- Publicity: Public Only All
Provides API for importing email via nsimap
- Location:
- packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/imap-inbound-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 19 Jul 2017
- CVS Identification:
$Id: imap-inbound-procs.tcl,v 2020/09/01 14:29:57 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming (private)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close (public)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go (private)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set (private)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse (private)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join (public)
- acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split (public)
Detailed information
acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming (private)
Checks for new, actionable incoming email via imap connection. Email is actionable if it is identified by acs_mail_lite::email_type. When actionable, email is buffered in table acs_mail_lite_from_external and callbacks are triggered.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close (public)
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close -conn_id conn_id
Closes nsimap session with conn_id. If conn_id is 'all', then all open sessions are closed. Returns 1 if a session is closed, otherwise returns 0.
- Switches:
- -conn_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_mail_lite_inbound_procs_check
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go (private)
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go [ -conn_id conn_id ] [ -host host ] \ [ -password password ] [ -port port ] [ -timeout timeout ] \ [ -user user ] [ -flags flags ] [ -name_mb name_mb ] \ [ -default_to_inbox_p default_to_inbox_p ] \ [ -default_box_name default_box_name ]
Verifies connection (connId) is established. Tries to establish a connection if it doesn't exist. If mailbox doesn't exist, tries to find an inbox at root of tree or as close as possible to it. If -host parameter is supplied, will try connection with supplied params. Defaults to use connection info provided by parameters via acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.
- Switches:
- -conn_id (optional)
- -host (optional)
- -password (optional)
- -port (optional)
- Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port.
- -timeout (optional)
- -user (optional)
- -flags (optional)
- -name_mb (optional)
- -default_to_inbox_p (optional, defaults to
)- If set to 1 and name_mb not found, assigns an inbox if found.
- -default_box_name (optional, defaults to
)- Set if default name for default_to_inbox_p should be something other than inbox.
- Returns:
- connectionId or empty string if unsuccessful.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_mail_lite_inbound_procs_check
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set (private)
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set [ -host host ] [ -password password ] \ [ -port port ] [ -timeout timeout ] [ -user user ] \ [ -name_mb name_mb ] [ -flags flags ]
Returns a name value list of parameters used by ACS Mail Lite imap connections If a parameter is passed with value, the value is assigned to parameter.
- Switches:
- -host (optional)
- -password (optional)
- -port (optional)
- Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port.
- -timeout (optional)
- -user (optional)
- -name_mb (optional)
- See nsimap documentation for mailbox.name.
- -flags (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse (private)
acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse [ -headers_arr_name headers_arr_name ] \ [ -parts_arr_name parts_arr_name ] [ -conn_id conn_id ] \ [ -msgno msgno ] [ -struct_list struct_list ] \ [ -section_ref section_ref ] [ -error_p error_p ]
Parse an email from an imap connection into array array_name for adding to queue via acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert Parsed data is set in headers and parts arrays in calling environment. struct_list expects output list from ns_imap struct conn_id msgno
- Switches:
- -headers_arr_name (optional)
- -parts_arr_name (optional)
- -conn_id (optional)
- -msgno (optional)
- -struct_list (optional)
- -section_ref (optional)
- -error_p (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join (public)
acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join [ -host host ] [ -name name ] \ [ -ssl_p ssl_p ]
Creates an ns_imap usable mailbox consisting of curly brace quoted {mailbox.host}mailbox.name.
- Switches:
- -host (optional)
- -name (optional)
- -ssl_p (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_mail_lite_inbound_procs_check
acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split (public)
acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split [ mailbox ]
Returns a list: mailbox.host mailbox.name ssl_p, where mailbox.host and mailbox.name are defined in ns_map documentation. If mailbox.host has suffix "/ssl", suffix is removed and ssl_p is "1", otherwise ssl_p is "0". If mailbox cannot be parsed, returns an empty list.
- Parameters:
- mailbox (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_mail_lite_inbound_procs_check
Content File Source
ad_library { Provides API for importing email via nsimap @creation-date 19 Jul 2017 @cvs-id $Id: imap-inbound-procs.tcl,v 2020/09/01 14:29:57 antoniop Exp $ } #package require mime 1.4 ? (no. Choose ns_imap option if available # at least to avoid tcl's 1024 open file descriptors limit[1]. # 1. http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=5370874#msg_5370878 # base64 and qprint encoding/decoding available via: # ns_imap encode/decode type data namespace eval acs_mail_lite {} d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set { {-host ""} {-password ""} {-port ""} {-timeout ""} {-user ""} {-name_mb ""} {-flags ""} } { Returns a name value list of parameters used by ACS Mail Lite imap connections If a parameter is passed with value, the value is assigned to parameter. @param name_mb See nsimap documentation for mailbox.name. @param port Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port. } { # See one row table acs_mail_lite_imap_conn # imap_conn_ = ic set ic_list [list \ host \ password \ port \ timeout \ user \ name_mb \ flags] # ic fields = icf set icf_list [list ] foreach ic $ic_list { set icf [string range $ic 0 1] lappend icf_list $icf if { [info exists $ic] } { set new_arr(${ic}) [set $ic] } } set changes_p [array exists new] set exists_p [db_0or1row acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_r { select ho,pa,po,ti,us,na,fl from acs_mail_lite_imap_conn fetch first 1 rows only } ] if { !$exists_p } { # set initial defaults set mb [ns_config nsimap mailbox ""] set mb_good_form_p [regexp -nocase -- \ {^[{]([a-z0-9\.\/]+)[}]([a-z0-9\/\ \_]+)$} \ $mb x ho na] # ho and na defined by regexp? set ssl_p 0 if { !$mb_good_form_p } { ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.463. \ config.tcl's mailbox '${mb}' not in good form. \ Quote mailbox with curly braces like: {{mailbox.host}mailbox.name} " set mb_list [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split $mb] if { [llength $mb_list] == 3 } { lassign $mb_list ho na ssl_p ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.479: \ Used alternate parsing. host '${ho}' mailbox.name '${na}' ssl_p '${ssl_p}'" } else { set ho [ns_config nssock hostname ""] if { $ho eq "" } { set ho [ns_config nssock_v4 hostname ""] } if { $ho eq "" } { set ho [ns_config nssock_v6 hostname ""] } set na "mail/INBOX" set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join -host $ho -name $na] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.482: \ Using values from nsd config.tcl. host '${ho}' mailbox.name '${na}'" } } set pa [ns_config nsimap password ""] set po [ns_config nsimap port ""] set ti [ns_config -int nsimap timeout 1800] set us [ns_config nsimap user ""] if { $ssl_p } { set fl "/ssl" } else { set fl "" } } if { !$exists_p || $changes_p } { set validated_p 1 set n_pv_list [array names new] if { $changes_p } { # new = n foreach n $n_pv_list { switch -exact -- $n { port - timeout { if { $n_arr(${n}) eq "" } { set v_p 1 } else { set v_p [string is digit -strict $n_arr(${n})] if { $v_p } { if { $n_arr(${n}) < 0 } { set v_p 0 } } } } name_mb - flags - host - password - user { if { $n_arr(${n}) eq "" } { set v_p 1 } else { set v_p [regexp -- {^[[:graph:]\ ]+$} $n_arr(${n})] if { $v_p && [string match {*[\[;]*} $n_arr(${n}) ] } { set v_p 0 } } } defaults { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set \ No validation check made for parameter '${n}'" } } if { !$v_p } { set validated_p 0 ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set \ value '$n_arr(${n})' for parameter '${n}' not allowed." } } } if { $validated_p } { foreach ic_n $n_pv_list { set ${ic_n} $n_arr($ic_n) } db_transaction { if { $changes_p } { db_dml acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_d { delete from acs_mail_lite_imap_conn } } db_dml acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_i { insert into acs_mail_lite_imap_conn (ho,pa,po,ti,us,na,fl) values (:ho,:pa,:po,:ti,:us,:na,:fl) } } } } set i_list [list ] foreach i $ic_list { set svi [string range $i 0 1] set sv [set ${svi}] lappend i_list ${i} $sv } return $i_list } d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go { {-conn_id ""} {-host ""} {-password ""} {-port ""} {-timeout ""} {-user ""} {-flags ""} {-name_mb ""} {-default_to_inbox_p "0"} {-default_box_name "inbox"} } { Verifies connection (connId) is established. Tries to establish a connection if it doesn't exist. If mailbox doesn't exist, tries to find an inbox at root of tree or as close as possible to it. If -host parameter is supplied, will try connection with supplied params. Defaults to use connection info provided by parameters via acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set. @param port Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port. @param default_to_inbox_p If set to 1 and name_mb not found, \ assigns an inbox if found. @param default_box_name Set if default name for default_to_inbox_p \ should be something other than inbox. @return connectionId or empty string if unsuccessful. @see acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set } { # imap_conn_go = icg # imap_conn_set = ics if { $host eq "" } { set default_conn_set_p 1 set ics_list [acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set ] foreach {n v} $ics_list { set $n "${v}" ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.596. set ${n} '${v}'" } } else { set default_conn_set_p 0 } set fl_list [split $flags " "] set connected_p 0 set prior_conn_exists_p 0 if { $conn_id ne "" } { # list {id opentime accesstime mailbox} ... set id "" set opentime "" set accesstime "" set mailbox "" set sessions_list [ns_imap sessions] set s_len [llength $sessions_list] ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.612: \ sessions_list '${sessions_list}'" # Example session_list as val0 val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 val6..: #'40 1501048046 1501048046 {{or97.net:143/imap/tls/user="testimap1"}<no_mailbox>} # 39 1501047978 1501047978 {{or97.net:143/imap/tls/user="testimap1"}<no_mailbox>}' set i 0 while { $i < $s_len && $id ne $conn_id } { set s_list [lindex $sessions_list 0] set id [lindex $s_list 0] if { $id eq $conn_id } { set prior_conn_exists_p 1 lassign $s_list . opentime accesstime mailbox } incr i } if { $prior_conn_exists_p eq 0 } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.620: \ Session broken? conn_id '${conn_id}' not found." } } if { $prior_conn_exists_p } { # Test connection. # status_flags = sf if { [catch { set sf_list [ns_imap status $conn_id ] } err_txt ] } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.624 \ Error connection conn_id '${conn_id}' unable to get status. Broken? \ Set to retry. Error is: ${err_txt}" set prior_conn_exists_p 0 } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.640: fl_list '${fl_list}'" } } if { !$prior_conn_exists_p && $host ne "" } { if { "ssl" in $fl_list } { set ssl_p 1 } else { set ssl_p 0 } set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join \ -host $host \ -name $name_mb \ -ssl_p $ssl_p] if { "novalidatecert" in $fl_list } { if { [catch { set conn_id [ns_imap open \ -novalidatecert \ -mailbox "${mb}" \ -user $user \ -password $password] \ } err_txt ] \ } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.653 \ Error attempting ns_imap open. Error is: '${err_txt}'" } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.662: \ new session conn_id '${conn_id}'" } } else { if { [catch { set conn_id [ns_imap open \ -mailbox "${mb}" \ -user $user \ -password $password] \ } err_txt ] \ } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.653 \ Error attempting ns_imap open. Error is: '${err_txt}'" } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.675: \ new session conn_id '${conn_id}'" } } } if { !$connected_p } { set conn_id "" } else { # Check if mailbox exists. set status_nv_list [ns_imap status $conn_id] array set stat_arr $status_nv_list set stat_n_list [array get names stat_arr] set msg_idx [lsearch -nocase -exact $stat_n_list "messages"] if { $msg_idx < 0 } { set mb_exists_p 0 ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.723 \ mailbox name '${name_mb}' not found." # top level = t set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $host {%}] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.725 \ available top level mailbox names '${t_list}'" if { [llength $t_list < 2] && !$default_to_inbox_p } { # Provide more hints. set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $host {*}] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.727 \ available mailbox names '${t_list}'" } } else { set mb_exists_p 1 } if { !$mb_exists_p && $default_to_inbox_p } { set mb_default "" set idx [lsearch -exact -nocase $t_list "${default_box_name}"] if { $idx < 0 } { set idx [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "${default_box_name}*"] } if { $idx < 0 } { set idx [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "*${default_box_name}*"] } if { $idx < 0 } { set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $mailbox_host {*}] set idx_list \ [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "*${default_box_name}*"] set i_pos_min 999 # find inbox closest to tree root foreach mb_q_idx $idx_list { set mb_q [lindex $tv_list $mb_q_idx] set i_pos [string first ${default_box_name} \ [string tolower $mb_q]] if { $idx < 0 || $i_pos < $i_pos_min } { set i_pos_min $i_pos set idx $mb_q_idx } } } # choose a box closest to tree root. if { $idx > -1 } { set mb_default [lindex $t_list $idx] if { $default_conn_set_p } { ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.775 \ Setting default mailbox.name to '${mb_default}'" acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set -name_mb $mb_default } set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join \ -host $host \ -name $name_mb \ -ssl_p $ssl_p] if { "novalidatecert" in $fl_list } { set conn_id [ns_imap reopen \ -novalidatecert \ -mailbox "${mb}" \ -user $user \ -password $password] } else { set conn_id [ns_imap open \ -mailbox "${mb}" \ -user $user \ -password $password] } } } } return $conn_id } d_proc -public acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close { {-conn_id:required } } { Closes nsimap session with conn_id. If conn_id is 'all', then all open sessions are closed. Returns 1 if a session is closed, otherwise returns 0. } { set sessions_list [ns_imap sessions] set s_len [llength $sessions_list] ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close.716: \ sessions_list '${sessions_list}'" # Example session_list as val0 val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 val6..: #'40 1501048046 1501048046 {{or97.net:143/imap/tls/user="testimap1"}<no_mailbox>} # 39 1501047978 1501047978 {{or97.net:143/imap/tls/user="testimap1"}<no_mailbox>}' set id "" set i 0 set conn_exists_p 0 while { $i < $s_len && $id ne $conn_id } { set id [lindex $sessions_list 0 0] if { $id eq $conn_id || $conn_id eq "all" } { set conn_exists_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close.731 session_id '${id}'" if { [catch { ns_imap close $id } err_txt ] } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close.733 \ session_id '${id}' error on close. Error is: ${err_txt}" } } incr i } if { $conn_exists_p eq 0 } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close.732: \ Session(s) broken? conn_id '${conn_id}' not found." } return $conn_exists_p } d_proc -public acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join { {-host ""} {-name ""} {-ssl_p "0"} } { Creates an ns_imap usable mailbox consisting of curly brace quoted {mailbox.host}mailbox.name. } { # Quote mailbox with curly braces per nsimap documentation. set mb "{" append mb ${host} if { [string is true -strict $ssl_p] && ![string match {*/ssl} $host] } { append mb {/ssl} } append mb "}" ${name} return $mb } d_proc -public acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split { {mailbox ""} } { Returns a list: mailbox.host mailbox.name ssl_p, where mailbox.host and mailbox.name are defined in ns_map documentation. If mailbox.host has suffix "/ssl", suffix is removed and ssl_p is "1", otherwise ssl_p is "0". If mailbox cannot be parsed, returns an empty list. } { set cb_idx [string first "\}" $mailbox] if { $cb_idx > -1 && [string range $mailbox 0 0] eq "\{" } { set ho [string range $mailbox 1 $cb_idx-1] set na [string range $mailbox $cb_idx+1 end] if { [string match {*/ssl} $ho ] } { set ssl_p 1 set ho [string range $ho 0 end-4] } else { set ssl_p 0 } set mb_list [list $ho $na $ssl_p] } else { # Not a mailbox set mb_list [list ] } return $mb_list } d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming { } { Checks for new, actionable incoming email via imap connection. Email is actionable if it is identified by acs_mail_lite::email_type. When actionable, email is buffered in table acs_mail_lite_from_external and callbacks are triggered. @see acs_mail_lite::email_type } { set error_p 0 if { [nsv_exists acs_mail_lite si_configured_p ] } { set si_configured_p [nsv_get acs_mail_lite si_configured_p] } else { set si_configured_p 1 # Try to connect at least once } # This proc is called by ad_schedule_proc regularly # scan_in_ = scan_in_est_ = scan_in_estimate = si_ if { $si_configured_p } { set cycle_start_cs [clock seconds] nsv_lappend acs_mail_lite si_actives_list $cycle_start_cs set si_actives_list [nsv_get acs_mail_lite si_actives_list] set si_dur_per_cycle_s \ [nsv_get acs_mail_lite si_dur_per_cycle_s] set per_cycle_s_override [nsv_get acs_mail_lite \ si_dur_per_cycle_s_override] set si_quit_cs \ [expr { $cycle_start_cs + int( $si_dur_per_cycle_s * .8 )}] if { $per_cycle_s_override ne "" } { set si_quit_cs [expr { $si_quit_cs - $per_cycle_s_override } ] # deplayed } else { set per_cycle_s_override $si_dur_per_cycle_s } set active_cs [lindex $si_actives_list end] set concurrent_ct [llength $si_actives_list] # pause is in seconds set pause_s 10 set pause_ms [expr { $pause_s * 1000 } ] while { $active_cs eq $cycle_start_cs && [clock seconds] < $si_quit_cs && $concurrent_ct > 1 } { incr per_cycle_s_override $pause_s nsv_set acs_mail_lite si_dur_per_cycle_s_override \ $per_cycle_s_override set si_actives_list [nsv_get acs_mail_lite si_actives_list] set active_cs [lindex $si_actives_list end] set concurrent_ct [llength $si_actives_list] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming.1198. \ pausing ${pause_s} seconds for prior invoked processes to stop. \ si_actives_list '${si_actives_list}'" after $pause_ms } if { [clock seconds] < $si_quit_cs && $active_cs eq $cycle_start_cs } { set cid [acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go ] if { $cid eq "" } { set error_p 1 } if { !$error_p } { array set conn_arr [acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set] unset conn_arr(password) set mailbox_host_name "{{" append mailbox_host_name $conn_arr(host) "}" \ $conn_arr(name_mb) "}" set status_list [ns_imap status $cid] if { ![f::even_p [llength $status_list]] } { lappend status_list "" } array set status_arr $status_list set uidvalidity $status_arr(Uidvalidity) if { [info exists status_arr(Uidnext)] && [info exists status_arr(Messages)] } { set aml_package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-mail-lite"] set filter_proc [parameter::get -parameter "IncomingFilterProcName" \ -package_id $aml_package_id] # # Iterate through emails # # ns_imap search should be faster than ns_imap sort set m_list [ns_imap search $cid ""] foreach msgno $m_list { set struct_list [ns_imap struct $cid $msgno] # add struct info to headers for use with ::email_type # headers_arr = hdrs_arr array set hdrs_arr $struct_list set uid $hdrs_arr(uid) set processed_p [acs_mail_lite::inbound_cache_hit_p \ $uid \ $uidvalidity \ $mailbox_host_name ] if { !$processed_p } { set headers_list [ns_imap headers $cid $msgno] array set hdrs_arr $headers_list set type [acs_mail_lite::email_type \ -header_arr_name hdrs_arr ] # Create some standardized header indexes aml_* # with corresponding values set size_idx [lsearch -nocase -exact \ $headers_list size] set sizen [lindex $headers_list $size_idx] if { $sizen ne "" } { set hdrs_arr(aml_size_chars) $hdrs_arr(${sizen}) } else { set hdrs_arr(aml_size_chars) "" } if { [info exists hdrs_arr(received_cs)] } { set hdrs_arr(aml_received_cs) $hdrs_arr(received_cs) } else { set hdrs_arr(aml_received_cs) "" } set su_idx [lsearch -nocase -exact \ $headers_list subject] if { $su_idx > -1 } { set sun [lindex $headers_list $su_idx] set hdrs_arr(aml_subject) [ns_quotehtml $hdrs_arr(${sun})] } else { set hdrs_arr(aml_subject) "" } set to_idx [lsearch -nocase -exact \ $headers_list to] if { ${to_idx} > -1 } { set ton [lindex $headers_list $to_idx] set hdrs_arr(aml_to) [ns_quotehtml $hdrs_arr(${ton}) ] } else { set hdrs_arr(aml_to) "" } acs_mail_lite::inbound_email_context \ -header_array_name hdrs_arr \ -header_name_list $headers_list acs_mail_lite::inbound_prioritize \ -header_array_name hdrs_arr set error_p [acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse \ -headers_arr_name hdrs_arr \ -parts_arr_name parts_arr \ -conn_id $cid \ -msgno $msgno \ -struct_list $struct_list] if { !$error_p && [string match {[a-z]*_[a-z]*} $filter_proc] } { set hdrs_arr(aml_package_ids_list) [ad_safe_eval ${filter_proc}] } if { !$error_p } { set id [acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert \ -parts_arr_name parts_arr \ -headers_arr_name hdrs_arr \ -error_p $error_p ] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming \ inserted to queue aml_email_id '${id}'" } } } } else { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming.1274. \ Unable to process email. \ Either Uidnext or Messages not in status_list: '${status_list}'" } if { [clock seconds] + 65 < $si_quit_cs } { # Regardless of parameter SMTPTimeout, # if there is more than 65 seconds to next cycle, # close connection acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_close -conn_id $cid } } # end if !$error # remove active_cs from si_actives_list set si_idx [lsearch -integer -exact $si_actives_list $active_cs] # We call nsv_get within nsv_set to reduce chances of dropping # a new list entry. nsv_set acs_mail_lite si_actives_list \ [lreplace \ [nsv_get acs_mail_lite si_actives_list] $si_idx $si_idx] } else { nsv_set acs_mail_lite si_configured_p 0 } # acs_mail_lite::imap_check_incoming should quit gracefully # when not configured or there is error on connect. } return $si_configured_p } d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse { -headers_arr_name -parts_arr_name -conn_id -msgno -struct_list {-section_ref ""} {-error_p "0"} } { Parse an email from an imap connection into array array_name for adding to queue via acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert Parsed data is set in headers and parts arrays in calling environment. struct_list expects output list from ns_imap struct conn_id msgno } { # Put email in a format usable for # acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert to insert into queue # for format this proc is to generate. # Due to the hierarchical nature of email and ns_imap struct # this proc is recursive. upvar 1 $headers_arr_name h_arr upvar 1 $parts_arr_name p_arr upvar 1 __max_txt_bytes __max_txt_bytes set has_parts_p 0 set section_n_v_list [list ] if { ![info exists __max_txt_bytes] } { set sp_list [acs_mail_lite::sched_parameters] set __max_txt_bytes [dict get $sp_list max_blob_chars] } if { !$error_p } { if { [string range $section_ref 0 0] eq "." } { set section_ref [string range $section_ref 1 end] } ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.706 \ msgno '${msgno}' section_ref '${section_ref}'" # Assume headers and names are unordered foreach {n v} $struct_list { if { [string match {part.[0-9]*} $n] } { set has_parts_p 1 set subref $section_ref append subref [string range $n 4 end] acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse \ -headers_arr_name h_arr \ -parts_arr_name p_arr \ -conn_id $conn_id \ -msgno $msgno \ -struct_list $v \ -section_ref $subref } else { switch -exact -nocase -- $n { bytes { set bytes $v } disposition.filename { regsub -all -nocase -- {[^0-9a-zA-Z\-.,\_]} $v {_} v set filename $v } type { set type $v } default { # do nothing } } if { $section_ref eq "" } { set h_arr(${n}) ${v} } else { lappend section_n_v_list ${n} ${v} } } } if { $section_ref eq "" && !$has_parts_p } { # section_ref defaults to '1' set section_ref "1" } set section_id [acs_mail_lite::section_id_of $section_ref] ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.746 \ msgno '${msgno}' section_ref '${section_ref}' section_id '${section_id}'" # Add content of an email part set p_arr(${section_id},nv_list) $section_n_v_list set p_arr(${section_id},c_type) $type lappend p_arr(section_id_list) ${section_id} if { [info exists bytes] && $bytes > $__max_txt_bytes && ![info exists filename] } { set filename "blob.txt" } if { [info exists filename ] } { set filename2 [clock microseconds] append filename2 "-" $filename set filepathname [file join [acs_root_dir] \ acs-mail-lite \ $filename2 ] set p_arr(${section_id},filename) $filename set p_arr(${section_id},c_filepathname) $filepathname if { $filename eq "blob.txt" } { ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.775 \ ns_imap body '${conn_id}' '${msgno}' '${section_ref}' \ -file '${filepathname}'" ns_imap body $conn_id $msgno ${section_ref} \ -file $filepathname } else { ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.780 \ ns_imap body '${conn_id}' '${msgno}' '${section_ref}' \ -file '${filepathname}' -decode" ns_imap body $conn_id $msgno ${section_ref} \ -file $filepathname \ -decode } } elseif { $section_ref ne "" } { # text content set p_arr(${section_id},content) [ns_imap body $conn_id $msgno $section_ref] ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.792 \ text content '${conn_id}' '${msgno}' '${section_ref}' \ $p_arr(${section_id},content)'" } else { set p_arr(${section_id},content) "" # The content for this case # has been verified to be redundant. # It is mostly the last section/part of message. # # If diagnostics urge examining these cases, # Set debug_p 1 to allow the following code to # to compress a message to recognizable parts without # flooding the log. set debug_p 0 if { $debug_p } { set msg_txt [ns_imap text $conn_id $msgno ] # 72 character wide lines * x lines set msg_start_max [expr { 72 * 20 } ] set msg_txtb [string range $msg_txt 0 $msg_start_max] set msg_len [string length $msg_txt] if { $msg_len > $msg_start_max + 400 } { set msg_txte [string range $msg_txt end-$msg_start_max end] } elseif { $msg_len > $msg_start_max + 144 } { set msg_txte [string range $msg_txt end-144 end] } else { set msg_txte "" } ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.818 IGNORED \ ns_imap text '${conn_id}' '${msgno}' '${section_ref}' \n \ msg_txte '${msg_txte}'" } else { ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_email_parse.822 ignored \ ns_imap text '${conn_id}' '${msgno}' '${section_ref}'" } } } return $error_p } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: