- Publicity: Public Only All
Support library for acs service contracts.
- Location:
- packages/acs-service-contract/tcl/acs-service-contract-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2001-09-01
- Author:
- Neophytos Demetriou
- CVS Identification:
$Id: acs-service-contract-procs.tcl,v 2023/01/04 16:33:03 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- acs_sc::invoke (public)
- acs_sc_binding_exists_p (public)
- acs_sc_update_alias_wrappers (public)
Detailed information
acs_sc::invoke (public)
acs_sc::invoke [ -contract contract ] -operation operation \ [ -impl impl ] [ -impl_id impl_id ] [ -call_args call_args ] \ [ -error ]
A replacement of the former acs_sc_call procedure. One must supply either contract and impl, or just impl_id. If you supply impl_id and contract, we throw an error if the impl_id's contract doesn't match the contract you passed in. If you supply both impl_id and impl, we throw an error. Additional documentation and commentary at http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=108614.
- Switches:
- -contract (optional)
- The name of the contract you wish to use.
- -operation (required)
- The name of the operation in the contract you wish to call.
- -impl (optional)
- The name of the implementation you wish to use.
- -impl_id (optional)
- The ID of the implementation you wish to use.
- -call_args (optional)
- The arguments you want to pass to the proc.
- -error (optional, boolean)
- If specified, will throw an error if the operation isn't implemented.
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- sync_http_get_document, sync_file_get_document
acs_sc_binding_exists_p (public)
acs_sc_binding_exists_p contract impl
Returns a boolean depending on whether or not the binding between the contract and implementation exists.
- Parameters:
- contract (required)
- the contract name
- impl (required)
- the implementation name
- Returns:
- boolean
- Author:
- Neophytos Demetriou
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_sc_impl_new_from_spec
acs_sc_update_alias_wrappers (public)
Loop over actual bindings, finding every impl alias for each contract operation and call "acs_sc_proc" for all of these.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Support library for acs service contracts. @author Neophytos Demetriou @creation-date 2001-09-01 @cvs-id $Id: acs-service-contract-procs.tcl,v 2023/01/04 16:33:03 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval acs_sc {} ##### # # Invoke # ##### d_proc -public acs_sc::invoke { {-contract ""} {-operation:required} {-impl ""} {-impl_id ""} {-call_args {}} {-error:boolean} } { A replacement of the former acs_sc_call procedure. One must supply either contract and impl, or just impl_id. If you supply impl_id and contract, we throw an error if the impl_id's contract doesn't match the contract you passed in. If you supply both impl_id and impl, we throw an error. Additional documentation and commentary at http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=108614. @param contract The name of the contract you wish to use. @param operation The name of the operation in the contract you wish to call. @param impl The name of the implementation you wish to use. @param impl_id The ID of the implementation you wish to use. @param call_args The arguments you want to pass to the proc. @param error If specified, will throw an error if the operation isn't implemented. @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) @see acs_sc_call } { if { $impl_id ne "" } { if { $impl ne "" } { error "Cannot supply both impl and impl_id" } acs_sc::impl::get -impl_id $impl_id -array impl_info set impl $impl_info(impl_name) if { $contract ne "" && $contract ne $impl_info(impl_contract_name) } { error "The contract of implementation with id $impl_id does not match contract passed in. Expected contract to be '$contract', but contract of impl_id was '$impl_info(impl_contract_name)'" } set contract $impl_info(impl_contract_name) } if { $impl eq "" || $contract eq "" } { error "You must supply either impl_id, or contract and impl to acs_sc::invoke" } set proc_name [acs_sc_generate_name $contract $impl $operation] if { [namespace which $proc_name] ne "" } { # ns_log warning "CALL FORMER ad_apply [list $proc_name {*}$call_args]" # ns_log warning "$proc_name {*}$call_args" return [$proc_name {*}$call_args] } if { $error_p } { error "Operation $operation is not implemented in '$impl' implementation of contract '$contract'" } else { ns_log warning "ACS-SC: Function Not Found: $proc_name [namespace which $proc_name]" } return } ##### # # All the rest that used to be there # ##### d_proc -public acs_sc_binding_exists_p { contract impl } { Returns a boolean depending on whether or not the binding between the contract and implementation exists. @param contract the contract name @param impl the implementation name @return boolean @author Neophytos Demetriou } { return [db_string binding_exists_p { select case when exists (select 1 from acs_sc_bindings where contract_id = (select contract_id from acs_sc_contracts where contract_name = :contract) and impl_id = (select impl_id from acs_sc_impls where impl_name = :impl and impl_contract_name = :contract)) then 1 else 0 end from dual }] } d_proc -private acs_sc_generate_name { contract impl operation } { generate the internal proc name. @author Neophytos Demetriou } { return "AcsSc.[util_text_to_url -no_resolve -replacement "_" -text $contract].[util_text_to_url -no_resolve -replacement "_" -text $operation].[util_text_to_url -no_resolve -replacement "_" -text $impl]" } d_proc -private acs_sc_get_alias { contract operation impl } { Returns the implementation alias (the proc defined to handle a given operation for a given implementation). @author Neophytos Demetriou } { # LARS set exists_p [acs_sc_binding_exists_p $contract $impl] #set exists_p [util_memoize [list acs_sc_binding_exists_p $contract $impl]] if {![set exists_p]} {return ""} db_0or1row get_alias { select impl_alias, impl_pl from acs_sc_impl_aliases where impl_contract_name = :contract and impl_operation_name = :operation and impl_name = :impl } return [list $impl_alias $impl_pl] } d_proc -private acs_sc_proc { contract operation impl {impl_alias {}} {impl_pl {}} } { Builds the proc used by acs_sc::invoke, generally only called in acs-service-contract-init.tcl at startup. @return 0 on failure, 1 on success. @author Neophytos Demetriou } { set arguments [list] set docblock {} set proc_name [acs_sc_generate_name $contract $impl $operation] acs_sc_log SCDebug "ACS_SC_PROC: proc_name = $proc_name" if { $impl_alias eq "" } { lassign [acs_sc_get_alias $contract $operation $impl] impl_alias impl_pl } if { $impl_alias eq "" } { error "ACS-SC: Cannot find alias for $proc_name" } if {![db_0or1row get_operation_definition { select operation_desc, coalesce(operation_iscachable_p,'f') as operation_iscachable_p, operation_nargs, operation_inputtype_id, operation_outputtype_id from acs_sc_operations where contract_name = :contract and operation_name = :operation }]} { ns_log warning "ACS-SC: operation definition not found for contract $contract operation $operation" return 0 } append docblock "\n<b>acs-service-contract operation. Call via acs_sc::invoke.</b>\n\n$operation_desc\n\n" set msg_type_id $operation_inputtype_id db_foreach operation_msgtype_element {} { lappend arguments "$element_name" append docblock "\n@param $element_name $element_msg_type_name" if { $element_msg_type_isset_p } { append docblock " \[\]" } } set msg_type_id $operation_outputtype_id db_foreach operation_msgtype_element {} { append docblock "\n@return <b>$element_name</b> - $element_msg_type_name" if { $element_msg_type_isset_p } { append docblock " \[\]" } } append docblock "\n@see $impl_alias\n@see acs_sc::invoke" set full_statement [acs_sc_get_statement $impl_alias $impl_pl $arguments] if { $operation_iscachable_p } { set full_statement "util_memoize \"$full_statement\"" } #FIX ME: CALL BY NAME USING UPVAR set body "return \[$full_statement\]" set arguments [join $arguments] acs_sc_log SCDebug "ACS-SC: ad_proc $proc_name $arguments\n$docblock\n$body\n" d_proc -private $proc_name $arguments $docblock $body return 1 } ad_proc acs_sc_update_alias_wrappers {} { Loop over actual bindings, finding every impl alias for each contract operation and call "acs_sc_proc" for all of these. @see acs_sc_proc } { db_foreach impl_operation { select ia.impl_contract_name, ia.impl_operation_name, ia.impl_name, ia.impl_alias, ia.impl_pl from acs_sc_bindings b, acs_sc_impl_aliases ia where ia.impl_id = b.impl_id } { # # Create the AcsSc.Contract.Operation.Impl wrapper proc for this implementation # if {[catch { # # Check, if the wrapper exists already # set proc_name [acs_sc_generate_name $impl_contract_name $impl_name $impl_operation_name] if {[namespace which ::$proc_name] eq ""} { # # Create it new. # acs_sc_proc $impl_contract_name $impl_operation_name $impl_name $impl_alias $impl_pl } } errorMsg]} { ns_log error "Service contract initialization failed, call was:\n\ acs_sc_proc $impl_contract_name $impl_operation_name $impl_name $impl_alias $impl_pl" } } } d_proc -private acs_sc_get_statement { impl_alias impl_pl arguments } { Builds the statement to call from the provided metadata. @param impl_alias Tcl or plpgsql proc to call @param impl_pl programmimg language of the proc to call (TCL or PLPGSQL) @param arguments list of argument names @author Neophytos Demetriou } { switch $impl_pl { TCL { set full_statement [list $impl_alias] for {set __i 0} {$__i < [llength $arguments]} {incr __i} { lappend full_statement "\$[lindex $arguments $__i]" } set full_statement [join $full_statement] } PLPGSQL { set args_list [list] for {set __i 0} {$__i < [llength $arguments]} {incr __i} { lappend args_list "\$[lindex $arguments $__i]" } set args_final [join $args_list ,] set full_statement "db_exec_plsql full_statement \"select ${impl_alias}(${args_final})\"" } default { error "ACS-SC: Unknown impl_pl: $impl_pl" } } return $full_statement } d_proc -private -deprecated acs_sc_call { {-error:boolean} contract operation {arguments ""} {impl ""} } { Additional documentation and commentary at http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=108614. @param contract the contract name @param operation the method to invoke @param arguments list of arguments to pass to the method @param impl the implementation name. @param error If specified, will throw an error if the operation isn't implemented. @author Neophytos Demetriou @see acs_sc::invoke } { acs_sc::invoke -contract $contract -operation $operation -impl $impl -call_args $arguments -error=$error_p } ## ## Logging ## # Private logging proc proc acs_sc_log {level msg} { # If you want to debug the SC, uncomment the Debug log below if { "SCDebug" ne $level } { ns_log $level "$msg" } else { # ns_log Debug "$msg" } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: