- Publicity: Public Only All
Calendar Package APM callbacks library Procedures that deal with installing, instantiating, mounting.
- Location:
- packages/calendar/tcl/apm-callback-procs.tcl
- Created:
- July 2007
- Author:
- rmorales@innova.uned.es
- CVS Identification:
$Id: apm-callback-procs.tcl,v 2021/02/26 19:18:24 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- calendar::apm::before_uninstantiate (private)
- calendar::apm::package_after_upgrade (private)
Detailed information
calendar::apm::before_uninstantiate (private)
calendar::apm::before_uninstantiate -package_id package_id
Cleanup calendars from this package instance upon uninstantiation.
- Switches:
- -package_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
calendar::apm::package_after_upgrade (private)
calendar::apm::package_after_upgrade \ -from_version_name from_version_name \ -to_version_name to_version_name
Upgrade script for the calendar package
- Switches:
- -from_version_name (required)
- -to_version_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Calendar Package APM callbacks library Procedures that deal with installing, instantiating, mounting. @creation-date July 2007 @author rmorales@innova.uned.es @cvs-id $Id: apm-callback-procs.tcl,v 2021/02/26 19:18:24 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval calendar {} namespace eval calendar::apm {} d_proc -private calendar::apm::package_after_upgrade { -from_version_name:required -to_version_name:required } { Upgrade script for the calendar package } { apm_upgrade_logic \ -from_version_name $from_version_name \ -to_version_name $to_version_name \ -spec { 2.1.0b7 2.1.0b8 { db_transaction { db_dml update_context {} db_dml remove_personal_notifications {} } on_error { ns_log Error "Error:$errmsg" } } } } d_proc -private calendar::apm::before_uninstantiate { -package_id:required } { Cleanup calendars from this package instance upon uninstantiation. } { # get calendar ids set calendar_list [db_list get_calendar_ids { SELECT calendar_id FROM calendars WHERE package_id = :package_id }] # delete calendars foreach calendar_id $calendar_list { # delete all calendar items db_foreach get_calendar_items { SELECT cal_item_id FROM cal_items WHERE on_which_calendar = :calendar_id } { calendar::item::delete -cal_item_id $cal_item_id } # delete item types db_foreach get_item_types { SELECT item_type_id FROM cal_item_types WHERE calendar_id= :calendar_id } { calendar::item_type_delete -calendar_id $calendar_id -item_type_id $item_type_id } # delete calendar calendar::delete -calendar_id $calendar_id } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: