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Tests for procs in tcl/defs-procs.tcl
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/defs-procs.tcl
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ad_library { Tests for procs in tcl/defs-procs.tcl } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke production_safe} \ -procs { acs_community_member_admin_url acs_community_member_admin_link acs_community_member_page acs_community_member_url acs_community_member_link subsite::get_element ad_admin_home ad_pvt_home ad_pvt_home_name ad_pvt_home_link ad_publisher_name ad_site_home_link ad_system_name } \ user_links_api { Test the various procs that generate a community member URL. } { set user_id [db_string get_user { select max(user_id) from users }] set admin_url [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter CommunityMemberAdminURL] aa_section "Admin URL" set url [acs_community_member_admin_url -user_id $user_id] aa_true "URL contains admin URL from parameters" \ {[string first [ad_urlencode_url $admin_url] $url] >= 0} aa_true "URL contains the user_id" \ {[string first $user_id $url] >= 0} aa_section "Admin link with custom label" set link [acs_community_member_admin_link -user_id $user_id -label "One label"] aa_true "Link '$link' contains '$url'" \ {[string first [ns_quotehtml $url] $link] >= 0} aa_true "Link '$link' contains 'One label'" \ {[string first "One label" $link] >= 0} aa_section "Admin link with default label (username)" set link [acs_community_member_admin_link -user_id $user_id] aa_true "Link '$link' contains '$url'" \ {[string first [ns_quotehtml $url] $link] >= 0} aa_true "Link '$link' contains the username" \ {[string first [person::name -person_id $user_id] $link] >= 0} set member_url [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter CommunityMemberURL] set subsite_url [subsite::get_element -element url -notrailing] aa_section "Member URL" aa_equals "The community member page is as expected" \ [acs_community_member_page] ${subsite_url}${member_url} set url [acs_community_member_url -user_id $user_id] aa_true "URL contains member URL from parameters" \ {[string first [ad_urlencode_url $member_url] $url] >= 0} aa_true "URL contains the user_id" \ {[string first $user_id $url] >= 0} aa_section "Member link with custom label" set link [acs_community_member_link -user_id $user_id -label "One label"] aa_true "Link '$link' contains '$url'" \ {[string first [ns_quotehtml $url] $link] >= 0} aa_true "Link '$link' contains 'One label'" \ {[string first "One label" $link] >= 0} aa_section "Member link with default label (username)" set link [acs_community_member_link -user_id $user_id] aa_true "Link '$link' contains '$url'" \ {[string first [ns_quotehtml $url] $link] >= 0} aa_true "Link '$link' contains the username" \ {[string first [person::name -person_id $user_id] $link] >= 0} aa_section "Admin home URL" aa_equals "The admin home URL is as expected" \ [ad_admin_home] [subsite::get_element -element url]admin aa_section "Private workspace" set pvt_home_url [ad_pvt_home] aa_equals "The private workspace URL is as expected" \ $pvt_home_url \ [subsite::get_element -element url -notrailing][parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter HomeURL] set pvt_home_name [ad_pvt_home_name] aa_equals "The private home name is expected" \ $pvt_home_name \ [lang::util::localize [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter HomeName]] set pvt_home_link [ad_pvt_home_link] aa_true "Private home link is expected" { [string first $pvt_home_url $pvt_home_link] >= 0 && [string first $pvt_home_name $pvt_home_link] >= 0 && [ad_looks_like_html_p $pvt_home_link] } aa_section "Publisher name" aa_equals "Publisher name is expected" \ [ad_publisher_name] \ [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter PublisherName] aa_section "Site home link" set old_user_id [ad_conn user_id] try { ad_conn -set user_id 0 set site_home_link [ad_site_home_link] aa_true "Subsite name is in the link (user 0)" { [subsite::get_element -element name] eq "" || [string first [subsite::get_element -element name] $site_home_link] >= 0 } aa_true "Subsite URL is in the link (user 0)" { [string first [subsite::get_element -element url] $site_home_link] >= 0 } aa_true "Link is HTML (user 0)" [ad_looks_like_html_p $site_home_link] ad_conn -set user_id 1 set site_home_link [ad_site_home_link] aa_true "Subsite name is in the link (user 1)" { [subsite::get_element -element name] eq "" || [string first [subsite::get_element -element name] $site_home_link] >= 0 } aa_true "Home URL is in the link (user 1)" { [string first $pvt_home_url $site_home_link] >= 0 } aa_true "Link is HTML (user 1)" [ad_looks_like_html_p $site_home_link] } finally { ad_conn -set user_id $old_user_id } aa_section "System name" aa_equals "ad_system_name returns expected" \ [ad_system_name] \ [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter SystemName] } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke} \ -procs { ad_parameter_from_configuration_file } \ ad_parameter_from_configuration_file { Test ad_parameter_from_configuration_file proc } { foreach section [ns_configsections] { set section_name [ns_set name $section] if {[regexp ^ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs(.*)\$ $section_name _ package_key]} { set found_p 1 set package_key [string trimleft $package_key /] foreach key [ns_set keys $section] { set expected [ns_set get $section $key] set result [ad_parameter_from_configuration_file $key $package_key] aa_equals "Value is expected" \ $result $expected } } } if {![info exists found_p]} { aa_log "No parameter exposed to the API was found in the server conf." } } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke} \ -procs { template::adp_include ad_include_contract ad_page_contract ad_page_contract_filter ad_page_contract_filter_proc_integer } \ page_contracts { Test ad_include_contract and ad_page_contract indirectly. } { set page { ad_include_contract { Test Contract } { integer:integer,notnull } } set test_data { { integer abc } true { integer "" } true { integer 1 } false } foreach {vars outcome} $test_data { set wfd [ad_opentmpfile tmpfile .tcl] puts -nonewline $wfd $page close $wfd set path /packages/acs-automated-testing/www/[file rootname [file tail $tmpfile]] set callable_tmpfile [acs_root_dir]${path}.tcl file rename -- $tmpfile $callable_tmpfile aa_$outcome "Template failure is $outcome?" [catch { # # The template is inflated in a background job so to # not tamper with the actual request in case of error. # aa_silence_log_entries -severities warning { set result [ad_job template::adp_include $path $vars] } }] file delete -- $callable_tmpfile } }