• Publicity: Public Only All


Procs for authority management.

Lars Pind <lars@collaobraid.biz>
CVS Identification:
$Id: authority-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/29 14:17:23 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

auth::authority::batch_sync (public)

 auth::authority::batch_sync -authority_id authority_id

Execute batch synchronization for this authority now.

-authority_id (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_sync_batch_for_local sync_batch_for_local (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::batch_sync auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_for_local->auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc sync_batch_ims_example_doc (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc->auth::authority::batch_sync test_sync_batch_ims_test sync_batch_ims_test (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_test->auth::authority::batch_sync ad_log ad_log (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->ad_try auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::authority::get auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument (private) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument auth::sync::GetDocument auth::sync::GetDocument (private) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::sync::GetDocument auth::sync::sweeper auth::sync::sweeper (private) auth::sync::sweeper->auth::authority::batch_sync packages/acs-admin/www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/batch-job-run.tcl->auth::authority::batch_sync

sync_batch_for_local, sync_batch_ims_example_doc, sync_batch_ims_test

auth::authority::create (public)

 auth::authority::create [ -authority_id authority_id ] -array array

Create a new authentication authority.

-authority_id (optional)
-array (required)
Name of an array containing the column values. The entries are:
  • short_name Short name for authority. Used as a key by applications to identify this authority.
  • pretty_name Label for the authority to be shown in a list to users picking an authority.
  • enabled_p 't' if this authority available, 'f' if it's disabled. Defaults to 'f'.
  • sort_order Sort ordering determines the order in which authorities are listed in the user interface. Defaults to the currently highest sort order plus one.
  • auth_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • pwd_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • forgotten_pwd_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user has forgotten his/her password. Defaults to none.
  • change_pwd_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to change his/her password. Defaults to none.
  • register_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • register_url An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to register for an account. Defaults to none.
  • user_info_impl_id The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract. Defaults to none.
  • get_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_retrieve' service contract implementation
  • process_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_process' service contract implementation
  • batch_sync_enabled_p Is batch sync enabled for the authority?
Authority_id, or blank if you want one generated for you.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::create auth::authority::create test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::create test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc sync_batch_ims_example_doc (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_example_doc->auth::authority::create test_sync_batch_ims_test sync_batch_ims_test (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_ims_test->auth::authority::create ad_conn ad_conn (public) auth::authority::create->ad_conn auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit (public) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::edit auth::authority::get_column_defaults auth::authority::get_column_defaults (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_column_defaults auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_required_columns auth::authority::get_required_columns (private) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::get_required_columns acs::test::auth::install acs::test::auth::install (private) acs::test::auth::install->auth::authority::create packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl->auth::authority::create

auth_authority_api, sync_batch_ims_example_doc, sync_batch_ims_test

auth::authority::delete (public)

 auth::authority::delete -authority_id authority_id

Delete an authority.

-authority_id (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::delete auth::authority::delete test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::delete auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::delete->auth::authority::get_id_flush db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) auth::authority::delete->db_exec_plsql packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-delete.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-delete.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-delete.tcl->auth::authority::delete


auth::authority::edit (public)

 auth::authority::edit -authority_id authority_id -array array

Edit info about an authority. Note that there's no checking that the columns you name exist.

-authority_id (required)
The authority you want to get.
-array (required)
Name of an array with column values to update.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::edit auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_columns (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element (public) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_id_flush db_dml db_dml (public) auth::authority::edit->db_dml auth::authority::create auth::authority::create (public) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::edit auth::local::install auth::local::install (private) auth::local::install->auth::authority::edit auth::local::uninstall auth::local::uninstall (private) auth::local::uninstall->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl->auth::authority::edit

auth_authority_api, auth_authority_edit

auth::authority::get (public)

 auth::authority::get [ -authority_id authority_id ] [ -array array ]

Get info about an authority and return the authority_id. If no authority is specified, then return

-authority_id (optional)
The authority you want to get. If not specified, return the default authority
-array (optional)
Name of an array into which the detailed attributes should be delivered
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get auth::authority::get test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values auth_driver_get_parameter_values (test acs-authentication) test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_authority_options (public) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_not_cached auth::authority::get_not_cached (private) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_not_cached util_memoize util_memoize (public) auth::authority::get->util_memoize acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) acs_user::get_by_username->auth::authority::get auth::authority::batch_sync auth::authority::batch_sync (public) auth::authority::batch_sync->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element (public) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get auth::get_local_account auth::get_local_account (private) auth::get_local_account->auth::authority::get auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get

auth_authority_api, auth_driver_get_parameter_values, auth_authority_edit

auth::authority::get_authority_options (public)


Returns options (value label pairs) for building the authority HTML select box.

Simon Carstensen

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_authority_options auth::authority::get_authority_options test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_authority_options db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) auth::authority::get_authority_options->db_list_of_lists auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::get->auth::authority::get_authority_options http_auth::set_user_id http_auth::set_user_id (public) http_auth::set_user_id->auth::authority::get_authority_options oacs_dav::set_user_id oacs_dav::set_user_id (public) oacs_dav::set_user_id->auth::authority::get_authority_options packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/ lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl->auth::authority::get_authority_options packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl->auth::authority::get_authority_options


auth::authority::get_element (public)

 auth::authority::get_element [ -authority_id authority_id ] \
    -element element

Return a specific element of the auth_authority data table.

-authority_id (optional)
-element (required)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get auth::authority::get (public) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get auth::authority::get_select_columns auth::authority::get_select_columns (private) auth::authority::get_element->auth::authority::get_select_columns auth::authenticate auth::authenticate (public) auth::authenticate->auth::authority::get_element auth::authentication::authenticate auth::authentication::authenticate (public) auth::authentication::authenticate->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit (public) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::create_local_account auth::create_local_account (public) auth::create_local_account->auth::authority::get_element auth::create_user auth::create_user (public) auth::create_user->auth::authority::get_element


auth::authority::get_id (public)

 auth::authority::get_id -short_name short_name

Get authority_id by short_name.

-short_name (required)
The short_name of the authority you wish to get information for.
authority_id or the empty string if short_name doesn't exist.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_id test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::get_id test_auth_use_email_for_login_p auth_use_email_for_login_p (test acs-authentication) test_auth_use_email_for_login_p->auth::authority::get_id test_party_procs_test party_procs_test (test acs-tcl) test_party_procs_test->auth::authority::get_id test_person_procs_test person_procs_test (test acs-tcl) test_person_procs_test->auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id_not_cached auth::authority::get_id_not_cached (private) auth::authority::get_id->auth::authority::get_id_not_cached util_memoize util_memoize (public) auth::authority::get_id->util_memoize acs::test::auth::install acs::test::auth::install (private) acs::test::auth::install->auth::authority::get_id acs::test::user::create acs::test::user::create (public) acs::test::user::create->auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::local auth::authority::local (public) auth::authority::local->auth::authority::get_id auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get_id

auth_authority_api, auth_use_email_for_login_p, auth_authority_edit, sync_snapshot, person_procs_test, party_procs_test

auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns (public)


Get a list of column names for storing service contract implementation ids of the authority.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_authority__get_sc_impl_columns authority__get_sc_impl_columns (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns test_authority__get_sc_impl_columns->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns ad_acs_version ad_acs_version (public) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns->ad_acs_version apm_version_names_compare apm_version_names_compare (public) auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns->apm_version_names_compare packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl->auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns


auth::authority::get_short_names (public)


Return a list of authority short names.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::get_short_names auth::authority::get_short_names test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::get_short_names db_list db_list (public) auth::authority::get_short_names->db_list auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::get_short_names


auth::authority::local (public)


Returns the authority_id of the local authority.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values auth_driver_get_parameter_values (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::local auth::authority::local test_auth_driver_get_parameter_values->auth::authority::local test_auth_password_reset auth_password_reset (test acs-authentication) test_auth_password_reset->auth::authority::local test_auth_use_email_for_login_p auth_use_email_for_login_p (test acs-authentication) test_auth_use_email_for_login_p->auth::authority::local test_sync_actions sync_actions (test acs-authentication) test_sync_actions->auth::authority::local test_sync_batch_for_local sync_batch_for_local (test acs-authentication) test_sync_batch_for_local->auth::authority::local auth::authority::get_id auth::authority::get_id (public) auth::authority::local->auth::authority::get_id Class ::xo::Authorize Class ::xo::Authorize (public) Class ::xo::Authorize->auth::authority::local auth::authenticate auth::authenticate (public) auth::authenticate->auth::authority::local auth::create_local_account auth::create_local_account (public) auth::create_local_account->auth::authority::local auth::get_local_account auth::get_local_account (private) auth::get_local_account->auth::authority::local auth::get_register_authority auth::get_register_authority (public) auth::get_register_authority->auth::authority::local

auth_password_reset, auth_driver_get_parameter_values, auth_use_email_for_login_p, sync_start_end, sync_actions, sync_batch_for_local
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Procs for authority management.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaobraid.biz)
    @creation-date 2003-05-14
    @cvs-id $Id: authority-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/29 14:17:23 antoniop Exp $

namespace eval auth {}
namespace eval auth::authority {}

# auth::authority

d_proc -public auth::authority::create {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Create a new authentication authority.

    @option authority_id      Authority_id, or blank if you want one generated for you.

    @param array              Name of an array containing the column values. The entries are:


      <li> short_name          Short name for authority. Used as a key by applications to identify this authority.

      <li> pretty_name         Label for the authority to be shown in a list to users picking an authority.

      <li> enabled_p            't' if this authority available, 'f' if it's disabled. Defaults to 'f'.

      <li> sort_order          Sort ordering determines the order in which authorities are listed in the user interface.
                               Defaults to the currently highest sort order plus one.

      <li> auth_impl_id        The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_authentication' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> pwd_impl_id         The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_password' service contract. Defaults to none.

      <li> forgotten_pwd_url   An alternative URL to redirect to when the user has forgotten his/her password.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> change_pwd_url      An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to change his/her password.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> register_impl_id    The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_registration' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> register_url        An alternative URL to redirect to when the user wants to register for an account.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> user_info_impl_id   The ID of the implementation of the 'auth_user_info' service contract.
                               Defaults to none.

      <li> get_doc_impl_id     Id of the 'auth_sync_retrieve' service contract implementation

      <li> process_doc_impl_id Id of the 'auth_sync_process' service contract implementation

      <li> batch_sync_enabled_p Is batch sync enabled for the authority?

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    upvar $array row

    db_transaction {

        if { $authority_id eq "" } {
            set authority_id [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"]

        set names [array names row]

        array set column_defaults [get_column_defaults]
        set all_columns [array names column_defaults]

        # Check that the columns provided in the array are all valid
        # Set array entries as local variables
        foreach name $names {
            if {$name ni $all_columns} {
                error "Attribute '$name' isn't valid for auth_authorities."
            set $name $row($name)

        # Check that the required columns are there
        foreach name [get_required_columns] {
            if { ![info exists $name] } {
                error "Required column '$name' missing for auth_authorities."

        # Set default values for columns not provided
        foreach column $all_columns {
            if { $column ni $names } {
                set $column $column_defaults($column)

        if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
            set context_id    [ad_conn package_id]
            set creation_user [ad_conn user_id]
            set creation_ip   [ad_conn peeraddr]
        } else {
            set context_id    ""
            set creation_user ""
            set creation_ip   ""

        # Auto generate short name if not provided and make
        # sure it's unique
        # TODO: check for max length 255?
        if { $short_name eq "" } {
            set existing_short_names [db_list select_short_names {
                select short_name
                from auth_authorities
            set short_name [util_text_to_url \
                                -replacement "_" \
                                -existing_urls $existing_short_names \
                                -text $pretty_name]

        db_transaction {
            set authority_id [db_exec_plsql create_authority {}]

            # Set the arguments not taken by the new function with an update statement
            # LARS: Great, we had a nice abstraction going, so you only had to add a new column in
            # one place, now that abstraction is broken, because you have to add it here as well
            foreach column {
            } {
                set edit_columns($column) [set $column]

            edit -authority_id $authority_id -array edit_columns

    # Flush the cache, so that if we've tried to request this short_name while it didn't exist, we will now find it
    if { [info exists row(short_name)] && $row(short_name) ne "" } {
        get_id_flush -short_name $row(short_name)

    return $authority_id

d_proc -public auth::authority::get {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Get info about an authority and return the authority_id. If no authority is specified, then

    @param  authority_id The authority you want to get.
            If not specified, return the default authority
    @param  array Name of an array into which the detailed attributes
            should be delivered
    @return authority_id

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {

    if {$authority_id eq ""} {
        # Get the default authority (in future probably for the
        # specified or current subsite).
        set authority_id [lindex [auth::authority::get_authority_options] 0 1]

    if {[info exists array]} {
        upvar $array row
        array set row [util_memoize [list auth::authority::get_not_cached $authority_id]]

    return $authority_id

d_proc -public auth::authority::get_element {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Return a specific element of the auth_authority data table.

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    if { $element ni [get_select_columns] } {
        error "Column '$element' not found in the auth_authority data source."

    get -authority_id $authority_id -array row
    return $row($element)

d_proc -public auth::authority::get_id {
} {
    Get authority_id by short_name.

    @param short_name The short_name of the authority you wish to get information for.

    @return authority_id or the empty string if short_name doesn't exist.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    return [util_memoize [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached -short_name $short_name]]

d_proc -public auth::authority::edit {
} {
    Edit info about an authority. Note that there's no checking that the columns you name exist.

    @param authority_id The authority you want to get.

    @param array Name of an array with column values to update.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    # We need this to flush the cache later
    set old_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]

    upvar $array row

    set names [array names row]

    # Construct clauses for the update statement
    set set_clauses [list]
    foreach name $names {
        lappend set_clauses "$name = :$name"

    if { [llength $set_clauses] == 0 } {
        # No rows to update

    set columns [get_columns]

    # Check that the columns provided in the array are all valid
    # Set array entries as local variables
    foreach name $names {
        if {$name ni $columns} {
            error "Attribute '$name' isn't valid for auth_authorities."
        if {$name eq "authority_id"} {
            error "Attribute '$name' is the primary key for auth_authorities, and thus cannot be edited."
        set $name $row($name)

    db_dml update_authority "
        update auth_authorities
        set    [join $set_clauses ""]
        where  authority_id = :authority_id

    get_flush -authority_id $authority_id
    get_id_flush -short_name $old_short_name

    # check if we need to update the object title
    set new_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]
    if {$old_short_name ne $new_short_name } {
        db_dml update_object_title {}

d_proc -public auth::authority::delete {
} {
    Delete an authority.
} {
    db_exec_plsql delete_authority {}

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_authority_options {} {
    Returns options (value label pairs) for building the authority HTML select box.

    @author Simon Carstensen
} {
    return [db_list_of_lists select_authorities {}]

d_proc -public auth::authority::batch_sync {
} {
    Execute batch synchronization for this authority now.

    @param authority_id

    @return job_id
} {
    set job_id [auth::sync::job::start \
                   -authority_id $authority_id]

    get -authority_id $authority_id -array authority

    set message {}

    # Verify that we have implementations
    if { $authority(get_doc_impl_id) eq "" } {
        set message "No Get Document implementation"
    } elseif$authority(process_doc_impl_id) eq "" } {
        set message "No Process Document implementation"
    } else {
        auth::sync::job::start_get_document -job_id $job_id

        array set doc_result {
            doc_status failed_to_connect
            doc_message {}
            document {}
            snapshot_p f
        ad_try {
            array set doc_result [auth::sync::GetDocument -authority_id $authority_id]
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            ad_log Error "Error getting sync document: errorMsg"
            set doc_result(doc_status) failed_to_connect
            set doc_result(doc_message) $errorMsg

        set snapshot_p [string is true -strict $doc_result(snapshot_p)]

        auth::sync::job::end_get_document \
            -job_id $job_id \
            -doc_status $doc_result(doc_status) \
            -doc_message $doc_result(doc_message) \
            -document $doc_result(document) \

        if { $doc_result(doc_status) eq "ok" && $doc_result(document) ne "" } {
            ad_try {
                auth::sync::ProcessDocument \
                    -authority_id $authority_id \
                    -job_id $job_id \
                    -document $doc_result(document)

                set ack_doc [auth::sync::GetAcknowledgementDocument \
                                 -authority_id $authority_id \
                                 -job_id $job_id \
                                 -document $doc_result(document)]

                set ack_file_name [parameter::get_from_package_key \
                                       -parameter AcknowledgementFileName \
                                       -package_key acs-authentication \
                                       -default {}]

                if { $ack_file_name ne "" } {
                    # Interpolate
                    set pairs [list \
                                   acs_root_dir $::acs::rootdir \
                                   ansi_date [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%m-%d] \
                                   authority $authority(short_name)]
                    foreach { var value } $pairs {
                        regsub -all "{$var}" $ack_file_name $value ack_file_name

                    template::util::write_file \
                        $ack_file_name \
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                ad_log Error "Error processing sync document: $errorMsg"
                set message "Error processing sync document: $errorMsg"
        } else {
            if { $message eq "" } {
                set message $doc_result(doc_message)

        if { $snapshot_p } {
            # If this is a snapshot, we need to delete all the users belonging to this authority
            # that weren't included in the snapshot.
            auth::sync::job::snapshot_delete_remaining \
                -job_id $job_id

    auth::sync::job::end \
        -job_id $job_id \
        -message $message

    return $job_id

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_short_names {} {
    Return a list of authority short names.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return [db_list select_authority_short_names {
        select short_name
        from auth_authorities

# Private

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_columns {} {
    Get a list of the columns in the auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    array set column_defaults [get_column_defaults]
    return [array names column_defaults]

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_column_defaults {} {
    Get an array list with column names as keys and their default
    value as values. Note however that required columns are not defaulted.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set columns {
        authority_id ""
        short_name ""
        pretty_name ""
        help_contact_text ""
        help_contact_text_format "text/enhanced"
        enabled_p "f"
        sort_order ""
        auth_impl_id ""
        pwd_impl_id ""
        forgotten_pwd_url ""
        change_pwd_url ""
        register_impl_id ""
        register_url ""
        user_info_impl_id ""
        get_doc_impl_id ""
        process_doc_impl_id ""
        batch_sync_enabled_p "f"
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns allow_user_entered_info_p "f" search_impl_id ""
    return $columns

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_required_columns {} {
    Get a list of the required columns in the auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    return {

ad_proc -public auth::authority::get_sc_impl_columns {} {
    Get a list of column names for storing service contract implementation ids
    of the authority.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    # DAVEB
    set columns {auth_impl_id pwd_impl_id register_impl_id user_info_impl_id get_doc_impl_id process_doc_impl_id}
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns search_impl_id
    return $columns

ad_proc -private auth::authority::get_select_columns {} {
    Get a list of the columns which can be selected from auth_authorities table.

    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
} {
    set columns [concat [get_columns] auth_impl_name pwd_impl_name register_impl_name user_info_impl_name get_doc_impl_name process_doc_impl_name]
    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns get_search_impl_name
    return $columns

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_flush {
    {-authority_id ""}
} {
    Flush the cache for auth::authority::get.

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    if { $authority_id ne "" } {
        util_memoize_flush [list auth::authority::get_not_cached $authority_id]
    } else {
        util_memoize_flush_regexp [list auth::authority::get_not_cached .*]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_not_cached {
} {
    Get info about an authority, either by authority_id, user_id, or authority short_name. Not cached

    @see auth::authority::get
} {
    set columns [get_columns]

    lappend columns \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = auth_impl_id) as auth_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = pwd_impl_id) as pwd_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = register_impl_id) as register_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = user_info_impl_id) as user_info_impl_name"

    if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.5.0] > -1} {
        lappend columns "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = search_impl_id) as search_impl_name"
    lappend columns \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = get_doc_impl_id) as get_doc_impl_name" \
        "(select impl_pretty_name from acs_sc_impls where impl_id = process_doc_impl_id) as process_doc_impl_name"

    db_1row select_authority [subst {
        select     [join $columns ",\n                   "]
        from       auth_authorities
        where      authority_id = :authority_id
    }] -column_array row

    return [array get row]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_id_flush {
    {-short_name ""}
} {
    Flush the cache for auth::authority::get_id by short_name.
} {
    if { $short_name eq "" } {
        util_memoize_flush_regexp [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached .*]
    } else {
        util_memoize_flush [list auth::authority::get_id_not_cached -short_name $short_name]

d_proc -private auth::authority::get_id_not_cached {
} {
    Get authority_id by short_name. Not cached.
} {
    return [db_string select_authority_id {
        select authority_id
        from   auth_authorities
        where  short_name = :short_name
    } -default {}]

ad_proc -public auth::authority::local {} {
    Returns the authority_id of the local authority.
} {
    return [auth::authority::get_id -short_name "local"]

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: