• Publicity: Public Only All


Defines a convenient cache mechanism, util_memoize.

Various [acs@arsdigita.com]
Rob Mayoff
Victor Guerra
Gustaf Neumann
CVS Identification:
$Id: memoize-procs-naviserver.tcl,v 2024/05/17 17:01:22 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

util_memoize (public)

 util_memoize script [ max_age ]

If script has been executed before, return the value it returned last time, unless it was more than max_age seconds ago.

Otherwise, evaluate script and cache and return the result.

Note: script is not evaluated with uplevel.

script (required)
A Tcl script whose value should be memoized. May be best to pass this as a list, e.g. [list someproc $arg1 $arg2].
max_age (optional)
The maximum age in seconds for the cached value of script. If the cached value is older than max_age seconds, script will be re-executed.
The possibly-cached value returned by script.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_util_memoize_cache util_memoize_cache (test acs-tcl) util_memoize util_memoize test_util_memoize_cache->util_memoize test_util_memoize_cache_flush util_memoize_cache_flush (test acs-tcl) test_util_memoize_cache_flush->util_memoize test_util_memoize_cache_script util_memoize_cache_script (test acs-tcl) test_util_memoize_cache_script->util_memoize Class ::xowiki::includelet::random-form-page Class ::xowiki::includelet::random-form-page (public) Class ::xowiki::includelet::random-form-page->util_memoize acs::root_of_host_noncached acs::root_of_host_noncached (private) acs::root_of_host_noncached->util_memoize acs_lookup_magic_object acs_lookup_magic_object (private, deprecated) acs_lookup_magic_object->util_memoize acs_object::package_id acs_object::package_id (public) acs_object::package_id->util_memoize acs_object_type::get_table_name acs_object_type::get_table_name (public) acs_object_type::get_table_name->util_memoize

util_memoize_cache, util_memoize_cache_script, util_memoize_cache_flush

util_memoize_cached_p (public)

 util_memoize_cached_p script [ max_age ]

Check whether script's value has been cached, and whether it was cached no more than max_age seconds ago.

script (required)
A Tcl script.
max_age (optional)
Maximum age of cached value in seconds.
Boolean value.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_util_memoize_cache util_memoize_cache (test acs-tcl) util_memoize_cached_p util_memoize_cached_p test_util_memoize_cache->util_memoize_cached_p test_util_memoize_cache_flush util_memoize_cache_flush (test acs-tcl) test_util_memoize_cache_flush->util_memoize_cached_p test_util_memoize_cache_script util_memoize_cache_script (test acs-tcl) test_util_memoize_cache_script->util_memoize_cached_p ad_get_client_property ad_get_client_property (public) ad_get_client_property->util_memoize_cached_p package_object_view_reset package_object_view_reset (public) package_object_view_reset->util_memoize_cached_p package_recreate_hierarchy package_recreate_hierarchy (public) package_recreate_hierarchy->util_memoize_cached_p

util_memoize_cache, util_memoize_cache_script, util_memoize_cache_flush

util_memoize_flush_pattern (public)

 util_memoize_flush_pattern [ -log ] pattern

Loop through all cached entries, flushing all that match the pattern that was passed in.

-log (optional, boolean)
Whether to log keys checked and flushed (useful for debugging).
pattern (required)
Match pattern (glob pattern like in 'string match $pattern ...').

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_subsite_check_composite_group acs_subsite_check_composite_group (test acs-subsite) util_memoize_flush_pattern util_memoize_flush_pattern test_acs_subsite_check_composite_group->util_memoize_flush_pattern test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_775 acs_subsite_expose_bug_775 (test acs-subsite) test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_775->util_memoize_flush_pattern test_group_localization group_localization (test acs-subsite) test_group_localization->util_memoize_flush_pattern acs::clusterwide acs::clusterwide util_memoize_flush_pattern->acs::clusterwide ad_log ad_log (public) util_memoize_flush_pattern->ad_log group::new group::new (public) group::new->util_memoize_flush_pattern workflow::case::flush_cache workflow::case::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::flush_cache->util_memoize_flush_pattern workflow::case::role::flush_cache workflow::case::role::flush_cache (private) workflow::case::role::flush_cache->util_memoize_flush_pattern

group_localization, acs_subsite_expose_bug_775, acs_subsite_check_composite_group

util_memoize_seed (public)

 util_memoize_seed script value [ max_age ]

Pretend util_memoize was called with script and it returned value. Cache value, replacing any previous cache entry for script.

If clustering is enabled, this command flushes script's value from the caches on all servers in the cluster before storing the new value. The new value is only stored in the local cache.

script (required)
A Tcl script that presumably would return value.
value (required)
The value to cache for script.
max_age (optional)
Not used.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_set_client_property ad_set_client_property (public) util_memoize_seed util_memoize_seed ad_set_client_property->util_memoize_seed apidoc::tclcode_to_html apidoc::tclcode_to_html (public) apidoc::tclcode_to_html->util_memoize_seed auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_seed auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_seed (private) auth::sync::job::get_authority_id_seed->util_memoize_seed bug_tracker::bugs_exist_p_set_true bug_tracker::bugs_exist_p_set_true (public) bug_tracker::bugs_exist_p_set_true->util_memoize_seed workflow::action::get_all_info_not_cached workflow::action::get_all_info_not_cached (private) workflow::action::get_all_info_not_cached->util_memoize_seed util_memoize_flush util_memoize_flush (public) util_memoize_seed->util_memoize_flush

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Defines a convenient cache mechanism, util_memoize.

    @author Various [acs@arsdigita.com]
    @author Rob Mayoff <mayoff@arsdigita.com>
    @author Victor Guerra
    @author Gustaf Neumann

    @creation-date 2000-10-19
    @cvs-id $Id: memoize-procs-naviserver.tcl,v 2024/05/17 17:01:22 gustafn Exp $

if {[ns_info name] ne "NaviServer"} {

# Implementation of util_memoize for NaviServer.  The built-in
# ns_cache_* implementation of NaviServer allows one to specify for
# every entry an expire time (among others). This allows us to
# drop the "manual" expire handling as implemented in the OpenACS
# when NaviServer is available.
# @author Victor Guerra
# @author Gustaf Neumann

# Flush the existing util memoize cache to get rid of any previous
# caching conventions.  This is actually just needed for the
# upgrade from an AOLserver based util_memoize cache to the
# NaviServer based one, since the old version kept pairs of values
# and timestamps, which are not needed, but which might cause
# confusions, when retrieved later.
catch {ns_cache_flush util_memoize}

ad_proc -public util_memoize {script {max_age ""}} {
    If <i>script</i> has been executed before, return the value it
    returned last time, unless it was more than <i>max_age</i> seconds ago.

    <p> Otherwise, evaluate <i>script</i> and cache and return the

    <p> Note: <i>script</i> is not evaluated with <code>uplevel</code>.

    @param script A Tcl script whose value should be memoized.  May be
    best to pass this as a list, e.g. <code>[list someproc $arg1 $arg2]</code>.

    @param max_age The maximum age in seconds for the cached value of
    <i>script</i>.  If the cached value is older than <i>max_age</i>
    seconds, <i>script</i> will be re-executed.

    @return The possibly-cached value returned by <i>script</i>.
} {
    # When util_memoize is called before the cache is created don't
    # raise an error but eval without caching.
    # The AOLserver version of the proc says "no uplevel", so do not
    # uplevel here either.
    # https://github.com/openacs/openacs-core/blob/master/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/memoize-procs-aolserver.tcl#L16
    if {[ns_cache_exists util_memoize]} {
        if {$max_age ne ""} {
            set max_age "-expires $max_age"
        ns_cache_eval {*}$max_age -- util_memoize $script [list eval $script]
    } else {
        eval $script

# In case, the definition of the function has cached something,
# drop this as well.
catch {ns_cache_flush util_memoize}

ad_proc -public util_memoize_seed {script value {max_age ""}} {
    Pretend <code>util_memoize</code> was called with <i>script</i> and
    it returned <i>value</i>.  Cache <i>value</i>, replacing any
    previous cache entry for <i>script</i>.

    <p> If clustering is enabled, this command flushes <i>script</i>'s
    value from the caches on all servers in the cluster before storing
    the new value.  The new value is only stored in the local cache.

    @param script A Tcl script that presumably would return

    @param value The value to cache for <i>script</i>.

    @param max_age Not used.
} {
    util_memoize_flush $script
    ns_cache_eval -force util_memoize $script [list set _ $value]

ad_proc -public util_memoize_cached_p {script {max_age ""}} {
    Check whether <i>script</i>'s value has been cached, and whether it
    was cached no more than <i>max_age</i> seconds ago.

    @param script A Tcl script.

    @param max_age Maximum age of cached value in seconds.

    @return Boolean value.
} {
    if {$max_age ne ""} {
        ns_log warning "util_memoize_cached_p: ignore max_age $max_age for $script"
    return [ns_cache_get util_memoize $script .]

d_proc -public util_memoize_flush_pattern {
} {

    Loop through all cached entries, flushing all that match the
    pattern that was passed in.

    @param pattern Match pattern (glob pattern like in 'string match $pattern ...').
    @param log Whether to log keys checked and flushed (useful for debugging).

} {
    set nr_flushed [::acs::clusterwide ns_cache_flush -glob util_memoize $pattern]
    if {$log_p} {
        ad_log notice "util_memoize_flush_pattern: flushed $nr_flushed entries using the pattern: $pattern"

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: