- Publicity: Public Only All
Table widget for the ArsDigita Templating System
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/table-procs.tcl
- Authors:
- Karl Goldstein <karlg@arsdigita.com>
- Stanislav Freidin <sfreidin@arsdigita.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: table-procs.tcl,v 1.13 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- template::widget::table::create (public)
- template::widget::table::default_column_def (public)
- template::widget::table::get_params (public)
- template::widget::table::prepare (public)
Detailed information
template::widget::table::create (public)
template::widget::table::create statement_name name [ args... ]
Create a table widget
- Parameters:
- statement_name (required)
- name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::table::default_column_def (public)
template::widget::table::default_column_def name [ level ]
Create the default column definition if none exists
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- level (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::table::get_params (public)
template::widget::table::get_params name [ level ]
Get the order by clause for the widget, other parameters (?)
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- level (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::table::prepare (public)
template::widget::table::prepare statement_name name [ level ]
Compose the query, if necessary, and define the datasources
- Parameters:
- statement_name (required)
- name (required)
- level (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Table widget for the ArsDigita Templating System @author Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) @author Stanislav Freidin (sfreidin@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: table-procs.tcl,v 1.13 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } # Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation # This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public # License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: # http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html # The table widget consists of 3 parts: # 1). The column definition (-column_def, optional), in form # name {label orderby_clause presentation} # name is the name for the column (required) # label is the pretty label for the column (defaults to name) # orderby_clause is the SQL order by clause that will be used to sort # the table (defaults to name) # presentation is the html code that will be shown in the table cell # (defaults to "@row.value@", see below) # The column definition will be extracted from the query results # if it is omitted. # # 2). The SQL query that will be executed to get the rows. The orderby # clause will be appended to the query (-query, required). # # 3). The template to render the table (-style, optional). If omitted, # the code inside the # <tablewidget> tag will be used # # The widget creates two datasources: # "tablewidget:${name}_columns", used to render the column headers, # html - the HTML to render the label # selected - "t" if the table is being sorted by this column, "f" otherwise # # "tablewidget:${name}_rows", used to render the rows, with the fields # representing the column values for the query. For each column, a field # called "${column_name}_html" is created which contains the presentation # for the field # # If the -columns_data or -rows_data switches are specified, # external datasources are used instead # Create the widget data structure namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::widget {} namespace eval template::widget::table {} d_proc -public template::widget::table::create { statement_name name args } { Create a table widget } { upvar "tablewidget:${name}" widget set widget(name) $name template::widget::table::get_params $name 2 template::widget::table::prepare $statement_name $name 2 } d_proc -public template::widget::table::get_params { name {level 1} } { Get the order by clause for the widget, other parameters (?) } { upvar $level "tablewidget:${name}" widget set widget(orderby) [ns_queryget "tablewidget:${name}_orderby"] } d_proc -public template::widget::table::default_column_def { name { level 2} } { Create the default column definition if none exists } { upvar $level "tablewidget:${name}" widget if { ![info exists widget(column_def)] } { # Get the column definition based on the first row of the datasource upvar $level "tw_${name}_rows:rowcount" rowcount if { $rowcount < 1 } { error "No column definition specified and no rows are available to generate the default column definition for tablewidget $name" } upvar $level "tw_${name}_rows:1" row set column_def [list] foreach name [array names row] { lappend column_def $name [list] } set widget(column_def) $column_def } } d_proc -public template::widget::table::prepare { statement_name name {level 1} } { Compose the query, if necessary, and define the datasources } { upvar $level "tablewidget:${name}" widget # Get the rows if { ![info exists widget(rows_data)] } { if { ![info exists widget(query)] } { error "No row datasource available for tablewidget $name" } # fixme - need to get a statement name here set sql_query $widget(query) # Append the order by clause, if any if { [info exists widget(orderby)] } { if { ![regexp -nocase "order +by" $sql_query match] } { append sql_query "\n order by" } append sql_query " $widget(orderby)" } if { [info exists widget(column_def)] } { # Convert the column def list to an array for extra speed upvar $level "tablewidget:${name}_column_def" column_arr array set column_arr $widget(column_def) set eval_code "set row(row_html) \"\"\n" # Process each column and append its presentation to the row html foreach {column_name column} $widget(column_def) { set presentation [lindex $column 2] set row_key "${column_name}_html" # Make sure there are no empty values that cause tables to # look ugly append eval_code "if \{ \[template::util::is_nil row($column_name) \] \} \{ set $column_name \" \" \} else \{ set $column_name \$row($column_name) \} " # Append to the row html if { $presentation ne "" } { # Debug ! regsub -all -- {"} $presentation {\\"} presentation append eval_code "set row($row_key) \"$presentation\"\n" } else { append eval_code "set row($row_key) <td>\$$column_name</td>\n" } append eval_code " append row(row_html) \$row($row_key) " } } if { [info exists widget(eval)] } { append eval_code $widget(eval) } uplevel $level " db_multirow tw_${name}_rows $statement_name \{$sql_query\} \\ \{$eval_code\} " # Get the column definition if it does not exist if { ![info exists widget(column_def)] } { template::widget::table::default_column_def widget \ [expr {$level + 1}] } } else { uplevel $level "uplevel 0 tw_${name}_rows $widget(rows_data)" template::widget::table::default_column_def widget \ [expr {$level + 1}] } # Process the rows datasource and get the columns if { ![info exists widget(columns_data)] } { upvar $level "tw_${name}_columns:rowcount" rowcount # Get the base url for the page set url [export_vars \ -base [ns_conn url] \ -entire_form \ -exclude [list "tablewidget:${name}_orderby"]] set the_joiner [expr {[string first ? $url] >= 0 ? "&" : "?"}] # Convert the column def into a multirow datasource set rowcount 0 foreach {column_name column} $widget(column_def) { incr rowcount upvar $level "tw_${name}_columns:$rowcount" row set row(rownum) $rowcount set row(colnum) $rowcount set row(name) $column_name lassign $column label orderby_clause if {$label eq ""} { set label $column_name } if {$orderby_clause eq ""} { set orderby_clause $column_name } if { [info exists widget(orderby)] && $column_name eq $widget(orderby) } { set row(html) "<b>$label</b>" set row(selected) "t" } else { set row(html) "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml ${url}${the_joiner}tablewidget:${name}_orderby\=$row(name)]\">" append row(html) "$label</a>" set row(selected) "f" } } } else { uplevel $level "uplevel 0 tw_${name}_columns $template(columns_data)" } } # Register the tag that actually renders the widget template::tag tablewidget { chunk params } { set name [ns_set iget $params name] set style [ns_set iget $params style] # Use the style unless the template is specified in the tag if { $chunk eq "" } { if { $style eq "" } { template::adp_append_code "set __tablewidget_style \"$style\"" } else { template::adp_append_code "set __tablewidget_style \"\$tablewidget:${name}(style)\"" } set command "template::adp_parse" append command " \[template::util::url_to_file \"$__tablewidget_style\" \"\$__adp_stub\"\]" template::adp_append_code $command } else { template::adp_compile $chunk } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: