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Utilities to attach files to an object in the context of richtext editors.

15 Aug 2017
Gustaf Neumann, Antonio Pisano.

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

attachments::richtext::file_attach (public)

 attachments::richtext::file_attach [ -import_file import_file ] \
    [ -title title ] [ -mime_type mime_type ] [ -object_id object_id ] \
    [ -privilege privilege ] [ -user_id user_id ] \
    [ -peeraddr peeraddr ] [ -package_id package_id ]

Insert the provided file to the content repository as a new item and attach it to the specified object_id via the attachment API. This makes sure that the file will be deleted from the content repository, when the provided object_id is deleted. The user must have at least "read" privileges on the object, but other stronger privileges can be supplied via parameter.

(defaults to "read") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 attachments::attach attachments::attach (public) attachments::richtext::require_root_folder attachments::richtext::require_root_folder (private) content::item::new content::item::new (public) permission::require_permission permission::require_permission (public) attachments::richtext::file_attach attachments::richtext::file_attach attachments::richtext::file_attach->attachments::attach attachments::richtext::file_attach->attachments::richtext::require_root_folder attachments::richtext::file_attach->content::item::new attachments::richtext::file_attach->permission::require_permission

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Utilities to attach files to an object in the context of richtext

    @author Gustaf Neumann, Antonio Pisano.
    @creation-date 15 Aug 2017


namespace eval attachments::richtext {

    d_proc -public file_attach {
        {-privilege read}
    } {

        Insert the provided file to the content repository as a
        new item and attach it to the specified object_id via
        the attachment API. This makes sure that the file will be
        deleted from the content repository, when the provided
        object_id is deleted.

        The user must have at least "read" privileges on the object,
        but other stronger privileges can be supplied via parameter.

    } {
        permission::require_permission \
            -party_id $user_id \
            -object_id $object_id \
            -privilege $privilege

        set success 1

        # Create a new item
        set name $object_id-[clock clicks -microseconds]
        if {![info exists title]} {
            set title $name
       set item_id [::content::item::new \
                         -name            $name \
                         -parent_id       [require_root_folder] \
                         -title           $title \
                         -context_id      $object_id \
                         -creation_user   $user_id \
                         -creation_ip     $peeraddr \
                         -storage_type    "file" \
                         -package_id      $package_id \
                         -tmp_filename    $import_file \
                         -is_live         t]

        # Attach the file to the object via the attachments API
        attachments::attach \
            -object_id $object_id \
            -attachment_id $item_id

        return [list \
                    success $success \
                    name $name \
                    item_id $item_id

    d_proc -private require_root_folder {
        {-parent_id -100}
        {-name attachments}
    } {

        Helper function to find the root folder for ckfinder

    } {
        set root_folder_id [content::item::get_id \
                                -root_folder_id $parent_id \
                                -item_path $name]
        if {$root_folder_id eq ""} {
            set root_folder_id [content::item::new \
                                    -name $name \
                                    -parent_id $parent_id]
        return $root_folder_id


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: