• Publicity: Public Only All


Form management for the ArsDigita Templating System

Karl Goldstein <karlg@arsdigita.com>
Stanislav Freidin <sfreidin@arsdigita.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: form-procs.tcl,v 2023/11/30 15:13:27 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

form (public, deprecated)

 form command [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

form is really template::form although when in the "template" namespace you may omit the template:: DEPRECATED: no, you should not omit the namespace, and this proc does not comply with OpenACS naming convention.

command (required)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

template::form (public)

 template::form command [ args... ]

template::form command invokes form functions. Please see the individual functions for their arguments. The template::element API is used to manipulate form elements.

command (required)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_template_widget_file template_widget_file (test acs-templating) template::form template::form test_template_widget_file->template::form ad_form ad_form (public) ad_form->template::form packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/attributes/edit-one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/attributes/edit-one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/attributes/edit-one.tcl->template::form packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/group-types/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/group-types/new.tcl->template::form packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/groups/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/new.tcl->template::form packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/parties/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/new.tcl->template::form


template::form::create (public)

 template::form::create id [ args... ]

Initialize the data structures for a form.

id (required)
A keyword identifier for the form, such as "add_user" or "edit_item". The ID must be unique in the context of a single page.
The standard METHOD attribute to specify in the HTML FORM tag at the beginning of the rendered form. Defaults to POST.
A list of additional name-value attribute pairs to include in the HTML FORM tag at the beginning of the rendered form. Common use for this option is to set multipart form encoding by specifying "-html { enctype multipart/form-data }". Please note that to comply with newer security features, such as CSP, one should not specify JavaScript event handlers here, as they will be rendered inline.
If set to 'display', the form is shown in display-only mode, where the user cannot edit the fields. Each widget knows how to display its contents appropriately, e.g. a select widget will show the label, not the value. If set to 'edit', the form is displayed as normal, for editing. Defaults to 'edit'. Switching to edit mode when a button is clicked in display mode is handled automatically.
A url to redirect to when the user hits the Cancel button. If you do not supply a cancel_url, there will be no Cancel button.
The label of the Cancel button, if cancel_url is supplied. Default is "Cancel".
A list of actions available on the form, which in practice means a list of buttons to show when the form is in display mode. The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the form label and the second element being the name of the form element. Defaults to { { "Edit" edit } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using template::form::get_button. The name of the button clicked while in display mode is called the 'action', and can be retrieved using template::form::get_action. The action is automatically carried forward to the form submission, so that the value that you get from calling template::form::get_action on the final form submission is the name of the button which was called when the form changed from display mode to edit mode.
List of buttons to show when the form is in display mode. Equivalent to actions. If both actions and display_buttons are present, 'actions' is used. 'display_buttons' is deprecated.
List of buttons to show when the form is in edit mode. The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the button label and the second element being the name. Defaults to { { "Ok" ok } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using template::form::get_button.
Set to 1 to suppress the OK or submit button automatically added by the form builder. Use this if your form already includes its own submit button.
Set to 1 to suppress the Edit button automatically added by the form builder. Use this if you include your own.
A block of element specifications.
Should the form template show which elements are required. Use 1 or t for true, 0 or f for false. Defaults to true.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::request::create template::request::create (public) template::form::create template::form::create template::request::create->template::form::create ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) template::form::create->ad_returnredirect ad_script_abort ad_script_abort (public) template::form::create->ad_script_abort template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::create->template::adp_level template::element template::element (public) template::form::create->template::element template::form::get_action template::form::get_action (public) template::form::create->template::form::get_action

No testcase defined.

template::form::exists (public)

 template::form::exists id

Determine whether a form exists by checking for its data structures.

id (required)
The ID of an ATS form object.
1 if a form with the specified ID exists. 0 if it does not.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::exists template::form::exists template::form::exists->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::export (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Generates hidden input tags for all values in a form submission. Typically used to create a confirmation page following an initial submission. DEPRECATED: this proc has been superseded by export_vars, which also offers additional features.

A string containing hidden input tags for inclusion in a form.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) template::form::export template::form::export template::form::export->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_action (public)

 template::form::get_action id

Find out which action is in progress. This is the name of the button which was clicked when the form was in display mode.

id (required)
The ID of an ATS form object.
the name of the action in progress

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/chat/www/transcript-edit.tcl packages/chat/ www/transcript-edit.tcl template::form::get_action template::form::get_action packages/chat/www/transcript-edit.tcl->template::form::get_action packages/forums/www/moderate/move-thread-thread.tcl packages/forums/ www/moderate/move-thread-thread.tcl packages/forums/www/moderate/move-thread-thread.tcl->template::form::get_action packages/forums/www/moderate/move-thread.tcl packages/forums/ www/moderate/move-thread.tcl packages/forums/www/moderate/move-thread.tcl->template::form::get_action packages/forums/www/moderate/move.tcl packages/forums/ www/moderate/move.tcl packages/forums/www/moderate/move.tcl->template::form::get_action template::form::create template::form::create (public) template::form::create->template::form::get_action template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::get_action->template::adp_level template::form::get_button template::form::get_button (public) template::form::get_action->template::form::get_button

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_button (public)

 template::form::get_button id

Find out which button was clicked

id (required)
The ID of an ATS form object.
the name of the button clicked

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl packages/forums/ lib/message/post.tcl template::form::get_button template::form::get_button packages/forums/lib/message/post.tcl->template::form::get_button packages/forums/www/message-post.tcl packages/forums/ www/message-post.tcl packages/forums/www/message-post.tcl->template::form::get_button template::form::create template::form::create (public) template::form::create->template::form::get_button template::form::get_action template::form::get_action (public) template::form::get_action->template::form::get_button template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::get_button->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_combined_values (public)

 template::form::get_combined_values id [ args... ]

Return a list which represents the result of getting combined values from multiple form elements

id (required)
The form identifier
The combined list of values

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::element template::element (public) template::form::get_reference template::form::get_reference (private) template::form::get_combined_values template::form::get_combined_values template::form::get_combined_values->template::element template::form::get_combined_values->template::form::get_reference

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_elements (public)

 template::form::get_elements [ -no_api ] id

Return a list of element names for the form with given id.

-no_api (optional, boolean)
If provided, filter out form builder and ad_form API element names that start with the double underscore
id (required)
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl template::form::get_elements template::form::get_elements packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-parameters.tcl->template::form::get_elements packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority.tcl->template::form::get_elements template::form::get_values template::form::get_values (public) template::form::get_values->template::form::get_elements template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::get_elements->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_errors (public)

 template::form::get_errors id
id (required)
The form identifier
the list of form errors

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_template_widget_file template_widget_file (test acs-templating) template::form::get_errors template::form::get_errors test_template_widget_file->template::form::get_errors template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::get_errors->template::adp_level


template::form::get_properties (public)

 template::form::get_properties id

Get properties of a form

id (required)
The ID of a form

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::get_properties template::form::get_properties template::form::get_properties->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::get_values (public)

 template::form::get_values id [ args... ]

Set local variables for form variables (assume they are all single values). Typically used when processing the form submission to prepare for DML or other type of transaction. NB! This proc must always be called through "form get_values" or "template::form get_values", or it won't be able to find the variable.

id (required)
The form identifier

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::element template::element (public) template::form::get_elements template::form::get_elements (public) template::form::get_values template::form::get_values template::form::get_values->template::element template::form::get_values->template::form::get_elements

No testcase defined.

template::form::is_request (public)

 template::form::is_request id

Return true if preparing a form for an initial request (as opposed to repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to validation problems). This command is used to conditionally set default values for form elements.

id (required)
The form identifier
1 if preparing a form for an initial request; or 0 if repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to validation problems

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::form::is_submission template::form::is_submission (public) template::form::is_request template::form::is_request template::form::is_request->template::form::is_submission

No testcase defined.

template::form::is_submission (public)

 template::form::is_submission id

Return true if a submission in progress. The submission may or may not be valid.

id (required)
The form identifier
1 if true or 0 if false

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::form::is_request template::form::is_request (public) template::form::is_submission template::form::is_submission template::form::is_request->template::form::is_submission template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::is_submission->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::is_valid (public)

 template::form::is_valid id

Return true if submission in progress and submission was valid. Typically used to conditionally execute DML and redirect to the next page, as opposed to returning the form back to the user to report validation errors.

id (required)
The form identifier
1 if id is the form identifier of a valid submission or 0 otherwise

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_template_widget_file template_widget_file (test acs-templating) template::form::is_valid template::form::is_valid test_template_widget_file->template::form::is_valid template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::is_valid->template::adp_level


template::form::section (public)

 template::form::section [ -fieldset fieldset ] \
    [ -legendtext legendtext ] [ -legend legend ] id section

Set the current section (fieldset) of the form. A form may be divided into any number of fieldsets to group related elements. Elements are tagged with the current fieldset properties as they are added to the form. A form style template may insert a divider in the form whenever the fieldset identifier changes.

-fieldset (optional)
A list of name-value attribute pairs for the FIELDSET tag
-legendtext (optional)
The legend text
-legend (optional)
A list of name-value attribute pairs for the LEGEND tag
id (required)
The form identifier.
section (required)
The current fieldset identifier

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log ad_log (public) template::form::get_reference template::form::get_reference (private) template::form::section template::form::section template::form::section->ad_log template::form::section->template::form::get_reference

No testcase defined.

template::form::set_error (public)

 template::form::set_error id element error

Set an error on a form element. Can be called from the -on_submit or -after_submit block of an ad_form. Will cause the form to no longer be considered valid, and thus the form will be redisplayed with the error message embedded, provided that 'break' is also called, so any code that redirects away from the form (e.g. in the after_submit block) isn't called either.

id (required)
The ID of the form
element (required)
The element that contains the error.
error (required)
The error message.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-lang/www/admin/edit-localized-message.tcl packages/acs-lang/ www/admin/edit-localized-message.tcl template::form::set_error template::form::set_error packages/acs-lang/www/admin/edit-localized-message.tcl->template::form::set_error packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ lib/login.tcl packages/acs-subsite/lib/login.tcl->template::form::set_error packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/attach-file.tcl packages/acs-templating/ www/scripts/xinha/attach-file.tcl packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/attach-file.tcl->template::form::set_error packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/attach-image.tcl packages/acs-templating/ www/scripts/xinha/attach-image.tcl packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/attach-image.tcl->template::form::set_error packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/file-selector.tcl packages/acs-templating/ www/scripts/xinha/file-selector.tcl packages/acs-templating/www/scripts/xinha/file-selector.tcl->template::form::set_error template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::set_error->template::adp_level

No testcase defined.

template::form::set_properties (public)

 template::form::set_properties id [ args... ]

Set properties for a form

id (required)
The ID of an ATS form object.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_form ad_form (public) template::form::set_properties template::form::set_properties ad_form->template::form::set_properties template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::form::set_properties->template::adp_level template::util::get_opts template::util::get_opts (public) template::form::set_properties->template::util::get_opts

No testcase defined.

template::form::set_values (public)

 template::form::set_values id array_ref

Convenience procedure to set individual values of a form (useful for simple update forms). Typical usage is to query a onerow data source from database and pass the resulting array reference to set_values for setting default values in an update form. NB! This proc must always be called through "form set_values" or "template::form set_values", or it won't be able to find the variable.

id (required)
The form identifier
array_ref (required)
The name of a local array variable whose keys correspond to element identifiers in the form

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::element template::element (public) template::form::set_values template::form::set_values template::form::set_values->template::element

No testcase defined.

template::form::size (public)

 template::form::size id
id (required)
The form identifier
the number of elements in the form identified by id

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::form::get_reference template::form::get_reference (private) template::form::size template::form::size template::form::size->template::form::get_reference

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Form management for the ArsDigita Templating System

    @author Karl Goldstein    (karlg@arsdigita.com)
    @author Stanislav Freidin (sfreidin@arsdigita.com)

    @cvs-id $Id: form-procs.tcl,v 2023/11/30 15:13:27 antoniop Exp $

# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation

# This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
# License.  Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project:
# http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html

# Commands for managing dynamic templated forms.
namespace eval template {}
namespace eval template::form {}

ad_proc -deprecated form {command args} {
    form is really template::form although when in
    the "template" namespace you may omit the

    DEPRECATED: no, you should not omit the namespace, and this proc
    does not comply with OpenACS naming convention.

    @see template::form
    @see template::element
} -

ad_proc -public template::form { command args } {

    template::form command invokes form functions.  Please see the
    individual functions for their arguments.  The template::element
    API is used to manipulate form elements.

    @see template::form::create
    @see template::form::get_button
    @see template::form::get_action
    @see template::form::set_properties
    @see template::form::get_properties
    @see template::form::exists
    @see template::form::get_combined_values
    @see template::form::get_values
    @see template::form::get_elements
    @see template::form::get_errors
    @see template::form::set_error
    @see template::form::is_request
    @see template::form::is_submission
    @see template::form::is_valid
    @see template::form::section
    @see template::form::set_values
    @see template::form::size
    @see template::element
} {
  template::form::$command {*}$args

ad_proc -public template::form::create { id args } {
    Initialize the data structures for a form.

    @param id               A keyword identifier for the form, such as "add_user" or
                            "edit_item".  The ID must be unique in the context of a
                            single page.

    @option method          The standard METHOD attribute to specify in the HTML FORM
                            tag at the beginning of the rendered form. Defaults to POST.

    @option html            A list of additional name-value attribute pairs to
                            include in the HTML FORM tag at the beginning of the
                            rendered form. Common use for this option is to set multipart
                            form encoding by specifying "-html { enctype multipart/form-data }".
                            Please note that to comply with newer security features, such as CSP,
                            one should not specify JavaScript event handlers here, as they will
                            be rendered inline.

    @option mode            If set to 'display', the form is shown in display-only mode, where
                            the user cannot edit the fields. Each widget knows how to display its contents
                            appropriately, e.g. a select widget will show the label, not the value. If set to
                            'edit', the form is displayed as normal, for editing. Defaults to 'edit'. Switching
                            to edit mode when a button is clicked in display mode is handled automatically.

    @option cancel_url      A url to redirect to when the user hits the Cancel button.
                            If you do not supply a cancel_url, there will be no Cancel button.

    @option cancel_label    The label of the Cancel button, if cancel_url is supplied.
                            Default is "Cancel".

    @option actions         A list of actions available on the form, which in practice means
                            a list of buttons to show when the form is in display mode.
                            The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the form label
                            and the second element being the name of the form element. Defaults to
                            { { "Edit" edit } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using
                            template::form::get_button. The name of the button clicked while in display mode
                            is called the 'action', and can be retrieved using template::form::get_action.
                            The action is automatically carried forward to the form submission, so that the value
                            that you get from calling template::form::get_action on the final form submission
                            is the name of the button which was called when the form changed from display
                            mode to edit mode.

    @option display_buttons List of buttons to show when the form is in display mode.
                            Equivalent to actions. If both actions and display_buttons are present,
                            'actions' is used. 'display_buttons' is deprecated.

    @option edit_buttons    List of buttons to show when the form is in edit mode.
                            The value should be a list of lists, with the first element being the button label
                            and the second element being the name. Defaults to
                            { { "Ok" ok } }. The name of the button clicked can be retrieved using

    @option has_submit      Set to 1 to suppress the OK or submit button automatically
                            added by the form builder. Use this if your form already includes its own
                            submit button.

    @option has_edit        Set to 1 to suppress the Edit button automatically added by the
                            form builder. Use this if you include your own.

    @option elements        A block of element specifications.

    @option show_required_p Should the form template show which elements are required.
                            Use 1 or t for true, 0 or f for false. Defaults to true.

    @see template::form::get_button
    @see template::form::get_action

} {
    set level [template::adp_level]

    # bump the form_count for widgets that use JavaScript to navigate through
    # the form (liberated from my Greenpeace work ages ago)

    incr ::ad_conn(form_count)

    # keep form properties and a list of the element items
    upvar #$level $id:elements elements $id:properties opts

    # ensure minimal defaults for form properties
    variable defaults
    array set opts $defaults

    template::util::get_opts $args

    set elements [list]

    # check whether this form is being submitted
    upvar #$level $id:submission submission

    if {$id eq "request"} {
        # request is the magic ID for the form holding query parameters
        set submission 1
    } else {
        # If there's a form:id argument, and it's the ID of this form,
        # we're being submitted
        set submission [string equal $id [ns_queryget form:id]]

    set formbutton [get_button $id]

    # If the user hit a button named "cancel", redirect and about
    if { $submission && $formbutton eq "cancel" && [info exists opts(cancel_url)] && $opts(cancel_url) ne ""} {
        ad_returnredirect $opts(cancel_url)

    set formaction [get_action $id]
    # If we were in display mode, and a button was clicked, we should be in edit mode now
    if { $submission && [ns_queryget "form:mode"] eq "display" } {
        set opts(mode) "edit"
        set submission 0

    # add elements specified at the time the form is created
    if { [info exists opts(elements)] } {

    # strip carriage returns
        regsub -all -- {\r} $opts(elements) {} element_data

        foreach element [split $element_data "\n"] {
            set element [string trim $element]
            if {$element eq {}} { continue }
            template::element create $id {*}$element

ad_proc -public template::form::set_properties { id args } {
    Set properties for a form

    @param id  The ID of an ATS form object.
    @param args Properties to set
} {
    # form properties
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:properties opts

    template::util::get_opts $args

ad_proc -public template::form::get_properties { id } {
    Get properties of a form

    @param id  The ID of a form
} {
    # form properties
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:properties formprop

    if { [info exists formprop] } {
        # properties exist in the form, return them
        return [array get formprop]
    } else {
        # no props exist in the form, return the empty list
        return [list]

ad_proc -public template::form::get_button { id } {
    Find out which button was clicked

    @param id  The ID of an ATS form object.
    @return the name of the button clicked
} {
    # keep form properties and a list of the element items
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:button formbutton

    # If we've already found the button, just return that
    if { [info exists formbutton] } {
        return $formbutton

    # Otherwise, find out now

    # If the form isn't being submitted at all, no button was clicked
    if { ![ns_conn isconnected] || $id ne [ns_queryget form:id] } {
        return {}

    # Search the submit form for the button
    set formbutton [lindex [ns_set keys [ns_getform"formbutton:*"] 0]
    regsub {^formbutton:} $formbutton {} formbutton

    return $formbutton

ad_proc -public template::form::get_action { id } {
    Find out which action is in progress. This is the name of the button
    which was clicked when the form was in display mode.

    @param id  The ID of an ATS form object.
    @return the name of the action in progress
} {
    # keep form properties and a list of the element items
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:formaction formaction

    # If we've already found the action, just return that
    if { [info exists formaction] } {
        return $formaction

    # Otherwise, find out now

    set formaction {}

    # If the form isn't being submitted at all, there's no action
    if { $id ne [ns_queryget "form:id"] } {
        return {}

    set formbutton [get_button $id]

    # If we were in display mode, and a button was clicked, we should be in edit mode now
    if { [ns_queryget "form:mode"] eq "display" && $formbutton ne "" } {
        set formaction $formbutton
        return $formaction

    # Otherwise, there should be a form:formaction variable in the form
    set formaction [ns_queryget "form:formaction"]

    return $formaction

ad_proc -public template::form::exists { id } {
    Determine whether a form exists by checking for its data structures.

    @param id  The ID of an ATS form object.

    @return 1 if a form with the specified ID exists. 0 if it does not.
} {
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:elements elements

    return [info exists elements]

ad_proc -private template::form::template { id { style "" } } {
    Auto-generate the template for a form

    @param id      The form identifier
    @param style   The style template to use when generating the form.
                   Form style templates must be placed in the forms
                   subdirectory of the ATS resources directory.

    @return A string containing a template for the body of the form.
} {


    # Elements
    # RAL: moved this below so we could take advantage of the template::element
    # API in the button loop above.  The buttons multirow in standard.adp is
    # no longer necessary.
    set elements:rowcount 0

    foreach element_ref $elements {

        incr elements:rowcount

        # get a reference by index for the multirow data source
        upvar #$level $element_ref elements:${elements:rowcount}
        set "elements:${elements:rowcount}(rownum)" ${elements:rowcount}

    if {$style eq {}} {
        set style [parameter::get \
            -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] \
            -parameter DefaultFormStyle \
            -default [parameter::get \
            -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "acs-templating"] \
            -parameter DefaultFormStyle \
            -default "standard-lars"]]

    set file_stub [template::resource_path -type forms -style $style]

    if { ![file exists "$file_stub.adp"] } {
        # We always have a template named 'standard'
        set file_stub [template::resource_path -type forms -style standard]

    # Ensure that the style template has been compiled and is
    # up-to-date, and execute the result into __adp_output.  The only
    # data source on which this template depends is the "elements"
    # multirow data source.  The output of this procedure will be
    # placed in __adp_output in this stack frame.
    [template::adp_init adp $file_stub]

    return $__adp_output

ad_proc -private template::form::generate { id { style "" } } {
    Render the finished HTML output for a dynamic form.

    @param id      The form identifier
    @param style   The style template to use when generating the form.
                   Form style templates must be placed in the forms
                   subdirectory of the ATS resources directory.

    @return A string containing the HTML for the body of the form.
} {
    set __adp_output [template $id $style]

    set level [template::adp_level]

    # compile the template
    set code [template::adp_compile -string $__adp_output]

    # these variables are expected by the formwidget and formgroup tags
    set form:id $id
    upvar #$level $id:elements $id:elements formerror formerror $id:properties form_properties

    foreach element_ref [set $id:elements] {
        # get a reference by element ID for formwidget and formgroup tags
        upvar #$level $element_ref $element_ref

    # evaluate the code and return the rendered HTML for the form
    return [template::adp_eval code]

d_proc -public template::form::section {
    {-fieldset ""}
    {-legendtext ""}
    {-legend ""}
} {
    Set the current section (fieldset) of the form. A form may be
    divided into any number of fieldsets to group related
    elements. Elements are tagged with the current fieldset properties
    as they are added to the form. A form style template may insert a
    divider in the form whenever the fieldset identifier changes.

    @param id          The form identifier.
    @param section     The current fieldset identifier
    @param fieldset    A list of name-value attribute pairs for the FIELDSET tag
    @param legendtext  The legend text
    @param legend      A list of name-value attribute pairs for the LEGEND tag
} {

    # legend can't be empty
    if { $section ne "" && $legendtext eq "" } {
        ad_log Warning "template::form::section (form: $id, section: $section): The legend-text of this section is empty. You must provide text for the legend-text otherwise the section fieldset won't be created."

    set properties(section) $section
    set properties(sec_legendtext) $legendtext

    # fieldset attributes
    set properties(sec_fieldset) ""
    array set fs_attributes $fieldset
    foreach name [array names fs_attributes] {
        if {$fs_attributes($name) eq ""} {
            append properties(sec_fieldset) $name"
        } else {
            append properties(sec_fieldset) $name=\"$fs_attributes($name)\""

    # legend attributes
    set properties(sec_legend) ""
    if { $legendtext ne "" } {
        array set lg_attributes $legend
        if {![info exists lg_attributes(class)]} {
            append properties(sec_legend) " class=\"form-legend\""
        foreach name [array names lg_attributes] {
            if {$lg_attributes($name) eq ""} {
                append properties(sec_legend) $name"
            } else {
                append properties(sec_legend) $name=\"$lg_attributes($name)\""

ad_proc -private template::form::render { id tag_attributes } {
    Render the HTML FORM tag along with a hidden element that identifies
    the form object.

    @param id               The form identifier
    @param tag_attributes   A name-value list of special attributes to add
                            to the FORM tag, such as JavaScript event handlers.

    @return A string containing the rendered tags.
} {

    # Check for errors on form

    # make a reference to the formerror array with any validation messages
    upvar #$level $id:error $id:error

    # Clear the formerror array if it has
    # been set by another form on the same page
    upvar #$level formerror formerror
    if { [info exists formerror] } { unset formerror }

    if { [info exists $id:error] } {

        uplevel #$level "upvar 0 $id:error formerror"

        # There were errors on the form, force edit mode
        set properties(mode) edit

    # Buttons

    if { [info exists form_properties(cancel_url)] && $form_properties(cancel_url) ne ""} {
        if {![info exists form_properties(cancel_label)] || $form_properties(cancel_label) eq ""} {
            set form_properties(cancel_label) [_ acs-kernel.common_Cancel]
        lappend form_properties(edit_buttons) [list $form_properties(cancel_label) cancel]

    if { [info exists form_properties(has_submit)]
         && [string is true -strict $form_properties(has_submit)]
    } {
        set form_properties(edit_buttons) {}

    if { [info exists form_properties(has_edit)]
         && [string is true -strict $form_properties(has_edit)]
    } {
        set form_properties(display_buttons) {}

    if { [info exists form_properties(actions)]
         && $form_properties(actions) ne ""
    } {
        set form_properties(display_buttons) $form_properties(actions)

    # We keep this, so if anyone has an old form template that still loops over this multirow, it won't break hard
    # We should remove this later, maybe 6.0
    set buttons:rowcount 0

    foreach button $form_properties(${form_properties(mode)}_buttons) {
        lassign $button label name

        if {$name eq "ok"} {
        # We hard-code the OK button to be wider than it otherwise would
            set label "       $label       "
        set name "formbutton:$name"

        template::element create $id $name -widget submit -label $label -datatype text

    # Propagate form mode to all form elements
    foreach element_ref $elements {

        # get a reference by element ID
        upvar #$level $element_ref element

        # Check if the element has an empty string mode, and in
        # that case, set to form mode
        if {$element(mode) eq ""} {
            set element(mode) $properties(mode)

    # Check for errors in hidden elements
    foreach element_ref $elements {

        # get a reference by element ID
        upvar #$level $element_ref element

        if { $element(widget) eq "hidden" &&
             [info exists $id:error($element(id))] && [set $id:error($element(id))] ne ""
        } {
            # Submitting invalid data to hidden elements is a common attack vector.
            # This does not give them much information in the response.
            ad_return_complaint 1 "Your request is invalid."
            ad_log Warning "Validation error in hidden form element.\
                This may be part of a vulnerability scan or attack reconnaissance: \
                '[set $id:error($element(id))]' on element '$element(id)'."

    # Get any additional attributes developer specified to include in
    # the form tag and merge them with attributes specified by
    # designer in the formtemplate tag.
    array set attributes \
        [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes properties $tag_attributes]

    # set the form to point back to itself if action is not specified
    if { ! [info exists properties(action)] } {
        set properties(action) [ns_conn url]

    set output "<form id=\"$id\" name=\"$id\" method=\"$properties(method)\"

    ### 2/17/2007
    ### Adding a default class for forms if one does not exist
    if {![info exists attributes(class)]} {
        append output " class=\"margin-form\""

    # make sure that event handlers have IDs
    foreach name [array names attributes] {
        if {[regexp -nocase {^on(.*)%} $name . event]} {
            if {![info exists attributes(id)]} {
                set attributes(id) "id[clock clicks -microseconds]"

    # append attributes to form tag
    foreach name [array names attributes] {
        if {[regexp -nocase {^on(.*)%} $name . event]} {
            # Convert automatically on$event attribute into event listener
            ns_log notice "automatically adding event listener for attribute $name in form with id $id"
            template::add_event_listener \
                -event $event
            -id $attributes(id) \
                -script $attributes($name)
        } elseif {$attributes($name) eq {}} {
            append output $name"
        } else {
            append output $name=\"$attributes($name)\""

    append output ">"

    ### 2/11/2007
    ### Adding Form Fieldset legend and attributes
    if { [info exists properties(fieldset)] } {
        # Fieldset
        append output " <fieldset"
        array set fs_attributes [lindex $properties(fieldset) 0]
        if {![info exists fs_attributes(class)]} {
            append output " class=\"form-fieldset\""
        foreach name [array names fs_attributes] {
            if {$fs_attributes($name) eq {}} {
                append output $name"
            } else {
                append output $name=\"$fs_attributes($name)\""
        append output ">"

        # Legend
        set fieldset_legend [lindex $properties(fieldset) 1]
        append output "<legend>$fieldset_legend</legend>"

    # Include exported variables created by ad_form when specifying
    # the -export flag
    if { [info exists form_properties(exported_vars)] } {
        append output {<!-- Exported form vars START -->}
        append output $form_properties(exported_vars)
        append output {<!-- Exported form vars END -->}

    # Export form ID and current form mode
    append output [export_vars -form { { form\:id $id } { form\:mode $properties(mode) } }]

    # If we're in edit mode, output the action
    upvar #$level $id:formaction formaction
    if { $properties(mode) eq "edit"
         && [info exists formaction]
         && $formaction ne ""
    } {
        upvar #$level $id:formaction action
        append output [export_vars -form { { form\:formaction $formaction } }]

    return $output

ad_proc -private template::form::check_elements { id } {
    Iterates over all declared elements, checking for hidden widgets and
    rendering those that have not been rendered yet.  Called after rendering
    a custom form template as a debugging aid.

    @param id               The form identifier
} {

    set output ""

    foreach element_ref $elements {

        # get a reference by element ID
        upvar #$level $element_ref element

        # Check if the element has been rendered already
        if {$element(is_rendered) == "f"} {

            # If the element is hidden, render it
            if {$element(widget) eq "hidden"} {

                append output "<div>[template::element render $id $element(id) {} ]</div>\n"
                set element(is_rendered) t

            } else {

                ad_log Warning "template::form::check_elements: MISSING FORMWIDGET: $id\:$element_ref"
                # Throw an error ?

    return $output

ad_proc -public template::form::is_request { id } {
    Return true if preparing a form for an initial request (as opposed
    to repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to validation
    problems).  This command is used to conditionally set default values
    for form elements.

    @param id               The form identifier

    @return 1 if preparing a form for an initial request; or 0 if
            repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to
            validation problems
} {
    return [expr {! [is_submission $id]}]

ad_proc -public template::form::is_submission { id } {
    Return true if a submission in progress.  The submission may or may not
    be valid.

    @param id               The form identifier

    @return 1 if true or 0 if false
} {
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:submission submission

    return $submission

ad_proc -public template::form::is_valid { id } {
    Return true if submission in progress and submission was valid.
    Typically used to conditionally execute DML and redirect to the next
    page, as opposed to returning the form back to the user to report
    validation errors.

    @param id               The form identifier

    @return 1 if id is the form identifier of a valid submission or 0 otherwise
} {
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:submission submission $id:error formerror

    if { ! $submission } {
        return 0

    if { [info exists formerror] } {
    # errors exist in the form so it is not valid
        return 0
    } else {
    # no errors exist in the form, submission approved
        return 1

ad_proc -public template::form::get_values { id args } {
    Set local variables for form variables (assume they are all single values).
    Typically used when processing the form submission to prepare for DML
    or other type of transaction.

    NB! This proc must always be called through "form get_values"
    or "template::form get_values", or it won't be able to find
    the variable.

    @param id            The form identifier
    @param args          A list of element identifiers. If the list is empty,
                         retrieve all form elements
} {
    if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
        set elements $args
    } else {
        # Get all the form elements
        set elements [get_elements $id]

    foreach element_id $elements {
        upvar 2 $element_id value
        set value [template::element get_value $id $element_id]

d_proc -public template::form::get_elements {
} {
    Return a list of element names for the form with given id.

    @param no_api If provided, filter out form builder and ad_form API element names
                     that start with the double underscore

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:properties properties
    set elements $properties(element_names)

    if { $no_api_p } {
        set elements_no_api [list]
        foreach element $elements {
            if { ![regexp {^__} $element] } {
                lappend elements_no_api $element

        return $elements_no_api
    } else {
        return $elements

ad_proc -public template::form::get_errors { id } {
    @param id               The form identifier
    @return the list of form errors
} {
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:error formerror

    if { [info exists formerror] } {
        # errors exist in the form, return them
        return [array get formerror]
    } else {
        # no errors exist in the form, return the empty list
        return [list]

ad_proc -public template::form::get_combined_values { id args } {
    Return a list which represents the result of getting combined values
    from multiple form elements

    @param id             The form identifier
    @param args           A list of element identifiers. Each identifier may be
                          a regexp. For example,
                          <code>form get_combined_values "foo.*"</code>
                          will combine the values of all elements starting with

    @return               The combined list of values
} {

    set exp [join $args "|"]
    set values [list]

    foreach element_name $properties(element_names) {
        if { [regexp $exp $element_name match] } {
            lappend values {*}[template::element get_values $id $element_name]

    return $values

ad_proc -public template::form::set_values { id array_ref } {
    Convenience procedure to set individual values of a form (useful for
    simple update forms).  Typical usage is to query a onerow data
    source from database and pass the resulting array reference to
    set_values for setting default values in an update form.

    NB! This proc must always be called through "form set_values"
    or "template::form set_values", or it won't be able to find
    the variable.

    @param id               The form identifier
    @param array_ref        The name of a local array variable whose
                            keys correspond to element identifiers in the form
} {
    upvar 2 $array_ref values

    foreach name [array names values] {

        template::element set_value $id $name $values($name)

ad_proc -deprecated template::form::export {} {
    Generates hidden input tags for all values in a form submission.
    Typically used to create a confirmation page following an initial

    DEPRECATED: this proc has been superseded by export_vars, which
                also offers additional features.

    @see export_vars

    @return A string containing hidden input tags for inclusion in a
} {
    set form [ns_getform]
    if { $form eq "" } { return "" }

    set export_data ""

    for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $form] } { incr i } {

        set key [ns_set key $form $i]
        set value [ns_set value $form $i]

        append export_data "
        <div><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $value]\"></div>"

    return $export_data

ad_proc -public template::form::size { id } {
    @param id               The form identifier
    @return the number of elements in the form identified by id
} {
    return [llength $elements]

ad_proc -private template::form::get_reference {} {
    Helper procedure used to access the basic data structures of a form object.
    Called by several of the form commands.
} {
    uplevel {
        set level [template::adp_level]

        # GN: why does it alias "$id:properties" to "properties" and
        # "form_properties"?
        upvar #$level $id:elements elements $id:properties properties $id:properties form_properties

        if { ! [info exists elements] } {
            error "Form $id does not exist"

d_proc -public template::form::set_error {
} {

    Set an error on a form element. Can be called from the -on_submit or
    -after_submit block of an ad_form. Will cause the form to no longer
    be considered valid, and thus the form will be redisplayed with the
    error message embedded, provided that 'break' is also called, so any
    code that redirects away from the form (e.g. in the after_submit block)
    isn't called either.

    @param id      The ID of the form

    @param element The element that contains the error.

    @param error   The error message.
} {
    # use an array to hold error messages for this form
    upvar #[template::adp_level$id:error formerror

    set formerror($element$error

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: