- Publicity: Public Only All
Helper procs to build email messages
- Location:
- packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/utils-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2007-12-16
- Author:
- Emmanuelle Raffenne <eraffenne@gmail.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: utils-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/24 16:02:27 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body (private)
- acs_mail_lite::utils::build_date (private)
- acs_mail_lite::utils::build_subject (private)
- acs_mail_lite::utils::valid_email_p (private, deprecated)
Detailed information
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body (private)
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body [ -mime_type mime_type ] \ [ -charset charset ] body
Encode the body using quoted-printable and build the alternative part if necessary Return a list of message tokens
- Switches:
- -mime_type (optional, defaults to
)- -charset (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- body (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_date (private)
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_date [ date ]
Depending on the available mime package version, it uses either the mime::parsedatetime to do it or local code (parsedatetime is buggy in mime < 1.5.2 )
- Parameters:
- date (optional)
- A 822-style date-time specification "YYYYMMDD HH:MI:SS"
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_subject (private)
acs_mail_lite::utils::build_subject [ -charset charset ] subject
Encode the subject, using quoted-printable, of an email message and trim long lines. Depending on the available mime package version, it uses either the mime::word_encode proc to do it or local code (word_encode is buggy in mime < 1.5.2 ) A purely tcllib based version would be [mime::word_encode utf-8 quoted-printable $subject] but that would miss the safety-belt for newline handling
- Switches:
- -charset (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- subject (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_mail_lite::utils::valid_email_p (private, deprecated)
acs_mail_lite::utils::valid_email_p email
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Checks if the email is valid. Uses mime::parsemail to determine this
- Parameters:
- email (required)
- Returns:
- boolean success DEPRECATED: duplicated by util_email_valid_p
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Helper procs to build email messages @author Emmanuelle Raffenne (eraffenne@gmail.com) @creation-date 2007-12-16 @cvs-id $Id: utils-procs.tcl,v 2023/03/24 16:02:27 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval acs_mail_lite {} namespace eval acs_mail_lite::utils {} package require mime d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::utils::build_subject { {-charset "UTF-8"} subject } { Encode the subject, using quoted-printable, of an email message and trim long lines. Depending on the available mime package version, it uses either the mime::word_encode proc to do it or local code (word_encode is buggy in mime < 1.5.2 ) A purely tcllib based version would be [mime::word_encode utf-8 quoted-printable $subject] but that would miss the safety-belt for newline handling } { set charset [string toupper $charset] set charset_code [ns_encodingforcharset $charset] # maxlen for each line # 69 = 76 - 7 where 7 is for "=?"+"?Q?+"?=" set maxlen [expr {69 - [string length $charset]}] # # Make sure, the subject line does not have surrounding white # space/new lines # set subject [string trim $subject] if {[regsub -all -- {[\r\n]} $subject " " s]} { ad_log warning "subject line contains line breaks (replaced by space): '$subject' -> '$s'" set subject $s } # # set up variables for loop # set result "" set line "" set i 0 set subject_length [string length $subject] while { $i < $subject_length } { set chunk [string index $subject $i] # encode that chunk set chunk [encoding convertto $charset_code "$chunk"] if { $chunk eq "\x3F" } { # ER: workaround (kludge!) for tcllib error set chunk "=3F" } else { set chunk [mime::qp_encode "$chunk" 1 0] } set newline $line append newline $chunk if { [string length $newline] <= $maxlen } { append line $chunk } else { append result "=?$charset?Q?$line?=\n " set line $chunk } incr i } if { $line ne "" } { append result "=?$charset?Q?$line?=" } return $result } d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::utils::build_date { {date ""} } { Depending on the available mime package version, it uses either the mime::parsedatetime to do it or local code (parsedatetime is buggy in mime < 1.5.2 ) @param date A 822-style date-time specification "YYYYMMDD HH:MI:SS" } { if { $date eq "" } { set clock [clock seconds] set date [clock format $clock -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"] } else { set clock [clock scan $date] } if { [catch {package require mime 1.5.2}] } { set gmt [clock format $clock -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" -gmt true] set diff [expr {($clock - [clock scan $gmt]) / 60}] if {$diff < 0} { set s - set diff [expr {-$diff}] } else { set s + } set zone [format %s%02d%02d $s [expr {$diff/60}] [expr {$diff%60}]] set wdays_short [list Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat] set months_short [list Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec] set wday [lindex $wdays_short [clock format $clock -format %w]] set mon [lindex $months_short [expr {[string trimleft [clock format $clock -format %m] 0] - 1}]] set result [clock format $clock -format "$wday, %d $mon %Y %H:%M:%S $zone"] } else { set result [mime::parsedatetime $date proper] } return $result } d_proc -private acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body { {-mime_type "text/plain"} {-charset "UTF-8"} body } { Encode the body using quoted-printable and build the alternative part if necessary Return a list of message tokens } { # Encode the body set encoding [ns_encodingforcharset $charset] set body [encoding convertto $encoding $body] if { $mime_type eq "text/plain" } { # Set the message token set message_token [mime::initialize \ -canonical "$mime_type" \ -param [list charset $charset] \ -encoding "quoted-printable" \ -string "$body"] } else { set message_html_part [mime::initialize \ -canonical "text/html" \ -param [list charset $charset] \ -encoding "quoted-printable" \ -string "$body"] set message_text_part [mime::initialize \ -canonical "text/plain" \ -param [list charset $charset] \ -encoding "quoted-printable" \ -string [ad_html_to_text -- $body]] set message_token [mime::initialize \ -canonical "multipart/alternative" \ -parts [list $message_text_part $message_html_part]] } return [list $message_token] } d_proc -private -deprecated acs_mail_lite::utils::valid_email_p { email } { Checks if the email is valid. Uses mime::parsemail to determine this @return boolean success DEPRECATED: duplicated by util_email_valid_p @see util_email_valid_p } { return [util_email_valid_p $email] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: