- Publicity: Public Only All
Callback procs for Cookie Consent Library into OpenACS
- Location:
- packages/cookie-consent/tcl/callback-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 13 Dec 2017
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: callback-procs.tcl,v 2024/07/24 16:34:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
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ad_library { Callback procs for Cookie Consent Library into OpenACS @author Gustaf Neumann @creation-date 13 Dec 2017 @cvs-id $Id: callback-procs.tcl,v 2024/07/24 16:34:48 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval ::cookieconsent { # # Provide hooks for installing/uninstalling the package # ad_proc -private after-install {} { # # Add additional parameters to acs-subsite # foreach {name description default datatype} { "Enabled" "Enable/Disable Cookie Consent for this Subsite" "0" "number" "Layout" "Layout of the Cookie Consent Widget; possible values: block|classic|edgeless|wire" "block" "string" "LearnMoreLink" "Link for learning more about Cookies" "https://cookiesandyou.com/" "string" "Palette" "Color palette for the Cookie Consent Widget; possible values: default|oacs|honeybee|mono|neon|corporate" "default" "string" "Position" "Position of the Cookie Consent Widget; possible values: bottom|top|pushdown|left|right" "pushdown" "string" "DefaultPalette" "Default style: use the following settings, when CookieConsentPalette is set to 'default'" "popup {text #fff background #004570} button {text #000 background #f1d600}" "string" "ExpiryDays" "Lifetime of the cookie" "365" "number" } { apm_parameter_register "CookieConsent$name" \ $description "acs-subsite" $default $datatype "Cookie Consent" } } ad_proc -private before-uninstall {} { # # Remove the package specific parameters from acs-subsite # foreach parameter { Enabled Layout LearnMoreLink Palette Position DefaultPalette ExpiryDays } { ns_log notice [list apm_parameter_unregister \ -parameter "CookieConsent$parameter" \ -package_key "acs-subsite" \ "" ] ::try { apm_parameter_unregister \ -parameter "CookieConsent$parameter" \ -package_key "acs-subsite" \ "" } on error {errMsg} { ns_log notice "apm_parameter_unregister of parameter CookieConsent$parameter lead to: $errMsg" } } } d_proc -private after-upgrade { -from_version_name -to_version_name } { After-upgrade callback. } { apm_upgrade_logic \ -from_version_name $from_version_name \ -to_version_name $to_version_name \ -spec { 0.7 0.8 { foreach package_id [apm_package_ids_from_key -package_key cookie-consent] { set old_value [parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter Version] ns_log notice \ "cookie-conset: after upgrade: check parameter 'Version'" \ "of package_id $package_id has value '$old_value'" set new_value $old_value regsub {cookieconsent2/} $old_value "" new_value if {$old_value ne $new_value} { parameter::set_value \ -package_id $package_id \ -parameter Version \ -value $new_value ns_log notice \ "cookie-conset: after upgrade: parameter 'Version'" \ "of package_id $package_id" \ "changed from '$old_value' to '$new_value'" } } } } } # # Register a "page_plugin" callback for the subsite. In case, this # is used with an OpenACS version earlier than 5.10.0d2, this is # essentially no-op operation; the site admin has to add the # "::cookieconsent::initialize_widget" manually to the templates. # d_proc -public -callback subsite::page_plugin -impl cookie-consent { } { Implementation of subsite::page_plugin for cookie-consent } { ::cookieconsent::initialize_widget } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: