth::authority::get_id {
} {
    Get authority_id by short_name.

    @param short_name The short_name of the authority you wish to get information for.

    @return authority_id or the empty string if short_name doesn't exist.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    return [util_memoize [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached -short_name $short_name]]

d_proc -public auth::authority::edit {
} {
    Edit info about an authority. Note that there's no checking that the columns you name exist.

    @param authority_id The authority you want to get.

    @param array Name of an array with column values to update.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    # We need this to flush the cache later
    set old_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]

    upvar $array row

    set names [array names row]

    # Construct clauses for the update statement
    set set_clauses [list]
    foreach name $names {
        lappend set_clauses "$name = :$name"

    if { [llength $set_clauses] == 0 } {
        # No rows to update

    set columns [get_columns]

    # Check that the columns provided in the array are all valid
    # Set array entries as local variables
    foreach name $names {
        if {$name ni $columns} {
            error "Attribute '$name' isn't valid for auth_authorities."
        if {$name eq "authority_id"} {
            error "Attribute '$name' is the primary key for auth_authorities, and thus cannot be edited."
        set $name $row($name)

    db_dml update_authority "
        update auth_authorities
        set    [join $set_clauses ""]
        where  authority_id = :authority_id

    get_flush -authority_id $authority_id
    get_id_flush -short_name $old_short_name

    # check if we need to update the object title
    set new_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]
    if {$old_short_name ne $new_short_name } {
        db_dml update_object_title {}

d_proc -public auth::authority::delete {
} {
    Delete an authority.
} {
    db_exec_plsql delete_authority {}

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_authority_options {} {
    Returns options (value label pairs) for building the authority HTML select box.

    @author Simon Carstensen
} {
    return [db_list_of_lists select_authorities {}]

d_proc -public auth::authority::batch_sync {
} {
    Execute batch synchronization for this authority now.

    @param authority_id

    @return job_id
} {
    set job_id [auth::sync::job::start \
                   -authority_id $authority_id]

    get -authority_id $authority_id -array authority

    set message {}

    # Verify that we have implementations
    if { $authority(get_doc_impl_id) eq "" } {
        set message "No Get Document implementation"
    } elseif$authority(process_doc_impl_id) eq "" } {
        set message "No Process Document implementation"
    } else {
        auth::sync::job::start_get_document -job_id $job_id

        array set doc_result {
            doc_status failed_to_connect
            doc_message {}
            document {}
            snapshot_p f
        ad_try {
            array set doc_result [auth::sync::GetDocument -authority_id $authority_id]
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            ad_log Error "Error getting sync document: errorMsg"
            set doc_result(doc_status) failed_to_connect
            set doc_result(doc_message) $errorMsg

        set snapshot_p [string is true -strict $doc_result(snapshot_p)]

        auth::sync::job::end_get_document \
            -job_id $job_id \
            -doc_status $doc_result(doc_status) \
            -doc_message $doc_result(doc_message) \
            -document $doc_result(document) \

        if { $doc_result(doc_status) eq "ok" && $doc_result(document) ne "" } {
            ad_try {
                auth::sync::ProcessDocument \
                    -authority_id $authority_id \
                    -job_id $job_id \
                    -document $doc_result(document)

                set ack_doc [auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument \
                                 -authority_id $authority_id \
                                 -job_id $job_id \
                                 -document $doc_result(document)]

                set ack_file_name [parameter::get_from_package_key \
                                       -parameter AcknowledgementFileName \
                                       -package_key acs-authentication \
                                       -default {}]

                if { $ack_file_name ne "" } {
                    # Interpolate
                    set pairs [list \
                                   acs_root_dir $::acs::rootdir \
                                   ansi_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d] \
                                   authority $authority(short_name)]
                    foreach { var value } $pairs {
                        regsub -all "{$var}" $ack_file_name $value ack_file_name

                    template::util::write_file \
                        $ack_file_name \
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                ad_log Error "Error processing sync document: $errorMsg"
                set message "Error processing sync document: $errorMsg"
        } else {
            if { $message eq "" } {
                set message $doc_result(doc_message)

        if { $snapshot_p } {
            # If this is a snapshot, we need to delete all the users belonging to this authority
            # that weren't included in the snapshot.
            auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining \
                -job_id $job_id

    auth::sync::job::end \
        -job_id $job_id \
        -message $message

    return $job_id

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_short_names {} {
    Return a list of authority short names.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return [db_list select_authority_short_names {
        select short_name
        from auth_authorities

# Private

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_columns {} {
    Get a list of the columns in the auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    array set column_defaults [get_column_defaults]
    return [array names column_defaults]

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_column_defaults {} {
    Get an array list with column names as keys and their default
    value as values. Note however that required columns are not defaulted.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set columns {
        authority_id ""
        short_name ""
        pretty_name ""
        help_contact_text ""
        help_contact_text_format "text/enhanced"
        enabled_p "f"
        sort_order ""
        auth_impl_id ""
        pwd_impl_id ""
        forgotten_pwd_url ""
        change_pwd_url ""
        register_impl_id ""
        register_url ""
        user_info_impl_id ""
        get_doc_impl_id ""
        process_doc_impl_id ""
        batch_sync_enabled_p "f"
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns allow_user_entered_info_p "f" search_impl_id ""
    return $columns

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_required_columns {} {
    Get a list of the required columns in the auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    return {

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns {} {
    Get a list of column names for storing service contract implementation ids
    of the authority.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    # DAVEB
    set columns {auth_impl_id pwd_impl_id register_impl_id user_info_impl_id get_doc_impl_id process_doc_impl_id}
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns search_impl_id
    return $columns

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_select_columns {} {
    Get a list of the columns which can be selected from auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    set columns [concat [get_columns] auth_impl_name pwd_impl_name register_impl_name user_info_impl_name get_doc_impl_name process_doc_impl_name]
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns get_search_impl_name
    return $columns

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_flush {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Flush the cache for auth::authority::get.

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    if { $authority_id ne "" } {
        util_memoize_flush [list auth::authority::get_not_cached $authority_id]
    } else {
        util_memoize_flush_regexp [list auth::authority::get_not_cached .*]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_not_cached {
} {
    Get info about an authority, either by authority_id, user_id, or authority short_name. Not cached

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    set columns [get_columns]

    lappend columns \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = auth_impl_id) as auth_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = pwd_impl_id) as pwd_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = register_impl_id) as register_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = user_info_impl_id) as user_info_impl_name"

    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = search_impl_id) as search_impl_name"
    lappend columns \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = get_doc_impl_id) as get_doc_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = process_doc_impl_id) as process_doc_impl_name"

    db_1row select_authority [subst {
        select     [join $columns ",\n                   "]
        from       auth_authorities
        where      authority_id = :authority_id
    }] -column_array row

    return [array get row]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_id_flush {
    {-short_name ""}
} {
    Flush the cache for auth::authority::get_id by short_name.
} {
    if { $short_name eq "" } {
        util_memoize_flush_regexp [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached .*]
    } else {
        util_memoize_flush [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached -short_name $short_name]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_id_not_cached {
} {
    Get authority_id by short_name. Not cached.
} {
    return [db_string select_authority_id {
        select authority_id
        from   auth_authorities
        where  short_name = :short_name
    } -default {}]

ad_proc -public auth::authority::local {} {
    Returns the authority_id of the local authority.
} {
    return [auth::authority::get_id -short_name "local"]

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: