- Publicity: Public Only All
Procs for election
- Location:
- packages/oct-election/tcl/oct-election-procs.tcl
Procedures in this file
- oct-election::valid_voter_p (private)
- oct-election::valid_voters (public)
Detailed information
oct-election::valid_voter_p (private)
oct-election::valid_voter_p [ -election_id election_id ] \ [ -user_id user_id ]
- Switches:
- -election_id (optional)
- -user_id (optional)
- Author:
- Joel Aufrecht
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
oct-election::valid_voters (public)
oct-election::valid_voters [ -status status ] -election_id election_id
Return a list of valid voters
- Switches:
- -status (optional, defaults to
)- Could be "voted" or "non_voted", reflecting the voters who have voted for the elections already and the ones who did not vote yet.
- -election_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Procs for election } namespace eval oct-election {} d_proc -private oct-election::valid_voter_p { -election_id -user_id } { @author Joel Aufrecht } { set status 1 set text "" # Has the user already voted in this election? set ballot_p [db_string get_ballot { select count(*) from oct_ballot where user_id = :user_id and election_id = :election_id }] if {$ballot_p} { set status 0 set text "You have already voted in this election." return [list $status $text] } set num_days 180 set valid_voter_p 0 db_1row get_election { select start_time, end_time, vote_forum_cutoff, label, cvs_history_days, (case when now() > start_time then 1 else 0 end) as past_start_p, (case when now() > end_time then 1 else 0 end) as past_end_p from oct_election where election_id = :election_id } set pretty_vote_forum_cutoff [lc_time_fmt $vote_forum_cutoff %c] set before_sql "to_date(:vote_forum_cutoff, 'YYYY-MM-DD')" set num_posts [db_string get_count " select count(message_id) as num_posts from cc_users, forums_messages where cc_users.user_id = forums_messages.user_id and posting_date between $before_sql - interval '$num_days days' and $before_sql and cc_users.user_id = $user_id "] if {$num_posts < 2} { set status 0 ns_log warning "not valid voter b/c forums $user_id" set text "You are not a valid voter for this election because you have not posted at least twice in the OpenACS forums since $pretty_vote_forum_cutoff. See <a href=\"http://openacs.org/governance/\">OpenACS Governance</a>" } else { set valid_voter_p 1 } #Checking CVS commit history set cvs_user [acs_user::get_element -user_id $user_id -element username] set cvs_history_date [db_string get_cvs_days { select start_time::date - cvs_history_days from oct_election where election_id = :election_id } ] set ql "select revisions where date in \[${cvs_history_date},[lc_time_fmt $start_time %Y-%m-%d]\] and author=$cvs_user order by date group by directory return totalLines" set csv "true" set service_url [export_vars -base "http://fisheye.openacs.org/search/OpenACS/" {ql csv}] ns_log Warning "vguerra trying request: $service_url" if {![catch { set commit_info [ns_httpget $service_url] } errmsg] } { set commits [llength [split $commit_info "\n"]] if {$commits < 3} { if {$status} { set status 0 set text "You are not a valid voter for this election because you have not committed in the CVS Repository in the last $cvs_history_days . See <a href=\"http://openacs.org/governance/\">OpenACS Governance</a>" } } else { set valid_voter_p 1 } } else { if {$status} { set status 0 set text "We can not confirm your commit history in our CVS Repository, so you can not vote at this moment." } } if {!$valid_voter_p} { return [list $status $text] } if {!$past_start_p} { set status 0 set text "The election will not begin until [lc_time_fmt $start_time %c]" return [list $status $text] } if {$past_end_p} { set status 0 set text "The election ended at [lc_time_fmt $end_time %c]" return [list $status $text] } set status 1 set text "We look forward to your vote." return [list $status $text] } d_proc -public oct-election::valid_voters { {-status "not_voted"} -election_id:required } { Return a list of valid voters @param status Could be "voted" or "non_voted", reflecting the voters who have voted for the elections already and the ones who did not vote yet. } { if {$status eq "voted"} { return [db_list voters "select u. user_id from cc_users u, (select count(user_id) as ballot,user_id from oct_ballot o where election_id = 5 group by user_id) ballots where ballots.user_id = u.user_id and ballot > 0 and u.member_state = 'approved'"] ad_script_abort } else { set voter_ids [list] db_foreach possible_voter "select u. user_id from cc_users u where u.member_state = 'approved'" { # Check if the user is actually allowed to vote set valid_voter [oct-election::valid_voter_p -election_id $election_id -user_id $user_id] set valid_voter_p [lindex $valid_voter 0] if {$valid_voter_p} { lappend voter_ids $user_id } } } return $voter_ids }