- Publicity: Public Only All
Documentation procedures for the ArsDigita Templating System
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/doc-tcl-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Simon Huynh <shuynh@arsdigita.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: doc-tcl-procs.tcl,v 1.22 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- doc::parse_comment_text (private)
- doc::parse_file (private)
- doc::parse_namespace (private)
- doc::parse_tcl_library (private)
- doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text (private)
- doc::sort_see (private)
- doc::util::bracket_space (private)
- doc::util::dbl_colon_fix (private)
- doc::util::escape_square_brackets (private)
- doc::util::find_marker_indices (private)
- doc::util::make_text_listable (private)
- doc::util::sort_see (private)
- doc::util::text_divider (private)
- template::util::alphabetized_index (private)
- template::util::comment_text_normalize (private)
- template::util::proc_element_compare (private)
- template::util::quote_space (private)
- template::util::write_from_template (private)
Detailed information
doc::parse_comment_text (private)
doc::parse_comment_text proc_block
called by parse_namespace
- Parameters:
- proc_block (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::parse_file (private)
doc::parse_file path
Parse API documentation from a Tcl page API documentation is parsed as follows:
Valid directives in a procedure doc include:
- Document is scanned until a @namespace directive is encountered. The remainder of the file is scanned for @private or @public directives.
- When one of these directives is encountered, the file is scanned up to a proc declaration and the text in between is parsed as documentation for a single procedure.
- The text between the initial @private or @public directive and the next directive is considered a general comment on the procedure
- @author
- @param (for hard parameters)
- @see (should have the form namespace::procedure. A reference to an entire namespace should be namespace::. By convention the API for each namespace should be in a file of the same name, so that a link can be generated automatically).
- @option (for switches such as -foo)
- @return
Reads the text for a file and scans for a namespace directive. When one is encountered, reads until the next namespace or EOF and calls doc::parse_namespace on the accumulated lines to get procedure documentation.
creates a multirow variable in the variable name designated by result_ref with columns namespace_name, proc_name, public_private, author, param, option, see, return and source_text
Note that this format is suitable for passing to array set for creating a lookup on namespace name.
- Parameters:
- path (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::parse_namespace (private)
doc::parse_namespace text_lines
text between two namespace markers in a Tcl library file and parses out procedure source and comments
- Parameters:
- text_lines (required)
- namespace text body
- Author:
- simon
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::parse_tcl_library (private)
doc::parse_tcl_library dir_list
takes the absolute path of the Tcl library directory and parses through it
- Parameters:
- dir_list (required)
- Returns:
- a long lists of lists of lists, each list element contains a three-element list of the format - { {info} {public procedures listing } {private procedures listing}}
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text (private)
doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text proc_block
called by parse_comment_text
- Parameters:
- proc_block (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::sort_see (private)
doc::sort_see list_ref directive_comments
procedure to deal with @see comments
- Parameters:
- list_ref (required)
- directive_comments (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::bracket_space (private)
doc::util::bracket_space text
puts a space after all closing curly brackets, does not add a space when brackets are already followed by a space
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::dbl_colon_fix (private)
doc::util::dbl_colon_fix text
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::escape_square_brackets (private)
doc::util::escape_square_brackets text
escapes out all square brackets
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::find_marker_indices (private)
doc::util::find_marker_indices text marker
given a body of text and a text marker, returns a list of position indices for each occurrence of the text marker
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- body of text to be searched through
- marker (required)
- the text-divider mark
- Returns:
- list of indices of the position immediately preceding each occurrence of the text marker; if there are no occurrences of the text marker, returns a zero-element list
- See Also:
- namespace doc
- doc::parse_file
- doc::parse_namespace
- doc::util::text_divider
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::make_text_listable (private)
doc::util::make_text_listable text_ref
- Parameters:
- text_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::sort_see (private)
doc::util::sort_see element1 element2
used to sort the see list, which has structure [name {name} type {type} url {url}]
- Parameters:
- element1 (required)
- the first of the two list elements to be compared
- element2 (required)
- {default actually, no default value for this because it is required} the second of the two elements to be compared
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
doc::util::text_divider (private)
doc::util::text_divider text_ref marker
divides a string variable into a list of strings, all but the first element beginning with the indicated text marker; the first element of the created list contains all of the string preceding the first occurrence of the text marker
- Parameters:
- text_ref (required)
- name of string variable (not the string value itself)
- marker (required)
- the string indicating text division
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::alphabetized_index (private)
template::util::alphabetized_index list entry
takes an alphabetized list and an entry
- Parameters:
- list (required)
- {let's see how this parses out} the alphabetized list
- entry (required)
- req the value to be inserted
- Returns:
- either the proper list index for an alphabetized insertion or -1 if the entry is already in the list
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::comment_text_normalize (private)
template::util::comment_text_normalize text
escapes quotes and removes comment tags from a body of commented text
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- Returns:
- text
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::proc_element_compare (private)
template::util::proc_element_compare element1 element2
used to compare two different elements in a list of parsed data for public or private procs
- Parameters:
- element1 (required)
- element2 (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::quote_space (private)
template::util::quote_space text
just takes a body of text and puts a space behind every double quote; this is done so that the text body can be treated as a list without causing problems resulting from list elements being separated by characters other than a space
- Parameters:
- text (required)
- req/none the body of text to be worked on
- Returns:
- same text but with a space behind each quote; double quotes that are already trailed by a space are unaffected
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::write_from_template (private)
template::util::write_from_template template file_name
takes a .adp template name and the name of the file to be written and creates the file; also puts out a notice before
- Parameters:
- template (required)
- the name of the template to be used in making the file
- file_name (required)
- the name of the file to be created
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Documentation procedures for the ArsDigita Templating System @author Simon Huynh (shuynh@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: doc-tcl-procs.tcl,v 1.22 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } # Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation # This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public # License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: # http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html namespace eval doc {} namespace eval doc::util {} namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::util {} ad_proc -private doc::util::dbl_colon_fix { text } { regsub -all -- {::} $text {__} text return $text } ad_proc -private doc::util::sort_see { element1 element2 } { used to sort the see list, which has structure [name {name} type {type} url {url}] @param element1 the first of the two list elements to be compared @param element2 {default actually, no default value for this because it is required} the second of the two elements to be compared } { if { [lindex $element1 3 ] < [lindex $element2 3] } { return -1 } if { [lindex $element1 3 ] > [lindex $element2 3] } { return 1 } return [string compare -nocase [lindex $element1 1] [lindex $element2 1]] } ad_proc -private doc::sort_see { list_ref directive_comments } { procedure to deal with @see comments } { upvar $list_ref see_list lassign $directive_comments type see_name url if {$url eq "" } { switch -exact $type { namespace { set url "[doc::util::dbl_colon_fix $see_name].html" } proc { set split_name $see_name doc::util::text_divider split_name :: set name_length [llength $split_name] set see_namespace [join [lrange $split_name 0 $name_length-2] ""] set url "[doc::util::dbl_colon_fix $see_namespace].html#[set see_name]" } } } lappend see_list [list name "$see_name" \ type "$type" \ url "$url" ] set see_list [lsort -command doc::util::sort_see $see_list] } ad_proc -private doc::util::find_marker_indices { text marker } { given a body of text and a text marker, returns a list of position indices for each occurrence of the text marker @param text body of text to be searched through @param marker the text-divider mark @return list of indices of the position immediately preceding each occurrence of the text marker; if there are no occurrences of the text marker, returns a zero-element list @see namespace doc @see doc::parse_file @see doc::parse_namespace @see doc::util::text_divider } { set indices_list [list] set last_index -1 while { [regexp -indices $marker $text marker_idx] } { lappend indices_list [expr {[lindex $marker_idx 0] + $last_index}] set text [string range $text [lindex $marker_idx 1]+1 end] set last_index [expr {[lindex $marker_idx 1] + $last_index + 1}] } # check for cases with no markers if { [llength $indices_list ] == 0 } { set indices_list [list end] } return $indices_list } ad_proc -private doc::util::text_divider { text_ref marker } { divides a string variable into a list of strings, all but the first element beginning with the indicated text marker; the first element of the created list contains all of the string preceding the first occurrence of the text marker @param text_ref name of string variable (not the string value itself) @param marker the string indicating text division @see doc::util::find_marker_indices } { upvar $text_ref text set indices_list [doc::util::find_marker_indices $text $marker] set result_list [list] # first check for no markers present if { $indices_list eq "end" } { set text [list $text] return 0 } set old_index 0 foreach index $indices_list { lappend result_list [string range $text $old_index $index] set old_index [expr {$index + 1}] } lappend result_list [string range $text $old_index end] set text $result_list return 1 } ad_proc -private template::util::write_from_template { template file_name} { takes a .adp template name and the name of the file to be written and creates the file; also puts out a notice before @param template the name of the template to be used in making the file @param file_name the name of the file to be created } { upvar template_name template_name set template_name $template uplevel { set read_template [template::util::read_file $template_name] set code [template::adp_compile -string $read_template] set output [template::adp_eval code] } upvar output output template::util::write_to_file $file_name "$output" } ad_proc -private template::util::quote_space {text} { just takes a body of text and puts a space behind every double quote; this is done so that the text body can be treated as a list without causing problems resulting from list elements being separated by characters other than a space @param text req/none the body of text to be worked on @return same text but with a space behind each quote; double quotes that are already trailed by a space are unaffected } { regsub -all -- {"} $text {" } text regsub -all -- {" } $text {" } text return $text } ad_proc -private doc::util::bracket_space {text} { puts a space after all closing curly brackets, does not add a space when brackets are already followed by a space } { regsub -all -- {(\})} $text {\1 } text regsub -all -- {(\}) } $text {\1 } text return $text } ad_proc -private doc::util::escape_square_brackets {text} { escapes out all square brackets } { regsub -all -- {(\[)} $text {\\\1} text regsub -all -- {(\])} $text {\\\1} text return $text } ad_proc -private doc::util::make_text_listable {text_ref} { upvar $text_ref text set text [doc::util::bracket_space $text] set text [template::util::quote_space $text] set text [doc::util::escape_square_brackets $text] } ad_proc -private template::util::comment_text_normalize {text} { escapes quotes and removes comment tags from a body of commented text @param text @return text } { regsub -all \" $text {\"} text regsub -all -- {(\n)\s*#\s*} $text {\1 } text regsub {(\A)\s*#\s*} $text {\1 } text return $text } ad_proc -private template::util::alphabetized_index {list entry} { takes an alphabetized list and an entry @param list {let's see how this parses out} the alphabetized list @param entry req the value to be inserted @return either the proper list index for an alphabetized insertion or -1 if the entry is already in the list } { set result [lsearch -exact $list $entry] if { $result != -1 } { return -1 } for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $list] } { incr i } { if { [string compare -nocase $entry [lindex $list $i]] < 0 } { return $i } } return $i } ad_proc -private template::util::proc_element_compare { element1 element2 } { used to compare two different elements in a list of parsed data for public or private procs } { return [string compare -nocase [lindex $element2 1 0 1] [lindex $element1 1 0 1]] } ad_proc -private doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text { proc_block } { called by parse_comment_text } { upvar source_txt source_txt upvar proc_name proc_name upvar comment_text comment_text doc::util::text_divider proc_block {\n\s*proc\s+} set comment_text [lindex $proc_block 0] set source_text [join [lrange $proc_block 1 end] "" ] set proc_name [lindex [template::util::comment_text_normalize $source_text] 1] } ad_proc -private doc::parse_comment_text { proc_block } { called by parse_namespace } { doc::set_proc_name_source_text_comment_text $proc_block doc::util::make_text_listable comment_text # this will need to be changed # set proc_name [lindex [template::util::comment_text_normalize $source_text] 1] #set these values to blank in case they are not specified in the comment text foreach column { description author return } { set info_$column "" } # if we wanted to include the source text for the procedure as well: # set proc_info [list [list proc_name $proc_name] [list source $source_text]] set proc_param [list] set proc_option [list] set proc_see [list] set directives [lsort -index 0 [template::parse_directives $comment_text]] foreach directive $directives { set directive_type [lindex $directive 0] set directive_comments [template::util::quote_space [lindex $directive 1]] switch -exact $directive_type { public - private { set public_private $directive_type set info_description [lrange $directive_comments 1 end ] } author - return { set info_$directive_type $directive_comments } option - param { set directive_name [lindex $directive_comments 0] if { [string match -nocase {default *} [lindex $directive_comments 1]] } { lappend proc_$directive_type [list name "$directive_name" \ default "[lrange [lindex $directive_comments 1] 1 end]" \ description "[lrange $directive_comments 2 end]" ] } else { if {$directive_type eq "param"} { set default_comment "required" } else { set default_comment "" } lappend proc_$directive_type [list name "$directive_name" \ default "$default_comment" \ description "[lrange $directive_comments 1 end]" ] } } see { doc::sort_see proc_$directive_type $directive_comments } } } set proc_info [list proc_name "$proc_name" author "$info_author" description "$info_description" return "$info_return" ] set proc_result [list data [list "$proc_info" "$proc_param" "$proc_option" "$proc_see"] name "$proc_name"] upvar namespace_$public_private proc_list # set proc_list [lindex $namespace_proc 1] lappend proc_list $proc_result set proc_list [lsort $proc_list] } ad_proc -private doc::parse_namespace { text_lines } { text between two namespace markers in a Tcl library file and parses out procedure source and comments @author simon @param text_lines namespace text body } { # total_result_listing will contain our complete data set, # namespace_list is just a temp variable used for easy bookkeeping; # it contains an alphabetized lists of namespaces only upvar 2 result total_result_listing upvar 2 namespace_list namespace_list set text_list $text_lines if { [doc::util::text_divider text_list {\n#\s*@(?:public|private)\s+} ] } { # @private or @public directives were found, continue with parsing } else { return 0 } # before parsing out the proc info, we'll deal with the comments for the namespace itself set namespace_comments [lindex $text_list 0 ] set parsed_namespace [template::parse_directives [template::util::quote_space $namespace_comments]] # just in case these variables aren't set from the comment text set namespace_author "" set namespace_see "" set has_comments 0 foreach directive $parsed_namespace { set directive_type [lindex $directive 0] set directive_comments [template::util::comment_text_normalize [lindex $directive 1]] switch -exact $directive_type { namespace { set namespace_name [lindex $directive_comments 0] set namespace_description [lrange $directive_comments 1 end] if {$namespace_description ne "" } { set has_comments 1 } } see { doc::sort_see namespace_$directive_type $directive_comments set has_comments 1 } author { set namespace_author $directive_comments set has_comments 1 } } } # # The variable "has_comments" is set to 1 if it appears as though # descriptive comments were written to describe the namespace -- # as would be expected if the namespace were being described for # the first time; otherwise it is set to 0; the problem i'm trying # to resolve here is multiple uses of the @namespace directive and # determining which occurrence of the directive is followed by # comments by comments we want to parse into our static files. # # namespace_index tells us where to insert the info, or is -1 if # the namespace has already been described set namespace_index [template::util::alphabetized_index $namespace_list $namespace_name] if { $namespace_index == -1 } { # this namespace is already recorded, so we will just add # or revise info about its procs set namespace_entry [lindex $total_result_listing [lsearch -exact $namespace_list $namespace_name]] set namespace_info [lindex $namespace_entry 0 1] set namespace_public [lindex $namespace_entry 1 1] set namespace_private [lindex $namespace_entry 2 1] } else { set namespace_info [list name "$namespace_name" overview "$namespace_description" author "$namespace_author" see "$namespace_see"] set namespace_public "" set namespace_private "" } if { $has_comments } { # this check determines whether or not we want the comments # following this occurrence of the @namespace directive for # this namespace to be included in our static files set namespace_info [list name "$namespace_name" overview "$namespace_description" author "$namespace_author" see "$namespace_see"] } set procedure_list [lrange $text_list 1 end] foreach proc_block $procedure_list { # each pro_block text block contains both the directive-marked comments and # the source code for the procedure doc::parse_comment_text $proc_block } if { $namespace_index >= 0 } { # if the namespace has not already been described, then we group all info together # {{info - name, overview} {public proc info} {private proc info}} # and insert it into the monster list of all namespaces set total_result_listing [linsert $total_result_listing $namespace_index [list [list info $namespace_info] [list public $namespace_public] [list private $namespace_private]]] set namespace_list [linsert $namespace_list $namespace_index $namespace_name] } else { # the name and overview info is already set, we'll just replace the augmented # listings for private and public procedures set namespace_index [lsearch -exact $namespace_list $namespace_name ] lset total_result_listing $namespace_index [list [list info "$namespace_info"] [list public "$namespace_public"] [list private "$namespace_private"]] } } ad_proc -private doc::parse_file { path } { Parse API documentation from a Tcl page API documentation is parsed as follows: <ul> <li>Document is scanned until a @namespace directive is encountered. The remainder of the file is scanned for @private or @public directives. <li>When one of these directives is encountered, the file is scanned up to a proc declaration and the text in between is parsed as documentation for a single procedure. <li>The text between the initial @private or @public directive and the next directive is considered a general comment on the procedure </ul> Valid directives in a procedure doc include: <ul> <li>@author <li>@param (for hard parameters) <li>@see (should have the form namespace::procedure. A reference to an entire namespace should be namespace::. By convention the API for each namespace should be in a file of the same name, so that a link can be generated automatically). <li>@option (for switches such as -foo) <li>@return </ul> <p> Reads the text for a file and scans for a namespace directive. When one is encountered, reads until the next namespace or EOF and calls doc::parse_namespace on the accumulated lines to get procedure documentation. <p> creates a multirow variable in the variable name designated by result_ref with columns namespace_name, proc_name, public_private, author, param, option, see, return and source_text <p> Note that this format is suitable for passing to array set for creating a lookup on namespace name. } { set text [template::util::read_file $path] if { [doc::util::text_divider text {\n#\s*@namespace\s+} ] } { # the @namespace directive was found, proceed with parsing through comment text set result_list [lrange $text 1 end] foreach namespace_body $result_list { doc::parse_namespace $namespace_body } return 1 } else { # no @namespace directives found return 0 } } ad_proc -private doc::parse_tcl_library { dir_list } { takes the absolute path of the Tcl library directory and parses through it @see doc::parse_file @see template::util::comment_text_normalize @return a long lists of lists of lists, each list element contains a three-element list of the format - { {info} {public procedures listing } {private procedures listing}} } { # namespace_list will be a list containing namespace names only, and should be ordered # with respect to namespaces in the same order as the list result upvar namespace_list namespace_list set namespace_list [list] set result [list] foreach dir $dir_list { #debug #template::util::display_value dir # using this lame hack since most aD servers are running an earlier version of Tcl than 8.3, # which supports the -directory switch that this hack emulates append file_list [glob -nocomplain $dir/*.tcl $dir/*/*.tcl $dir/*/*/*.tcl $dir/*/*/*/*.tcl ] append file_list " " } #debugging #template::util::display_value file_list foreach tcl_file $file_list { ns_log notice "doc::parse_tcl_library: parsing through $tcl_file for documentation" set comments_parsed_p [doc::parse_file $tcl_file] if {! $comments_parsed_p } { ns_log notice "doc::parse_tcl_library: no @namespace directives found in $tcl_file" } } return $result } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: