- Publicity: Public Only All
Definitions for the User Directory module
- Location:
- packages/directory/tcl/directory-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Mike Bonnet <mikeb@arsdigita.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: directory-procs.tcl,v 1.7 2018/10/22 08:32:17 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- dir_all_letters (public)
- dir_alpha_nav_bar (public)
- dir_app_group_info (public)
- dir_navbar_list (public)
- dir_subsite_info (public)
Detailed information
dir_all_letters (public)
returns a list of all A-Z letters in uppercase
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
dir_alpha_nav_bar (public)
dir_alpha_nav_bar [ -group_id group_id ] [ -all_users all_users ] \ letter [ excluded_vars ]
Returns an A-Z bar with greyed out letters not in initial_list and bolds "letter". Includes all existing url vars except those in the "excluded_vars" list.
- Switches:
- -group_id (optional)
- -all_users (optional)
- Parameters:
- letter (required)
- excluded_vars (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
dir_app_group_info (public)
Return a list containing the group_id (lindex 0) and group_name (lindex 1) of the application group associated with the subsite that the current directory package is mounted under. The directory package does not need to be mounted directly under the subsite; it will find the closest instance of subsite than is an ancestor of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
dir_navbar_list (public)
dir_navbar_list [ -top ] [ navbar_list_list ]
- Switches:
- -top (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- navbar_list_list (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
dir_subsite_info (public)
Return a list containing the subsite_id (lindex 0) and subsite_name (lindex 1) of the subsite that the current directory package is mounted under. The directory package does not need to be mounted directly under the subsite; it will find the closest instance of subsite than is an ancestor of the package.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Definitions for the User Directory module @author Mike Bonnet (mikeb@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: directory-procs.tcl,v 1.7 2018/10/22 08:32:17 gustafn Exp $ } d_proc dir_navbar_list { -top:boolean {navbar_list_list ""} } { set subsite_home [lindex [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id [site_node::closest_ancestor_package -include_self -package_key "acs-subsite"]] 0] set package_home [ad_conn package_url] set default_elements [list \ [list $subsite_home Home]\ [list $package_home "User Directory"]] if { $top_p } { set default_elements [lrange $default_elements 0 [expr [llength $default_elements] - 2]] } set navbar_list_list [concat $default_elements $navbar_list_list] set navbar_list {} foreach pair $navbar_list_list { lappend navbar_list "<a href=[lindex $pair 0]>[lindex $pair 1]</a>" } return $navbar_list } # code borrowed from intranet module d_proc dir_all_letters {} {returns a list of all A-Z letters in uppercase} { return [list A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] } d_proc dir_alpha_nav_bar { -group_id -all_users letter {excluded_vars ""} } { Returns an A-Z bar with greyed out letters not in initial_list and bolds "letter". Includes all existing url vars except those in the "excluded_vars" list. } { if {$all_users == "t"} { set table_and_group [db_map table_and_group_1] } else { set table_and_group [db_map table_and_group_2] set group_id [lindex [dir_app_group_info] 0] } set url "[ad_conn url]?" set exclude_list [list "letter"] foreach v $excluded_vars { lappend exclude_list $v } set query_args [export_ns_set_vars url $exclude_list] if { ![empty_string_p $query_args] } { append url "$query_args&" } set initial_list [db_list initial_list " select distinct upper(substr(last_name,1,1)) from $table_and_group"] set html_list [list] foreach l [dir_all_letters] { if {$l ni $initial_list} { # This means no user has this initial lappend html_list "<font color=gray>$l</font>" } elseif { [string compare $l $letter] == 0 } { lappend html_list "<b>$l</b>" } else { lappend html_list "<a href=${url}letter=$l>$l</a>" } } if { [empty_string_p $letter] || [string compare $letter "all"] == 0 } { lappend html_list "<b>All</b>" } else { lappend html_list "<a href=${url}letter=all>All</a>" } return [join $html_list " | "] } ad_proc dir_app_group_info {} { Return a list containing the group_id (lindex 0) and group_name (lindex 1) of the application group associated with the subsite that the current directory package is mounted under. The directory package does not need to be mounted directly under the subsite; it will find the closest instance of subsite than is an ancestor of the package. } { set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id] db_1row g_i { select g.group_id, g.group_name from groups g, application_groups a where a.package_id = :subsite_id and a.group_id = g.group_id } return [list $group_id $group_name] } ad_proc dir_subsite_info {} { Return a list containing the subsite_id (lindex 0) and subsite_name (lindex 1) of the subsite that the current directory package is mounted under. The directory package does not need to be mounted directly under the subsite; it will find the closest instance of subsite than is an ancestor of the package. } { set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id] set subsite_name [subsite::get_element -subsite_id $subsite_id -element $instance_name] return [list $subsite_id $subsite_name] } set tcllib [expr {[info exists ::acs::tcllib] ? $::acs::tcllib : [ns_info tcllib]}] set mods_file $tcllib/directory-mods.tcl if [file exists $mods_file] { source $mods_file }