- Publicity: Public Only All
Initialization stuff for the request processing pipeline.
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl
- Created:
- 30 May 2000
- Author:
- Jon Salz [jsalz@arsdigita.com]
- CVS Identification:
$Id: request-processor-init.tcl,v 1.24 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- rp_debug (private)
- rp_performance_mode (private)
Detailed information
rp_debug (private)
rp_debug [ -debug debug ] [ -ns_log_level ns_log_level ] string
dummy placeholder
- Switches:
- -debug (optional, defaults to
)- -ns_log_level (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- string (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
rp_performance_mode (private)
Returns 1 if the request processor is in performance mode, 0 otherwise.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Initialization stuff for the request processing pipeline. @creation-date 30 May 2000 @author Jon Salz [jsalz@arsdigita.com] @cvs-id $Id: request-processor-init.tcl,v 1.24 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $ } # # Make sure, the following global kernel_is is always set, also on upgrading acs-reloads # set ::acs::kernel_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] if {[ns_ictl epoch] > 0} { # # This is a re-init. There is no need, to rerun the code # below. Setting e.g. filters multiple times might have unwanted # behavior in the server. # ns_log notice "request-processor re-init" return } # These procedures are dynamically defined at startup to alleviate # lock contention. Thanks to davis@xarg.net. if { [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter PerformanceModeP -default 0] } { ad_proc -private rp_performance_mode {} { Returns 1 if the request processor is in performance mode, 0 otherwise. } { return 1 } } else { ad_proc -private rp_performance_mode {} { Returns 1 if the request processor is in performance mode, 0 otherwise. } { return 0 } } if { [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter DebugP -default 0] || [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter LogDebugP -default 0] } { ad_proc -private rp_debug { { -debug f } { -ns_log_level notice } string } { Logs a debugging message, including a high-resolution (millisecond) timestamp. } { if { [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter DebugP -default 0] } { set clicks [clock clicks -milliseconds] ds_add rp [list debug $string $clicks $clicks] } if { [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter LogDebugP -default 0] || [string is true -strict $debug] } { if { [info exists ::ad_conn(start_clicks)] } { set timing " ([expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $::ad_conn(start_clicks)}] ms)" } else { set timing "" } ns_log $ns_log_level "RP$timing: $string" } } } else { ad_proc -private rp_debug { { -debug f } { -ns_log_level notice } string } { dummy placeholder } { return } } # # Traditionally, the filters are registered for OpenACS just for GET, # HEAD, and POST methods. Some applications might want to extend this # like (e.g. for REST interfaces) # # set httpMethods {GET HEAD POST PUT} # set httpMethods {GET HEAD POST} foreach httpMethod $httpMethods { ns_register_filter preauth $httpMethod /resources/* rp_resources_filter ns_register_filter preauth $httpMethod * rp_filter ns_register_proc $httpMethod / rp_handler } set unreg_cmd [expr {$::acs::useNaviServer ? "ns_unregister_op" : "ns_unregister_proc"}] # Unregister any GET/HEAD/POST handlers for /*.tcl (since they # interfere with the abstract URL system of OpenACS). AOLserver/ # NaviServer automatically register these when EnableTclPages is # configured as true. $unreg_cmd GET /*.tcl $unreg_cmd HEAD /*.tcl $unreg_cmd POST /*.tcl set listings [ns_config "ns/server/[ns_info server]" "directorylisting" "none"] if { $listings eq "fancy" || $listings eq "simple" } { nsv_set rp_directory_listing_p . 1 } else { nsv_set rp_directory_listing_p . 0 } # this initialization must be in a package alphabetically before # acs-templating, so this adp handler can be overwritten there. foreach { type handler } { tcl rp_handle_tcl_request vuh rp_handle_tcl_request } { rp_register_extension_handler $type $handler } ad_after_server_initialization filters_register { if {[nsv_exists rp_filters .]} { set filters [nsv_get rp_filters .] } else { set filters [list] } # This lsort is what makes the priority stuff work. It guarantees # that filters are registered in order of priority. AOLServer will # then run the filters in the order they were registered. set filters [lsort -integer -index 0 $filters] ns_log notice "FILTERS [join $filters \n]" nsv_set rp_filters . $filters set filter_index 0 foreach filter_info $filters { lassign $filter_info priority kind method path \ proc arg debug critical description script # Figure out how to invoke the filter, based on the number of arguments. if { [llength [info procs $proc]] == 0 } { # [info procs $proc] returns nothing when the procedure has been # registered by C code (e.g., ns_returnredirect). Assume that neither # "conn" nor "why" is present in this case. set arg_count 1 } else { set arg_count [llength [info args $proc]] } if { $debug == "t" } { set debug_p 1 } else { set debug_p 0 } ns_log Notice "ns_register_filter $kind $method $path rp_invoke_filter \ [list $filter_index $debug_p $arg_count $proc $arg]" ns_register_filter $kind $method $path rp_invoke_filter \ [list $filter_index $debug_p $arg_count $proc $arg] incr filter_index } } ad_after_server_initialization procs_register { if {[nsv_exists rp_registered_procs .]} { set procs [nsv_get rp_registered_procs .] } else { set procs [list] } set proc_index 0 foreach proc_info $procs { lassign $proc_info method path proc arg debug noinherit description script if { $noinherit == "t" } { set noinherit_switch "-noinherit" } else { set noinherit_switch "" } # Figure out how to invoke the filter, based on the number of arguments. if { [llength [info procs $proc]] == 0 } { # [info procs $proc] returns nothing when the procedure has been # registered by C code (e.g., ns_returnredirect). Assume that neither # "conn" nor "why" is present in this case. set arg_count 1 } else { set arg_count [llength [info args $proc]] } if { $debug == "t" } { set debug_p 1 } else { set debug_p 0 } ns_log Notice "ns_register_proc $noinherit_switch [list $method $path rp_invoke_proc [list $proc_index $debug_p $arg_count $proc $arg]]" ns_register_proc {*}$noinherit_switch \ $method $path rp_invoke_proc [list $proc_index $debug_p $arg_count $proc $arg] } } # # Set a flag for bootststrap that at least, the request processor has # done all essential initialization # nsv_set rp_properties rp_initialized 1 # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: