- Publicity: Public Only All
Tests that deal with the context bar creation.
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/navigation-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 11 August 2006
- Author:
- Juan Pablo Amaya jpamaya@unicauca.edu.co
Procedures in this file
- _acs-tcl__ad_context_bar (private)
- _acs-tcl__ad_context_bar_html (private)
- _acs-tcl__ad_context_bar_multirow (private)
- _acs-tcl__ad_html_bars (private)
- navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter (private)
Detailed information
_acs-tcl__ad_context_bar (private)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
_acs-tcl__ad_context_bar_html (private)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
_acs-tcl__ad_context_bar_multirow (private)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
_acs-tcl__ad_html_bars (private)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter (private)
Procedure for the context_bar_multirow test filter
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_context_bar_multirow
Content File Source
ad_library { Tests that deal with the context bar creation. @author Juan Pablo Amaya jpamaya@unicauca.edu.co @creation-date 11 August 2006 } namespace eval navigation::test {} ad_proc -private navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter {} { Procedure for the context_bar_multirow test filter } { aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { set testnode_1 [list "/navigation_test_node1/" navigation_test_node1 "GN's Sub-site"] set testnode_2 [list "[lindex $testnode_1 0]navigation_test_node2/" navigation_test_node2 "navigation_test_node2"] # Create hierarchy from the random created nodes set root_node [site_node::get_from_url -url "/"] set root_node_id [dict get $root_node node_id] # Create and mount new node. We also need a subsite underneath # or the context bar won't display them. set package_id1 [site_node::instantiate_and_mount \ -parent_node_id $root_node_id \ -node_name [lindex $testnode_1 1] \ -package_name [lindex $testnode_1 2] \ -package_key "acs-subsite"] set idr_1 [dict get [site_node::get_from_object_id -object_id $package_id1] node_id] set package_id2 [site_node::instantiate_and_mount \ -parent_node_id $idr_1 \ -node_name [lindex $testnode_2 1] \ -package_name [lindex $testnode_2 2] \ -package_key "acs-subsite"] set idr_2 [dict get [site_node::get_from_object_id -object_id $package_id2] node_id] set node_id $idr_2 set context "last" set page [ad_parse_template -params \ [list \ [list from_node $root_node_id] \ [list node_id $node_id] \ [list context $context]] \ "/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/multirow-test"] } -teardown_code { site_node::delete -node_id $idr_2 #apm_package_instance_delete $package_id2 site_node::delete -node_id $idr_1 #apm_package_instance_delete $package_id1 } ns_return 200 text/html $page return filter_return } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke} \ -procs { ad_context_bar_html } ad_context_bar_html { Test if returns an HTML fragment from a list. } { set ref_list [list [list "/doc/doc0.html" "href0"] [list "/doc/doc1.html" "href1"] [list "/doc/doc2.html" "href2"]] set c {} set ref_list_print [foreach element $ref_list { append c [lindex $element 0] " " [lindex $element 1]\n}] set separator "-" aa_log "List with three references:\n\n$c\nseparator= \" - \" " aa_equals "" [ad_context_bar_html -separator $separator $ref_list] \ "<a href=\"[lindex $ref_list 0 0]\">[lindex $ref_list 0 1]</a> - <a href=\"[lindex $ref_list 1 0]\">[lindex $ref_list 1 1]</a> - [lindex $ref_list 2 0] [lindex $ref_list 2 1]" } aa_register_case -cats { api smoke } -procs { ad_context_bar site_node::get site_node::mount site_node::new } ad_context_bar { Test if returns a well formed context_bar in HTML format from a site node. } { aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { set main_node [site_node::get -url /] set this_package_id [ad_conn package_id] set this_package_name [db_string get_name { select instance_name from apm_packages where package_id = :this_package_id }] # Setup nodes from the context bar, create two random nodes to include set separator "-" set random1 [ad_generate_random_string] set testnode_1 [list "/$random1/" $this_package_name] set random2 [ad_generate_random_string] set testnode_2 [list "[lindex $testnode_1 0]$random2/" $this_package_name] set leave_node "ref_final" set root_node [list "/" [dict get $main_node instance_name]] if { [string match "admin/*" [ad_conn extra_url]] } { set admin_node [list "[ad_conn package_url]admin/" [_ acs-tcl.Administration]] } else { set admin_node "" } # Create hierarchy from the random created nodes set idp [dict get $main_node node_id] set idr_1 [site_node::new -name $random1 -parent_id $idp] set idr_2 [site_node::new -name $random2 -parent_id $idr_1] site_node::mount -node_id $idr_1 -object_id $this_package_id site_node::mount -node_id $idr_2 -object_id $this_package_id aa_log "Created two test sites nodes: testnode_1 = [lindex $testnode_1 1],\n\ testnode_2 = [lindex $testnode_2 1]n\ testnode_2 is a child of testnode_1" array set node [site_node::get -node_id $idp] array set node1 [site_node::get -node_id $idr_1] array set node2 [site_node::get -node_id $idr_2] set msg "" append msg \ "node0 $idp parent $node(parent_id) url $node(url) object_id $node(object_id)"\ "\nnode1 $idr_1 parent $node1(parent_id) url $node1(url) object_id $node1(object_id)" \ "\nnode2 $idr_2 parent $node2(parent_id) url $node2(url) object_id $node2(object_id)" aa_log $msg #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Case 1: node_id = testnode_1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- aa_log "Case 1: node_id = testnode_1 <$testnode_1>" set bar_components [list $root_node $testnode_1] if {$admin_node ne ""} { lappend bar_components $admin_node } #aa_log "bar_components $bar_components" set context_barp "" foreach value $bar_components { append context_barp \ [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $value 0]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $value 1]]</a> $separator }] } append context_barp "$leave_node" set context_bar [ad_context_bar -node_id $idr_1 -separator $separator $leave_node] # Test set msg [ns_quotehtml "ad_context_bar 1: '$context_bar'\nad_context_bar 2: '$context_barp'"] aa_log "<pre>$msg</pre>" aa_equals "Context_bar = $context_barp" $context_bar $context_barp #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Case 2: node_id = testnode_2 (testnode2 is a testnode_1 children) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- aa_log "Case 2: node_id = testnode_2 (testnode2 is a testnode_1 children)" set bar_components [list $root_node $testnode_1 $testnode_2] if {$admin_node ne ""} { lappend bar_components $admin_node } set context_barp "" foreach value $bar_components { append context_barp \ [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $value 0]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $value 1]]</a> $separator }] } append context_barp "$leave_node" set context_bar [ad_context_bar -node_id $idr_2 -separator $separator $leave_node] set msg [ns_quotehtml "ad_context_bar 1: '$context_bar'\nad_context_bar 2: '$context_barp'"] aa_log "<pre>$msg</pre>" aa_equals "Context_bar = $context_barp" $context_bar $context_barp #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Case 3: from_node = testnode_1 and node_id = testnode_2 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- aa_log "Case 3: from_node = testnode_1 and node_id = testnode_2" set bar_components [list $testnode_1 $testnode_2] if {$admin_node ne ""} { lappend bar_components $admin_node } set context_barp "" foreach value $bar_components { append context_barp \ [subst {<a href="[lindex $value 0]">[lindex $value 1]</a> $separator }] } append context_barp "$leave_node" set context_bar [ad_context_bar -from_node $idr_1 -node_id $idr_2 -separator $separator $leave_node] aa_equals "Context_bar = $context_barp" $context_bar $context_barp } } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke web} \ -procs { ad_context_bar_multirow acs::test::http acs::test::reply_has_status_code lang::system::site_wide_locale lang::util::localize navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter site_node::get db_1row } \ ad_context_bar_multirow { Test if returns a well formed context_bar in HTML format from a site node in a multirow. } { # Setup nodes from the context bar, create two nodes to include set separator "" set testnode_1 [list "/navigation_test_node1/" "GN's Sub-site"] set testnode_2 [list "[lindex $testnode_1 0]navigation_test_node2/" "navigation_test_node2"] set main_node [site_node::get -url /] set root_node [list "/" [lang::util::localize [dict get $main_node instance_name] [lang::system::site_wide_locale]]] set last_node [list "" "last"] set bar_components [list $root_node $testnode_1 $testnode_2 $last_node] set context_barp "" foreach value $bar_components { append context_barp "<a href=\"" append context_barp [lindex $value 0] append context_barp "\">" append context_barp [ns_quotehtml [lindex $value 1]] append context_barp "</a>" } ns_register_proc GET /test.testf { navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter } set d [acs::test::http /test.testf] acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200 ns_unregister_op GET /test.testf set response_body [dict get $d body] #ns_log notice "CONTEXT BARP $context_barp" #ns_log notice "RESPONSE BODY $response_body" aa_equals "Context bar" [ns_quotehtml $response_body] [ns_quotehtml $context_barp] } aa_register_case \ -cats {api smoke production_safe} \ -procs { ad_navbar ad_choice_bar } \ ad_html_bars { Test procs that produce some HTML bar from a list of options. } { aa_section "ad_choice_bar" set items {1 2 3 4} set links {a b c d} set values {} aa_equals "With no values, proc returns nothing" \ [ad_choice_bar $items $links $values] "" set items {1 2 3 4} set links {a b c d} set values {what ever we want to do} set bar [ad_choice_bar $items $links $values] aa_equals "The 'values' argument decides the number of elements" \ [regsub -all -- {</a>} $bar {} _] [llength $values] foreach i $items l $links { aa_true "'$i' was rendered" {[string first $i $bar] >= 0} aa_true "'$l' was rendered" {[string first $l $bar] >= 0} } set items {1 2 3 4} set links {a b c d} set values {what ever we want to do} set selected what aa_true "The item corresponding to the selected value is emphasized" \ {[string first <strong>1</strong> [ad_choice_bar $items $links $values $selected]] >= 0} aa_section "ad_navbar" set items {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3} {d 4}} set bar [ad_navbar {*}$items] aa_equals "A link is generated for every item in the arguments" \ [regsub -all -- {</a>} $bar {} _] [llength $items] foreach i $items { lassign $i link label aa_true "'$link' was rendered" {[string first $link $bar] >= 0} aa_true "'$label' was rendered" {[string first $label $bar] >= 0} } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: