- Publicity: Public Only All
Rich text input widget and datatype for OpenACS templating system.
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/richtext-or-file-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2003-01-27
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@pinds.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: richtext-or-file-procs.tcl,v 1.15 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- template::data::transform::richtext_or_file (public)
- template::data::validate::richtext_or_file (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::acquire (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::create (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::format_options (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::formats (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property (public)
- template::util::richtext_or_file::set_property (public)
- template::widget::richtext_or_file (public)
Detailed information
template::data::transform::richtext_or_file (public)
template::data::transform::richtext_or_file element_ref
Transform submitted data into a valid richtext_or_file data structure (list)
- Parameters:
- element_ref (required)
- Reference variable to the form element
- Returns:
- Submitted data in the richtext_or_datafile list form
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::validate::richtext_or_file (public)
template::data::validate::richtext_or_file value_ref message_ref
Validate submitted richtext_or_file by checking that the format is valid, HTML doesn't contain illegal tags, etc.
- Parameters:
- value_ref (required)
- Reference variable to the submitted value
- message_ref (required)
- Reference variable for returning an error message
- Returns:
- True (1) if the submitted value is valid, false (0) otherwise
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file (public)
template::util::richtext_or_file command [ args... ]
Dispatch procedure for the richtext_or_file object
- Parameters:
- command (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::acquire (public)
template::util::richtext_or_file::acquire type [ value ]
Create a new richtext_or_file value with some predefined value Basically, create and set the richtext_or_file value
- Parameters:
- type (required)
- value (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::create (public)
template::util::richtext_or_file::create [ storage_type ] \ [ mime_type ] [ text ] [ filename ] [ tmp_filename ] \ [ content_url ]
Create a richtext_or_file datastructure.
- Parameters:
- storage_type (optional)
- mime_type (optional)
- text (optional)
- filename (optional)
- tmp_filename (optional)
- content_url (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::format_options (public)
Returns a formatting option list
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::formats (public)
Returns a list of valid richtext_or_file formats
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property (public)
template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property what \ richtext_or_file_list
Get a property of the richtext_or_file datatype. Valid properties are:
- storage_type
- mime_type
- text
- filename
- tmp_filename
- content_url
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- richtext_or_file_list (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::richtext_or_file::set_property (public)
template::util::richtext_or_file::set_property what \ richtext_or_file_list value
Set a property of the richtext_or_file datatype. Valid properties are:
- storage_type
- mime_type
- text
- filename
- tmp_filename
- content_url
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- richtext_or_file_list (required)
- value (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::richtext_or_file (public)
template::widget::richtext_or_file element_reference tag_attributes
Render a richtext_or_file widget
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- Reference variable to the form element
- tag_attributes (required)
- Attributes to include in the generated HTML
- Returns:
- Form HTML for the widget
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Rich text input widget and datatype for OpenACS templating system. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date 2003-01-27 @cvs-id $Id: richtext-or-file-procs.tcl,v 1.15 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::data {} namespace eval template::data::transform {} namespace eval template::data::validate {} namespace eval template::util {} namespace eval template::util::richtext_or_file {} namespace eval template::widget {} ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file { command args } { Dispatch procedure for the richtext_or_file object } { template::util::richtext_or_file::$command {*}$args } d_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::create { {storage_type {}} {mime_type {}} {text {}} {filename {}} {tmp_filename {}} {content_url {}} } { Create a richtext_or_file datastructure. } { return [list $storage_type $mime_type $text $filename $tmp_filename $content_url] } ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::acquire { type { value "" } } { Create a new richtext_or_file value with some predefined value Basically, create and set the richtext_or_file value } { set richtext_or_file_list [template::util::richtext_or_file::create] return [template::util::richtext_or_file::set_property $type $richtext_or_file_list $value] } ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::formats {} { Returns a list of valid richtext_or_file formats } { return { text/enhanced text/markdown text/plain text/html text/fixed-width } } ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::format_options {} { Returns a formatting option list } { return { {"Enhanced Text" text/enhanced} {"Markdown Text" text/markdown} {"Plain Text" text/plain} {"Fixed-width Text" text/fixed-width} {"HTML" text/html} } } d_proc -public template::data::validate::richtext_or_file { value_ref message_ref } { Validate submitted richtext_or_file by checking that the format is valid, HTML doesn't contain illegal tags, etc. @param value_ref Reference variable to the submitted value @param message_ref Reference variable for returning an error message @return True (1) if the submitted value is valid, false (0) otherwise } { upvar 2 $message_ref message $value_ref richtext_or_file_list lassign $richtext_or_file_list storage_type mime_type text filename tmp_filename content_url if { $text ne "" && [lsearch -exact [template::util::richtext_or_file::formats] $mime_type] == -1 } { set message "Invalid text format, '$mime_type'." return 0 } # enhanced text and HTML needs to be security checked if { $mime_type in { text/enhanced text/html } } { set check_result [ad_html_security_check $text] if { $check_result ne "" } { set message $check_result return 0 } } return 1 } d_proc -public template::data::transform::richtext_or_file { element_ref } { Transform submitted data into a valid richtext_or_file data structure (list) @param element_ref Reference variable to the form element @return Submitted data in the richtext_or_datafile list form } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) # We need to return the empty list in order for form builder to think of it # as a non-value in case of a required element. set storage_type [ns_queryget $element_id.storage_type] switch -- $storage_type { text { set text [ns_queryget $element_id.text] if { $text eq "" } { return [list] } set mime_type [ns_queryget $element_id.mime_type] return [list [list "text" $mime_type $text {} {} {}]] } file { set file [template::util::file_transform $element_id.file] if { $file eq "" } { return [list] } set filename [template::util::file::get_property filename $file] set tmp_filename [template::util::file::get_property tmp_filename $file] set mime_type [template::util::file::get_property mime_type $file] return [list [list "file" $mime_type {} $filename $tmp_filename {}]] } default { return [list] } } } ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::set_property { what richtext_or_file_list value } { Set a property of the richtext_or_file datatype. Valid properties are: <ul> <li>storage_type <li>mime_type <li>text <li>filename <li>tmp_filename <li>content_url </ul> } { lassign richtext_or_file_list storage_type mime_type text filename tmp_filename content_url switch -- $what { storage_type { # Replace contents with value return [list $value $mime_type $text $filename $tmp_filename $content_url] } mime_type { # Replace format with value return [list $storage_type $value $text $filename $tmp_filename $content_url] } text { # Replace contents with value return [list $storage_type $mime_type $value $filename $tmp_filename $content_url] } filename { return [list $storage_type $mime_type $text $value $tmp_filename $content_url] } tmp_filename { return [list $storage_type $mime_type $text $filename $value $content_url] } content_url { return [list $storage_type $mime_type $text $filename $tmp_filename $value] } default { error "Invalid property $what, valid properties are storage_type, mime_type, text, filename, tmp_filanme, content_url." } } } ad_proc -public template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property { what richtext_or_file_list } { Get a property of the richtext_or_file datatype. Valid properties are: <ul> <li>storage_type <li>mime_type <li>text <li>filename <li>tmp_filename <li>content_url </ul> } { lassign $richtext_or_file_list storage_type mime_type text filename tmp_filename content_url switch -- $what { storage_type { return $storage_type } mime_type { return $mime_type } text { return $text } filename { return $filename } tmp_filename { return $tmp_filename } content_url { return $content_url } file { return [list $filename $tmp_filename $mime_type] } html_value { switch -- $storage_type { text { return [ad_html_text_convert -from $mime_type -to "text/html" -- $text] } file { return "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $content_url]\">Download file</a>" } } return {} } default { error "Invalid property $what, valid properties are storage_type, mime_type, text, filename, tmp_filanme, content_url, html_value, file." } } } d_proc -public template::widget::richtext_or_file { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a richtext_or_file widget @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element @param tag_attributes Attributes to include in the generated HTML @return Form HTML for the widget } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] if { [info exists element(value)] } { set storage_type [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property storage_type $element(value)] set mime_type [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property mime_type $element(value)] set text [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property text $element(value)] set filename [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property filename $element(value)] set tmp_filename [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property tmp_filename $element(value)] set content_url [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property content_url $element(value)] } else { set storage_type {} set mime_type {} set text {} set filename {} set tmp_filename {} set content_url {} } set output {} if {$element(mode) eq "edit"} { if { $storage_type eq "" } { append output [subst { <input type="radio" name="$element(id).storage_type" id="$element(id).storage_type_text" value="text" checked> <label for="$element(id).storage_type_text">Enter text</label><blockquote> }] template::add_event_listener \ -id "$element(id).storage_type_file" \ -script [subst {acs_RichText_Or_File_InputMethodChanged('$element(form_id)', '$element(id)', this);}] } else { append output [subst { <input type="hidden" name="$element(id).storage_type" value="[ns_quotehtml $storage_type]"> }] } ::template::head::add_javascript -src /resources/acs-templating/richtext-or-file.js if { $storage_type eq "" || $storage_type eq "text" } { append output [subst {<script type="text/javascript" nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'><!--}] \ \n {acs_RichText_WriteButtons(); //--></script>} \ [textarea_internal "$element(id).text" attributes $text] \ [subst {<br>Format: \ [menu "$element(id).mime_type" \ [template::util::richtext_or_file::format_options] \ $mime_type \ attributes]}] } if { $storage_type eq "" } { append output [subst { </blockquote> <input type="radio" name="$element(id).storage_type" id="$element(id).storage_type_file" value="file"> <label for="$element(id).storage_type_file">Upload a file</label> <blockquote> }] template::add_event_listener \ -id "$element(id).storage_type_file" \ -script [subst {acs_RichText_Or_File_InputMethodChanged('$element(form_id)', '$element(id)', this);}] } if {$storage_type eq "file"} { append output \ [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property html_value $element(value)] \ "<p>Replace uploaded file: " \ [subst {<input type="file" name="$element(id).file">}] } if { $storage_type eq "" } { append output [subst {<input type="file" name="$element(id).file" disabled>}] } if { $storage_type eq "" } { append output "</blockquote>" } } else { # Display mode if { [info exists element(value)] } { append output [template::util::richtext_or_file::get_property html_value $element(value)] append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id).mime_type\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $mime_type]\">" append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id).storage_type\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $storage_type]\">" append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(id).text\" value=\"[ns_quotehtml $text]\">" } } return $output } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: