
Utility ad_procs for Tcl <-> JSON conversion. This is based on the tcllib json package written by Andreas Kupries, and later rewritten to parse via regular expressions by Thomas Maeder. The tcllib version suffers from generating Tcl structures from JSON strings with no type (JSON array or object) information. The resulting structures can't be converted back to JSON strings, you have to munge them with type information first. And the code making use the Tcl structure also needs to know whether each field is an object or array. It also depends on the DICT package or Tcl 8.5. This rewrite doesn't depend on DICT, declares procs using ad_proc (so the API will be picked up by our API browser), and is symmetrical (you can convert from JSON to the Tcl representation and back again). I've not renamed internal variables in the typical OpenACS style. I've placed these in the global util namespace for two reasons: 1. Don't want to clash with the tcllib json package in case someone else decides to use it. 2. Might put it in acs-tcl as part of the utility stuff someday. More information ... See http://www.json.org/ && http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt Total rework of the code published with version number 1.0 by Thomas Maeder, Glue Software Engineering AG

Don Baccus
CVS Identification:
$Id: json-procs.tcl,v 1.14 2024/10/22 09:37:22 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

util::json2dict (public)

 util::json2dict jsonText

Parse JSON text into a Tcl dict. This function is NOT based on the functions from the "util::json::" namespace, and is built on top of tDOM. It is a replacement for the "json::json2dict" in the tcllib package "json", but is on sample documents several times faster.

jsonText (required)
JSON text
dict containing the JSON objects represented by jsonText
Gustaf Neumann

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_json_to_dict json_to_dict (test acs-tcl) util::json2dict util::json2dict test_json_to_dict->util::json2dict acs::icanuse acs::icanuse (public) util::json2dict->acs::icanuse dom dom util::json2dict->dom util::tdomDoc2dict util::tdomDoc2dict (public) util::json2dict->util::tdomDoc2dict richtext::ckeditor4::download richtext::ckeditor4::download (private) richtext::ckeditor4::download->util::json2dict util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version (public) util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version->util::json2dict


util::json::array2json (private)

 util::json::array2json arrayVal

Generate a JSON string for a two-element Tcl JSON array list.

arrayVal (required)
[list array values]
Valid JSON array string.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::gen_inner util::json::gen_inner (private) util::json::array2json util::json::array2json util::json::gen_inner->util::json::array2json

No testcase defined.

util::json::array::create (public)

 util::json::array::create values

Construct a JSON object with the given values list

values (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

util::json::array::get_values (public)

 util::json::array::get_values item

Verify that the given Tcl structure is an object, and return its values list.

item (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

util::json::gen (public)

 util::json::gen value

Top-level procedure to generate a JSON string from its Tcl list representation.

value (required)
A two-element object/array Tcl list.
A valid JSON string.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::gen_inner util::json::gen_inner (private) util::json::gen util::json::gen util::json::gen->util::json::gen_inner

No testcase defined.

util::json::gen_inner (private)

 util::json::gen_inner value

Generate a JSON string for a sub-list of a Tcl JSON "object".

value (required)
A list representing a JSON object/array or value
Valid JSON object, array, or value string.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::array2json util::json::array2json (private) util::json::gen_inner util::json::gen_inner util::json::array2json->util::json::gen_inner util::json::gen util::json::gen (public) util::json::gen->util::json::gen_inner util::json::object2json util::json::object2json (private) util::json::object2json->util::json::gen_inner _ _ (public) util::json::gen_inner->_

No testcase defined.

util::json::indent (public)

 util::json::indent [ -simplify ] json

Indent a JSON string to make it more easily digestable by the human mind. This works best (by far) if the JSON string doesn't already contain newlines (as will be true of JSON strings generated by util::json::gen).

-simplify (optional, boolean)
If true, remove all fields that don't contribute to the structure of the object/array combination being described by the string.
json (required)
The string to indent
The beautifully indented, and optionally simplified, string

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

util::json::json_value_to_sql_value (public)

 util::json::json_value_to_sql_value value

While mysql happily treats false as 0, real SQL does not. And we need to protect against apostrophes in strings. And handle null. You get the idea.

value (required)
A value from a parsed JSON string
Something that works in Real SQL, not to be confused with MySQL. This includes not trying to insert '' into columns of type real, when "null" is meant (we mimic Oracle bindvar/PG bindvar emulation semantics). The Ilias RTE JavaScript returns '' rather than null for JS null variables.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ns_dbquotevalue ns_dbquotevalue util::json::json_value_to_sql_value util::json::json_value_to_sql_value util::json::json_value_to_sql_value->ns_dbquotevalue

No testcase defined.

util::json::object2json (private)

 util::json::object2json objectVal

Generate a JSON string for a two-element Tcl JSON object list.

objectVal (required)
[list object values]
Valid JSON object string.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::gen_inner util::json::gen_inner (private) util::json::object2json util::json::object2json util::json::gen_inner->util::json::object2json

No testcase defined.

util::json::object::create (public)

 util::json::object::create values

Construct a JSON object with the given values list

values (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::object::set_by_path util::json::object::set_by_path (public) util::json::object::create util::json::object::create util::json::object::set_by_path->util::json::object::create util::json::object::set_value util::json::object::set_value (public) util::json::object::set_value->util::json::object::create

No testcase defined.

util::json::object::get_value (public)

 util::json::object::get_value -object object -attribute attribute

Returns the value of an attribute in an object. If the attribute doesn't exist, an error will result.

-object (required)
The JSON object which contains the attribute.
-attribute (required)
The attribute name.
The attribute value or an error, if the attribute doesn't exist.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::get_values (public) util::json::object::get_value util::json::object::get_value util::json::object::get_value->util::json::object::get_values

No testcase defined.

util::json::object::get_values (public)

 util::json::object::get_values item

Verify that the given Tcl structure is an object, and return its values list.

item (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::object::get_value util::json::object::get_value (public) util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::get_value->util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::set_by_path util::json::object::set_by_path (public) util::json::object::set_by_path->util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::set_value util::json::object::set_value (public) util::json::object::set_value->util::json::object::get_values

No testcase defined.

util::json::object::set_by_path (public)

 util::json::object::set_by_path -object object -path path -value value

This is an odd utility that mimics some odd code in the Ilias SCORM module, included here because it might be of more general use. Essentially we walk down an object tree structure using the "path" parameter. If we encounter a leaf on the way, we replace it with a new object node and continue. The last element of the path is interpreted as a leaf of the tree and is set to "value". Example: util::json::gen [util::json::object::set_by_path -object "" -path {a b c} -value 3] Result: {"a":{"b":{"c":3}}} Example: util::json::gen [util::json::object::set_by_path -object [util::json::object::create [list a [util::json::object::create [list d null]]]] -path {a b c} -value 3] Result: {"a":{"b":{"c":3},"d":null}} "a" is the top level object with two subnodes "b" and "d", with "b" having a subnode "c" of value 3, and "d" being a leaf of "a" with value "null".

-object (required)
The object to add subnodes to.
-path (required)
The path through the tree with the last value being the name of a new or existing leaf.
-value (required)
The value to set the final leaf to.
A new object with the new tree structure interwoven into it.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::object::create util::json::object::create (public) util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::get_values (public) util::json::object::set_by_path util::json::object::set_by_path util::json::object::set_by_path->util::json::object::create util::json::object::set_by_path->util::json::object::get_values

No testcase defined.

util::json::object::set_value (public)

 util::json::object::set_value -object object -attribute attribute \
    -value value

Set an attribute value in an object structure. If the attribute doesn't exist in the object, it's created.

-object (required)
The object we want to set the value in.
-attribute (required)
The name of the attribute.
-value (required)
The value to set attribute to.
A new object with the attribute/value pair.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::object::create util::json::object::create (public) util::json::object::get_values util::json::object::get_values (public) util::json::object::set_value util::json::object::set_value util::json::object::set_value->util::json::object::create util::json::object::set_value->util::json::object::get_values

No testcase defined.

util::json::parse (public)

 util::json::parse jsonText

Parse JSON text into a Tcl list.

jsonText (required)
JSON text
List containing the object represented by jsonText

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parse util::json::parse util::json::parse->util::json::parseValue

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseArray (private)

 util::json::parseArray tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName

Parse an array

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
parsed array (Tcl list)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parseArray util::json::parseArray util::json::parseValue->util::json::parseArray util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseArrayElements (private) util::json::parseArray->util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseArray->util::json::unexpected

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseArrayElements (private)

 util::json::parseArrayElements tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName \

Parse the elements of an array

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
resultName (required)
name (in caller's context) of the list representing the JSON array

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseArray util::json::parseArray (private) util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseArray->util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parseArrayElements->util::json::parseValue util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseArrayElements->util::json::unexpected

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseObject (private)

 util::json::parseObject tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName

Parse an object

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
parsed object (Tcl dict)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parseObject util::json::parseObject util::json::parseValue->util::json::parseObject util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObjectMembers (private) util::json::parseObject->util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseObject->util::json::unexpected

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseObjectMember (private)

 util::json::parseObjectMember tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName \

Parse an object member

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
objectDictName (required)
name (in caller's context) of dict representing the JSON object of which to parse the next member

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObjectMembers (private) util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMembers->util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::parseValue util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::unexpected util::json::unquoteUnescapeString util::json::unquoteUnescapeString (private) util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::unquoteUnescapeString

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseObjectMembers (private)

 util::json::parseObjectMembers tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName \

Parse the members of an object

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
objectDictName (required)
name (in caller's context) of dict representing the JSON object of which to parse the next member

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseObject util::json::parseObject (private) util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObject->util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMember (private) util::json::parseObjectMembers->util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseObjectMembers->util::json::unexpected

No testcase defined.

util::json::parseValue (private)

 util::json::parseValue tokens nrTokens tokenCursorName

Parse a value

tokens (required)
list of tokens
nrTokens (required)
length of $tokens
tokenCursorName (required)
name (in caller's context) of variable holding current position in $tokens
parsed value (dict, list, string, number)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parse util::json::parse (public) util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue util::json::parse->util::json::parseValue util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseArrayElements (private) util::json::parseArrayElements->util::json::parseValue util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMember (private) util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::parseValue util::json::parseArray util::json::parseArray (private) util::json::parseValue->util::json::parseArray util::json::parseObject util::json::parseObject (private) util::json::parseValue->util::json::parseObject util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected (private) util::json::parseValue->util::json::unexpected util::json::unquoteUnescapeString util::json::unquoteUnescapeString (private) util::json::parseValue->util::json::unquoteUnescapeString

No testcase defined.

util::json::sql_values_to_json_values (public)

 util::json::sql_values_to_json_values row

Converts empty values to "null", consistent with how oracle, mysql, and the nspostgres bindvar hack treats them.

row (required)
A row (list) returned by a sql SELECT.
A new list with empty strings converted to null.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

util::json::type_of (public)

 util::json::type_of item

Return the type of the item, "object" or "array"

item (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) util::json::type_of util::json::type_of util::json::type_of->_

No testcase defined.

util::json::unexpected (private)

 util::json::unexpected tokenCursor token expected

Throw an exception signaling an unexpected token

tokenCursor (required)
token (required)
expected (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseArray util::json::parseArray (private) util::json::unexpected util::json::unexpected util::json::parseArray->util::json::unexpected util::json::parseArrayElements util::json::parseArrayElements (private) util::json::parseArrayElements->util::json::unexpected util::json::parseObject util::json::parseObject (private) util::json::parseObject->util::json::unexpected util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMember (private) util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::unexpected util::json::parseObjectMembers util::json::parseObjectMembers (private) util::json::parseObjectMembers->util::json::unexpected

No testcase defined.

util::json::unquoteUnescapeString (private)

 util::json::unquoteUnescapeString token

Get rid of the quotes surrounding a string token and substitute the real characters for escape sequences within it

token (required)
Unquoted, unescaped value of the string contained in token

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json::parseObjectMember util::json::parseObjectMember (private) util::json::unquoteUnescapeString util::json::unquoteUnescapeString util::json::parseObjectMember->util::json::unquoteUnescapeString util::json::parseValue util::json::parseValue (private) util::json::parseValue->util::json::unquoteUnescapeString

No testcase defined.

util::json::validate (private)

 util::json::validate jsonText

Validate JSON text

jsonText (required)
JSON text
1 iff $jsonText conforms to the JSON grammar (@see http://json.org/)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

util::tdomDoc2dict (public)

 util::tdomDoc2dict doc

Helper proc for util::json2dict, which outputsreturns the provided tDOM document in the form of a Tcl dict.

doc (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::json2dict util::json2dict (public) util::tdomDoc2dict util::tdomDoc2dict util::json2dict->util::tdomDoc2dict acs::icanuse acs::icanuse (public) util::tdomDoc2dict->acs::icanuse util::tdomNodes2dict util::tdomNodes2dict (private) util::tdomDoc2dict->util::tdomNodes2dict

No testcase defined.

util::tdomNodes2dict (private)

 util::tdomNodes2dict nodes parentType

Helper proc for util::json2dict, which returns the tDOM structure in the form of a Tcl dict. Use this proc only on dom structures created with "porse -json", since it depends on the internal node structure of tDOM. It would be certainly better to have this function built-in in tDOM (call like "asDict", similar to "asXML")

nodes (required)
parentType (required)
Gustaf Neumann

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::tdomDoc2dict util::tdomDoc2dict (public) util::tdomNodes2dict util::tdomNodes2dict util::tdomDoc2dict->util::tdomNodes2dict

No testcase defined.
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