- Publicity: Public Only All
Routines used for installing packages.
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-install-procs.tcl
- Created:
- September 11 2000
- Author:
- Bryan Quinn <bquinn@arsdigita.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: apm-install-procs.tcl,v 1.133 2024/12/28 16:58:25 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- apm::package_version::attributes::default_value (public)
- apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml_element (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::get (public)
- apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name (public)
- apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec (public)
- apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text (public)
- apm::package_version::attributes::parse_xml (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::store (private)
- apm::package_version::attributes::validate_maturity (private)
- apm::process_install_xml (public)
- apm_copy_inherited_params (public)
- apm_copy_param_to_descendents (public)
- apm_data_model_scripts_find (public)
- apm_dependency_check (private)
- apm_dependency_check_new (public)
- apm_dependency_provided_p (public)
- apm_get_package_repository (public)
- apm_get_repository_channel (public)
- apm_get_repository_channels (public)
- apm_invoke_install_proc (public)
- apm_load_catalog_files (private)
- apm_load_install_xml (private)
- apm_mount_core_packages (private)
- apm_order_upgrade_scripts (private)
- apm_package_deinstall (public)
- apm_package_delete (public)
- apm_package_install (public)
- apm_package_install_callbacks (private)
- apm_package_install_data_model (private)
- apm_package_install_dependencies (private)
- apm_package_install_owners (public)
- apm_package_install_owners_prepare (public)
- apm_package_install_parameters (private)
- apm_package_install_spec (public)
- apm_package_install_version (public)
- apm_package_register (public)
- apm_package_upgrade_from (private)
- apm_package_upgrade_p (public)
- apm_package_upgrade_parameters (private)
- apm_package_version_count (private)
- apm_package_version_delete (private)
- apm_packages_full_install (private)
- apm_query_files_find (private)
- apm_scan_packages (public)
- apm_simple_package_install (public)
- apm_unregister_disinherited_params (public)
- apm_upgrade_for_version_p (private)
- apm_upgrade_logic (public)
- apm_upgrade_logic_compare (private)
- apm_upgrade_script_compare (private)
- apm_version_disable (public)
- apm_version_enable (public)
- apm_version_names_compare (public)
- apm_version_sortable (public)
- apm_version_update (public)
- apm_version_upgrade (public)
- pkg_info_comment (public)
- pkg_info_dependency_p (public)
- pkg_info_embeds (private)
- pkg_info_extends (private)
- pkg_info_key (public)
- pkg_info_new (public)
- pkg_info_path (public)
- pkg_info_provides (private)
- pkg_info_requires (private)
- pkg_info_spec (public)
Detailed information
apm::package_version::attributes::default_value (public)
apm::package_version::attributes::default_value attribute_name
Return the default value for the given attribute name.
- Parameters:
- attribute_name (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml -version_id version_id \ [ -indentation indentation ]
Return an XML string with the dynamic package version attributes for a certain package version.
- Switches:
- -version_id (required)
- The id of the package version to generate the attribute XML for.
- -indentation (optional)
- A string with whitespace to indent each tag with
- Authors:
- Peter Marklund
- Gustaf Neumann
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml_element (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml_element \ [ -indentation indentation ] -element_name element_name \ [ -attribute_name attribute_name ] [ -multiple ] -value value
Format an XML element with a value depending on the specified arguments
- Switches:
- -indentation (optional)
- -element_name (required)
- -attribute_name (optional)
- code the value as XML attribute
- -multiple (optional, boolean, defaults to
)- treat the value as a list and produce multiple XML elements
- -value (required)
- Returns:
- the XML-formatted string
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::get (public)
apm::package_version::attributes::get -version_id version_id \ -array array
Set an array with the attribute values of a certain package version.
- Switches:
- -version_id (required)
- The id of the package version to return attribute values for
- -array (required)
- The name of an array in the callers environment in which the attribute values will be set (with attribute names as keys and attribute values as values).
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name package_key
Return the package_instance_name which is used for naming instances in .LRN, every time that we are creating a class.
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Author:
- Cesar Hernandez
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name (public)
apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name attribute_name
Return the pretty name of attribute with given short name.
- Parameters:
- attribute_name (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec (public)
Return dynamic attributes of package versions in an array list. The rationale for introducing the dynamic package version attributes is to make it easy to add new package attributes.
- Returns:
- An array list with attribute names as keys and attribute specs as values. The attribute specs are themselves array lists with keys default_value, validation_proc, and pretty_name.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text (public)
apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text maturity
Get the internationalized maturity description corresponding to the given integer package maturity level.
- Parameters:
- maturity (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::parse_xml (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::parse_xml -parent_node parent_node \ -array array
Given the parent node in an XML tree parse the package version attributes and set their values with upvar in the array with given name.
- Switches:
- -parent_node (required)
- A reference to the parent XML node of the attribute nodes
- -array (required)
- The name of the array in the callers scope to set the attribute values in.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names (private)
Set all names of the instances for those packages that have the attribute package_instance_name. After running this script you must restart your installation.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::store (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::store -version_id version_id \ -array array
Store the dynamic attributes of a certain package version in the database.
- Switches:
- -version_id (required)
- The id of the package version to store attribute values for
- -array (required)
- The name of the array in the callers scope containing the attribute values to store
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::package_version::attributes::validate_maturity (private)
apm::package_version::attributes::validate_maturity maturity
- Parameters:
- maturity (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm::process_install_xml (public)
apm::process_install_xml [ -nested ] [ -install_from_repository ] \ filename binds
process an XML install definition file which is expected to contain directives to install, mount and configure a series of packages.
- Switches:
- -nested (optional, boolean)
- -install_from_repository (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- filename (required)
- path to the XML file relative to serverroot.
- binds (required)
- list of {variable value variable value ...}
- Returns:
- list of messages
- Author:
- Jeff Davis <swiped from acs-bootstrap-installer though>
- Created:
- 2003-10-30
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_copy_inherited_params (public)
apm_copy_inherited_params new_package_key dependencies
Copy parameters from a packages ancestors. Called for "embeds" and "extends" dependencies.
- Parameters:
- new_package_key (required)
- dependencies (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_copy_param_to_descendents (public)
apm_copy_param_to_descendents new_package_key parameter_name
Copy a new parameter in a package to its descendents. Called when a package is upgraded or a parameter added in the APM.
- Parameters:
- new_package_key (required)
- parameter_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_data_model_scripts_find (public)
apm_data_model_scripts_find \ [ -upgrade_from_version_name upgrade_from_version_name ] \ [ -upgrade_to_version_name upgrade_to_version_name ] \ [ -package_path package_path ] package_key
- Switches:
- -upgrade_from_version_name (optional)
- From which version do we want the files
- -upgrade_to_version_name (optional)
- To what version do we want the files
- -package_path (optional)
- The package path
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- The package key
- Returns:
- A list of files and file types of form [list [list "foo.sql" "data_model_upgrade"] ...]
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_dependency_check (private)
apm_dependency_check [ -callback callback ] [ -initial_install ] \ [ -pkg_info_all pkg_info_all ] spec_files
Check dependencies of all the packages provided.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -initial_install (optional, boolean)
- Only process spec files with the initial install attribute.
- -pkg_info_all (optional)
- If you supply this argument, when a requirement goes unsatisfied, instead of failing, this proc will try to add whatever other packages are needed to the install set. The list of package keys to add will be the third element in the list returned.
- Parameters:
- spec_files (required)
- A list of spec files to be processed.
- Returns:
- A list whose first element indicates whether dependencies were satisfied (1 if so, 0 otherwise). The second element is the package info list with the packages ordered according to dependencies. Packages that can be installed come first. Any packages that failed the dependency check come last. The third element is a list of package keys on additional packages to install, in order to satisfy dependencies.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_dependency_check_new (public)
apm_dependency_check_new -repository_array repository_array \ -package_keys package_keys
Checks dependencies and finds out which packages are required to install the requested packages. In case some packages cannot be installed due to failed dependencies, it returns which packages out of the requested can be installed, and which packages, either originally requested or required by those, could not be installed, and why.
- Switches:
- -repository_array (required)
- Name of an array in the caller's namespace containing the repository of available packages as returned by apm_get_package_repository.
- -package_keys (required)
- The list of package_keys of the packages requested to be installed.
- Returns:
- An array list with the following elements:
- status: 'ok' or 'failed'.
- install: If status is 'ok', this is the complete list of packages that need to be installed, in the order in which they need to be installed. If status is 'failed', the list of packages that can be installed.
- failed: If status is 'failed', an array list keyed by package_key of 2-tuples of (required-uri, required-version) of requirements that could not be satisfied.
- packages: The list of package_keys of the packages touched upon, either because they were originally requested, or because they were required. If status is 'ok', will be identical to 'install'.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_dependency_provided_p (public)
apm_dependency_provided_p [ -dependency_list dependency_list ] \ dependency_uri dependency_version
Returns 1 if the current system provides the dependency inquired about. Returns -1 if the version number is too low. Returns 0 otherwise.
- Switches:
- -dependency_list (optional, defaults to
)- Specify this if you want to a check a list of dependencies of form {dependency_name dependency_version} in addition to querying the database for what the system currently provides.
- Parameters:
- dependency_uri (required)
- The dependency that is being checked.
- dependency_version (required)
- The version of the dependency being checked.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_get_package_repository (public)
apm_get_package_repository [ -repository_url repository_url ] \ -array array
Gets a list of packages available for install from either a remote package repository or the local filesystem.
- Switches:
- -repository_url (optional)
- The URL for the repository channel to get from, or the empty string to search the local filesystem instead.
- -array (required)
- Name of an array where you want the repository stored. It will be keyed by package-key, and each entry will be an array list returned by apm_read_package_info_file.
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_get_repository_channel (public)
Returns the channel to use when installing software from the repository. Based on the version of the acs-kernel package, e.g. if acs-kernel is version 5.0.1, then this will return 5-0.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_get_repository_channels (public)
apm_get_repository_channels [ repository_url ]
Returns the channels and URLs from a repository
- Parameters:
- repository_url (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- apm_respositories_api
apm_invoke_install_proc (public)
apm_invoke_install_proc [ -install_from_repository ] [ -type type ] \ -node node
read an XML install element and invoke the appropriate processing procedure.
- Switches:
- -install_from_repository (optional, boolean)
- -type (optional, defaults to
)- the type of element to search for
- -node (required)
- the XML node to process
- Returns:
- the result of the invoked proc
- Author:
- Lee Denison
- Created:
- 2004-06-16
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_load_catalog_files (private)
apm_load_catalog_files [ -upgrade ] package_key
Load catalog files for a package that is either installed or upgraded. If the package is upgraded message key upgrade status is reset before loading the files. During installation of OpenACS when the acs-lang package hasn't been installed yet this procedure won't do anything. That's not a problem since catalog files will be loaded upon next server restart. Also caches the messages it loads.
- Switches:
- -upgrade (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_load_install_xml (private)
apm_load_install_xml filename binds
Loads an install file and returns the root node. errors out if the file is not there. substitutes variables before parsing so you can provide interpolated values.
- Parameters:
- filename (required)
- relative to serverroot, leading slash needed.
- binds (required)
- list of {variable value variable value ...}
- Returns:
- root_node of the parsed XML file.
- Author:
- Jeff Davis davis@xarg.net
- Created:
- 2003-10-30
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_mount_core_packages (private)
Mount, and set permissions for a number of packages part of the OpenACS core. The packages are singletons that have already been instantiated during installation. The main site needs to have been set up prior to invoking this proc.
The reason mounting is done here and not via the auto-mount feature of the APM is that there is a circular dependency between acs-subsite and acs-content-repository. The package acs-subsite requires acs-content-repository and so we cannot install acs-subsite before acs-content-repository in order to be able to mount acs-content-repository.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_order_upgrade_scripts (private)
apm_order_upgrade_scripts upgrade_script_names
Upgrade scripts are ordered so that they may be executed in a sequence that upgrades package. For example, if you start at version 1.0, and need to go to version 2.0, a correct order would be 1.0-1.5, 1.5-1.6, 1.6-2.0.
- Parameters:
- upgrade_script_names (required)
- Returns:
- an ordered list of upgrade script names.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_deinstall (public)
apm_package_deinstall [ -callback callback ] package_key
Deinstalls a package from the filesystem.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- The package to be deinstaleled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_delete (public)
apm_package_delete [ -sql_drop_scripts sql_drop_scripts ] \ [ -callback callback ] [ -remove_files ] [ -delete_site_nodes ] \ package_key
De-install a package from the system. Will unmount and uninstantiate package instances, invoke any before-uninstall callback, source any provided sql drop scripts, remove message keys, and delete the package from the APM tables.
- Switches:
- -sql_drop_scripts (optional)
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -remove_files (optional, boolean)
- -delete_site_nodes (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_package_install (public)
apm_package_install [ -enable ] [ -callback callback ] \ [ -load_data_model ] [ -install_from_repository ] \ [ -data_model_files data_model_files ] \ [ -package_path package_path ] [ -mount_path mount_path ] \ spec_file_path
Registers a new package and/or version in the database, returning the version_id. If $callback is provided, periodically invokes this procedure with a single argument containing a human-readable (English) status message.
- Switches:
- -enable (optional, boolean)
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -load_data_model (optional, boolean)
- -install_from_repository (optional, boolean)
- -data_model_files (optional, defaults to
)- -package_path (optional)
- -mount_path (optional)
- Parameters:
- spec_file_path (required)
- The path to an XML .info file relative to
- Returns:
- The version_id if successfully installed, 0 otherwise.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_package_install_callbacks (private)
apm_package_install_callbacks [ -callback callback ] callback_list \ version_id
Install the Tcl proc callbacks for the package version.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- callback_list (required)
- version_id (required)
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- apm__test_callback_get_set
apm_package_install_data_model (private)
apm_package_install_data_model [ -callback callback ] \ [ -upgrade_from_version_name upgrade_from_version_name ] \ [ -data_model_files data_model_files ] [ -path path ] spec_file
Given a spec file, reads in the data model files to load from it.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -upgrade_from_version_name (optional)
- -data_model_files (optional, defaults to
)- -path (optional)
- Parameters:
- spec_file (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_install_dependencies (private)
apm_package_install_dependencies [ -callback callback ] embeds extends \ provides requires version_id
Install all package dependencies.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- embeds (required)
- extends (required)
- provides (required)
- requires (required)
- version_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_install_owners (public)
apm_package_install_owners [ -callback callback ] owners version_id
Install all of the owners of the package version.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- owners (required)
- version_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_package_install_owners_prepare (public)
apm_package_install_owners_prepare owner_names owner_uris
Prepare the owners data structure for installation.
- Parameters:
- owner_names (required)
- owner_uris (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_install_parameters (private)
apm_package_install_parameters [ -callback callback ] parameters \ package_key
Installs a set of parameters into the package denoted by package_key.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- parameters (required)
- package_key (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_install_spec (public)
apm_package_install_spec version_id
Writes the XML-formatted specification for a package to disk, marking it in the database as the only installed version of the package. Creates the package directory if it doesn't already exist. Overwrites any existing specification file; or if none exists yet, creates $package_key/$package_key.info and adds this new file to apm_version_files in the database. Adds minimal directories.
- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_install_version (public)
apm_package_install_version [ -callback callback ] -array array \ [ -version_id version_id ] package_key version_name version_uri \ summary description description_format vendor vendor_uri \ auto_mount [ release_date ]
Installs a version of a package.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -array (required)
- The name of the array in the callers scope holding package version attributes
- -version_id (optional)
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- version_name (required)
- version_uri (required)
- summary (required)
- description (required)
- description_format (required)
- vendor (required)
- vendor_uri (required)
- auto_mount (required)
- release_date (optional)
- Returns:
- The assigned version id.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_package_register (public)
apm_package_register [ -spec_file_path spec_file_path ] \ [ -spec_file_mtime spec_file_mtime ] package_key pretty_name \ pretty_plural package_uri package_type initial_install_p \ singleton_p implements_subsite_p inherit_templates_p
Register the package in the system.
- Switches:
- -spec_file_path (optional)
- -spec_file_mtime (optional)
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- pretty_name (required)
- pretty_plural (required)
- package_uri (required)
- package_type (required)
- initial_install_p (required)
- singleton_p (required)
- implements_subsite_p (required)
- inherit_templates_p (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_package_upgrade_from (private)
apm_package_upgrade_from package_key version_name
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- The package you're installing
- version_name (required)
- The version of the package you're installing
- Returns:
- the version of the package currently installed, which we're upgrading from, if it's different from the version_name passed in. If this is not an upgrade, returns the empty string.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_upgrade_p (public)
apm_package_upgrade_p package_key version_name
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- version_name (required)
- Returns:
- 1 if a version of the indicated package_key of version lower than version_name is already installed in the system, 0 otherwise.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_upgrade_parameters (private)
apm_package_upgrade_parameters [ -callback callback ] parameters \ package_key
Upgrades the parameters to the current version.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- parameters (required)
- package_key (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_version_count (private)
apm_package_version_count package_key
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Returns:
- The number of versions of the indicated package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_package_version_delete (private)
apm_package_version_delete [ -callback callback ] version_id
Deletes a version from the database.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_packages_full_install (private)
apm_packages_full_install [ -callback callback ] pkg_info_list
Loads the data model, installs, enables, instantiates, and mounts all of the packages in pkg_list.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- pkg_info_list (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_query_files_find (private)
apm_query_files_find package_key file_list
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- file_list (required)
- A list of files and file types of form [list [list "foo.sql" "data_model_upgrade"] ...]
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_scan_packages (public)
apm_scan_packages [ -callback callback ] [ -new ] [ path ]
Scans a directory for unregistered package specification files.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -new (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- path (optional)
- Returns:
- A list of unregistered .info files that can be parsed for further information.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_simple_package_install (public)
apm_simple_package_install package_key
Simple basic package install function. Wraps up basically what the old install XML action did.
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_unregister_disinherited_params (public)
apm_unregister_disinherited_params package_key dependency_id
Remove parameters for package_key that have been disinherited (i.e., the dependency that caused them to be inherited have been removed). Called only by the APM and keep it that way, please.
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- dependency_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_upgrade_for_version_p (private)
apm_upgrade_for_version_p path initial_version_name final_version_name
- Parameters:
- path (required)
- initial_version_name (required)
- final_version_name (required)
- Returns:
- 1 if the file indicated by path is a valid SQL script to upgrade initial_version_name to final_version_name
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_upgrade_logic (public)
apm_upgrade_logic -from_version_name from_version_name \ -to_version_name to_version_name -spec spec
Logic to help upgrade a package. The spec contains a flat list of triples of the form { "from_version" "to_version" "code_chunk" "from_version" "to_version" "code_chunk ..." }. The list is compared against the "from_version_name" and "to_version_name" parameters supplied, and the code_chunks that fall within the from_version_name and to_version_name it'll get executed in the caller's namespace, ordered by the from_version.
ad_proc my_upgrade_callback { {-from_version_name:required} {-to_version_name:required} } { apm_upgrade_logic -from_version_name $from_version_name -to_version_name $to_version_name -spec { 1.1 1.2 { ... } 1.2 1.3 { ... } 1.4d 1.4d1 { ... } 2.1 2.3 { ... } 2.3 2.4 { ... } } }
- Switches:
- -from_version_name (required)
- The version you're upgrading from, e.g. '1.3'.
- -to_version_name (required)
- The version you're upgrading to, e.g. '2.4'.
- -spec (required)
- The code chunks in the format described above
- Author:
- Lars Pind
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_upgrade_logic_compare (private)
apm_upgrade_logic_compare from_to_key_1 from_to_key_2
Compare the from-versions in two of apm_upgrade_logic's array entries on the form 'from_version_name,to_version_name'.
- Parameters:
- from_to_key_1 (required)
- the first key from the array in apm_upgrade_logic
- from_to_key_2 (required)
- the second key from the array in apm_upgrade_logic
- Returns:
- 1 if 1 comes after 2, 0 if they are the same, -1 if 1 comes before 2.
- Author:
- Lars Pind
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_upgrade_script_compare (private)
apm_upgrade_script_compare f1 f2
- Parameters:
- f1 (required)
- f2 (required)
- Returns:
- 1 if f1 comes after f2, 0 if they are the same, -1 if f1 comes before f2.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_version_disable (public)
apm_version_disable [ -callback callback ] version_id
Disables a version of a package.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- The id of the version to be disabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_version_enable (public)
apm_version_enable [ -callback callback ] version_id
Enables a version of a package (disabling any other version of the package).
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- The id of the version to be enabled.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- upgrade
apm_version_names_compare (public)
apm_version_names_compare version_name_1 version_name_2
Compare two version names for which is earlier than the other. Example:
- apm_version_names_compare "1.2d3" "3.5b" => -1
- apm_version_names_compare "3.5b" "3.5b" => 0
- apm_version_names_compare "3.5b" "1.2d3" => 1
- Parameters:
- version_name_1 (required)
- the first version name
- version_name_2 (required)
- the second version name
- Returns:
- -1: the first version is smallest
- 0: they're identical
- 1: the second version is smallest
- Author:
- Lars Pind
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- apm_version_names_compare
apm_version_sortable (public)
apm_version_sortable version
Return a sortable version of the version name.
- Parameters:
- version (required)
- Author:
- Jeff Davis
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- files__check_upgrade_ordering
apm_version_update (public)
apm_version_update [ -callback callback ] -array array version_id \ version_name version_uri summary description description_format \ vendor vendor_uri auto_mount [ release_date ]
Update a version in the system to new information.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -array (required)
- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- version_name (required)
- version_uri (required)
- summary (required)
- description (required)
- description_format (required)
- vendor (required)
- vendor_uri (required)
- auto_mount (required)
- release_date (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
apm_version_upgrade (public)
apm_version_upgrade version_id
Upgrade a package to a locally maintained later version.
- Parameters:
- version_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_comment (public)
pkg_info_comment pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- Any comment specified about this package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_dependency_p (public)
pkg_info_dependency_p pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- Does it pass the dependency checker? "" Means it has not been run yet.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_embeds (private)
pkg_info_embeds pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The "embeds" dependencies of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_extends (private)
pkg_info_extends pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The "extends" dependencies of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_key (public)
pkg_info_key pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The package-key stored in the package info map.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_new (public)
pkg_info_new package_key spec_file_path embeds extends provides \ requires [ dependency_p ] [ comment ]
Returns a datastructure that maintains information about a package.
- Parameters:
- package_key (required)
- The key of the package.
- spec_file_path (required)
- The path to the package specification file
- embeds (required)
- A list of packages to be embedded in the package.
- extends (required)
- A list of packages extended by the package.
- provides (required)
- A list of dependencies provided by the package.
- requires (required)
- A list of requirements provided by the package..
- dependency_p (optional)
- Can the package be installed without violating dependency checking.
- comment (optional)
- Some text about the package. Useful to explain why it fails dependency check.
- Returns:
- a list whose first element is a package key and whose second element is a path to the associated .info file.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_path (public)
pkg_info_path pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The full path of the packages dir stored in the package info map. Assumes that the info file is stored in the root dir of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_provides (private)
pkg_info_provides pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The dependencies provided by the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_requires (private)
pkg_info_requires pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The dependencies "requires" dependencies of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
pkg_info_spec (public)
pkg_info_spec pkg_info
- Parameters:
- pkg_info (required)
- Returns:
- The .info file stored in the package info map.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Routines used for installing packages. @creation-date September 11 2000 @author Bryan Quinn (bquinn@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: apm-install-procs.tcl,v 1.133 2024/12/28 16:58:25 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval apm {} namespace eval apm::package_version {} namespace eval apm::package_version::attributes {} namespace eval ::install::xml::action {} d_proc apm_scan_packages { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-new:boolean} {path ""} } { Scans a directory for unregistered package specification files. @param new. Specify this parameter if you don't want packages that are already present to be picked up by the scan. The initial installer needs to specify this. @return A list of unregistered .info files that can be parsed for further information. } { if { $path eq "" } { set path [apm_workspace_install_dir] } ### Scan for all unregistered .info files. ns_log Notice "apm_scan_packages: Scanning for new unregistered packages..." set new_spec_files [list] # Loop through all directories in the /packages directory, searching each for a # .info file. foreach dir [lsort [glob -nocomplain "$path/*"]] { set package_key [ad_file tail $dir] if { ![ad_file isdirectory $dir] } { continue } if { [apm_ignore_file_p $dir] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "Skipping the directory \"$package_key\"." continue } # At this point, we should have a directory that is equivalent to a package_key. if { [apm_package_installed_p $package_key] } { if {$new_p} { continue } } # Locate the .info file for this package. if { [catch { set info_file [apm_package_info_file_path -path $path $package_key] } error] } { apm_callback_and_log -severity Warning $callback "Unable to locate specification file for package $package_key: $error" continue } # We found the .info file. lappend new_spec_files $info_file } if { [llength $new_spec_files] == 0 } { ns_log Notice "apm_scan_packages: No new packages found in $path" } return $new_spec_files } d_proc -public apm_dependency_provided_p { { -dependency_list [list] } dependency_uri dependency_version } { Returns 1 if the current system provides the dependency inquired about. Returns -1 if the version number is too low. Returns 0 otherwise. @param dependency_list Specify this if you want to a check a list of dependencies of form {dependency_name dependency_version} in addition to querying the database for what the system currently provides. @param dependency_uri The dependency that is being checked. @param dependency_version The version of the dependency being checked. } { set old_version_p 0 set found_p 0 ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_provided_p: Scanning for $dependency_uri version $dependency_version" foreach service_version [db_list get_service_versions {}] { set version_p [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $service_version $dependency_version] >= 0}] if { $version_p } { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_provided_p: Dependency satisfied by previously installed package" set found_p 1 } else { set old_version_p 1 } } # Can't return while inside a db_foreach. if {$found_p} { return 1 } if { $dependency_list ne "" } { # They provided a list of provisions. foreach prov $dependency_list { if {$dependency_uri eq [lindex $prov 0]} { set provided_version [lindex $prov 1] set provided_p [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $provided_version $dependency_version] >= 0}] if { $provided_p } { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_provided_p: Dependency satisfied in list of provisions." return 1 } else { set old_version_p 1 } } } } if { $old_version_p} { return -1 } else { return 0 } } d_proc -public pkg_info_new { package_key spec_file_path embeds extends provides requires {dependency_p ""} {comment ""} } { Returns a datastructure that maintains information about a package. @param package_key The key of the package. @param spec_file_path The path to the package specification file @param embeds A list of packages to be embedded in the package. @param extends A list of packages extended by the package. @param provides A list of dependencies provided by the package. @param requires A list of requirements provided by the package.. @param dependency_p Can the package be installed without violating dependency checking. @param comment Some text about the package. Useful to explain why it fails dependency check. @return a list whose first element is a package key and whose second element is a path to the associated .info file. } { return [list $package_key $spec_file_path $embeds $extends $provides $requires $dependency_p $comment] } ad_proc -public pkg_info_key {pkg_info} { @return The package-key stored in the package info map. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 0] } ad_proc -public pkg_info_spec {pkg_info} { @return The .info file stored in the package info map. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 1] } ad_proc -public pkg_info_path {pkg_info} { @return The full path of the packages dir stored in the package info map. Assumes that the info file is stored in the root dir of the package. } { return [file dirname [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info]] } ad_proc -private pkg_info_embeds {pkg_info} { @return The "embeds" dependencies of the package. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 2] } ad_proc -private pkg_info_extends {pkg_info} { @return The "extends" dependencies of the package. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 3] } ad_proc -private pkg_info_provides {pkg_info} { @return The dependencies provided by the package. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 4] } ad_proc -private pkg_info_requires {pkg_info} { @return The dependencies "requires" dependencies of the package. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 5] } ad_proc -public pkg_info_dependency_p {pkg_info} { @return Does it pass the dependency checker? "" Means it has not been run yet. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 6] } ad_proc -public pkg_info_comment {pkg_info} { @return Any comment specified about this package. } { return [lindex $pkg_info 7] } # DRB: This routine does more than check dependencies, it also parses spec files, # something that really should be done separately, at least for bootstrap installation. # I'm leaving it alone for now, though, and kludging it further by passing in a # boolean to determine whether to process all spec files or just those needed for # initial bootstrap installation. I've also modified it to screen out packages that # don't support the currently running RDBMS - a bit of a hack to do it here but it # needed doing somewhere... d_proc -private apm_dependency_check { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-initial_install:boolean} {-pkg_info_all {}} spec_files } { Check dependencies of all the packages provided. @param spec_files A list of spec files to be processed. @param initial_install Only process spec files with the initial install attribute. @param pkg_info_all If you supply this argument, when a requirement goes unsatisfied, instead of failing, this proc will try to add whatever other packages are needed to the install set. The list of package keys to add will be the third element in the list returned. @return A list whose first element indicates whether dependencies were satisfied (1 if so, 0 otherwise).\ The second element is the package info list with the packages ordered according to dependencies.\ Packages that can be installed come first. Any packages that failed the dependency check come last. The third element is a list of package keys on additional packages to install, in order to satisfy dependencies. } { #### Iterate over the list of info files. ## Every time we satisfy another package, remove it from install_pend, and loop again. ## If we don't satisfy at least one more package, halt. ## install_in - Package info structures for packages that can be installed in a satisfactory order. ## install_pend - Stores package info structures for packages that might have their dependencies satisfied ## by packages in the install set. ## extra_package_keys - package keys of extra packages to install to satisfy all requirements. set extra_package_keys [list] set updated_p 1 set install_in [list] foreach spec_file $spec_files { if { [catch { array set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] if { ($package(initial-install-p) eq "t" || !$initial_install_p) && [apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $package(package.key)] } { lappend install_pend [pkg_info_new \ $package(package.key) \ $spec_file \ $package(embeds) \ $package(extends) \ $package(provides) \ $package(requires) \ ""] } # Remove this package from the pkg_info_all list ... # either we're already installing it, or it can't be installed set counter 0 foreach pkg_info $pkg_info_all { if { [pkg_info_key $pkg_info] eq $package(package.key) } { set pkg_info_all [lreplace $pkg_info_all $counter $counter] break } incr counter } } errmsg]} { # Failed to parse the specification file. apm_callback_and_log $callback "$spec_file could not be parsed correctly. It is not being installed. The error: $errmsg" } } # Outer loop tries to find a package from the pkg_info_all list to add if # we're stuck because of unsatisfied dependencies set updated_p 1 while { $updated_p } { # Inner loop tries to add another package from the install_pend list while { $updated_p && [info exists install_pend] && $install_pend ne ""} { set install_in_provides [list] set new_install_pend [list] set updated_p 0 # Generate the list of dependencies currently provided by the install set. foreach pkg_info $install_in { foreach prov [pkg_info_provides $pkg_info] { lappend install_in_provides $prov } } # Now determine if we can add another package to the install set. foreach pkg_info $install_pend { set satisfied_p 1 foreach req [concat [pkg_info_embeds $pkg_info] [pkg_info_extends $pkg_info] [pkg_info_requires $pkg_info]] { if {[apm_dependency_provided_p -dependency_list $install_in_provides \ [lindex $req 0] [lindex $req 1]] != 1} { # Unsatisfied dependency. set satisfied_p 0 # Check to see if we've recorded it already set errmsg "Requires [lindex $req 0] of version >= [lindex $req 1]" if { ![info exists install_error([pkg_info_key $pkg_info])] || $errmsg ni $install_error([pkg_info_key $pkg_info])} { lappend install_error([pkg_info_key $pkg_info]) $errmsg } lappend new_install_pend $pkg_info break } } if { $satisfied_p } { # At least one more package was added to the list that can be installed, so repeat. lappend install_in [pkg_info_new \ [pkg_info_key $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_embeds $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_extends $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_provides $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_requires $pkg_info] \ "t" \ "Package satisfies dependencies."] set updated_p 1 } } set install_pend $new_install_pend } set updated_p 0 if { [info exists install_pend] && $install_pend ne "" && [llength $pkg_info_all] > 0 } { # Okay, there are some packages that could not be installed # Let's find a package, which # - have unsatisfied requirements # - and we have a package in pkg_info_all which provides what this package requires foreach pkg_info $install_pend { set satisfied_p 1 foreach req [concat [pkg_info_embeds $pkg_info] [pkg_info_extends $pkg_info] [pkg_info_requires $pkg_info]] { set counter 0 foreach pkg_info_add $pkg_info_all { # Will this package do anything to change whether this requirement has been satisfied? if { [pkg_info_key $pkg_info_add] eq [lindex $req 0] && [apm_dependency_provided_p -dependency_list [pkg_info_provides $pkg_info_add] \ [lindex $req 0] [lindex $req 1]] == 1 } { # It sure does. Add it to list of packages to install lappend install_pend $pkg_info_add # Add it to list of extra package keys lappend extra_package_keys [pkg_info_key $pkg_info_add] # Remove it from list of packages that we can possibly install set pkg_info_all [lreplace $pkg_info_all $counter $counter] # Note that we've made changes set updated_p 1 # Now break out of pkg_info_all loop break } incr counter } if { $updated_p } { break } } if { $updated_p } { break } } } } set install_order(order) $install_in # Update all of the packages that cannot be installed. if { [info exists install_pend] && $install_pend ne "" } { foreach pkg_info $install_pend { lappend install_in [pkg_info_new [pkg_info_key $pkg_info] [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_embeds $pkg_info] [pkg_info_extends $pkg_info] \ [pkg_info_provides $pkg_info] [pkg_info_requires $pkg_info] \ "f" $install_error([pkg_info_key $pkg_info])] } return [list 0 $install_in] } return [list 1 $install_in $extra_package_keys] } d_proc -public apm_dependency_check_new { {-repository_array:required} {-package_keys:required} } { Checks dependencies and finds out which packages are required to install the requested packages. In case some packages cannot be installed due to failed dependencies, it returns which packages out of the requested can be installed, and which packages, either originally requested or required by those, could not be installed, and why. @param package_keys The list of package_keys of the packages requested to be installed. @param repository_array Name of an array in the caller's namespace containing the repository of available packages as returned by apm_get_package_repository. @return An array list with the following elements: <ul> <li>status: 'ok' or 'failed'. <li>install: If status is 'ok', this is the complete list of packages that need to be installed, in the order in which they need to be installed. If status is 'failed', the list of packages that can be installed. <li>failed: If status is 'failed', an array list keyed by package_key of 2-tuples of (required-uri, required-version) of requirements that could not be satisfied. <li>packages: The list of package_keys of the packages touched upon, either because they were originally requested, or because they were required. If status is 'ok', will be identical to 'install'. </ul> @see apm_get_package_repository } { upvar 1 $repository_array repository array set result { status failed install {} failed {} packages {} } # 'pending_packages' is an array keyed by package_key with a value of 1 for each package pending installation # When dependencies have been met, the entry will be unset array set pending_packages [list] foreach package_key $package_keys { set pending_packages($package_key) 1 } # 'installed_packages' is an array keyed by package_key with a value of 1 for each package # whose dependencies have been met and is ready to be installed array set installed_packages [list] # 'provided' will keep track of what we've provided with the currently installed packages # combined with the packages which we're already able to install apm_get_installed_provides -array provided # 'required' will keep track of unsatisfied dependencies # keyed by (service-uri) and will contain the largest version number required array set required [list] # 'required_by' will keep track of unsatisfied dependencies # keyed by (service-uri) and will contain the largest version number required array set required_by [list] # Just to get us started set updated_p 1 ns_log notice "apm_dependency_check_new: STARTING DEPENDENCY CHECK [array names pending_packages]" # Outer loop tries to find a package from the repository to add if # we're stuck because of unsatisfied dependencies while { $updated_p } { # Keep looping over pending_package_keys, trying to add packages # So long as we've added another, try looping again, as there may be cross-dependencies while { $updated_p && [array size pending_packages] > 0 } { set updated_p 0 # Try to add a package from foreach package_key [array names pending_packages] { if {![info exists repository($package_key)]} continue set version $repository($package_key) set satisfied_p 1 foreach req [concat \ [dict get $version embeds] \ [dict get $version extends] \ [dict get $version requires]] { lassign $req req_uri req_version if { ![info exists provided($req_uri)] || [apm_version_names_compare $provided($req_uri) $req_version] == -1 } { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: $package_key embeds, extends or requires $req_uri $req_version => failed" set satisfied_p 0 # Mark this as a requirement if { ![info exists required($req_uri)] || [apm_version_names_compare $required($req_uri) $req_version] == -1 } { set required($req_uri) $req_version } } else { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: $package_key embeds, extends or requires $req_uri $req_version => OK" } } if { $satisfied_p } { # Record as set to go set installed_packages($package_key) 1 # Remove from pending list unset pending_packages($package_key) # Add to install-list, as this is important for ordering the installation of packages correctly lappend result(install) $package_key # Add to list of packages touched lappend result(packages) $package_key # Record what this package provides, and remove it from the required list, if appropriate foreach prov [dict get $version provides] { lassign $prov prov_uri prov_version # If what we provide is not already provided, or the alredady provided version is # less than what we provide, record this new provision if { ![info exists provided($prov_uri)] || [apm_version_names_compare $provided($prov_uri) $prov_version] == -1 } { set provided($prov_uri) $prov_version } # If what we provide is required, and the required version is less than what we provide, # drop the requirement if { [info exists required($prov_uri)] && [apm_version_names_compare $required($prov_uri) $prov_version] <= 0 } { unset required($prov_uri) } } # Another package has been added, so repeat set updated_p 1 } } } # Inner loop completed. Either we're done, or there are packages that have dependencies # not currently on the pending_package_keys list. set updated_p 0 if { [array size pending_packages] > 0 } { # There are packages that have unsatisfied dependencies # Those unmet requirements will be registered in the 'required' array # Let's find a package which satisfies at least one of the requirements in 'required' foreach package_key [array names repository] { if { [info exists pending_packages($package_key)] || [info exists installed_packages($package_key)] } { # Packages already on the pending list, or already verified ok won't help us any continue } if {![info exists repository($package_key)]} { ns_log notice "package $package_key is apparently missing" set pending_packages($package_key) 1 set updated_p 1 break } set version $repository($package_key) ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: Considering $package_key: $version" # Let's see if this package provides anything we need foreach prov [dict get $version provides] { lassign $prov prov_uri prov_version if { [info exists required($prov_uri)] && [apm_version_names_compare $required($prov_uri) $prov_version] <= 0 } { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: Adding $package_key, as it provides $prov_uri $prov_version" # If this package provides something that's required in a version high enough # add it to the pending list set pending_packages($package_key) 1 # We've changed something set updated_p 1 # Let's try for another go at installing packages break } } # Break all the way back to installing pending packages again if { $updated_p } { break } } } } if { [array size pending_packages] == 0 } { set result(status) ok } else { set result(status) failed array set failed [list] # There were problems, now be helpful # Find out which packages couldn't be installed and why foreach package_key [array names pending_packages] { # Add to touched packages lappend result(packages) $package_key if {![info exists repository($package_key)]} { lappend failed($package_key) [list Unknown "package $package_key"] continue } set version $repository($package_key) # Find unsatisfied requirements foreach req [concat \ [dict get $version embeds] \ [dict get $version extends] \ [dict get $version requires]] { lassign $req req_uri req_version if { ![info exists provided($req_uri)] || [apm_version_names_compare $provided($req_uri) $req_version] == -1 } { lappend failed($package_key) [list $req_uri $req_version] if { [info exists provided($req_uri)] } { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: Failed dependency:\ $package_key embeds/extends/requires $req_uri $req_version,\ but we only provide $provided($req_uri)" } else { ns_log Debug "apm_dependency_check_new: Failed dependency:\ $package_key embeds/extends/requires $req_uri $req_version, but we don't have it" } } } } set result(failed) [array get failed] } return [array get result] } d_proc -private apm_load_catalog_files { -upgrade:boolean package_key } { Load catalog files for a package that is either installed or upgraded. If the package is upgraded message key upgrade status is reset before loading the files. During installation of OpenACS when the acs-lang package hasn't been installed yet this procedure won't do anything. That's not a problem since catalog files will be loaded upon next server restart. Also caches the messages it loads. @author Peter Marklund } { # If acs-lang hasn't been installed yet we simply return if { [namespace which lang::catalog::import] eq "" || ![apm_package_installed_p acs-lang] } { return } # Load and cache I18N messages for all enabled locales lang::catalog::import -cache -package_key $package_key } namespace eval apm {} d_proc -public apm_simple_package_install { package_key } { Simple basic package install function. Wraps up basically what the old install XML action did. } { set install_spec_file [apm_package_info_file_path $package_key] if { [catch { array set package [apm_read_package_info_file $install_spec_file] } errmsg] } { # Unable to parse specification file. error "install: $install_spec_file could not be parsed correctly. The error: $errmsg" return } if { ![apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $package(package.key)] || [apm_package_installed_p $package(package.key)] } { ns_log notice "apm_simple_package_install: no need to install $package(package.key)" return } set pkg_info_list [list] foreach spec_file [glob -nocomplain "$::acs::rootdir/packages/*/*.info"] { # Get package info, and find out if this is a package we should install if { [catch { array set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] } errmsg] } { # Unable to parse specification file. error "install: $spec_file could not be parsed correctly. The error: $errmsg" } if { [apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $package(package.key)] && ![apm_package_installed_p $package(package.key)] } { # Save the package info, we may need it for dependency # satisfaction later lappend pkg_info_list [pkg_info_new $package(package.key) \ $spec_file \ $package(embeds) \ $package(extends) \ $package(provides) \ $package(requires) \ ""] } } set dependency_results [apm_dependency_check \ -pkg_info_all $pkg_info_list \ $install_spec_file] if { [lindex $dependency_results 0] == 1 } { apm_packages_full_install -callback apm_ns_write_callback [lindex $dependency_results 1] } else { foreach package_spec [lindex $dependency_results 1] { if {[string is false [pkg_info_dependency_p $package_spec]]} { append err_out "install: package \"[pkg_info_key $package_spec]\"[join [pkg_info_comment $package_spec] ,]\n" } } error $err_out } } d_proc -public apm_package_install { {-enable:boolean} {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-load_data_model:boolean} {-install_from_repository:boolean} {-data_model_files 0} {-package_path ""} {-mount_path ""} spec_file_path } { Registers a new package and/or version in the database, returning the version_id. If $callback is provided, periodically invokes this procedure with a single argument containing a human-readable (English) status message. @param spec_file_path The path to an XML .info file relative to @return The version_id if successfully installed, 0 otherwise. } { set version_id 0 array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file_path] set package_key $version(package.key) set version_name $version(name) # Determine if we are upgrading or installing. set upgrade_from_version_name [apm_package_upgrade_from $package_key $version(name)] if {$upgrade_from_version_name ne "" && $upgrade_from_version_name eq $version_name} { # # nothing to do. # ns_log notice "apm_package_install package $package_key already installed in version $version_name" return [apm_version_id_from_package_key $package_key] } set upgrade_p [expr {$upgrade_from_version_name ne ""}] if {$upgrade_p} { set operations {Upgrading Upgraded} } else { set operations {Installing Installed} } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<h3>[lindex $operations 0] $version(package-name) $version(name)</h3>" if { [string match "[apm_workspace_install_dir]*" $package_path] } { # Package is being installed from the apm_workspace dir (expanded from .apm file) # Backup any existing (old) package in packages dir first set old_package_path [acs_package_root_dir $package_key] if { [ad_file exists $old_package_path] } { util::backup_file -file_path $old_package_path } # Move the package into the packages dir file rename -- $package_path $::acs::rootdir/packages # We moved the spec file, so update its path set package_path $old_package_path set spec_file_path [apm_package_info_file_path -path [ad_file dirname $package_path] $package_key] } ad_try { set package_uri $version(package.url) set package_type $version(package.type) set package_name $version(package-name) set pretty_plural $version(pretty-plural) set initial_install_p $version(initial-install-p) set singleton_p $version(singleton-p) set implements_subsite_p $version(implements-subsite-p) set inherit_templates_p $version(inherit-templates-p) set auto_mount $version(auto-mount) set version_uri $version(url) set summary $version(summary) set description_format $version(description.format) set description $version(description) set release_date $version(release-date) set vendor $version(vendor) set vendor_uri $version(vendor.url) set split_path [split $spec_file_path /] set relative_path [join [lreplace $split_path 0 [lsearch -exact $package_key $split_path]] /] # Register the package if it is not already registered. if { ![apm_package_registered_p $package_key] } { apm_package_register \ -spec_file_path $relative_path \ $package_key \ $package_name \ $pretty_plural \ $package_uri \ $package_type \ $initial_install_p \ $singleton_p \ $implements_subsite_p \ $inherit_templates_p } # Source Tcl procs and queries to be able # to invoke any Tcl callbacks after mounting and instantiation. Note that this reloading # is only done in the Tcl interpreter of this particular request. # Note that acs-tcl is a special case as its procs are always sourced on startup from bootstrap.tcl if { 1 || $package_key ne "acs-tcl" } { apm_load_libraries -procs -force_reload -packages $package_key apm_load_queries -packages $package_key } # Get the callbacks in an array, since we can't rely on the # before-upgrade being in the db (since it might have changed) # and the before-install definitely won't be there since # it's not added until later here. array set callbacks $version(callbacks) if {$upgrade_p} { # Run before-upgrade if {[info exists callbacks(before-upgrade)]} { apm_invoke_callback_proc \ -proc_name $callbacks(before-upgrade) \ -version_id $version_id \ -type before-upgrade \ -arg_list [list from_version_name $upgrade_from_version_name to_version_name $version(name)] } } else { # Run before-install if {[info exists callbacks(before-install)]} { apm_invoke_callback_proc \ -proc_name $callbacks(before-install) \ -version_id $version_id \ -type before-install } } if { $load_data_model_p } { apm_package_install_data_model -callback $callback -data_model_files $data_model_files $spec_file_path } # If an older version already exists in apm_package_versions, update it; # otherwise, insert a new version. if { $upgrade_p } { # We are upgrading a package # Load catalog files with upgrade switch before package version is changed in db apm_load_catalog_files -upgrade $package_key set version_id [apm_package_install_version \ -callback $callback \ -array version \ $package_key $version_name \ $version_uri $summary $description $description_format $vendor $vendor_uri $auto_mount $release_date] apm_version_upgrade $version_id apm_package_install_dependencies -callback $callback \ $version(embeds) $version(extends) $version(provides) $version(requires) $version_id apm_build_one_package_relationships $package_key apm_package_upgrade_parameters -callback $callback $version(parameters) $package_key } else { # We are installing a new package set version_id [apm_package_install_version \ -callback $callback \ -array version \ $package_key $version_name \ $version_uri $summary $description $description_format $vendor $vendor_uri $auto_mount $release_date] if { !$version_id } { # There was an error. ns_log Error "apm_package_install: Package $package_key could not be installed. Received version_id $version_id" apm_callback_and_log $callback "The package version could not be created." } apm_load_catalog_files $package_key apm_package_install_dependencies -callback $callback \ $version(embeds) $version(extends) $version(provides) $version(requires) $version_id apm_build_one_package_relationships $package_key apm_copy_inherited_params $package_key [concat $version(embeds) $version(extends)] # Install the parameters for the version. apm_package_install_parameters -callback $callback $version(parameters) $package_key } # Update all other package information. apm_package_install_owners -callback $callback $version(owners) $version_id apm_package_install_callbacks -callback $callback $version(callbacks) $version_id apm_build_subsite_packages_list apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p>[lindex $operations 1] $version(package-name), version $version(name).</p>" } on error {errmsg} { ns_log Error "apm_package_install: Error installing $version(package-name) version $version(name): $errmsg\n$::errorInfo" apm_callback_and_log -severity Error $callback [subst {<p>Failed to install $version(package-name), version $version(name). The following error was generated: <pre><blockquote> [ns_quotehtml $errmsg] </blockquote></pre> <p> <b><font color="red">NOTE:</font></b> If the error comes from a SQL script you may try to source it manually. When you are done with that you should revisit the APM and try again but remember to leave the manually sourced SQL scripts unchecked on the previous page. </p> }] return 0 } # Enable the package if { $enable_p } { nsv_set apm_enabled_package $package_key 1 apm_version_enable -callback $callback $version_id } # Instantiating, mounting, and after-install callback only invoked on initial install if { ! $upgrade_p } { # After install Tcl proc callback apm_invoke_callback_proc -version_id $version_id -type after-install set priority_mount_path [expr {$version(auto-mount) eq "" ? $mount_path : $version(auto-mount)}] if { $priority_mount_path ne "" } { # This is a package that should be auto mounted set parent_id [site_node::get_node_id -url "/"] if { [catch { db_transaction { set node_id [site_node::new -name $priority_mount_path -parent_id $parent_id] } } error] } { # There is already a node with that path, check if there is a package mounted there array set node [site_node::get -url "/${priority_mount_path}"] if { $node(object_id) eq "" } { # There is no package mounted there so go ahead and mount the new package set node_id $node(node_id) } else { # Don't unmount already mounted packages set node_id "" } } if { $node_id ne "" } { site_node::instantiate_and_mount \ -node_id $node_id \ -node_name $priority_mount_path \ -package_name $version(package-name) \ -package_key $package_key apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p> Mounted an instance of the package at /${priority_mount_path} </p>" } { # Another package is mounted at the path so we cannot mount set error_text "Package $version(package-name) could not be mounted at /$version(auto-mount) , there may already be a package mounted there, the error is: $error" ns_log Error "apm_package_install: $error_text \n\n$::errorInfo" apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p> $error_text </p>" } } elseif { $package_type eq "apm_service" && $singleton_p == "t" } { # This is a singleton package. Instantiate it automatically, but don't mount. # Using empty context_id apm_package_instance_new -instance_name $version(package-name) \ -package_key $package_key } if {[ad_file exists $::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key/install.xml]} { # # Run install.xml only for new installs # ns_log notice "===== RUN /packages/$package_key/install.xml" apm::process_install_xml \ -install_from_repository=$install_from_repository_p \ /packages/$package_key/install.xml "" } } else { # After upgrade Tcl proc callback apm_invoke_callback_proc -version_id $version_id -type after-upgrade \ -arg_list [list from_version_name $upgrade_from_version_name to_version_name $version(name)] } # Flush the installed_p cache acs::try_cache acs::misc_cache flush apm_package_installed-$package_key return $version_id } ad_proc apm_unregister_disinherited_params { package_key dependency_id } { Remove parameters for package_key that have been disinherited (i.e., the dependency that caused them to be inherited have been removed). Called only by the APM and keep it that way, please. } { foreach parameter_id [db_list get_parameter_ids {}] { apm_parameter_unregister $parameter_id } } ad_proc apm_copy_param_to_descendents { new_package_key parameter_name } { Copy a new parameter in a package to its descendents. Called when a package is upgraded or a parameter added in the APM. } { db_1row param {} foreach descendent_package_key [nsv_get apm_package_descendents $new_package_key] { if { [db_exec_plsql param_exists {}] } { error "$parameter_name already exists in package $descendent_package_key" } else { db_exec_plsql copy_descendent_param {} } } } ad_proc apm_copy_inherited_params { new_package_key dependencies } { Copy parameters from a packages ancestors. Called for "embeds" and "extends" dependencies. } { foreach dependency $dependencies { set inherited_package_key [lindex $dependency 0] db_foreach inherited_params {} { if { [db_exec_plsql param_exists {}] } { error "$parameter_name already exists in package $new_package_key" } else { db_exec_plsql copy_inherited_param {} } } } } d_proc -public apm_package_install_version { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-array:required} {-version_id ""} package_key version_name version_uri summary description description_format vendor vendor_uri auto_mount {release_date ""} } { Installs a version of a package. @param array The name of the array in the callers scope holding package version attributes @return The assigned version id. } { upvar $array local_array set version_id [db_exec_plsql version_insert {}] apm::package_version::attributes::store \ -version_id $version_id \ -array local_array # Every package provides by default the service that is the package itself # This spares the developer from having to visit the dependency page apm_interface_add $version_id $package_key $version_name return $version_id } d_proc -public apm_package_deinstall { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} package_key } { Deinstalls a package from the filesystem. @param package_key The package to be deinstaleled. } { if {![apm_package_registered_p $package_key]} { apm_callback_and_log $callback "This package is not installed. Done." return 0 } # Obtain the portion of the email address before the at sign. We'll use this in the name of # the backup directory for the package. regsub {@.+} [party::email -party_id [ad_conn user_id]] "" my_email_name set backup_dir "[apm_workspace_dir]/$package_key-removed-$my_email_name-[ns_fmttime [ns_time] {%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S}]" apm_callback_and_log $callback " <li>Moving <tt>packages/$package_key</tt> to $backup_dir... " if { [catch { file rename -- "$::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key" $backup_dir } error] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<font color=red>[ns_quotehtml $error]</font>" } else { apm_callback_and_log $callback "moved." } db_dml apm_uninstall_record { update apm_package_versions set installed_p = 'f', enabled_p = 'f' where package_key = :package_key } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Package marked as deinstalled. " return 1 } d_proc -public apm_package_delete { {-sql_drop_scripts ""} {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-remove_files:boolean} {-delete_site_nodes:boolean} package_key } { De-install a package from the system. Will unmount and uninstantiate package instances, invoke any before-uninstall callback, source any provided sql drop scripts, remove message keys, and delete the package from the APM tables. } { # get the supposedly unique enabled version of this package set version_id [apm_version_id_from_package_key $package_key] # Unmount all instances of this package with the Tcl API that # invokes before-unmount callbacks db_transaction { set site_nodes [list] db_foreach all_package_instances { select site_nodes.node_id from apm_packages, site_nodes where apm_packages.package_id = site_nodes.object_id and apm_packages.package_key = :package_key } { set url [site_node::get_url -node_id $node_id] apm_callback_and_log $callback "Unmounting package instance at url $url <br>" site_node::unmount -node_id $node_id lappend site_nodes $node_id } # Delete the package instances with Tcl API that invokes # before-uninstantiate callbacks db_foreach all_package_instances { select package_id from apm_packages where package_key = :package_key } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "Deleting package instance $package_id <br>" apm_package_instance_delete $package_id } # Invoke the before-uninstall Tcl callback before the sql drop scripts apm_invoke_callback_proc -version_id $version_id -type before-uninstall # Unregister I18N messages lang::catalog::package_delete -package_key $package_key # Remove package from APM tables apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Deleting $package_key..." db_exec_plsql apm_package_delete {} } # Source SQL drop scripts if {$sql_drop_scripts ne ""} { apm_callback_and_log $callback "Now executing drop scripts. <ul> " foreach path $sql_drop_scripts { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li><pre>" db_source_sql_file -callback $callback "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/$path" apm_callback_and_log $callback "</pre>" } } # Optionally remove the files from the filesystem if {$remove_files_p==1} { if { [catch { file delete -force -- [acs_package_root_dir $package_key] } error] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Unable to delete [acs_package_root_dir $package_key]:<font color=red>$error</font>" } } if {$delete_site_nodes_p} { # We also cleanup the leftover site nodes. We must check that # the nodes still exist because the uninstall callbacks might # have taken care of them already. We also need to make sure # that the nodes do not have subnodes, as the deletion would # fail otherwise. foreach node_id $site_nodes { if {[db_0or1row still_exists_and_is_leaf { select 1 from site_nodes n where node_id = :node_id and not exists (select 1 from site_nodes where parent_id = n.node_id) }]} { site_node::delete -node_id $node_id } } } # Flush the installed_p cache acs::try_cache acs::misc_cache flush apm_package_installed-$package_key apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p>Done." } d_proc -private apm_package_version_delete { { -callback apm_dummy_callback } version_id } { Deletes a version from the database. } { db_exec_plsql apm_version_delete {} } ad_proc -private apm_package_version_count {package_key} { @return The number of versions of the indicated package. } { return [db_string apm_package_version_count { select count(*) from apm_package_versions where package_key = :package_key } -default 0] } d_proc -private apm_package_install_data_model { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-upgrade_from_version_name ""} {-data_model_files "0"} {-path ""} spec_file } { Given a spec file, reads in the data model files to load from it. } { array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] set package_key $version(package.key) set upgrade_to_version_name $version(name) if { $path eq "" } { set path "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]" } set ul_p 0 if {($data_model_files == 0)} { set data_model_files [apm_data_model_scripts_find \ -upgrade_from_version_name $upgrade_from_version_name \ -upgrade_to_version_name $upgrade_to_version_name \ -package_path $path \ $package_key] } if { $data_model_files ne "" } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p><li>Installing data model for $version(package-name) $version(name)...\n" } foreach item $data_model_files { lassign $item file_path file_type ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_data_model: Now processing $file_path of type $file_type" if {$file_type eq "data_model_create" || $file_type eq "data_model_upgrade" } { if { !$ul_p } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<ul>\n" set ul_p 1 } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Loading data model $path/$file_path...\n<blockquote><pre>\n" db_source_sql_file -callback $callback $path/$file_path apm_callback_and_log $callback "</pre></blockquote>\n" } elseif { $file_type eq "sqlj_code" } { if { !$ul_p } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<ul>\n" set ul_p 1 } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Loading SQLJ code $path/$file_path...\n<blockquote><pre>\n" db_source_sqlj_file -callback $callback "$path/$file_path" apm_callback_and_log $callback "</pre></blockquote>\n" } elseif {$file_type eq "ctl_file"} { ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_data_model: Now processing $file_path of type ctl_file" if { !$ul_p } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<ul>\n" set ul_p 1 } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Loading data file $path/$file_path...\n<blockquote><pre>\n" db_load_sql_data -callback $callback $path/$file_path apm_callback_and_log $callback "</pre></blockquote>\n" } } if {$ul_p} { apm_callback_and_log $callback "</ul><p>" } if { [llength $data_model_files] } { #Installations/upgrades are done in a separate process, making #changes that could affect our sessions. This is particularly a #problem with the content_item package on Oracle. To be on the safe #side we refresh the db connections after each install/upgrade. ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_data_model: Bouncing db pools." db_bounce_pools } } d_proc -private apm_package_upgrade_parameters { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} parameters package_key } { Upgrades the parameters to the current version. } { # Update each parameter that exists. foreach parameter $parameters { # Keep a running tally of all parameters that are in the current version. lassign $parameter parameter_name description section_name scope datatype min_n_values max_n_values default_value if {[db_0or1row parameter_id_get { select parameter_id from apm_parameters where parameter_name = :parameter_name and package_key = :package_key }]} { ns_log Debug "apm_package_upgrade_parameters: Updating parameter, $parameter_name:$parameter_id" # DRB: We don't allow one to upgrade scope and should probably throw an error. apm_parameter_update $parameter_id $package_key $parameter_name $description \ $default_value $datatype $section_name $min_n_values $max_n_values } else { ns_log Debug "apm_package_upgrade_parameters: Registering parameter, $parameter_name." apm_parameter_register -scope $scope $parameter_name $description $package_key $default_value \ $datatype $section_name $min_n_values $max_n_values } } ns_log Debug "apm_package_upgrade_parameters: Parameter Upgrade Complete." } ad_proc -private apm_package_install_parameters { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} parameters package_key } { Installs a set of parameters into the package denoted by package_key. } { foreach parameter $parameters { lassign $parameter parameter_name description section_name scope datatype min_n_values max_n_values default_value apm_parameter_register -scope $scope $parameter_name $description $package_key $default_value $datatype \ $section_name $min_n_values $max_n_values } } d_proc -private apm_package_install_dependencies { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} embeds extends provides requires version_id } { Install all package dependencies. } { ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_dependencies: Installing dependencies.\nembeds: $embeds\nextends: $extends\nprovides: $provides\nrequires:$requires" # Delete any dependencies register for this version. db_foreach all_dependencies_for_version { select dependency_id from apm_package_dependencies where version_id = :version_id } { apm_dependency_remove $dependency_id } foreach item [lsort -unique $provides] { lassign $item interface_uri interface_version ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_dependencies: Registering dependency $interface_uri, $interface_version for $version_id" apm_interface_add $version_id $interface_uri $interface_version } foreach item [lsort -unique $embeds] { lassign $item dependency_uri dependency_version ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_dependencies: Registering dependency embeds $dependency_uri, $dependency_version for $version_id" apm_dependency_add embeds $version_id $dependency_uri $dependency_version } foreach item [lsort -unique $extends] { lassign $item dependency_uri dependency_version ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_dependencies: Registering dependency extends $dependency_uri, $dependency_version for $version_id" apm_dependency_add extends $version_id $dependency_uri $dependency_version } foreach item [lsort -unique $requires] { lassign $item dependency_uri dependency_version ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_dependencies: Registering dependency requires $dependency_uri, $dependency_version for $version_id" apm_dependency_add requires $version_id $dependency_uri $dependency_version } } ad_proc -public apm_package_install_owners_prepare {owner_names owner_uris } { Prepare the owners data structure for installation. } { set owners [list] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $owner_names] } {incr i} { if { [lindex $owner_names $i] ne "" } { lappend owners [list [lindex $owner_names $i] [lindex $owner_uris $i]] } } return $owners } ad_proc -public apm_package_install_owners { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} owners version_id} { Install all of the owners of the package version. } { db_dml apm_delete_owners { delete from apm_package_owners where version_id = :version_id } set counter 0 foreach item $owners { lassign $item owner_name owner_uri db_dml owner_insert { insert into apm_package_owners(version_id, owner_uri, owner_name, sort_key) values(:version_id, :owner_uri, :owner_name, :counter) } incr counter } } d_proc -private apm_package_install_callbacks { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} callback_list version_id } { Install the Tcl proc callbacks for the package version. @author Peter Marklund } { db_dml delete_all_callbacks { delete from apm_package_callbacks where version_id = :version_id } foreach {type proc} $callback_list { apm_set_callback_proc -version_id $version_id -type $type $proc } } ad_proc -public apm_package_install_spec { version_id } { Writes the XML-formatted specification for a package to disk, marking it in the database as the only installed version of the package. Creates the package directory if it doesn't already exist. Overwrites any existing specification file; or if none exists yet, creates $package_key/$package_key.info and adds this new file to apm_version_files in the database. Adds minimal directories. } { set spec [apm_generate_package_spec $version_id] apm_version_info $version_id db_1row package_version_info_select { select package_key, version_id from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id } ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_spec: Checking existence of package directory." set root [acs_package_root_dir $package_key] if { ![ad_file exists $root] } { file mkdir $root # doesn't work under windows. its not very useful anyway. # file attributes $root -permissions [parameter::get -parameter InfoFilePermissionsMode -default 0755] } db_transaction { ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_spec: Determining path of .info file." set path "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/$package_key.info" ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_spec: Writing APM .info file to the database." db_dml apm_spec_file_register {} ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_spec: Writing .info file." set file [open $path "w"] puts -nonewline $file $spec close $file # create minimal directories foreach dir {www www/doc tcl tcl/test sql sql/postgresql sql/oracle} { set path "[acs_package_root_dir $package_key]/$dir" if { ![ad_file exists $path] } { file mkdir $path } } # Mark $version_id as the only installed version of the package. db_dml version_mark_installed {} } ns_log Debug "apm_package_install_spec: Done updating .info file." } ad_proc -public apm_version_enable { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} version_id } { Enables a version of a package (disabling any other version of the package). @param version_id The id of the version to be enabled. } { db_exec_plsql apm_package_version_enable {} acs::try_cache acs::misc_cache flush \ apm_package_enabled-[apm_package_key_from_version_id $version_id] apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p>Package enabled." } ad_proc -public apm_version_disable { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} version_id } { Disables a version of a package. @param version_id The id of the version to be disabled. } { db_exec_plsql apm_package_version_disable {} acs::try_cache acs::misc_cache flush \ apm_package_enabled-[apm_package_key_from_version_id $version_id] apm_callback_and_log $callback "<p>Package disabled." } d_proc -public apm_package_register { {-spec_file_path ""} {-spec_file_mtime ""} package_key pretty_name pretty_plural package_uri package_type initial_install_p singleton_p implements_subsite_p inherit_templates_p } { Register the package in the system. } { if { $package_type eq "apm_application" } { db_exec_plsql application_register {} } elseif { $package_type eq "apm_service" } { db_exec_plsql service_register {} } else { error "Unrecognized package type: $package_type" } } d_proc -public apm_version_update { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} {-array:required} version_id version_name version_uri summary description description_format vendor vendor_uri auto_mount {release_date ""} } { Update a version in the system to new information. } { upvar $array local_array set version_id [db_exec_plsql apm_version_update {}] apm::package_version::attributes::store \ -version_id $version_id \ -array local_array return $version_id } d_proc -private apm_packages_full_install { {-callback apm_dummy_callback} pkg_info_list } { Loads the data model, installs, enables, instantiates, and mounts all of the packages in pkg_list. } { foreach pkg_info $pkg_info_list { if { [catch { set spec_file [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info] set package_key [pkg_info_key $pkg_info] apm_package_install \ -load_data_model \ -enable \ -callback $callback \ $spec_file } errmsg] } { apm_callback_and_log -severity Error $callback "<p><font color=red>[string totitle $package_key] not installed.</font> <p> Error: <pre><blockquote>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</blockquote><blockquote>[ns_quotehtml $::errorInfo]</blockquote></pre>" } } } ad_proc -public apm_package_upgrade_p {package_key version_name} { @return 1 if a version of the indicated package_key of version lower than version_name \ is already installed in the system, 0 otherwise. } { set package_version_name [apm_highest_version_name $package_key] if {$package_version_name eq ""} { return 0 } else { return [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $package_version_name $version_name] == -1}] } } ad_proc -private apm_package_upgrade_from { package_key version_name } { @param package_key The package you're installing @param version_name The version of the package you're installing @return the version of the package currently installed, which we're upgrading from, if it's different from the version_name passed in. If this is not an upgrade, returns the empty string. } { return [db_string apm_package_upgrade_from {} -default ""] } ad_proc -public apm_version_upgrade {version_id} { Upgrade a package to a locally maintained later version. } { db_exec_plsql apm_version_upgrade {} } ad_proc -private apm_upgrade_for_version_p {path initial_version_name final_version_name} { @return 1 if the file indicated by path is a valid SQL script to upgrade initial_version_name to final_version_name } { ns_log Debug "apm_upgrade_for_version_p: upgrade_p $path, $initial_version_name $final_version_name" return [db_exec_plsql apm_upgrade_for_version_p {}] } ad_proc -private apm_order_upgrade_scripts {upgrade_script_names} { Upgrade scripts are ordered so that they may be executed in a sequence that upgrades package. For example, if you start at version 1.0, and need to go to version 2.0, a correct order would be 1.0-1.5, 1.5-1.6, 1.6-2.0. @return an ordered list of upgrade script names. } { return [lsort -increasing -command apm_upgrade_script_compare $upgrade_script_names] } ad_proc -private apm_upgrade_script_compare {f1 f2} { @return 1 if f1 comes after f2, 0 if they are the same, -1 if f1 comes before f2. } { # Strip off any path information. set f1 [lindex [split $f1 /] end] set f2 [lindex [split $f2 /] end] # Get the version number from, e.g. the 2.0 from upgrade-2.0-3.0.sql if {[regexp {\-(.*)-.*.sql} $f1 match f1_version_from] && [regexp {\-(.*)-.*.sql} $f2 match f2_version_from] } { # At this point we should have something like 2.0 and 3.1d which Tcl string # comparison can handle. set f1_version_from [db_exec_plsql test_f1 {}] set f2_version_from [db_exec_plsql test_f2 {}] return [string compare $f1_version_from $f2_version_from] } else { error "Invalid upgrade script syntax. Should be \"upgrade-major.minor-major.minor.sql\"." } } d_proc -public apm_data_model_scripts_find { {-upgrade_from_version_name ""} {-upgrade_to_version_name ""} {-package_path ""} package_key } { @param upgrade_from_version_name From which version do we want the files @param upgrade_to_version_name To what version do we want the files @param package_path The package path @param package_key The package key @return A list of files and file types of form [list [list "foo.sql" "data_model_upgrade"] ...] } { set types_to_retrieve [list "sqlj_code"] if {$upgrade_from_version_name eq ""} { lappend types_to_retrieve "data_model_create" # Assuming here that ctl_file files are not upgrade scripts # TODO: Make it possible to determine which ctl files are upgrade scripts and which aren't lappend types_to_retrieve "ctl_file" } else { lappend types_to_retrieve "data_model_upgrade" } if {[apm_package_installed_p $package_key] && ![apm_package_enabled_p $package_key]} { ns_log notice "apm_data_model_scripts_find: ignore upgrade attempt for disabled package $package_key" return "" } set data_model_list [list] set upgrade_file_list [list] set ctl_file_list [list] set file_list [apm_get_package_files -include_data_model_files \ -file_types $types_to_retrieve \ -package_path $package_path \ -package_key $package_key] foreach path $file_list { set file_type [apm_guess_file_type $package_key $path] set file_db_type [apm_guess_db_type $package_key $path] apm_log APMDebug "apm_data_model_scripts_find: Checking \"$path\" of type \"$file_type\" and db_type \"$file_db_type\"." if {$file_type in $types_to_retrieve} { set list_item [list $path $file_type $package_key] if {$file_type eq "data_model_upgrade"} { # Upgrade script if {[apm_upgrade_for_version_p $path $upgrade_from_version_name \ $upgrade_to_version_name]} { # Its a valid upgrade script. ns_log Debug "apm_data_model_scripts_find: Adding $path to the list of upgrade files." lappend upgrade_file_list $list_item } } elseif {$file_type eq "ctl_file"} { lappend ctl_file_list $list_item } else { # Install script apm_log APMDebug "apm_data_model_scripts_find: Adding $path to the list of data model files." lappend data_model_list $list_item } } } # ctl files need to be loaded after the sql create scripts set file_list [concat [apm_order_upgrade_scripts $upgrade_file_list] \ $data_model_list \ $ctl_file_list] apm_log APMDebug "apm_data_model_scripts_find: Data model scripts for $package_key: $file_list" return $file_list } d_proc -private apm_query_files_find { package_key file_list } { @param file_list A list of files and file types of form [list [list "foo.sql" "data_model_upgrade"] ...] } { set query_file_list [list] foreach file $file_list { lassign $file path file_type file_db_type ns_log Debug "apm_query_files_find: Checking \"$path\" of type \"$file_type\" and db_type \"$file_db_type\"." # DRB: we return query files which match the given database type or for which no db_type # is defined, which we interpret to mean a file containing queries that work with all of our # supported databases. if {"query_file" eq $file_type && ($file_db_type eq "" || [db_type] eq $file_db_type ) } { ns_log Debug "apm_query_files_find: Adding $path to the list of query files." lappend query_file_list $path } } ns_log Notice "apm_query_files_find: Query files for $package_key: $query_file_list" return $query_file_list } ad_proc -private apm_mount_core_packages {} { <p> Mount, and set permissions for a number of packages part of the OpenACS core. The packages are singletons that have already been instantiated during installation. The main site needs to have been set up prior to invoking this proc. </p> <p> The reason mounting is done here and not via the auto-mount feature of the APM is that there is a circular dependency between acs-subsite and acs-content-repository. The package acs-subsite requires acs-content-repository and so we cannot install acs-subsite before acs-content-repository in order to be able to mount acs-content-repository. </p> @see site_node::instantiate_and_mount @author Peter Marklund } { ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Starting mounting of core packages" # Mount acs-lang ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-lang" set acs_lang_id [site_node::instantiate_and_mount -package_key acs-lang] permission::grant -party_id [acs_magic_object the_public] \ -object_id $acs_lang_id \ -privilege read # Mount acs-admin ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-admin" site_node::instantiate_and_mount -package_key acs-admin # Mount acs-service-contract ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-service-contract" site_node::instantiate_and_mount -package_key acs-service-contract # Mount the acs-content-repository ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-content-repository" site_node::instantiate_and_mount -package_key acs-content-repository # Mount acs-core-docs ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-core-docs" site_node::instantiate_and_mount -node_name doc \ -package_key acs-core-docs # Mount the acs-api-browser ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-api-browser" set api_browser_package_id \ [site_node::instantiate_and_mount -node_name api-doc \ -package_key acs-api-browser] # # Over many years, all "Registered Users" got per default access # to /api-doc. This is probably OK, when one assumes that the # registered users are developers. However, providing source code # access to all registered users can pose a security thread, # especially on large sites. By deactivating the following line, # just "Main Site Administrators" will have rights on the # /api-doc, which is probably the right thing to do on most sites. # With the new permissions interface, providing more liberal rights via is # if {0} { # Only registered users should have permission to access the # api-browser # permission::grant -party_id [acs_magic_object registered_users] \ -object_id $api_browser_package_id \ -privilege read } # # Do not inherit from the parent object (if set). # permission::set_not_inherit -object_id $api_browser_package_id # Mount acs-automated-testing ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Mounting acs-automated-testing" site_node::instantiate_and_mount -node_name test \ -package_key acs-automated-testing ns_log Notice "apm_mount_core_packages: Finished mounting of core packages" } d_proc -public apm_version_sortable { version } { Return a sortable version of the version name. @author Jeff Davis } { return [db_string sortable_version {}] } d_proc -public apm_version_names_compare { version_name_1 version_name_2 } { Compare two version names for which is earlier than the other. Example: <ul> <li>apm_version_names_compare "1.2d3" "3.5b" => -1 <li> apm_version_names_compare "3.5b" "3.5b" => 0 <li> apm_version_names_compare "3.5b" "1.2d3" => 1 </ul> @param version_name_1 the first version name @param version_name_2 the second version name @return <ul> <li> -1: the first version is smallest <li> 0: they're identical <li> 1: the second version is smallest </ul> @author Lars Pind } { # # This function is stable (returns always the same results for the # same input) and called with only a few different input # values. By using acs::per_thread_cache the performance improves # from 265 microseconds to 2 microseconds; # return [acs::per_thread_cache eval -key acs-tcl.apm_version_names_compare($version_name_1,$version_name_2) { db_1row select_sortable_versions {} string compare $sortable_version_1 $sortable_version_2 }] } d_proc -private apm_upgrade_logic_compare { from_to_key_1 from_to_key_2 } { Compare the from-versions in two of apm_upgrade_logic's array entries on the form 'from_version_name,to_version_name'. @param from_to_key_1 the first key from the array in apm_upgrade_logic @param from_to_key_2 the second key from the array in apm_upgrade_logic @return 1 if 1 comes after 2, 0 if they are the same, -1 if 1 comes before 2. @author Lars Pind } { return [apm_version_names_compare \ [lindex [split $from_to_key_1 ","] 0] \ [lindex [split $from_to_key_2 ","] 0]] } d_proc -public apm_upgrade_logic { {-from_version_name:required} {-to_version_name:required} {-spec:required} } { Logic to help upgrade a package. The spec contains a flat list of triples of the form { "from_version" "to_version" "code_chunk" "from_version" "to_version" "code_chunk ..." }. The list is compared against the "from_version_name" and "to_version_name" parameters supplied, and the code_chunks that fall within the from_version_name and to_version_name it'll get executed in the caller's namespace, ordered by the from_version. <p> Example: <blockquote><pre> d_proc my_upgrade_callback { {-from_version_name:required} {-to_version_name:required} } { apm_upgrade_logic \ -from_version_name $from_version_name \ -to_version_name $to_version_name \ -spec { 1.1 1.2 { ... } 1.2 1.3 { ... } 1.4d 1.4d1 { ... } 2.1 2.3 { ... } 2.3 2.4 { ... } } } </pre></blockquote> @param from_version_name The version you're upgrading from, e.g. '1.3'. @param to_version_name The version you're upgrading to, e.g. '2.4'. @param spec The code chunks in the format described above @author Lars Pind } { if { [llength $spec] % 3 != 0 } { error "The length of spec should be dividable by 3" } array set chunks [list] foreach { elm_from elm_to elm_chunk } $spec { # Check that # from_version_name < elm_from < elm_to < to_version_name ns_log notice "apm_upgrade_logic: 1 [list apm_version_names_compare $from_version_name $elm_from] => [apm_version_names_compare $from_version_name $elm_from] <= 0 --> [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $from_version_name $elm_from] <= 0}]" ns_log notice "apm_upgrade_logic: 2 [list apm_version_names_compare $elm_from $elm_to] => [apm_version_names_compare $elm_from $elm_to] <= 0 --> [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $elm_from $elm_to] <= 0}]" ns_log notice "apm_upgrade_logic: 3 [list apm_version_names_compare $elm_to $to_version_name] => [apm_version_names_compare $elm_to $to_version_name] <= 0 --> [expr {[apm_version_names_compare $elm_to $to_version_name] <= 0}]" if { [apm_version_names_compare $from_version_name $elm_from] <= 0 && [apm_version_names_compare $elm_from $elm_to] <= 0 && [apm_version_names_compare $elm_to $to_version_name] <= 0 } { set chunks($elm_from,$elm_to) $elm_chunk } } foreach key [lsort -increasing -command apm_upgrade_logic_compare [array names chunks]] { uplevel $chunks($key) } } ############## # # Repository procs # ############# d_proc -public apm_get_package_repository { {-repository_url ""} {-array:required} } { Gets a list of packages available for install from either a remote package repository or the local filesystem. @param repository_url The URL for the repository channel to get from, or the empty string to search the local filesystem instead. @param array Name of an array where you want the repository stored. It will be keyed by package-key, and each entry will be an array list returned by apm_read_package_info_file. @see apm_read_package_info_file @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) } { # This will be a list of array-lists of packages available for install upvar 1 $array repository #ns_log notice "apm_get_package_repository repository_url=$repository_url" apm_get_installed_versions -array installed_version if { $repository_url ne "" } { set manifest_url "${repository_url}manifest.xml" #ns_log notice "apm_get_package_repository manifest_url=$manifest_url" # See if we already have it in a client property set manifest [ad_get_client_property acs-admin [string range $manifest_url end-49 end]] if { $manifest eq "" } { # Nope, get it now #ns_log notice [list util::http::get -timeout 120 -url $manifest_url] set dict [util::http::get -timeout 120 -url $manifest_url] if { [dict get $dict status] ne "200" } { error "Couldn't get the package list. Please try again later. Status: [dict get $dict status]" } set manifest [dict get $dict page] # Store for subsequent requests ad_set_client_property -clob t acs-admin [string range $manifest_url end-49 end] $manifest } # Parse manifest set tree [xml_parse -persist $manifest] set root_node [xml_doc_get_first_node $tree] foreach package_node [xml_node_get_children_by_name $root_node "package"] { unset -nocomplain version set version(package.key) [xml_node_get_content [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node "package-key"]] set version(name) [xml_node_get_content [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node "version"]] set version(package-name) [xml_node_get_content [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node "pretty-name"]] set version(package.type) [xml_node_get_content [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node "package-type"]] set version(download_url) [xml_node_get_content [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node "download-url"]] foreach element {summary release-date} { set node [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node $element] if {$node ne ""} { set version($element) [xml_node_get_content $node] } else { set version($element) "" } } foreach element {vendor owner} { set node [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $package_node $element] if {$node ne ""} { set version($element) [xml_node_get_content $node] set version($element.url) [xml_node_get_attribute $node "url"] } else { set version($element) "" set version($element.url) "" } } # Build a list of packages to install additionally set version(install) [list] foreach node [xml_node_get_children_by_name $package_node install] { set install [apm_attribute_value $node package] lappend version(install) $install } apm::package_version::attributes::parse_xml \ -parent_node $package_node \ -array version foreach dependency_type { provides requires embeds extends } { set version($dependency_type) {} foreach dependency_node [xml_node_get_children_by_name $package_node "$dependency_type"] { lappend version($dependency_type) \ [list [xml_node_get_attribute $dependency_node "url"] \ [xml_node_get_attribute $dependency_node "version"]] } } foreach install_node [xml_node_get_children_by_name $package_node "install"] { lappend version(install) [xml_node_get_attribute $install_node "package"] } if { ![info exists installed_version($version(package.key))] } { # Package is not installed set version(install_type) install } elseif { $version(name) eq $installed_version($version(package.key)) || [apm_higher_version_installed_p $version(package.key) $version(name)] != 1 } { # This version or a higher version already installed set version(install_type) already_installed } else { # Earlier version installed, this is an upgrade set version(install_type) upgrade } ns_log Debug "apm_get_package_repository: $version(package.key) = $version(install_type) -- [array get installed_version]" if { $version(install_type) ne "already_installed" } { set repository($version(package.key)) [array get version] } } } else { # Parse spec files set spec_files [apm_scan_packages "$::acs::rootdir/packages"] lappend spec_files {*}[apm_scan_packages] foreach spec_file $spec_files { ad_try { unset -nocomplain version array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] # If the package doesn't support this RDBMS, it's not really available for install if { [apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $version(package.key)] } { if { ![info exists installed_version($version(package.key))] } { # Package is not installed set version(install_type) install } elseif { $version(name) eq $installed_version($version(package.key)) || [apm_higher_version_installed_p $version(package.key) $version(name)] != 1 } { # This version or a higher version already installed set version(install_type) already_installed } else { # Earlier version installed, this is an upgrade set version(install_type) upgrade } if { $version(install_type) ne "already_installed" } { set repository($version(package.key)) [array get version] } } } on error {errmsg} { # We don't error hard here, because we don't want the whole process to fail if there's just one # package with a bad .info file ns_log Error "apm_get_package_repository: Error while checking package info file $spec_file: $errmsg\n$::errorInfo" } } } } ad_proc -public apm_get_repository_channel {} { Returns the channel to use when installing software from the repository. Based on the version of the acs-kernel package, e.g. if acs-kernel is version 5.0.1, then this will return 5-0. } { set kernel_versionv [split [ad_acs_version] .] return [join [lrange $kernel_versionv 0 1] "-"] } ad_proc -public apm_get_repository_channels { {repository_url https://openacs.org/repository/} } { Returns the channels and URLs from a repository } { set result [util::http::get -url $repository_url] set status [dict get $result status] #ns_log notice "GOT\n$repository_url\n[dict get $result page]" if {$status != 200} { return -code error "unexpected result code $status from url $repository_url" } set repositories "" dom parse -html -- [dict get $result page] doc $doc documentElement root foreach node [$root selectNodes {//ul/li/a}] { set href [$node getAttribute href] if {[regexp {^(\d+[-]\d+[-]?\d*)} $href . version]} { set name $version # # Try to get the tag from the span node right after the "a" element. # set spanNode [lindex [[$node parentNode] selectNodes {span}] 0] if {$spanNode ne ""} { set tag [$spanNode text] } else { # # Fall back to old version # set tag oacs-$version } lappend repositories [list $name $tag] } else { #set txt [string trim [$node asText]] #ns_log warning "unexpected href found in repository $repository_url: $txt ($href)" #continue } } return $repositories } ad_proc -private apm_load_install_xml {filename binds} { Loads an install file and returns the root node. errors out if the file is not there. substitutes variables before parsing so you can provide interpolated values. @param filename relative to serverroot, leading slash needed. @param binds list of {variable value variable value ...} @return root_node of the parsed XML file. @author Jeff Davis davis@xarg.net @creation-date 2003-10-30 } { # Abort if there is no install.xml file set filename $::acs::rootdir$filename if { ![ad_file exists $filename] } { error "File $filename not found" } # Read the whole file set file [open $filename] set __the_body__ [read $file] close $file # Interpolate the vars. if {$binds ne ""} { foreach {var val} $binds { set $var [ns_quotehtml $val] } if {![info exists Id]} { set Id {$Id} } if {[catch {set __the_body__ [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands ${__the_body__}]} err]} { error $err } } set root_node [xml_doc_get_first_node [xml_parse -persist ${__the_body__}]] return $root_node } d_proc -public apm::process_install_xml { -nested:boolean -install_from_repository:boolean filename binds } { process an XML install definition file which is expected to contain directives to install, mount and configure a series of packages. @param filename path to the XML file relative to serverroot. @param binds list of {variable value variable value ...} @return list of messages @author Jeff Davis (swiped from acs-bootstrap-installer though) @creation-date 2003-10-30 } { variable ::install::xml::ids # If it's not a nested call then initialize the ids array. # If it is nested we will typically need id's from the parent if {!$nested_p} { unset -nocomplain ids # set default ids for the main site and core packages set ids(ACS_KERNEL) [apm_package_id_from_key acs-kernel] set ids(ACS_TEMPLATING) [apm_package_id_from_key acs-templating] set ids(ACS_AUTHENTICATION) [apm_package_id_from_key acs-authentication] set ids(ACS_LANG) [apm_package_id_from_key acs-lang] set ids(MAIN_SITE) [subsite::main_site_id] } lappend out "Processing $filename (nested $nested_p)" lappend ::template::parse_level [info level] set root_node [apm_load_install_xml $filename $binds] set acs_application(name) [apm_required_attribute_value $root_node name] set acs_application(pretty_name) [apm_attribute_value -default $acs_application(name) $root_node pretty-name] lappend out "Loading packages for the $acs_application(pretty_name) application." set actions [xml_node_get_children_by_name $root_node actions] if { [llength $actions] != 1 } { ns_log Error "Error in \"$filename\": only one action node is allowed, found: [llength $actions]" error "Error in \"$filename\": only one action node is allowed" } set actions [xml_node_get_children [lindex $actions 0]] foreach action $actions { set install_proc_out [apm_invoke_install_proc -install_from_repository=$install_from_repository_p -node $action] lappend out {*}$install_proc_out } # pop off parse level template::util::lpop ::template::parse_level return $out } d_proc -public apm_invoke_install_proc { {-install_from_repository:boolean} {-type "action"} {-node:required} } { read an XML install element and invoke the appropriate processing procedure. @param type the type of element to search for @param node the XML node to process @return the result of the invoked proc @author Lee Denison @creation-date 2004-06-16 } { set name [xml_node_get_name $node] set command [namespace which ::install::xml::${type}::${name}] if {$command eq ""} { error "Error: got bad node \"$name\"" } #ns_log notice "apm_invoke_install_proc: call [list ::install::xml::${type}::${name} $node]" if {$install_from_repository_p && $name eq "install"} { ns_log notice "apm_invoke_install_proc: skip [list ::install::xml::${type}::${name} $node] (install from repo)" set result 1 } else { set result [::install::xml::${type}::${name} $node] } return "install::xml::${type}::${name} $result\n" } ############## # # Dynamic package version attributes (namespace apm::package_version::attributes) # ############# ad_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names {} { Set all names of the instances for those packages that have the attribute package_instance_name. After running this script you must restart your installation. } { # packages list db_foreach get_packages_keys { select package_key from apm_enabled_package_versions } { # Getting the instance name set package_instance_name [apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name $package_key] # Getting package_name set path [apm_package_info_file_path $package_key] array set version_properties [apm_read_package_info_file $path] set package_name $version_properties(package-name) # Getting instances name db_foreach get_instances_names { select instance_name from apm_packages where package_key = :package_key } { # Removing the character "#". regsub -all -- {[\#]*} $instance_name {\1} instance_name # Verifying whether this instance_name is a message_key set is_msg [lang::message::message_exists_p [ad_conn locale] $instance_name] if {$package_name eq $instance_name && $is_msg eq 0} { if { $package_instance_name ne ""} { # Updating the names of the instances for this package_key db_transaction { db_dml app_rename { update apm_packages set instance_name = :package_instance_name where package_key = :package_key } } } } } } } ad_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::get_instance_name { package_key } { Return the package_instance_name which is used for naming instances in .LRN, every time that we are creating a class. @author Cesar Hernandez } { set version_id [apm_version_id_from_package_key $package_key] if {$version_id ne ""} { apm::package_version::attributes::get -version_id $version_id -array packages_names # # Special case for those (???) packages that do not have the # attribute package instance name, in this case return "" # if {![info exists packages_names(package_instance_name)]} { ns_log Warning "Package $package_key does not have an instance name." return "" } return $packages_names(package_instance_name) } } ad_proc -public apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec {} { Return dynamic attributes of package versions in an array list. The rationale for introducing the dynamic package version attributes is to make it easy to add new package attributes. @return An array list with attribute names as keys and attribute specs as values. The attribute specs are themselves array lists with keys default_value, validation_proc, and pretty_name. @author Peter Marklund } { return { maturity { pretty_name Maturity default_value 0 validation_proc apm::package_version::attributes::validate_maturity size 2 } license { pretty_name License } license_url { pretty_name "License URL" size 80 } package_instance_name { pretty_name "Package instance name" } install { pretty_name "Install additional packages" default_value "" size 80 xml_formatter {generate_xml_element -attribute_name package -multiple} } } } ad_proc -public apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name { attribute_name } { Return the pretty name of attribute with given short name. @author Peter Marklund } { dict get [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec] $attribute_name pretty_name } ad_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::validate_maturity { maturity } { set error_message "" if { $maturity ne "" } { if { ![string is integer -strict $maturity] } { set error_message "Maturity must be integer" } elseif { $maturity < -1 || $maturity > 4 } { set error_message "Maturity must be integer between -1 and 4" } } return $error_message } ad_proc -public apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text { maturity } { Get the internationalized maturity description corresponding to the given integer package maturity level. @author Peter Marklund } { if { $maturity ne "" } { if { !($maturity >= -1 && $maturity <= 4) } { error "Maturity must be between -1 and 4 but is \"$maturity\"" } set maturity_key(-1) "#acs-tcl.maturity_incompatible#" set maturity_key(0) "#acs-tcl.maturity_new_submission#" set maturity_key(1) "#acs-tcl.maturity_immature#" set maturity_key(2) "#acs-tcl.maturity_mature#" set maturity_key(3) "#acs-tcl.maturity_mature_and_standard#" set maturity_key(4) "#acs-tcl.maturity_deprecated#" if {[catch { set result [lang::util::localize $maturity_key($maturity)] } errorMsg]} { ns_log warning "Couldn't localize maturity key $maturity: $errorMsg" set result $maturity } } else { set result "" } return $result } d_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::parse_xml { {-parent_node:required} {-array:required} } { Given the parent node in an XML tree parse the package version attributes and set their values with upvar in the array with given name. @param parent_node A reference to the parent XML node of the attribute nodes @param array The name of the array in the callers scope to set the attribute values in. @author Peter Marklund } { upvar $array attributes array set dynamic_attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec] foreach attribute_name [array names dynamic_attributes] { set attribute_node [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $parent_node $attribute_name] if { $attribute_node ne "" } { # There is a tag for the attribute so use the tag contents set attributes($attribute_name) [xml_node_get_content $attribute_node] } else { # No tag for the attribute - use default value set attributes($attribute_name) [apm::package_version::attributes::default_value $attribute_name] } } } ad_proc -public apm::package_version::attributes::default_value { attribute_name } { Return the default value for the given attribute name. @author Peter Marklund } { set attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec] if { [dict exists $attributes $attribute_name default_value] } { set default_value [dict get $attributes $attribute_name default_value] } else { # No default value so use the empty string (the default default value) set default_value "" } return $default_value } d_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::store { {-version_id:required} {-array:required} } { Store the dynamic attributes of a certain package version in the database. @param version_id The id of the package version to store attribute values for @param array The name of the array in the callers scope containing the attribute values to store @author Peter Marklund } { upvar $array attributes db_transaction { db_dml clear_old_attributes { delete from apm_package_version_attr where version_id = :version_id } array set dynamic_attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec] foreach attribute_name [array names dynamic_attributes] { if { [info exists attributes($attribute_name)] } { set attribute_value $attributes($attribute_name) db_dml insert_attribute { insert into apm_package_version_attr (attribute_name, attribute_value, version_id) values (:attribute_name, :attribute_value, :version_id) } } } } } d_proc -public apm::package_version::attributes::get { {-version_id:required} {-array:required} } { Set an array with the attribute values of a certain package version. @param version_id The id of the package version to return attribute values for @param array The name of an array in the callers environment in which the attribute values will be set (with attribute names as keys and attribute values as values). @author Peter Marklund } { upvar $array attributes db_foreach select_attribute_values { select attribute_name, attribute_value from apm_package_version_attr where version_id = :version_id } { set attributes($attribute_name) $attribute_value } } d_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml_element { {-indentation ""} {-element_name:required} {-attribute_name ""} {-multiple:boolean false} -value:required } { Format an XML element with a value depending on the specified arguments @param attribute_name code the value as XML attribute @param multiple treat the value as a list and produce multiple XML elements @return the XML-formatted string @author Gustaf Neumann } { if {$multiple_p} { set xm_string "" foreach v $value { append xml_string [generate_xml_element \ -indentation $indentation \ -element_name $element_name \ -attribute_name $attribute_name \ -value $v] } } else { if {$attribute_name eq ""} { set xml_string "${indentation}<${element_name}>[ns_quotehtml $value]</${element_name}>\n" } else { set xml_string "${indentation}<$element_name $attribute_name=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\"/>\n" } } return $xml_string } d_proc -private apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml { {-version_id:required} {-indentation ""} } { Return an XML string with the dynamic package version attributes for a certain package version. @param version_id The id of the package version to generate the attribute XML for. @param indentation A string with whitespace to indent each tag with @author Peter Marklund @author Gustaf Neumann } { set xml_string "" array set attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get \ -version_id $version_id \ -array attributes] set attribute_defs [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec] # # Sort the array so that the XML is always in the same order so # its stable for CVS. # foreach attribute_name [lsort [array names attributes]] { # # Only output tag if its value is nonempty # if { $attributes($attribute_name) ne "" } { set xml_formatter generate_xml_element if {[dict exists $attribute_defs $attribute_name xml_formatter]} { set xml_formatter [dict get $attribute_defs $attribute_name xml_formatter] } append xml_string [{*}$xml_formatter \ -indentation $indentation\ -element_name $attribute_name \ -value $attributes($attribute_name)] } } return $xml_string } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: