• Publicity: Public Only All


Contains procs to send HTML email outside of the context of ACS Mail package.

25 Feb 2002
Doug Harris <dharris@worldbank.org>
Janine Sisk <jsisk@mit.edu>
CVS Identification:
$Id: html-email-procs.tcl,v 2024/08/31 09:37:18 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

ad_build_mime_message (public)

 ad_build_mime_message text_body html_body [ charset ]

Composes multipart/alternative email containing plain text and html versions of the message, parses out the headers we need, constructs an array and returns it to the caller. This proc is based on ad_html_sendmail, written by Doug Harris at the World Bank.

text_body (required)
html_body (required)
charset (optional, defaults to "UTF-8")
ns_set containing MIME-Version, Content-ID, Content-Type, and body

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_build_mime_message ad_build_mime_message (test acs-tcl) ad_build_mime_message ad_build_mime_message test_ad_build_mime_message->ad_build_mime_message mime::buildmessage mime::buildmessage ad_build_mime_message->mime::buildmessage mime::initialize mime::initialize ad_build_mime_message->mime::initialize build_mime_message build_mime_message (public, deprecated) build_mime_message->ad_build_mime_message


ad_parse_incoming_email (public)

 ad_parse_incoming_email message

Takes an incoming message and splits it into parts. The main goal of this proc is to return something that can be stuffed into the database somewhere, such as a forum message. Since we aggressively filter HTML, the HTML tags are stripped out of the returned content. The message may have only plain text, plain text and HTML, or plain text and something else (Apple Mail uses text/enhanced, for example). To make our lives simpler we support only text/html as a special case; in all other cases the plain text is returned.

message (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue (private) ad_parse_incoming_email ad_parse_incoming_email notification::email::load_qmail_mail_queue->ad_parse_incoming_email parse_incoming_email parse_incoming_email (public, deprecated) parse_incoming_email->ad_parse_incoming_email ad_html_to_text ad_html_to_text (public) ad_parse_incoming_email->ad_html_to_text mime::finalize mime::finalize ad_parse_incoming_email->mime::finalize mime::getbody mime::getbody ad_parse_incoming_email->mime::getbody mime::getproperty mime::getproperty ad_parse_incoming_email->mime::getproperty mime::initialize mime::initialize ad_parse_incoming_email->mime::initialize

No testcase defined.

build_mime_message (public, deprecated)

 build_mime_message [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Composes multipart/alternative email containing plain text and html versions of the message, parses out the headers we need, constructs an array and returns it to the caller. This proc is based on ad_html_sendmail, written by Doug Harris at the World Bank. DEPRECATED: this proc does not comply with naming convention enforced by acs-tcl.naming__proc_naming automated test

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_build_mime_message ad_build_mime_message (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) build_mime_message build_mime_message build_mime_message->ad_build_mime_message build_mime_message->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

parse_incoming_email (public, deprecated)

 parse_incoming_email message
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Takes an incoming message and splits it into parts. The main goal of this proc is to return something that can be stuffed into the database somewhere, such as a forum message. Since we aggressively filter HTML, the HTML tags are stripped out of the returned content. The message may have only plain text, plain text and HTML, or plain text and something else (Apple Mail uses text/enhanced, for example). To make our lives simpler we support only text/html as a special case; in all other cases the plain text is returned. DEPRECATED: does not comply with OpenACS naming convention

message (required)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_parse_incoming_email ad_parse_incoming_email (public) parse_incoming_email parse_incoming_email parse_incoming_email->ad_log_deprecated parse_incoming_email->ad_parse_incoming_email

No testcase defined.
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