- Publicity: Public Only All
Utility procs for working with messages
- Location:
- packages/acs-messaging/tcl/acs-messaging-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2000-09-01
- Author:
- John Prevost
- CVS Identification:
$Id: acs-messaging-procs.tcl,v 2022/09/08 16:17:02 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- acs_message_p (public)
- acs_messaging_first_ancestor (public)
- acs_messaging_format_as_html (private)
- acs_messaging_process_queue (private)
- acs_messaging_send_query (public)
- acs_messaging_timezone_offset (private)
- ad_page_contract_filter_proc_acs_message_id (public, deprecated)
Detailed information
acs_message_p (public)
acs_message_p message_id
Check if an integer is a valid OpenACS message id.
- Parameters:
- message_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_messaging_message_p
acs_messaging_first_ancestor (public)
acs_messaging_first_ancestor message_id
Takes the message_id of an acs_message and returns the message_id of the first ancestor message (i.e. the message that originated the thread).
- Parameters:
- message_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_messaging_format_as_html (private)
acs_messaging_format_as_html mime_type content
Returns a string of HTML which appropriately renders the content given its mime content-type. This function supports three content types, "text/plain", "text/plain; format=flowed", and "text/html"
- Parameters:
- mime_type (required)
- MIME content-type of content
- content (required)
- Text to view
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_messaging_format_as_html
acs_messaging_process_queue (private)
Process the message queue, sending any reasonable messages.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_messaging_send_query (public)
acs_messaging_send_query -message_id message_id -query query \ [ -bind bind ]
Given an SQL query returning columns recipient_id, grouping_id, and wait_until, arrange for all to be sent for this message. Example: acs_message_send_query -message_id $new_message -query { select subscriber_id as recipient_id, forum_id as grouping_id, bboard_util.next_period(period) as wait_until from bboard_forum_subscribers where forum_id = :forum_id } -bind [list forum_id $forum_id] Assuming bboard_util.next_period(period) returns the next date at which a digest should be sent, the above will enter info to send all subscriptions for a single message. The bind argument, if given, must be a list, NOT an ns_set.
- Switches:
- -message_id (required)
- -query (required)
- -bind (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
acs_messaging_timezone_offset (private)
Returns a best guess of the timezone offset for the machine.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_acs_message_id (public, deprecated)
ad_page_contract_filter_proc_acs_message_id name value_varname
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Checks whether the value (assumed to be an integer) is the id of an already-existing OpenACS message. DEPRECATED: OpenACS now has a generic filter object_type.
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- value_varname (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Utility procs for working with messages @author John Prevost <jmp@arsdigita.com> @creation-date 2000-09-01 @cvs-id $Id: acs-messaging-procs.tcl,v 2022/09/08 16:17:02 antoniop Exp $ } d_proc -public acs_message_p { {message_id} } { Check if an integer is a valid OpenACS message id. } { return [db_0or1row is_message { select 1 from acs_messages where message_id = :message_id }] } ad_page_contract_filter -deprecated acs_message_id { name value } { Checks whether the value (assumed to be an integer) is the id of an already-existing OpenACS message. DEPRECATED: OpenACS now has a generic filter object_type. @see ad_page_contract_filter_proc_object_type } { # empty is okay (handled by notnull) if {$value eq ""} { return 1 } if {![acs_message_p $value]} { ad_complain "$name ($value) does not refer to a valid OpenACS message" return 0 } return 1 } d_proc -private acs_messaging_format_as_html { {mime_type} {content} } { Returns a string of HTML which appropriately renders the content given its mime content-type. This function supports three content types, "text/plain", "text/plain; format=flowed", and "text/html" @param mime_type MIME content-type of content @param content Text to view } { if {$mime_type eq "text/plain"} { set result "<pre>[ns_quotehtml $content]</pre>" } elseif {$mime_type eq "text/plain; format=flowed"} { set result [ad_text_to_html -- $content] } elseif {$mime_type eq "text/html"} { set result $content } else { set result "<i>content type undecipherable</i>" } return $result } d_proc -public acs_messaging_first_ancestor { {message_id} } { Takes the message_id of an acs_message and returns the message_id of the first ancestor message (i.e. the message that originated the thread). } { db_1row acs_message_first_ancestor {} return $ancestor_id } # apisano 2021-10-21: since its introduction 21 years ago, this proc # has been broken. In fact, db_dml needs at least a query name to work # properly. Furthermore, no query for Postgres is available. # ad_proc -public acs_messaging_send { # {-message_id:required} # {-recipient_id:required} # {-grouping_id ""} # {-wait_until ""} # } { # Schedule one message to be sent to one party. # } { # db_dml { # begin # acs_message.send ( # message_id => :message_id, # recipient_id => :recipient_id, # grouping_id => :grouping_id, # wait_until => :wait_until # ); # end; # } # } d_proc -public acs_messaging_send_query { {-message_id:required} {-query:required} {-bind ""} } { Given an SQL query returning columns recipient_id, grouping_id, and wait_until, arrange for all to be sent for this message. Example: acs_message_send_query -message_id $new_message -query { select subscriber_id as recipient_id, forum_id as grouping_id, bboard_util.next_period(period) as wait_until from bboard_forum_subscribers where forum_id = :forum_id } -bind [list forum_id $forum_id] Assuming bboard_util.next_period(period) returns the next date at which a digest should be sent, the above will enter info to send all subscriptions for a single message. The bind argument, if given, must be a list, NOT an ns_set. } { # Makes sure not to insert values that are already there--silent "failure" # because it's really a vacuous success. db_dml insert_messaging_by_query " insert into acs_messages_outgoing (message_id, to_address, grouping_id, wait_until) select :m__message_id, p.email, q.grouping_id, nvl(q.wait_until, SYSDATE) as wait_until from ($query) q, parties p where not exists (select 1 from acs_messages_outgoing o where o.message_id = :m__message_id and p.email = o.to_address) and p.party_id = q.recipient_id " -bind [concat $bind [list m__message_id $message_id]] } d_proc -private acs_messaging_timezone_offset { } { Returns a best guess of the timezone offset for the machine. } { return [format "%+05d" [expr {([lindex [ns_localtime] 2] - [lindex [ns_gmtime] 2]) * 100}]] } d_proc -private acs_messaging_process_queue { } { Process the message queue, sending any reasonable messages. } { db_foreach acs_message_send {} { if {![catch { acs_mail_lite::send -send_immediately \ -to_addr $recip_email \ -from_addr $sender_email \ -subject $title \ -body $content } errMsg]} { # everything went well, dequeue db_dml acs_message_remove_from_queue {} } else { ns_log "Error" "acs-messaging: Error processing queue: $errMsg" } } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: