- Publicity: Public Only All
Procs for the integration in listbuilder of the site-wide categorization package. Please note: This is highly experimental and is subject to ongoing development so the interfaces might be unstable.
- Location:
- packages/categories/tcl/category-list-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 17 February 2004
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: category-list-procs.tcl,v 2019/10/05 13:02:10 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- category::list::collapse_multirow (public)
- category::list::elements (public)
- category::list::get_pretty_list (public)
- category::list::prepare_display (public)
- category::list::rewrite_query (public)
Detailed information
category::list::collapse_multirow (public)
category::list::collapse_multirow [ -category_column category_column ] \ -object_column object_column -name name
Takes a multirow, collapses it so that for each object there's the tcl-list of mapped categories in the category multirow column.
- Switches:
- -category_column (optional, defaults to
)- multirow column name that holds the category_id and will later hold the tcl-list of category_ids
- -object_column (required)
- multirow column name that holds the object_id of the categorized object.
- -name (required)
- name of the multirow
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
category::list::elements (public)
category::list::elements [ -categories_column categories_column ] \ [ -tree_ids tree_ids ] [ -locale locale ] [ -one_category_list ] \ -name name [ spec ]
Adds list-elements to display mapped categories. To be used in list::create.
you prepare a multirow which is then displated via template::list::createUsage:
you change the list query by adding an outer join to category_object_map and selecting the object_id and the category_id. After having built the multirow holding the list of objects you add a call tocategory::list::collapse_multirow -object_column <<columnname-holding-object_id>> -name <<multirowname>>to collapse the multirow so that it holds only one row per object with a tcl-list of mapped categories in the category column.After you got the multirow, use
category::list::prepare_display -name <<multirowname>> -container_object_id $package_id(or an object other than package_id that the trees are mapped to). This proc will generate one extra multirow column per mapped tree that will hold a pretty list of the categories. The pretty list can be changed with various options (delimiter, links etc). If you want to have only one extra multirow column holding a pretty list of the mapped trees and categories, then you should use the -one_category_list option.To automatically generate the appropriate input to be used in the elements section of template::list::create, use
category::list::elements -name <<multirowname>>followed by extra spec to be used per element. Again, to display only one column use the -one_category_list option.
- Switches:
- -categories_column (optional, defaults to
)- beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category-names.
- -tree_ids (optional)
- trees to be displayed. if not provided all tree columns in the multirow will be displayed.
- -locale (optional)
- locale to display the tree-names in columns.
- -one_category_list (optional, boolean)
- switch to generate only one additional column in the list that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names.
- -name (required)
- name of the multirow for the list.
- Parameters:
- spec (optional)
- extra spec used for the list-elements. you can override the display_template with using "categories" as column holding the pretty list of category-names.
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
category::list::get_pretty_list (public)
category::list::get_pretty_list \ [ -category_delimiter category_delimiter ] \ [ -category_link category_link ] \ [ -category_link_eval category_link_eval ] \ [ -category_link_html category_link_html ] \ [ -remove_link remove_link ] \ [ -remove_link_eval remove_link_eval ] \ [ -remove_link_text remove_link_text ] \ [ -tree_delimiter tree_delimiter ] [ -tree_colon tree_colon ] \ [ -tree_link tree_link ] [ -tree_link_eval tree_link_eval ] \ [ -tree_link_html tree_link_html ] \ [ -category_varname category_varname ] \ [ -tree_varname tree_varname ] [ -uplevel uplevel ] \ category_id_list [ locale ]
Accepts a list of category_ids and returns a pretty list of tree-names and category-names with optional links for each tree and category.
- Switches:
- -category_delimiter (optional, defaults to
", "
)- string that separates the categories in the pretty list
- -category_link (optional)
- optional link for every category-name
- -category_link_eval (optional)
- optional command that returns the link for every category-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __category_id and __tree_id which refer to category_id and tree_id of the category-name the link will wrap.
- -category_link_html (optional)
- optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
- -remove_link (optional)
- -remove_link_eval (optional)
- -remove_link_text (optional)
- -tree_delimiter (optional, defaults to
"; "
)- string that separates the tree-names in the pretty list
- -tree_colon (optional, defaults to
": "
)- string that separates a tree-name from the category-names in that tree.
- -tree_link (optional)
- optional link for every tree-name
- -tree_link_eval (optional)
- optional command that returns the link for every tree-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __tree_id which refer to tree_id of the tree-name the link will wrap.
- -tree_link_html (optional)
- optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
- -category_varname (optional, defaults to
)- name of the variable that will hold the category_id for category link generation.
- -tree_varname (optional, defaults to
)- name of the variable that will hold the tree_id for category and tree link generation.
- -uplevel (optional, defaults to
)- upvar level to set __tree_id and __category_id for link generation.
- Parameters:
- category_id_list (required)
- tcl-list of categories to display.
- locale (optional)
- locale of the category-names and tree-names.
- Returns:
- pretty list of tree-names and category-names
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
category::list::prepare_display (public)
category::list::prepare_display \ [ -category_delimiter category_delimiter ] \ [ -category_link category_link ] \ [ -category_link_eval category_link_eval ] \ [ -category_link_html category_link_html ] \ [ -tree_delimiter tree_delimiter ] [ -tree_colon tree_colon ] \ [ -tree_link tree_link ] [ -tree_link_eval tree_link_eval ] \ [ -tree_link_html tree_link_html ] \ [ -category_varname category_varname ] \ [ -tree_varname tree_varname ] \ [ -category_column category_column ] \ [ -categories_column categories_column ] [ -tree_ids tree_ids ] \ [ -exclude_tree_ids exclude_tree_ids ] \ [ -container_object_id container_object_id ] [ -locale locale ] \ [ -one_category_list ] -name name
Extends a given multirow with either one extra column holding a pretty list of the tree-names and category-names or one column per tree holding a pretty list of category-names. These extra column can then be used in the listbuilder to display a pretty list of categorized objects.
- Switches:
- -category_delimiter (optional, defaults to
", "
)- string that separates the categories in the pretty list
- -category_link (optional)
- optional link for every category-name
- -category_link_eval (optional)
- optional command that returns the link for every category-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __category_id and __tree_id which refer to category_id and tree_id of the category-name the link will wrap.
- -category_link_html (optional)
- optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
- -tree_delimiter (optional, defaults to
"; "
)- string that separates the tree-names in the pretty list
- -tree_colon (optional, defaults to
": "
)- string that separates a tree-name from the category-names in that tree.
- -tree_link (optional)
- optional link for every tree-name
- -tree_link_eval (optional)
- optional command that returns the link for every tree-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __tree_id which refer to tree_id of the tree-name the link will wrap.
- -tree_link_html (optional)
- optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link.
- -category_varname (optional, defaults to
)- name of the variable that will hold the category_id for category link generation.
- -tree_varname (optional, defaults to
)- name of the variable that will hold the tree_id for category and tree link generation.
- -category_column (optional, defaults to
)- name of the column in the multirow holding the tcl-list of mapped categories.
- -categories_column (optional, defaults to
)- beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category names.
- -tree_ids (optional)
- tcl-list of trees that should be displayed.
- -exclude_tree_ids (optional)
- tcl-list of trees that should not be displayed.
- -container_object_id (optional)
- object the trees are mapped to (instead of providing tree_ids).
- -locale (optional)
- locale of the category-names and tree-names.
- -one_category_list (optional, boolean)
- switch to generate only one additional column in the multirow that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names.
- -name (required)
- name of the multirow to extend.
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
category::list::rewrite_query (public)
category::list::rewrite_query -object_column object_column \ [ -category_column category_column ] [ -dbn dbn ] sql
Takes a sql-query and adds an outer join to category_object_map
- Switches:
- -object_column (required)
- column name that holds the object_id of the categorized object.
- -category_column (optional, defaults to
)- column name of the mapped category_id.
- -dbn (optional)
- Parameters:
- sql (required)
- sql-query to be rewritten
- Author:
- Timo Hentschel <timo@timohentschel.de>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Procs for the integration in listbuilder of the site-wide categorization package. Please note: This is highly experimental and is subject to ongoing development so the interfaces might be unstable. @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @creation-date 17 February 2004 @cvs-id $Id: category-list-procs.tcl,v 2019/10/05 13:02:10 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval category::list {} d_proc -public category::list::collapse_multirow { {-category_column "category_id"} -object_column:required -name:required } { Takes a multirow, collapses it so that for each object there's the tcl-list of mapped categories in the category multirow column. @param object_column multirow column name that holds the object_id of the categorized object. @param category_column multirow column name that holds the category_id and will later hold the tcl-list of category_ids @param name name of the multirow @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @see category::list::prepare_display @see category::list::elements @see category::list::get_pretty_list } { upvar 1 ${name}:rowcount rowcount if {$rowcount == 0} { return } set rownum 1 set counter 1 set category_list "" upvar 1 ${name}:1 cur_row while {$counter <= $rowcount} { upvar 1 ${name}:$counter row set row_id $row($object_column) set category_id $row($category_column) if {$category_id ne ""} { lappend category_list $category_id } incr counter if {$counter <= $rowcount} { upvar 1 ${name}:$counter next_row set next_row_id $next_row($object_column) if {$row_id != $next_row_id} { set cur_row($category_column) $category_list set category_list "" incr rownum upvar 1 ${name}:$rownum cur_row array set cur_row [array get next_row] set cur_row(rownum) $rownum } } else { set cur_row($category_column) $category_list } } for {set counter [expr {$rownum+1}]} {$counter < $rowcount} {incr counter} { uplevel 1 unset ${name}:$counter } set rowcount $rownum } d_proc -public category::list::get_pretty_list { {-category_delimiter ", "} {-category_link ""} {-category_link_eval ""} {-category_link_html ""} {-remove_link ""} {-remove_link_eval ""} {-remove_link_text ""} {-tree_delimiter "; "} {-tree_colon ": "} {-tree_link ""} {-tree_link_eval ""} {-tree_link_html ""} {-category_varname "__category_id"} {-tree_varname "__tree_id"} {-uplevel 1} category_id_list {locale ""} } { Accepts a list of category_ids and returns a pretty list of tree-names and category-names with optional links for each tree and category. @param category_delimiter string that separates the categories in the pretty list @param category_link optional link for every category-name @param category_link_eval optional command that returns the link for every category-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __category_id and __tree_id which refer to category_id and tree_id of the category-name the link will wrap. @param category_link_html optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link. @param tree_delimiter string that separates the tree-names in the pretty list @param tree_colon string that separates a tree-name from the category-names in that tree. @param tree_link optional link for every tree-name @param tree_link_eval optional command that returns the link for every tree-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __tree_id which refer to tree_id of the tree-name the link will wrap. @param tree_link_html optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link. @param category_varname name of the variable that will hold the category_id for category link generation. @param tree_varname name of the variable that will hold the tree_id for category and tree link generation. @param uplevel upvar level to set __tree_id and __category_id for link generation. @param category_id_list tcl-list of categories to display. @param locale locale of the category-names and tree-names. @return pretty list of tree-names and category-names @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @see category::list::collapse_multirow @see category::list::prepare_display @see category::list::elements } { if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { upvar $uplevel $category_varname category_id $tree_varname tree_id } elseif {$tree_link_eval ne ""} { upvar $uplevel $tree_varname tree_id } set sorted_categories [list] foreach category_id $category_id_list { lappend sorted_categories [category::get_data $category_id $locale] } set sorted_categories [lsort -dictionary -index 3 [lsort -dictionary -index 1 $sorted_categories]] set cat_link_html "" foreach {key value} $category_link_html { append cat_link_html " $key=\"$value\"" } set cat_tree_link_html "" foreach {key value} $tree_link_html { append cat_tree_link_html " $key=\"$value\"" } set result "" set old_tree_id 0 foreach category $sorted_categories { lassign $category category_id category_name tree_id tree_name set category_name [ns_quotehtml $category_name] if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { set category_link [uplevel $uplevel concat $category_link_eval] } if {$remove_link_eval ne ""} { set remove_link [uplevel $uplevel concat $remove_link_eval] } if {$category_link ne ""} { set category_name "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $category_link]\"$cat_link_html>$category_name</a>" } if {$remove_link ne ""} { append category_name " <a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $remove_link]\" title=\"Remove this category\">$remove_link_text</a>" } if {$tree_id != $old_tree_id} { if {$result ne ""} { append result $tree_delimiter } set tree_name [ns_quotehtml $tree_name] if {$tree_link_eval ne ""} { set tree_link [uplevel $uplevel concat $tree_link_eval] } if {$tree_link ne ""} { set tree_name "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $tree_link]\"$cat_tree_link_html>$tree_name</a>" } append result "$tree_name$tree_colon$category_name" } else { append result "$category_delimiter$category_name" } set old_tree_id $tree_id } return $result } d_proc -public category::list::prepare_display { {-category_delimiter ", "} {-category_link ""} {-category_link_eval ""} {-category_link_html ""} {-tree_delimiter "; "} {-tree_colon ": "} {-tree_link ""} {-tree_link_eval ""} {-tree_link_html ""} {-category_varname "__category_id"} {-tree_varname "__tree_id"} {-category_column "category_id"} {-categories_column "categories"} {-tree_ids ""} {-exclude_tree_ids ""} {-container_object_id ""} {-locale ""} -one_category_list:boolean -name:required } { Extends a given multirow with either one extra column holding a pretty list of the tree-names and category-names or one column per tree holding a pretty list of category-names. These extra column can then be used in the listbuilder to display a pretty list of categorized objects. @param category_delimiter string that separates the categories in the pretty list @param category_link optional link for every category-name @param category_link_eval optional command that returns the link for every category-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __category_id and __tree_id which refer to category_id and tree_id of the category-name the link will wrap. @param category_link_html optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link. @param tree_delimiter string that separates the tree-names in the pretty list @param tree_colon string that separates a tree-name from the category-names in that tree. @param tree_link optional link for every tree-name @param tree_link_eval optional command that returns the link for every tree-name. normally this would be a export_vars command that could contain __tree_id which refer to tree_id of the tree-name the link will wrap. @param tree_link_html optional list of key value pairs for additional html in a link. @param category_varname name of the variable that will hold the category_id for category link generation. @param tree_varname name of the variable that will hold the tree_id for category and tree link generation. @param category_column name of the column in the multirow holding the tcl-list of mapped categories. @param categories_column beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category names. @param tree_ids tcl-list of trees that should be displayed. @param exclude_tree_ids tcl-list of trees that should not be displayed. @param container_object_id object the trees are mapped to (instead of providing tree_ids). @param locale locale of the category-names and tree-names. @param one_category_list switch to generate only one additional column in the multirow that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names. @param name name of the multirow to extend. @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @see category::list::collapse_multirow @see category::list::elements @see category::list::get_pretty_list } { if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { upvar 1 $category_varname category_id $tree_varname tree_id } elseif {$tree_link_eval ne ""} { upvar 1 $tree_varname tree_id } set cat_link_html "" foreach {key value} $category_link_html { append cat_link_html " $key=\"$value\"" } set cat_tree_link_html "" foreach {key value} $tree_link_html { append cat_tree_link_html " $key=\"$value\"" } # get trees to display if {$tree_ids eq ""} { foreach mapped_tree [category_tree::get_mapped_trees $container_object_id] { lappend tree_ids [lindex $mapped_tree 0] } } set valid_tree_ids "" foreach tree_id $tree_ids { if {$tree_id ni $exclude_tree_ids} { lappend valid_tree_ids $tree_id } } template::multirow upvar $name list_data # check for existing multirow if {![info exists list_data:rowcount] || ![info exists list_data:columns]} { return } if {!$one_category_list_p} { # extend multirow with a variable per tree foreach tree_id $valid_tree_ids { uplevel 1 template::multirow extend $name $categories_column\_$tree_id } # loop over multirow for {set i 1} {$i <= ${list_data:rowcount}} {incr i} { upvar 1 $name:$i row if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { foreach column_name ${list_data:columns} { upvar 1 $column_name column_value if { [info exists row($column_name)] } { set column_value $row($column_name) } else { set column_value "" } } } # get categories per tree foreach tree_id $valid_tree_ids { set tree_categories($tree_id) "" } foreach category_id $row($category_column) { set tree_id [category::get_tree $category_id] if {$tree_id in $valid_tree_ids} { lappend tree_categories($tree_id) [list $category_id [category::get_name $category_id $locale]] } } # generate pretty category list per tree foreach tree_id [array names tree_categories] { set tree_categories($tree_id) [lsort -dictionary -index 1 $tree_categories($tree_id)] set pretty_category_list "" foreach category $tree_categories($tree_id) { lassign $category category_id category_name set category_name [ns_quotehtml $category_name] if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { set category_link [uplevel 1 concat $category_link_eval] } if {$category_link ne ""} { set category_name "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml $category_link]\"$cat_link_html>$category_name</a>" } if {$pretty_category_list ne ""} { append pretty_category_list "$category_delimiter$category_name" } else { set pretty_category_list $category_name } } # set multirow columns with pretty category lists set row($categories_column\_$tree_id) $pretty_category_list } unset tree_categories } ############ } else { ############ # extend multirow with one variable for pretty list of trees and categories template::multirow extend list_data $categories_column\_all # loop over multirow for {set i 1} {$i <= ${list_data:rowcount}} {incr i} { upvar 1 $name:$i row if {$category_link_eval ne ""} { foreach column_name ${list_data:columns} { upvar 1 $column_name column_value if { [info exists row($column_name)] } { set column_value $row($column_name) } else { set column_value "" } } } # get categories of given trees set valid_categories "" foreach category_id $row($category_column) { set tree_id [category::get_tree $category_id] if {$tree_id in $valid_tree_ids} { lappend valid_categories $category_id } } # set multirow column with pretty list of trees and categories set row($categories_column\_all) [category::list::get_pretty_list \ -category_delimiter $category_delimiter \ -category_link $category_link \ -category_link_eval $category_link_eval \ -category_link_html $category_link_html \ -tree_delimiter $tree_delimiter \ -tree_colon $tree_colon \ -tree_link $tree_link \ -tree_link_eval $tree_link_eval \ -tree_link_html $tree_link_html \ -category_varname $category_varname \ -tree_varname $tree_varname \ -uplevel 2 $valid_categories $locale] } } } d_proc -public category::list::elements { {-categories_column "categories"} {-tree_ids ""} {-locale ""} -one_category_list:boolean -name:required {spec ""} } { Adds list-elements to display mapped categories. To be used in list::create. <p> <b>Scenario:</b><br>you prepare a multirow which is then displated via template::list::create <p> <b>Usage:</b><br> you change the list query by adding an outer join to <i>category_object_map</i> and selecting the object_id and the category_id. After having built the multirow holding the list of objects you add a call to <pre> category::list::collapse_multirow -object_column <<columnname-holding-object_id>> -name <<multirowname>></i> </pre> to collapse the multirow so that it holds only one row per object with a tcl-list of mapped categories in the category column. <p> After you got the multirow, use <pre> category::list::prepare_display -name <<multirowname>> -container_object_id $package_id </pre> (or an object other than package_id that the trees are mapped to). This proc will generate one extra multirow column per mapped tree that will hold a pretty list of the categories. The pretty list can be changed with various options (delimiter, links etc). If you want to have only one extra multirow column holding a pretty list of the mapped trees and categories, then you should use the -one_category_list option. <p> To automatically generate the appropriate input to be used in the elements section of template::list::create, use <pre> category::list::elements -name <<multirowname>> </pre> followed by extra spec to be used per element. Again, to display only one column use the -one_category_list option. @param categories_column beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category-names. @param tree_ids trees to be displayed. if not provided all tree columns in the multirow will be displayed. @param locale locale to display the tree-names in columns. @param one_category_list switch to generate only one additional column in the list that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names. @param name name of the multirow for the list. @param spec extra spec used for the list-elements. you can override the display_template with using "categories" as column holding the pretty list of category-names. @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @see template::list::create @see template::list::element::create @see category::list::collapse_multirow @see category::list::prepare_display @see category::list::get_pretty_list } { array set spec_array $spec if {[info exists spec_array(display_template)]} { set display_template $spec_array(display_template) array unset spec_array display_template } else { set display_template " @$name\.$categories_column;noquote@ " } if {[info exists spec_array(label)]} { set label $spec_array(label) array unset spec_array label } else { set label "Categories" } set spec [array get spec_array] if {$one_category_list_p} { # generate listbuilder input to display one column with pretty list # of tree-names and category-names set result "$categories_column\_all { label \"$label\" display_template {[regsub -all "@$name\.$categories_column\(;noquote\)?@" $display_template "@$name\.$categories_column\_all\\1@"]} $spec }" return $result } else { if {$tree_ids eq ""} { # get tree columns in multirow template::multirow upvar $name list_data foreach column ${list_data:columns} { if {[regexp "$categories_column\_(\[0-9\]+)\$" $column match tree_id]} { lappend tree_ids $tree_id } } foreach tree_id $tree_ids { lappend trees [list [category_tree::get_name $tree_id $locale] $tree_id] } set trees [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $trees] } else { foreach tree_id $tree_ids { lappend trees [list [category_tree::get_name $tree_id $locale] $tree_id] } } # generate listbuilder input to display one column per tree-name showing # pretty list of category-names set result "" foreach tree $trees { lassign $tree tree_name tree_id append result "$categories_column\_$tree_id { label \"$tree_name\" display_template {[regsub -all "@$name\.$categories_column\(;noquote\)?@" $display_template "@$name\.$categories_column\_$tree_id\\1@"]} $spec }\n" } return $result } } d_proc -public category::list::rewrite_query { -object_column:required {-category_column "category_id"} {-dbn "" } sql } { Takes a sql-query and adds an outer join to category_object_map @param object_column column name that holds the object_id of the categorized object. @param category_column column name of the mapped category_id. @param sql sql-query to be rewritten @author Timo Hentschel (timo@timohentschel.de) @see category::list::collapse_multirow @see category::list::prepare_display @see category::list::elements @see category::list::get_pretty_list } { set driverkey [db_driverkey $dbn] switch $driverkey { oracle { set new_sql "select s.*, m.category_id as $category_column from ($sql) s, category_object_map m where s.$object_column = m.object_id(+) order by s.$object_column" } postgresql { set new_sql "select s.*, m.category_id as $category_column from ($sql) s left outer join category_object_map m on (s.$object_column = m.object_id) order by s.$object_column" } } return $new_sql } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: