- Publicity: Public Only All
Routines for importing/exporting messages from/to XML message catalog files. Every OpenACS package has one message catalog file for each locale (language and region) that its UI supports. Importing of messages means reading the messages from XML catalog files and storing them in the database. Exporting of messages refers to the opposite process. The key procedures in this library are:
- lang::catalog::import - Import all catalog files on the system into the database. Can be restricted to only import from one package and only certain locales.
- lang::catalog::import_from_file - Import from a single catalog file
- lang::catalog::export - Export all messages in the database to catalog files. Can be restricted to only export from one package and only certain locales.
- lang::catalog::export_to_file - Export messages to a single file
- Location:
- packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-catalog-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 10 September 2000
- Authors:
- Jeff Davis
- Peter Marklund <peter@collaboraid.biz>
- Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: lang-catalog-procs.tcl,v 1.63 2024/10/08 13:35:13 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- lang::catalog::export (public)
- lang::catalog::import (public)
- lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir (public)
- lang::catalog::package_delete (public)
Detailed information
lang::catalog::export (public)
lang::catalog::export [ -package_key package_key ] \ [ -locales locales ]
Exports I18N messages from the database to XML catalog files. By default exports messages for all enabled packages and all enabled locales on the system. Can be restricted to export only for a certain package and/or a list of locales.
- Switches:
- -package_key (optional)
- A key of a package to restrict the export to
- -locales (optional)
- A list of locales to restrict the export to
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_catalog_import_export
lang::catalog::import (public)
lang::catalog::import [ -package_key package_key ] \ [ -locales locales ] [ -initialize ] [ -cache ]
Import messages from catalog files to the database. By default all messages for enabled packages and enabled locales will be imported. Optionally, the import can be restricted to a certain package and/or a list of locales. Invokes the proc lang::catalog::import_messages that deals with multiple imports (upgrades).
- Switches:
- -package_key (optional)
- Restrict the import to the package with this key
- -locales (optional)
- A list of locales to restrict the import to
- -initialize (optional, boolean)
- Only load messages from packages that have never before had any message imported
- -cache (optional, boolean)
- Provide this switch if you want the proc to cache all the imported messages
- Returns:
- An array list containing the number of messages processed, number of messages added, number of messages updated, number of messages deleted by the import, and a list of errors produced. The keys of the array list are processed, added, updated, and deleted, and errors.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- lang_test__lc_procs, locale_language_fallback, upgrade, test_catalog_import_export
lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir (public)
lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir package_key
Return the catalog directory of the given package.
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund <peter@collaboraid.biz>
- Created:
- 18 October 2002
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- util__replace_temporary_tags_with_lookups
lang::catalog::package_delete (public)
lang::catalog::package_delete -package_key package_key
Unregister the I18N messages for the package.
- Switches:
- -package_key (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- test_catalog_import_export
Content File Source
#/packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-catalog-procs.tcl ad_library { <p> Routines for importing/exporting messages from/to XML message catalog files. Every OpenACS package has one message catalog file for each locale (language and region) that its UI supports. Importing of messages means reading the messages from XML catalog files and storing them in the database. Exporting of messages refers to the opposite process. The key procedures in this library are: </p> <p> <ul> <li>lang::catalog::import - Import all catalog files on the system into the database. Can be restricted to only import from one package and only certain locales.</li> <li>lang::catalog::import_from_file - Import from a single catalog file</li> <li>lang::catalog::export - Export all messages in the database to catalog files. Can be restricted to only export from one package and only certain locales.</li> <li>lang::catalog::export_to_file - Export messages to a single file</li> </ul> </p> @creation-date 10 September 2000 @author Jeff Davis @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) @cvs-id $Id: lang-catalog-procs.tcl,v 1.63 2024/10/08 13:35:13 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval lang::catalog {} ################## # # Helper procs # ################## ad_proc -private lang::catalog::default_charset_if_unsupported { charset } { Will return the system default charset and issue a warning in the log file if the given charset is not supported by tcl. Otherwise the given charset is simply returned. @author Jeff Davis @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) } { set ns_charsets [concat [ns_charsets] [encoding names]] # Do case insensitive matching if {[lsearch -regexp $ns_charsets "(?i)^${charset}\$"] < 0} { #set default_charset [encoding system] # LARS: Default to utf-8 set default_charset utf-8 ns_log Warning "charset $charset not supported by tcl, assuming $default_charset" set charset_to_use $default_charset } else { set charset_to_use $charset } return $charset_to_use } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::get_required_xml_attribute { element attribute } { Return the value of the given attribute and raise an error if the value is missing or empty. @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) } { set value [xml_node_get_attribute $element $attribute] if { $value eq "" } { error "Required attribute \"$attribute\" missing from <[xml_node_get_name $element]>" } return $value } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::all_messages_for_package_and_locale { package_key locale } { Set a multirow with name all_messages locally in the callers scope with the columns message_key and message for all message keys that do not have an upgrade status of deleted. @author Peter Marklund } { return [db_list_of_lists get_messages {}] } ad_proc -public lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir { package_key } { Return the catalog directory of the given package. @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 18 October 2002 } { return "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/catalog" } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::is_upgrade_backup_file { file_path } { Given a file path return 1 if the path represents a file with messages backed up from message catalog upgrade. @author Peter Marklund } { array set filename_info [apm_parse_catalog_path $file_path] if { [array size filename_info] == 0 } { # Parsing failed set return_value 0 } else { # Parsing succeeded set prefix $filename_info(prefix) if { [regexp "^[message_backup_file_prefix]" $prefix match] } { # The prefix looks right set return_value 1 } else { # Catalog file with unknown prefix ns_log Warning "The file $file_path has unknown prefix $prefix" set return_value 0 } } return $return_value } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::message_backup_file_prefix {} { The prefix used for files where we store old messages that were overwritten during message catalog upgrade. } { return "overwritten_messages_upgrade_" } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::assert_catalog_file { catalog_file_path } { Throws an error if the given path is not valid for a catalog file. @see apm_is_catalog_file @author Peter Marklund } { if { ![apm_is_catalog_file $catalog_file_path] } { error "lang::catalog::assert_filename_format - Invalid message catalog path, cannot extract package_key, locale, and charset from file path $catalog_file_path" } } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::package_has_files_in_locale_p {package_key locale} { Return 1 if the given package has any catalog files for the given locale and 0 otherwise. @author Peter Marklund } { set locale_files [glob -nocomplain -- \ [package_catalog_dir $package_key]/$package_key.${locale}.*] return [expr {[llength $locale_files] > 0}] } d_proc -private lang::catalog::get_catalog_file_path { {-backup_from_version ""} {-backup_to_version ""} {-package_key:required} {-locale:required} {-charset ""} } { Get the full path of the catalog file for a given package, and locale. @param charset Should normally not be provided. Will force the charset to a certain value. If not provided an appropriate charset to write the locale in will be used. @see apm_parse_catalog_path @see lang::catalog::package_has_files_in_locale_p @author Peter Marklund } { set catalog_dir [package_catalog_dir $package_key] if { $charset ne "" } { set file_charset $charset } else { # We had problems storing digits in ISO-8859-6 so we decided # to use UTF-8 for all files except for locales that use ISO-8859-1. The reason we are making # ISO-8859-1 an exception is that some developers may make the shortcut of editing # the en_US catalog files directly to add keys and they might mess up the # utf-8 encoding of the files when doing so. set system_charset [lang::util::charset_for_locale $locale] set file_charset [expr {$system_charset eq "ISO-8859-1" ? $system_charset : "utf-8"}] } set message_backup_prefix "" if { $backup_from_version ne "" } { set message_backup_prefix "[message_backup_file_prefix]${backup_from_version}-${backup_to_version}_" } set filename "${message_backup_prefix}${package_key}.${locale}.${file_charset}.xml" set file_path "[package_catalog_dir $package_key]/$filename" return $file_path } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::get_catalog_files { package_key } { Return the full paths of all message catalog files of the given package. @param package_key The key of the package to return catalog file paths for @return A list of catalog file paths @author Peter Marklund } { set catalog_paths [list] set catalog_dir [lang::catalog::package_catalog_dir $package_key] foreach file_path [glob -nocomplain "$catalog_dir/*"] { if { [apm_is_catalog_file $file_path] } { lappend catalog_paths $file_path } } return $catalog_paths } d_proc -private lang::catalog::messages_in_db { {-package_key:required} {-locale:required} } { Return a list of all messages for a certain package and locale. @return An array list with message keys as keys and messages as values. @see lang::catalog::all_messages_for_package_and_locale @author Peter Marklund } { set message_list [list] foreach message_tuple [all_messages_for_package_and_locale $package_key $locale] { lassign $message_tuple message_key message description lappend message_list $message_key $message } return $message_list } d_proc -private lang::catalog::last_sync_messages { {-package_key:required} {-locale:required} } { For a certain package, and locale, return the messages in the database the last time catalog files and db were in sync. This is the message that we use as merge base during message catalog upgrades. @return An array list with message keys as keys and messages as values. @author Peter Marklund } { set message_list [list] db_foreach last_sync_messages {} { if { ![string is true -strict $deleted_p] } { lappend message_list $message_key $message } } return $message_list } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::uninitialized_packages {} { Return a list of keys for installed and enabled packages that do not have any message keys associated with them. This would suggest that either the package is not internationalized, or we have not yet imported the message keys for the package. @author Peter Marklund } { return [db_list select_uninitialized {}] } ################## # # Exporting procs # ################## d_proc -private lang::catalog::export_to_file { {-descriptions_list ""} file_path messages_list } { Export messages for a certain locale and package from the database to a given XML catalog file. If the catalog file already exists it will be backed up to a file with the same name but the extension .orig added to it. If there is an old backup file no new backup is done. @param file_path The path of the catalog file to write messages to. The filename needs to be parseable by apm_parse_catalog_path. The file and the catalog directory will be created if they don't exist. @param messages_list A list with message keys on even indices followed by corresponding messages on odd indices. @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) } { # Extract package_key, locale, and charset from the file path array set filename_info [apm_parse_catalog_path $file_path] # Check that the filename is parsable. We are not requiring any particular directory though if { [array size filename_info] == 0 } { error "Could not parse package_key, locale, and charset from filename of file $file_path" } # Put the messages and descriptions in an array so it's easier to access them array set messages_array $messages_list array set descriptions_array $descriptions_list # Sort the keys so that it's easier to manually read and edit the catalog files set message_key_list [lsort -dictionary [array names messages_array]] # Create the catalog directory if it doesn't exist set catalog_dir [package_catalog_dir $filename_info(package_key)] if { ![file isdirectory $catalog_dir] } { ns_log Notice "Creating new catalog directory $catalog_dir" file mkdir $catalog_dir } # Create a backup file first if a file already exists set backup_path "${file_path}.orig" if { [file exists $file_path] } { ns_log Notice "Creating backup catalog file $backup_path" file copy -force -- $file_path $backup_path } # Since the output charset, and thus the filename, may have changed since # last time that we wrote the catalog file we remove old files with the same locale foreach old_catalog_file [get_catalog_files $filename_info(package_key)] { # Parse locale from filename array set old_filename_info [apm_parse_catalog_path $old_catalog_file] if {$old_filename_info(locale) eq $filename_info(locale)} { file delete -- $old_catalog_file } } # Open the catalog file for writing, truncate if it exists set file_encoding [ns_encodingforcharset [default_charset_if_unsupported $filename_info(charset)]] set catalog_file_id [open $file_path w] fconfigure $catalog_file_id -encoding $file_encoding # Open the root node of the document puts $catalog_file_id "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$filename_info(charset)\"?> <message_catalog package_key=\"$filename_info(package_key)\" locale=\"$filename_info(locale)\" charset=\"$filename_info(charset)\"> " # Loop over and write the messages to the file set message_count "0" foreach message_key $message_key_list { puts $catalog_file_id " <msg key=\"[ns_quotehtml $message_key]\">[ns_quotehtml $messages_array($message_key)]</msg>" if { [info exists descriptions_array($message_key)] && $descriptions_array($message_key) ne "" && $filename_info(locale) eq "en_US" } { puts $catalog_file_id " <description key=\"[ns_quotehtml $message_key]\">[ns_quotehtml $descriptions_array($message_key)]</description>\n" } incr message_count } # Close the root node and close the file puts $catalog_file_id "</message_catalog>" close $catalog_file_id ns_log Notice "Wrote $message_count messages to file $file_path with encoding $file_encoding" } d_proc -public lang::catalog::export { {-package_key {}} {-locales {}} } { Exports I18N messages from the database to XML catalog files. By default exports messages for all enabled packages and all enabled locales on the system. Can be restricted to export only for a certain package and/or a list of locales. @param package_key A key of a package to restrict the export to @param locales A list of locales to restrict the export to @author Peter Marklund } { if { $package_key ne "" } { set package_key_list $package_key } else { set package_key_list [apm_enabled_packages] } foreach package_key $package_key_list { # We do not want to export acs-translations. This usually is a very bad idea as the object_ids are different from site to site. if {$package_key ne "acs-translations" } { # Loop over all locales that the package has messages in # and write a catalog file for each such locale db_foreach get_locales_for_package {} { # If we are only exporting certain locales and this is not one of them - continue if { [llength $locales] > 0 && $locale ni $locales } { continue } # Get messages and descriptions for the locale set messages_list [list] set descriptions_list [list] foreach message_tuple [all_messages_for_package_and_locale $package_key $locale] { lassign $message_tuple message_key message description lappend messages_list $message_key $message lappend descriptions_list $message_key $description } set catalog_file_path [get_catalog_file_path \ -package_key $package_key \ -locale $locale] export_to_file -descriptions_list $descriptions_list $catalog_file_path $messages_list # Messages exported to file are in sync with file db_dml update_sync_time {} } } } } ################## # # Importing procs # ################## ad_proc -private lang::catalog::read_file { catalog_filename } { Returns the contents of the given catalog file as a string reading the file with the charset given in the filename. @param catalog_filename The full path of the catalog file to read. The basename of the file should be on the form package_key.locale.charset.ending where ending is either cat or xml (i.e. dotlrn.en_US.iso-8859-1.xml or dotlrn.en_US.iso-8859-1.cat). The cat ending is for the deprecated tcl-based catalog files. @author Jeff Davis @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) } { if {![regexp {/([^/]*)\.([^/]*)\.(?:xml|cat)$} $catalog_filename match base msg_encoding]} { ns_log Warning "Charset info missing in filename assuming $catalog_filename is iso-8859-1" set msg_encoding iso-8859-1 } set msg_encoding [default_charset_if_unsupported $msg_encoding] ns_log Notice "reading $catalog_filename in $msg_encoding" set in [open $catalog_filename] fconfigure $in -encoding [ns_encodingforcharset $msg_encoding] set catalog_file_contents [read $in] close $in return $catalog_file_contents } ad_proc -private lang::catalog::parse { catalog_file_contents } { Parse the given catalog file xml contents and return the data as an array. The array will contain the following keys: <pre> package_key locale charset messages - An array-list with message keys as keys and the message texts as values. descriptions - An array-list with message keys as keys and the descriptions as values. </pre> @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaboraid.biz) } { # Check arguments if { $catalog_file_contents eq "" } { error "lang::catalog::parse the catalog_file_contents arguments is the empty string" } # The names of xml tags and attributes set MESSAGE_CATALOG_TAG "message_catalog" set PACKAGE_KEY_ATTR "package_key" set LOCALE_ATTR "locale" set CHARSET_ATTR "charset" set MESSAGE_TAG "msg" set DESCRIPTION_TAG "description" set KEY_ATTR "key" # Initialize the array to return array set msg_catalog_array {} # Parse the XML document set tree [xml_parse -persist $catalog_file_contents] # Get the message catalog root node set root_node [xml_doc_get_first_node $tree] if { [xml_node_get_name $root_node] ne $MESSAGE_CATALOG_TAG } { $tree delete error "lang::catalog_parse: Could not find root node $MESSAGE_CATALOG_TAG" } # Set the message catalog root level attributes set msg_catalog_array(package_key) [get_required_xml_attribute $root_node ${PACKAGE_KEY_ATTR}] set msg_catalog_array(locale) [get_required_xml_attribute $root_node ${LOCALE_ATTR}] set msg_catalog_array(charset) [get_required_xml_attribute $root_node ${CHARSET_ATTR}] # Loop over the keys and message texts set message_node_list [xml_node_get_children_by_name $root_node ${MESSAGE_TAG}] array set key_text_array {} foreach message_node $message_node_list { set key [get_required_xml_attribute $message_node ${KEY_ATTR}] set text [xml_node_get_content $message_node ] set key_text_array($key) $text } # Add the keys and the texts to the messages array set msg_catalog_array(messages) [array get key_text_array] # Loop over the keys and descriptions set description_node_list [xml_node_get_children_by_name $root_node ${DESCRIPTION_TAG}] array set key_description_array {} foreach description_node $description_node_list { set key [get_required_xml_attribute $description_node ${KEY_ATTR}] set description [xml_node_get_content $description_node ] set key_description_array($key) $description } # Add the keys and the texts to the descriptions array set msg_catalog_array(descriptions) [array get key_description_array] $tree delete return [array get msg_catalog_array] } d_proc -private lang::catalog::import_from_file { file_path } { <p> Import messages for a certain locale and package from a given XML catalog file to the database. This procedure invokes lang::catalog::parse to read the catalog file and lang::message::register to register the messages with the system (updates database and cache). </p> <p> The import should be considered an upgrade if the package has had messages imported before. In this case the proc lang::catalog::import_messages will be used to register the new messages with the system and handle the upgrade logic (a merge with what's in the database). </p> @param file_path The absolute path of the XML file to import messages from. The path must be on valid format, see apm_is_catalog_file @return An array list containing the number of messages processed, number of messages added, number of messages updated, and the number of messages deleted by the import. The keys of the array list are processed, added, updated, and deleted. @see lang::catalog::parse @see lang::message::register @see lang::catalog::import_messages @author Peter Marklund } { # Check arguments assert_catalog_file $file_path # Parse the catalog file and put the information in an array # LARS NOTE: Change parse to take three array-names, catalog, messages, descriptions, and use upvar array set catalog_array [parse [read_file $file_path]] # Extract package_key, locale, and charset from the file path array set filename_info [apm_parse_catalog_path $file_path] # Setting these variables to improve readability of code in this proc set package_key $filename_info(package_key) set locale $filename_info(locale) set charset $filename_info(charset) # Compare xml package_key with file path package_key - abort if there is a mismatch if { $package_key ne $catalog_array(package_key) } { error "the package_key $catalog_array(package_key) in the file $file_path does not match the package_key $package_key in the filesystem" } # Get the messages array, and the list of message keys to iterate over array set messages_array $catalog_array(messages) set messages_array_names [array names messages_array] # Get the descriptions array array set descriptions_array $catalog_array(descriptions) ns_log Notice "Loading messages in file $file_path" # Register messages array set message_count [lang::catalog::import_messages \ -file_messages_list [array get messages_array] \ -package_key $package_key \ -locale $locale] # Register descriptions foreach message_key $messages_array_names { if { [info exists descriptions_array($message_key)] } { ad_try { lang::message::update_description \ -package_key $catalog_array(package_key) \ -message_key $message_key \ -description $descriptions_array($message_key) } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log Error "Registering description for key ${package_key}.${message_key} in locale $locale failed with: $errorMsg" } } } return [array get message_count] } d_proc -private lang::catalog::import_messages { {-file_messages_list:required} {-package_key:required} {-locale:required} } { <p> Import a given set of messages from a catalog file to the database for a certain package and locale. If we already have messages in the db for the given package and locale then a merge between the database messages and the file messages will be performed. </p> <p> Foreach message to import, the base messages for the merge is the messages in the db from the last time db and catalog file were in sync for the corresponding message key. The first such sync point is the initial import of a message. After that, any export of messages to the filesystem will be a sync point. Also, after an upgrade, a large number of the resulting messages in the db will be identical to those in the file (the file messages take precedence on conflict) and those messages will also be sync points. A message being in sync between db and file is indicated by the lang_message.sync_time column being set to a not null value. </p> <p> This proc is idempotent which means that it can be executed multiple times and after the first time it's been executed it won't have any effect on the db. <b>See the corresponding acs-automated-testing test case called upgrade.</b> </p> <p> What follows below is a description of the logic of the proc in terms of its input, the cases considered, and the logical actions taken for each case. </p> <p> There are three sets of keys, file, db, and base keys. For each key in the union of these keys there are three messages that can exist: the file message, the db message, and the base message. The base message serves as the base for the merge. We will distinguish all the different permutations of each of the three messages existing or not, and all permutations of the messages being different from each other. We don't distinguish how two messages are different, only whether they are different or not. In total that gives us 14 cases (permutations) to consider. </p> <pre> *** Exactly one of messages exists (3 cases): 1. base message (deleted in file and db). upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f 2. db message (added in db). upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f 3. file message (added in file). upgrade_action=add, conflict_p=f *** Exactly two of the messages exist (6 cases): - Base and file message (db message deleted): 4. Differ (conflicting change). upgrade_action=resurrect, conflict_p=t 5. No difference (no conflicting change). upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f - Base and db message (file message deleted): 6. Differ (conflicting change): upgrade_action=delete, conflict_p=t 7. No difference (no conflicting change): upgrade_action=delete, conflict_p=f - File and db message (message added in both db and file): 8. Differ (conflicting change). upgrade_action=update, conflict_p=t 9. No difference (identical changes). upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f *** All three messages exist (5 cases): 10. All the same. upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f 11. File and base the same. upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f 12. DB and base the same. upgrade_action=update, conflict_p=f 13. File and DB the same. upgrade_action=none, conflict_p=f 14. All different. upgrade_action=update, conflict_p=t </pre> @param file_messages_list An array list with message keys as keys and the message of those keys as values, i.e. (key, value, key, value, ...) @param package_key The package_key for the messages. @param locale The locale of the messages. @return An array list containing the number of messages processed, number of messages added, number of messages updated, number of messages deleted by the import, and a list of errors produced. The keys of the array list are processed, added, updated, and deleted, and errors. @author Peter Marklund @author Lars Pind } { set message_count(processed) 0 set message_count(added) 0 set message_count(updated) 0 set message_count(deleted) 0 set message_count(errors) [list] # Form arrays for all three sets of messages array set file_messages $file_messages_list array set db_messages [lang::catalog::messages_in_db \ -package_key $package_key \ -locale $locale] array set base_messages [lang::catalog::last_sync_messages \ -package_key $package_key \ -locale $locale] foreach arrname { base_messages file_messages db_messages } { set dummy [list] foreach elm [lsort [array names $arrname]] { lappend dummy "$elm=[set ${arrname}($elm)]" } ns_log Debug "lang::catalog::import_messages - $arrname: $dummy" } # Remember each time we've processed a key, so we don't process it twice array set message_key_processed_p [list] # Loop over the union of import and db keys. foreach message_key [lsort [concat [array names db_messages] [array names file_messages] [array names base_messages]]] { if { [info exists message_key_processed_p($message_key)] } { continue } set message_key_processed_p($message_key) 1 ########################################### # # Figure out how db and file messages have changed with regards to the base message # ########################################### # The variables indicate how the db and file messages have changed # from the base message. Valid values are: none, add, update, delete set db_change "none" set file_change "none" if { [info exists base_messages($message_key)] } { # The base message exists if { [info exists db_messages($message_key)] } { # db message exists if { $db_messages($message_key) ne $base_messages($message_key) } { # db message and base message differ set db_change "update" } } else { # db message does not exist set db_change "delete" } if { [info exists file_messages($message_key)] } { # file message exists if { $file_messages($message_key) ne $base_messages($message_key) } { # file message and base message differ set file_change "update" } } else { # file message does not exist set file_change "delete" } } else { # The base message does not exist if { [info exists db_messages($message_key)] } { # db message exists set db_change "add" } if { [info exists file_messages($message_key)] } { # file message exists set file_change "add" } } ########################################### # # Based on the change in file and db messages, # and based on whether file and db messages differ, decide # which upgrade actions to take # ########################################### # Default values cover the cases 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13 set import_case "in 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13" set upgrade_status "no_upgrade" set conflict_p "f" switch $db_change { none { switch $file_change { none {} add { # case 3 set import_case 3 # add message from file to db set upgrade_status "added" } update { # case 12 set import_case 12 # update db with file message set upgrade_status "updated" } delete { # case 7 set import_case 7 # mark message in db deleted set upgrade_status "deleted" } } } add { switch $file_change { none {} add { if { $db_messages($message_key) ne $file_messages($message_key) } { # case 8 set import_case 8 # differing additions in db and file set upgrade_status "updated" set conflict_p "t" } } } } update { switch $file_change { none {} update { if { $db_messages($message_key) ne $file_messages($message_key) } { # case 14 set import_case 14 # differing updates in file and db set upgrade_status "updated" set conflict_p "t" } } delete { # case 6 set import_case 6 # deletion in file but update in db set upgrade_status "deleted" set conflict_p "t" } } } delete { switch $file_change { none {} update { # case 4 set import_case 4 # deletion in db but update in file set upgrade_status "added" ;# resurrect set conflict_p "t" } delete { # case 1 set import_case 1 # deletion in both db and file # no status change, no conflict # sync time should be updated below } } } } ########################################### # # Execute upgrade actions # ########################################### # For certain messages we need to move the sync point so that we have a current base for the next upgrade. if { $db_change eq "none" || $file_change ne "none" } { # If there is no db change then any change in the file will be reflected in # db (file takes precedence) and file and db are identical. # Also, regardless of what's happened in db, if # there has been a change in the file then that change will take effect in # the db and file and db are again identical (in sync). set update_sync_p 1 } else { set update_sync_p 0 } # Store a new message in the database if we are adding or updating set error_p 0 if { $upgrade_status eq "added" || $upgrade_status eq "updated" } { ns_log Debug "lang::catalog::import_messages - invoking lang::message::register with import_case=\"$import_case\" -update_sync=$update_sync_p $message_key $upgrade_status $conflict_p" ad_try { lang::message::register \ -update_sync \ -upgrade_status $upgrade_status \ -conflict=$conflict_p \ $locale \ $package_key \ $message_key \ $file_messages($message_key) } on error {errorMsg} { lappend message_count(errors) $errorMsg set error_p 1 } } elseif { $update_sync_p || $upgrade_status eq "deleted" } { # Set the upgrade_status, deleted_p, conflict_p, and sync_time properties of the message # If we are doing nothing, the only property of the message we might want to update in the db # is the sync_time as we might have discovered that db and file are in sync set edit_array [list] if { $upgrade_status ne "no_upgrade" } { lappend edit_array \ "upgrade_status" $upgrade_status \ "deleted_p" [string equal $upgrade_status "deleted"] \ "conflict_p" $conflict_p } ns_log Debug "lang::catalog::import_messages - invoking lang::message::edit with import_case=\"$import_case\" -update_sync=$update_sync_p $message_key $edit_array" ad_try { lang::message::edit \ -update_sync=$update_sync_p \ $package_key \ $message_key \ $locale \ $edit_array } on error {errorMsg} { lappend message_count(errors) $errorMsg set error_p 1 } } else { ns_log Debug "lang::catalog::import_messages - not doing anything: import_case=\"$import_case\" $message_key $upgrade_status $conflict_p" } if { $upgrade_status in {added updated deleted} } { if { ! $error_p } { incr message_count($upgrade_status) } } incr message_count(processed) } ;# End of message key loop return [array get message_count] } d_proc -public lang::catalog::import { {-package_key {}} {-locales {}} {-initialize:boolean} {-cache:boolean} } { Import messages from catalog files to the database. By default all messages for enabled packages and enabled locales will be imported. Optionally, the import can be restricted to a certain package and/or a list of locales. Invokes the proc lang::catalog::import_messages that deals with multiple imports (upgrades). @param package_key Restrict the import to the package with this key @param locales A list of locales to restrict the import to @param initialize Only load messages from packages that have never before had any message imported @param cache Provide this switch if you want the proc to cache all the imported messages @return An array list containing the number of messages processed, number of messages added, number of messages updated, number of messages deleted by the import, and a list of errors produced. The keys of the array list are processed, added, updated, and deleted, and errors. @see lang::catalog::import_messages @author Peter Marklund } { set message_count(processed) 0 set message_count(added) 0 set message_count(updated) 0 set message_count(deleted) 0 set message_count(errors) [list] if { $package_key ne "" } { set package_key_list $package_key } else { set package_key_list [apm_enabled_packages] } if { $initialize_p } { set uninitialized_packages [uninitialized_packages] } foreach package_key $package_key_list { if {$initialize_p && $package_key ni $uninitialized_packages} { # The package is already initialized continue } # Skip the package if it has no catalog files at all if { ![file exists [package_catalog_dir $package_key]] } { continue } set catalog_files [get_catalog_paths_for_import \ -package_key $package_key \ -locales $locales] # Issue a warning and exit if there are no catalog files if { $catalog_files eq "" } { ns_log Warning "No catalog files found for package $package_key in locales: $locales" continue } foreach file_path $catalog_files { # Use an ad_try so that parse failure of one file doesn't # cause the import of all files to fail ad_try { set loop_message_count [lang::catalog::import_from_file $file_path] } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log Error "The import of file $file_path failed, error message is: $errorMsg" } on ok {r} { foreach {action count} $loop_message_count { if { $action ne "errors" } { set message_count($action) [expr {$message_count($action) + $count}] } } lappend message_count(errors) {*}[dict get $loop_message_count errors] } } } if { $cache_p } { lang::message::cache } return [array get message_count] } d_proc -private lang::catalog::get_catalog_paths_for_import { {-package_key:required} {-locales {}} } { Return a list of file paths for the catalog files of the given package. Can be restricted to only return files for certain locales. The list will be sorted in an order appropriate for import to the database. @param package_key The key of the package to get catalog file paths for @param locales A list of locales to restrict the catalog files to @author Peter Marklund } { # We always need to register en_US messages first as they create the keys set en_us_locale_list [list en_US] set other_locales_list [db_list locales { select locale from ad_locales where enabled_p = 't' and locale <> 'en_US' }] set locales_list [concat $en_us_locale_list $other_locales_list] # Get all catalog files for enabled locales set catalog_files [list] foreach locale $locales_list { # If we are only processing certain locales and this is not one of them - continue if { [llength $locales] > 0 && $locale ni $locales } { continue } # If the package has no files in this locale - continue if { ![package_has_files_in_locale_p $package_key $locale] } { continue } set file_path [get_catalog_file_path \ -package_key $package_key \ -locale $locale] if { [file exists $file_path] } { lappend catalog_files $file_path } else { ns_log Error "Catalog file $file_path not found. Failed to import messages for package $package_key and locale $locale" } } return $catalog_files } ################## # # Mischellaneous procs # ################## d_proc -public lang::catalog::package_delete { {-package_key:required} } { Unregister the I18N messages for the package. @author Peter Marklund } { set message_key_list [db_list all_message_keys_for_package { select message_key from lang_message_keys where package_key = :package_key }] db_dml delete_package_keys { delete from lang_message_keys where package_key = :package_key } foreach message_key $message_key_list { lang::message::remove_from_cache $package_key $message_key } } ################## # # Inactive and unmaintained procs # ################## ad_proc -private lang::catalog::translate {} { Translates all untranslated strings in a message catalog from English into Spanish, French and German using Babelfish. NOTE: this proc is unmaintained. Quick way to get a multilingual site up and running if you can live with the quality of the translations. <p> Not a good idea to run this procedure if you have a large message catalog. Use for testing purposes only. @author John Lowry (lowry@arsdigita.com) } { set default_locale [parameter::get -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key acs-lang] -parameter SiteWideLocale] db_foreach get_untranslated_messages {} { foreach lang [list es_ES fr_FR de_DE] { ad_try { set translated_message [lang_babel_translate $message en_$lang] } on error {errorMsg} { ns_log Error "Error translating $message into $lang: $errorMsg" } ok ok {r} { lang::message::register $lang $package_key $message_key $translated_message } } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: