- Publicity: Public Only All
Procs related to automated testing coverage
- Location:
- packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/coverage-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2019-08-29
- Author:
- Héctor Romojaro
- CVS Identification:
$Id: coverage-procs.tcl,v 2022/06/26 19:28:27 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- aa::coverage::proc_coverage (public)
- aa::coverage::proc_coverage_level (public)
- aa::coverage::proc_covered_p (public)
- aa::coverage::proc_list (public)
Detailed information
aa::coverage::proc_coverage (public)
aa::coverage::proc_coverage [ -package_key package_key ]
Calculates the test proc coverage of a particular package. If no 'package_key' is passed, then the system wide test proc coverage is returned.
- Switches:
- -package_key (optional)
- The 'package_key' of the package to check.
- Returns:
- Dict with the number of procs (procs), covered procs (covered) and the coverage percentage (coverage).
- Author:
- Héctor Romojaro
- Created:
- 2019-08-28
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- aa__coverage_proc_coverage
aa::coverage::proc_coverage_level (public)
aa::coverage::proc_coverage_level coverage
Calculates the level (high, medium, low...) of proc coverage from a particular value. This proc centralizes the levels for the different values, in order to keep consistency. Current values are: <25: very_low <50: low <75: medium <100: high 100: full
- Parameters:
- coverage (required)
- The percentage of the procs covered by automated tests.
- Returns:
- A string (e.g: 'high')
- Author:
- Héctor Romojaro
- Created:
- 2019-08-28
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- aa__coverage_proc_coverage_level
aa::coverage::proc_covered_p (public)
aa::coverage::proc_covered_p proc_name
Checks if the proc 'proc_name' is covered by any automated test.
- Parameters:
- proc_name (required)
- The name of the proc to check.
- Returns:
- 'true' if the proc is covered, 'false' otherwise.
- Author:
- Héctor Romojaro
- Created:
- 2019-08-29
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- aa__coverage_proc_proc_list_covered
aa::coverage::proc_list (public)
aa::coverage::proc_list [ -package_key package_key ]
Creates a list of the procs belonging to a particular package, with its current automated testing covered status, excluding deprecated, callback contracts and not public procs. If no 'package_key' is passed, or the value of the provided package_key is an empty string, then the system wide test proc coverage is returned.
- Switches:
- -package_key (optional)
- The 'package_key' of the package to check.
- Returns:
- List of dicts, each one with the following values: - package_key: the package key of the package, if the 'package_key' parameter is empty. - proc_name: the proc name. - covered_p: boolean, 'true' if the proc is covered by any automated test, false otherwise.
- Author:
- Héctor Romojaro
- Created:
- 2019-08-29
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- aa__coverage_proc_proc_list_covered
Content File Source
ad_library { Procs related to automated testing coverage @author Héctor Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com> @creation-date 2019-08-29 @cvs-id $Id: coverage-procs.tcl,v 2022/06/26 19:28:27 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval ::aa::coverage {} d_proc -public aa::coverage::proc_covered_p { proc_name } { Checks if the proc 'proc_name' is covered by any automated test. @author Héctor Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com> @creation-date 2019-08-29 @param proc_name The name of the proc to check. @return 'true' if the proc is covered, 'false' otherwise. } { array set proc_doc [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc_name] if {[info exists proc_doc(testcase)]} { return true } else { return false } } d_proc -public aa::coverage::proc_list { {-package_key ""} } { Creates a list of the procs belonging to a particular package, with its current automated testing covered status, excluding deprecated, callback contracts and not public procs. If no 'package_key' is passed, or the value of the provided package_key is an empty string, then the system wide test proc coverage is returned. @author Héctor Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com> @creation-date 2019-08-29 @param package_key The 'package_key' of the package to check. @return List of dicts, each one with the following values: - package_key: the package key of the package, if the 'package_key' parameter is empty. - proc_name: the proc name. - covered_p: boolean, 'true' if the proc is covered by any automated test, false otherwise. } { set procs [list] foreach path [nsv_array names api_proc_doc_scripts] { if { [regexp "^packages/" $path] } { set package_name [lindex [split $path "/"] 1] if { $package_key eq "" || $package_key eq $package_name } { foreach proc_name [nsv_get api_proc_doc_scripts $path] { array set proc_doc [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc_name] if { [info exists proc_doc(protection)] && "public" in $proc_doc(protection) && !($proc_doc(deprecated_p) || $proc_doc(warn_p)) && ![regexp {^callback::.*::contract$} $proc_name] && ![string match xo::db::sql::* $proc_name] && ![string match acs::db::nsdb* $proc_name] && ![string match " Class *" $proc_name] && ![string match " Object *" $proc_name] } { #ns_log notice "proc-doc, for <$proc_name>" set proc_data [dict create] if { $package_key eq "" } { dict set proc_data package_key $package_name } dict set proc_data proc_name $proc_name dict set proc_data covered_p [info exists proc_doc(testcase)] lappend procs "$proc_data" } array unset proc_doc } } } } return $procs } d_proc -public aa::coverage::proc_coverage { {-package_key ""} } { Calculates the test proc coverage of a particular package. If no 'package_key' is passed, then the system wide test proc coverage is returned. @author Héctor Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com> @creation-date 2019-08-28 @param package_key The 'package_key' of the package to check. @return Dict with the number of procs (procs), covered procs (covered) and the coverage percentage (coverage). } { set procs 0 set procs_covered 0 # # Get proc list to check # if { $package_key ne "" } { set proc_list [aa::coverage::proc_list -package_key $package_key] } else { set proc_list [aa::coverage::proc_list] } # # Count the covered procs # foreach proc_data $proc_list { incr procs if { [dict get $proc_data covered_p] } { incr procs_covered } } # # Return the coverage percentage # if { $procs eq 0 } { set coverage 100.0 } else { set coverage [expr {($procs_covered / ($procs + 0.0)) * 100}] } return "procs $procs covered $procs_covered coverage [format {%0.2f} $coverage]" } d_proc -private aa::percentage_to_color { percentage } { Calculates background and foreground color from a percentage. 0 gives red, 100 gives green. @author Gustaf neumann @param percentage A value between 0 and 100.0 @return color code in hex (three double-digit figures) } { set red 255 set green 255 if {$percentage >= 0 && $percentage <= 50} { set green [expr {int(510 * $percentage/100.0)}] } elseif {$percentage > 50.0 && $percentage <= 100.0} { set red [expr {int(-510 * $percentage/100.0 + 510)}] } # Luminance as defined by HDTV #set luminance [expr {0.2126*$red + 0.7152*$green + 0.0722*0}] # luminance as defined by UHDTV, HDR set luminance [expr {0.2627*$red + 0.6780*$green + 0.0593*0}] return [list \ background #[format %.2x $red][format %.2x $green]00 \ foreground [expr {$luminance < 120 ? "#ffffff": "#000000"}] \ ] } d_proc -public aa::coverage::proc_coverage_level { coverage } { Calculates the level (high, medium, low...) of proc coverage from a particular value. This proc centralizes the levels for the different values, in order to keep consistency. Current values are: <25: very_low <50: low <75: medium <100: high 100: full @author Héctor Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com> @creation-date 2019-08-28 @param coverage The percentage of the procs covered by automated tests. @return A string (e.g: 'high') } { if { $coverage < 25 } { return very_low } elseif { $coverage < 50 } { return low } elseif { $coverage < 75 } { return medium } elseif { $coverage < 100 } { return high } elseif { $coverage == 100 } { return full } else { return -code error "Error: Invalid coverage percentage" } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: