- Publicity: Public Only All
Provides routines used to aggregate request/response information for debugging.
- Location:
- packages/acs-developer-support/tcl/acs-developer-support-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 22 Apr 2000
- Author:
- Jon Salz
Procedures in this file
- ds_add (public)
- ds_adp_box_class (public)
- ds_adp_end_box (public)
- ds_adp_file_class (public)
- ds_adp_output_class (public)
- ds_adp_start_box (public)
- ds_collect_connection_info (public)
- ds_collect_db_call (public)
- ds_collection_enabled_p (public)
- ds_comment (public)
- ds_database_enabled_p (public)
- ds_enabled_p (public)
- ds_init (public)
- ds_link (public)
- ds_page_fragment_cache_enabled_p (public)
- ds_profile (public)
- ds_profiling_enabled_p (public)
- ds_show_p (public)
Detailed information
ds_add (public)
ds_add name [ args... ]
Sets a developer-support property for the current request.
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_add_test
ds_adp_box_class (public)
Return developer support adp box class on/off
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_adp_reveal_test
ds_adp_end_box (public)
ds_adp_end_box [ -stub stub ]
Appends adp end box if the show toggle is true
- Switches:
- -stub (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- callgraph__bad_page_calls, web_forum_new, web_forum_edit, web_forums_message_and_reply
ds_adp_file_class (public)
Return developer support adp file on/off
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_adp_reveal_test
ds_adp_output_class (public)
Return developer support adp output on/off
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_adp_reveal_test
ds_adp_start_box (public)
ds_adp_start_box [ -stub stub ]
Appends adp start box if the show toggle is true
- Switches:
- -stub (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- callgraph__bad_page_calls, web_forum_new, web_forum_edit, web_forums_message_and_reply
ds_collect_connection_info (public)
Collect information about the current connection. Should be called only at the very beginning of the request processor handler.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
ds_collect_db_call (public)
ds_collect_db_call db command statement_name sql start_time errno \ error
Collects stats for a single database call
- Parameters:
- db (required)
- command (required)
- statement_name (required)
- sql (required)
- start_time (required)
- errno (required)
- error (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_add_test
ds_collection_enabled_p (public)
Returns whether we're collecting information about this request
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_comment (public)
ds_comment value
Adds a comment to the developer-support information for the current request.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_add_test
ds_database_enabled_p (public)
Returns true if developer-support database facilities are enabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_enabled_p (public)
- Returns:
- true if developer-support facilities are enabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_init (public)
Perform setup for the developer support for a single request. We save the state in global variables to avoid highly redundant computations (up to 50 times per page on openacs.org)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_link (public)
Returns the "Developer Information" link in a right-aligned table, if enabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_link_test
ds_page_fragment_cache_enabled_p (public)
Are we populating the page fragment cache?
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_profile (public)
ds_profile command [ tag ]
Helper proc for performance profiling of templates. This will record the total time spent within an invocation of a template (computed as time between the 'ds_profile start' and 'ds_profile stop' invocations inserted by the template engine).
- Parameters:
- command (required)
- Must be "start" or "stop".
- tag (optional)
- In practice, the path to the template being profiled.
- start marks the beginning of a block.
- stop marks the end of a block. Start and stops must match.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_add_test
ds_profiling_enabled_p (public)
Returns true if developer-support template profiling facilities are enabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
ds_show_p (public)
Should we show developer-support on the current connection.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ds_features_enabled_test
Content File Source
ad_library { Provides routines used to aggregate request/response information for debugging. @author Jon Salz <jsalz@mit.edu> @creation-date 22 Apr 2000 } ad_proc -private ds_instance_id {} { @return The instance of a running acs developer support. } { return [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-developer-support"] } ad_proc -private ds_permission_p {} { Do we have permission to view developer support stuff. } { set party_id [ds_ad_conn user_id] if {$party_id == 0 || $party_id eq ""} { # # Set up a fake id in order to make user_switching mode work # with non logged-in users, if not it will enter into a # infinite loop with ad_conn in any new unknown request (roc) # set party_id "-99" } return [permission::permission_p -party_id $party_id -object_id [ds_instance_id] -privilege "admin"] } d_proc -private ds_require_permission { object_id privilege } { Requires the user identified by ds_add_conn user_id to have the given privilege on the given object. } { set user_id [ds_ad_conn user_id] if {![permission::permission_p -party_id $user_id -object_id $object_id -privilege $privilege]} { if {$user_id == 0} { auth::require_login } else { ns_log Warning "$user_id doesn't have $privilege on object $object_id" ad_return_forbidden "Permission Denied" "<blockquote> <p>You don't have permission to $privilege [acs_object_name $object_id].</p> </blockquote>" } ad_script_abort } } ad_proc -public ds_enabled_p {} { @return true if developer-support facilities are enabled. } { # # On busy sites, frequent calls to [ds_enabled_p] lead to huge # number of mutex locks for the nsv ds_properties. Therefore, # cache its results in a per-request variable. # if {[info exists ::ds_enabled_p]} { return $::ds_enabled_p } # # When not connected, always assume that developer-support is # turned off. # if { [ns_conn isconnected] == 0 } { return 0 } # # Get the nsv values and cache it in the current request. # if { ![nsv_exists ds_properties enabled_p] || ![nsv_get ds_properties enabled_p] } { set ::ds_enabled_p 0 } else { set ::ds_enabled_p 1 } return $::ds_enabled_p } ad_proc -public ds_collection_enabled_p {} { Returns whether we're collecting information about this request } { if { [info exists ::ad_conn(ds_collection_enabled_p)] } { return $::ad_conn(ds_collection_enabled_p) } if { ![info exists ::ad_conn(request)] } { return 0 } foreach pattern [nsv_get ds_properties enabled_ips] { if { [string match $pattern [ad_conn peeraddr]] } { set ::ad_conn(ds_collection_enabled_p) 1 return 1 } } set ::ad_conn(ds_collection_enabled_p) 0 return 0 } ad_proc -private ds_user_switching_enabled_p {} { Returns whether user-switching is enabled. } { return [expr {[nsv_exists ds_properties user_switching_enabled_p] && [nsv_get ds_properties user_switching_enabled_p]}] } ad_proc -public ds_database_enabled_p {} { Returns true if developer-support database facilities are enabled. } { return [nsv_get ds_properties database_enabled_p] } ad_proc -public ds_profiling_enabled_p {} { Returns true if developer-support template profiling facilities are enabled. } { return [nsv_get ds_properties profiling_enabled_p] } ad_proc -public ds_page_fragment_cache_enabled_p {} { Are we populating the page fragment cache? } { return [nsv_get ds_properties page_fragment_cache_p] } ad_proc -private ds_adp_reveal_enabled_p {} { Returns true if developer-support adp revealing facilities are enabled. } { return [nsv_get ds_properties adp_reveal_enabled_p] } ad_proc -public ds_adp_box_class {} { Return developer support adp box class on/off } { if { [ds_adp_reveal_enabled_p] } { return developer-support-adp-box-on } else { return developer-support-adp-box-off } } ad_proc -public ds_adp_file_class {} { Return developer support adp file on/off } { if { [ds_adp_reveal_enabled_p] } { return developer-support-adp-file-on } else { return developer-support-adp-file-off } } ad_proc -public ds_adp_output_class {} { Return developer support adp output on/off } { if { [ds_adp_reveal_enabled_p] } { return developer-support-adp-output-on } else { return developer-support-adp-output-off } } d_proc -public ds_adp_start_box { {-stub \$__adp_stub} } { Appends adp start box if the show toggle is true } { template::adp_append_code "if { \[info exists ::ds_show_p\] } {" template::adp_append_code " set __apidoc_path \[string range $stub \[string length \$::acs::rootdir\] end\].adp" template::adp_append_code " set __stub_path \[join \[split $stub /\] \" / \"\]" template::adp_append_code " append __adp_output \"<div class=\\\"\[::ds_adp_box_class\]\\\"><span class=\\\"\[::ds_adp_file_class\]\\\"><a href=\\\"/api-doc/content-page-view?source_p=1&path=\$__apidoc_path\\\" style=\\\"text-decoration: None;\\\">\$__stub_path</a></span><div class=\\\"\[::ds_adp_output_class\]\\\">\"" template::adp_append_code "}" } d_proc -public ds_adp_end_box { {-stub \$__adp_stub} } { Appends adp end box if the show toggle is true } { template::adp_append_code "if { \[info exists ::ds_show_p\] } {" template::adp_append_code " append __adp_output \"</div></div><!-- END\n$stub (lvl \[info level\])-->\"" template::adp_append_code "}" } d_proc -private -deprecated ds_lookup_administrator_p { user_id } { } { return 1 } ad_proc -private ds_support_url {} { @return A link to the first instance of the developer-support information available in the site node, \ the empty_string if none are available. } { return [apm_package_url_from_key acs-developer-support] } ad_proc ds_link {} { Returns the "Developer Information" link in a right-aligned table, if enabled. } { if { ![ds_enabled_p] && ![ds_user_switching_enabled_p] } { return "" } if { ![ds_permission_p] } { return "" } set out "<div class='developer-support'>" if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] } { set ds_url [ds_support_url] if {$ds_url ne ""} { append out [subst { <a href="$ds_url">Developer Support Home</a> - <a href="${ds_url}request-info?request=$::ad_conn(request)">Request Information</a><br> }] } else { ns_log Error "ACS-Developer-Support: Unable to offer link to Developer Support \ because it is not mounted anywhere." } if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).db] } { set total 0 set counter 0 foreach { handle command statement_name sql start end errno error } [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).db] { set total [expr { $total + ($end - $start) }] if { [lindex $command 0] in { dml exec 1row 0or1row select } } { incr counter } } if { $counter > 0 } { append out "$counter database command[expr {$counter == 1 ? " taking" : "s totalling"}] [format {%.f} $total] ms<br>" } } if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).conn] } { array set conn [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).conn] if { [info exists conn(startclicks)] } { set time [format "%.f" [expr { ([clock clicks -microseconds] - $conn(startclicks))/1000.0 }]] append out "Page served in $time ms<br>\n" } } if { [parameter::get -package_id [ds_instance_id] -parameter ShowCommentsInlineP -default 0] } { set href [export_vars -base ${ds_url}comments-toggle { { return_url [ad_return_url] } }] append out [subst { Comments: <b>On</b> | <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">Off</a><br> }] if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).comment] } { foreach comment [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).comment] { append out "<b>Comment:</b> $comment<br>\n" } } } else { set href [export_vars -base ${ds_url}comments-toggle { { return_url [ad_return_url] } }] append out [subst { Comments: <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">On</a> | <b>Off</b><br> }] } } if { [ds_user_switching_enabled_p] } { append out [ds_user_select_widget] "<br>" } return $out } ad_proc ds_show_p {} { Should we show developer-support on the current connection. } { if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_permission_p] } { return 1 } return 0 } ad_proc -private ds_get_page_serve_time_ms {} { Returns the number of milliseconds passed since this request thread was started. Returns the empty string if this information is not available. } { set result {} if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] } { if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).conn] } { array set conn [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).conn] if { [info exists conn(startclicks)] } { set result [format "%.f" [expr { ([clock clicks -microseconds] - $conn(startclicks)) / 1000.0 }]] } } } return $result } ad_proc -private ds_get_db_command_info {} { Get a Tcl list with { num_commands total_ms } for the database commands for the request. @return list containing num_commands and total_ms, or empty string if the information is not available. } { set result {} if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] } { if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).db] } { set total 0 set counter 0 foreach { handle command statement_name sql start end errno error } [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).db] { set total [expr { $total + ($end - $start) }] if { [lindex $command 0] in { dml exec 1row 0or1row select } } { incr counter } } set result [list $counter $total] } } return $result } ad_proc -public ds_collect_connection_info {} { Collect information about the current connection. Should be called only at the very beginning of the request processor handler. } { # JCD: check recursion_count to ensure adding headers only one time. if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] && ![ad_conn recursion_count]} { # # This is expensive, but easy. Otherwise we need to do it in every interpreter # ds_replace_get_user_procs [ds_user_switching_enabled_p] ds_add start [ns_time] ds_add conn startclicks [ad_conn start_clicks] foreach {key value} [ns_set array [ad_conn headers]] { ds_add headers $key $value } foreach param { method url query request peeraddr } { ds_add conn $param [ad_conn $param] } } } d_proc -public ds_collect_db_call { db command statement_name sql start_time errno error } { Collects stats for a single database call } { if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] && [ds_database_enabled_p] } { set bound_sql $sql # It is very useful to be able to see the bind variable values displayed in the # ds output. For postgresql we have a way of doing this with the proc db_bind_var_substitution # but this proc does not work for Oracle # JCD: don't bind if there was an error since this can potentially mess up the traceback # making bugs much harder to track down if { ($errno == 0 || $errno == 2) && [db_type] eq "postgresql" } { upvar bind bind set _errno [catch { if { [info exists bind] && [llength $bind] != 0 } { if { [llength $bind] == 1 } { set bound_sql [db_bind_var_substitution $sql [ns_set array $bind]] } else { set bound_sql [db_bind_var_substitution $sql $bind] } } else { set bound_sql [uplevel 3 [list db_bind_var_substitution $sql]] } } _error] if { $_errno } { ns_log Warning "ds_collect_db_call: $_error\nStatement: $statement_name\nSQL: $sql" set bound_sql $sql } } ds_add db $db $command $statement_name $bound_sql $start_time \ [expr {[clock clicks -microseconds]/1000.0}] $errno $error } } ad_proc -public ds_add { name args } { Sets a developer-support property for the current request. } { if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] } { if { [catch { nsv_exists ds_request . }] } { ns_log "Warning" "ds_request NSVs not initialized" return } if { ![info exists ::ad_conn(request)] } { set ::ad_conn(request) [ns_conn id] } nsv_lappend ds_request $::ad_conn(request).$name {*}$args } } ad_proc -public ds_comment { value } { Adds a comment to the developer-support information for the current request. } { if { [ds_enabled_p] } { ds_add comment $value } } ad_proc -private ds_sweep_data {} { set now [ns_time] set lifetime [parameter::get -package_id [ds_instance_id] -parameter DataLifetime -default 900] # Find the last request before the DataLifetime cutoff set names [nsv_array names ds_request] set max_request 0 foreach name $names { if { [regexp {^([0-9]+)\.start$} $name match request] && $now - [lindex [nsv_get ds_request $name] 0] > $lifetime } { if {$request > $max_request} { set max_request $request } } } # kill any request older than last request. set kill_count 0 foreach name $names { if { [regexp {^([0-9]+)\.} $name "" request] && $request <= $max_request } { incr kill_count nsv_unset ds_request $name } } ns_log "Debug" "Swept developer support information for [array size kill_requests] requests ($kill_count nsv elements)" } ad_proc -private ds_trace_filter { why args } { Adds developer-support information about the end of sessions. } { if { [ds_enabled_p] && [ds_collection_enabled_p] } { ds_add conn end [ns_time] endclicks [clock clicks -microseconds] set args [ns_set array [ad_conn outputheaders]] if {[llength $args] > 0} { ds_add oheaders {*}$args } foreach param { browser_id validated session_id user_id } { global ad_sec_$param if { [info exists ad_sec_$param] } { ds_add conn $param [set "ad_sec_$param"] } } } return "filter_ok" } ad_proc -private ds_user_select_widget {} { Build a select widget for users in the system, for quick user switching. WARNING: On instances with high numbers of users, the query might return high number of instances, leading to very slow pages. So, the number of users returned is limited to 100. For testing purposes, a different selection of users is probably preferred. The current query does not work for Oracle. } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] set real_user_id [ds_get_real_user_id] set return_url [ad_conn url] set query [ad_conn query] if { $query ne "" } { append return_url "?$query" } set you_are {} set you_are_really {} if { $user_id == 0 } { set selected " selected" set you_are "<small>You are currently <strong>not logged in</strong></small><br>" set you_are_really "<small>You are really <strong>not logged in</strong></small><br>" } else { set selected {} } set options "<option value='0'$selected>--Logged out--</option>" set tuples [db_list_of_lists users { select u.user_id as user_id_from_db, (select first_names || ' ' last_name from persons where person_id = u.user_id) as name, p.email from users u, parties p where u.user_id = p.party_id order by name limit 100 }] foreach tuple tuples { lassign $tuple user_id_from_db name email if { $user_id == $user_id_from_db } { set selected " selected" set you_are "<small>You are testing as <strong>$name ($email)</strong></small><br>" } else { set selected {} } if { $real_user_id == $user_id_from_db } { set you_are_really "<small>You are really <strong>$name ($email)</strong></small><br>" } append options "<option value=\"$user_id_from_db\"$selected>$name ($email)</option>" } set ds_url [ds_support_url] if {$ds_url ne ""} { return [subst { <form action="${ds_url}set-user" method="get"> $you_are $you_are_really Change user: <select name="user_id"> $options </select>[export_vars -form {return_url}] <input type="submit" value="Go"></form> }] } else { ns_log Error "ACS-Developer-Support: Unable to offer link to Developer Support \ because it is not mounted anywhere." return "" } } ad_proc -private ds_get_real_user_id {} { Get the "real" user id. } { return [ds_ad_conn user_id] } ad_proc -private ds_ad_conn { args } { Get the "real" user id. } { if {[namespace which orig_ad_conn] ne ""} { return [orig_ad_conn {*}$args] } else { return [ad_conn {*}$args] } } ad_proc -private ds_get_user_id {{original 0}} { Developer support version of ad_get_user_id, used for debugging sites. } { set orig_user_id [ds_get_real_user_id] if {$original == 0 && [ds_user_switching_enabled_p] && [ds_permission_p] } { set ds_user_id [ad_get_client_property -default $orig_user_id developer-support user_id] return $ds_user_id } else { return $orig_user_id } } ad_proc -private ds_conn { args } { Developer support version of ad_conn. Overloads "ad_conn user_id", delegates to ad_conn in all other cases. } { if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-get"} { set subcmd [lindex $args 1] } else { set subcmd [lindex $args 0] } if {$subcmd in {user_id untrusted_user_id} } { return [ds_get_user_id] } return [orig_ad_conn {*}$args] } ad_proc -private ds_set_user_switching_enabled { enabled_p } { Enables/disables user-switching in a safe manner. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date 31 August 2000 } { ns_log Notice "Developer-support user-switching [expr {$enabled_p == 1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"}]" nsv_set ds_properties user_switching_enabled_p $enabled_p } ad_proc -private ds_set_profiling_enabled { enabled_p } { Enables/disables profiling statistics in a safe manner. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date 31 August 2000 } { ns_log Notice "Developer-support profiling stats [expr {$enabled_p == 1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"}]" nsv_set ds_properties profiling_enabled_p $enabled_p } ad_proc -private ds_set_database_enabled { enabled_p } { Enables/disables database statistics in a safe manner. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date 31 August 2000 } { ns_log Notice "Developer-support database stats [expr {$enabled_p == 1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"}]" nsv_set ds_properties database_enabled_p $enabled_p } ad_proc -private ds_set_adp_reveal_enabled { enabled_p } { Enables/disables database statistics in a safe manner. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date 31 August 2000 } { ns_log Notice "Developer-support adp reveal stats [expr {$enabled_p == 1 ? "enabled" : "disabled"}]" nsv_set ds_properties adp_reveal_enabled_p $enabled_p } ad_proc -private ds_replace_get_user_procs { enabled_p } { Replace the ad_get_user procs with our own versions } { if { $enabled_p } { if { [namespace which orig_ad_conn] eq ""} { #ds_comment "Enabling user-switching" # let the user stay who he is now (but ignore any error trying to do so) catch { ad_set_client_property developer-support user_id [ad_conn user_id] } rename ad_conn orig_ad_conn proc ad_conn { args } { ds_conn {*}$args } } } else { #ds_comment "Disabling user-switching" if { [namespace which orig_ad_conn] ne ""} { rename ad_conn {} rename orig_ad_conn ad_conn } } } ad_proc -private ds_watch_packages {} { Watch Tcl libraries and xql files for packages listed in the PackageWatchList parameter on server startup. @author Peter Marklund } { set package_watch_string [parameter::get_from_package_key \ -package_key acs-developer-support \ -parameter PackageWatchList] foreach package_key [split $package_watch_string] { if { [apm_package_enabled_p $package_key] } { ns_log Notice "Developer-support - watching all files for package $package_key" apm_watch_all_files $package_key } else { ns_log Notice "developer support - not watching file for package $package_key as package is not enabled" } } } ad_proc -private ds_comments_p {} { Should we show comments inline on the page? } { return [parameter::get -package_id [ds_instance_id] -parameter ShowCommentsInlineP -default 0] } ad_proc -private ds_get_comments {} { Get comments for the current request. } { set comments [list] if { [nsv_exists ds_request $::ad_conn(request).comment] } { set comments [nsv_get ds_request $::ad_conn(request).comment] } return $comments } ad_proc -public ds_profile { command {tag {}} } { Helper proc for performance profiling of templates. This will record the total time spent within an invocation of a template (computed as time between the 'ds_profile start' and 'ds_profile stop' invocations inserted by the template engine). @param command Must be "start" or "stop". @param tag In practice, the path to the template being profiled. <ul> <li><b>start</b> marks the beginning of a block. <li><b>stop</b> marks the end of a block. Start and stops must match. </ul> } { if {![ds_enabled_p]} { error "DS not enabled" } switch $command { start { if { $tag eq "" } { error "Tag parameter is required" } set ::ds_profile__start_clock($tag) [clock clicks -microseconds] } stop { if { [info exists ::ds_profile__start_clock($tag)] && $::ds_profile__start_clock($tag) ne "" } { ds_add prof $tag \ [expr {[clock clicks -microseconds] - $::ds_profile__start_clock($tag)}] unset ::ds_profile__start_clock($tag) } else { ns_log Warning "ds_profile stop called without a corresponding call to ds_profile start, with tag $tag" } } default { error "Invalid command. Valid commands are 'start', 'stop', and 'log'." } } } ad_proc -public ds_init { } { Perform setup for the developer support for a single request. We save the state in global variables to avoid highly redundant computations (up to 50 times per page on openacs.org) } { #ns_log notice "ds_init called [::ds_enabled_p]" if {[::ds_enabled_p] } { # # Save current setup for developer support in global # variables, which are deleted automatically after every # request. # if {[::ds_collection_enabled_p] } {set ::ds_collection_enabled_p 1} if {[::ds_profiling_enabled_p] } {set ::ds_profiling_enabled_p 1} if {[::ds_show_p]} {set ::ds_show_p 1} } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: