- Publicity: Public Only All
Took these defs out of the /www/doc/schema-browser/index.tcl file.
- Location:
- packages/schema-browser/tcl/schema-browser-procs-postgresql.tcl
Procedures in this file
- sb::get_child_tables (public)
- sb::get_foreign_keys (public)
- sb::get_indexes (public)
- sb::get_table_description (public)
- sb::get_table_size (public)
- sb::get_tables (public)
- sb::get_tables_list (public)
- sb::get_triggers (public)
Detailed information
sb::get_child_tables (public)
sb::get_child_tables table_name [ html_anchor_p ]
Build an HTML snippet listing all tables which have at least one foreign key referring to table_name.
- Parameters:
- table_name (required)
- html_anchor_p (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_foreign_keys (public)
sb::get_foreign_keys table_name
Build a list describing all foreign keys on table_name and their actions. We ignore MATCH conditions because Oracle doesn't support them, therefore, OpenACS doesn't use them. Same is true of SET NULL and SET DEFAULT actions hung on ON DELETE/ON UPDATE subclauses, but since Oracle *does* support CASCADE as an action I had figure out how to grab this info from the system catalog anyway. This code is *horribly* convoluted, mostly a result of the non-obvious way that the needed information is organized in the PG system catalogs. g Feel free to clean this up if you want!
- Parameters:
- table_name (required)
- Author:
- Don Baccus, though he hates to admit to writing such ugly code <dhogaza@pacifier.com>
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_indexes (public)
sb::get_indexes table_name [ html_anchors_p ] [ pki ]
Create statements for indexes on table_name.
- Parameters:
- table_name (required)
- html_anchors_p (optional, defaults to
)- pki (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_table_description (public)
sb::get_table_description table_name
- Parameters:
- table_name (required)
- Returns:
- table description as HTML
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_table_size (public)
sb::get_table_size -table_name table_name [ -namespace namespace ] \ [ -block_size block_size ]
Returns the size of the table on disk. This information is only updated by the commands VACUUM, ANALYZE, and CREATE INDEX. Thus, if you have been changing your table, run ANALYZE on the table before running this proc.
- Switches:
- -table_name (required)
- The table name
- -namespace (optional, defaults to
)- The database namespace that contains the table
- -block_size (optional, defaults to
)- Size of BLCKSZ (in bytes) used by the database
- Returns:
- This procedure returns a list with 2 items:
- Size of the table on disk (in bytes), or -1 if the table was not found
- Number of rows in the table, or -1 if the table was not found
- Author:
- Gabriel Burca <gburca-openacs@ebixio.com>
- Created:
- 2004-06-27
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_tables (public)
sb::get_tables selected_table_name
Build an HTML table of all PG tables belonging to the current user. Each PG table name is returned as a hyperlink to a page which displays the table's structure.
- Parameters:
- selected_table_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_tables_list (public)
Get all tables that belong to the current user.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
sb::get_triggers (public)
sb::get_triggers table_name
Get all non-RI triggers on the table.
- Parameters:
- table_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Took these defs out of the /www/doc/schema-browser/index.tcl file. } namespace eval sb {} ad_proc sb::get_tables_list {} { Get all tables that belong to the current user. } { return [db_list schema_browser_index_get_tables { select pg_class.relname as table_name from pg_class, pg_user where pg_user.usename = session_user and pg_user.usesysid = pg_class.relowner and pg_class.relkind = 'r' order by relname }] } ad_proc sb::get_tables { selected_table_name } { Build an HTML table of all PG tables belonging to the current user. Each PG table name is returned as a hyperlink to a page which displays the table's structure. } { set n_columns 4 set return_string "" set tables [sb::get_tables_list] if {[llength $tables] == 0} { return {No tables found. Make sure the owner of the tables in the database matches the user-id used by the web server to connect to the database.} } set n_rows [expr {([llength $tables] - 1) / $n_columns + 1}] append return_string "<table>" for { set row 0 } { $row < $n_rows } { incr row } { append return_string "<tr>" for {set column 0} {$column < $n_columns} {incr column} { set i_element [expr {$n_rows * $column + $row}] if { $i_element < [llength $tables] } { set table_name [lindex $tables $i_element] if { $table_name == $selected_table_name } { append return_string "<td><b>[string tolower $table_name]</b></td>" } else { set href [export_vars -base index {table_name}] append return_string [subst {<td><a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">[string tolower $table_name]</a></td>}] } } } append return_string "</tr>" } append return_string "</table>" return $return_string } ad_proc sb::get_triggers { table_name } { Get all non-RI triggers on the table. } { set return_string "\n" db_foreach sb_get_triggers_select_1 { select tgname as trigger_name, trigger_type(tgtype) as trigger_type, case tgenabled when 't' then '' else '(disabled)' end as status, proname, tgfoid from pg_trigger t join (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c on (c.oid = t.tgrelid) join pg_proc p on (p.oid = t.tgfoid) where true } { append return_string "\nCREATE TRIGGER $trigger_name</a> $trigger_type EXECUTE PROCEDURE <a href=\"function-body?oid=$tgfoid\">$proname</a> $status" } if_no_rows { set return_string "" } return $return_string } ad_proc sb::get_child_tables { table_name {html_anchor_p "f"} } { Build an HTML snippet listing all tables which have at least one foreign key referring to table_name. } { set return_string "\n\n-- Tables with foreign keys that refer to $table_name:" db_foreach schema_browser_get_referencess { select distinct r1.relname as child_table, conname as constraint_name from pg_trigger t, pg_class r, pg_class r1, pg_proc p, pg_constraint c where lower(r.relname) = lower(:table_name) and r.oid = t.tgconstrrelid and r1.oid = t.tgrelid and t.tgfoid = p.oid and c.conrelid = r.oid and p.proname = 'RI_FKey_check_ins' } { if { $html_anchor_p == "t" } { append return_string "\n--<a href=\"index?table_name=$child_table\">[string tolower $child_table]</a>" } else { append return_string "\n--[string tolower $child_table]" } if { $constraint_name ne "<unnamed>" } { append return_string "($constraint_name)" } } if_no_rows { set return_string "" } return $return_string } ad_proc sb::get_indexes { table_name { html_anchors_p "f" } {pki {}}} { Create statements for indexes on table_name. } { set return_string "\n" set prev_index "" set indexes [db_list_of_lists sb_get_indexes_select_1 { select relname as index_name, case when indisunique then ' UNIQUE' else NULL end as uniqueness, amname as index_type, indkey from pg_index i join (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c on (i.indrelid = c.oid) join pg_class index_class on (index_class.oid = i.indexrelid and not i.indisprimary) join pg_am a on (index_class.relam = a.oid) order by index_name}] if {$pki ne ""} { lappend indexes [list {PRIMARY KEY} { UNIQUE} {} $pki] } foreach index $indexes { lassign $index index_name uniqueness index_type indkey set index_clause "([join [split $indkey " "] ","])" append return_string "\nCREATE$uniqueness INDEX [string tolower $index_name] ON [string tolower $table_name] (" set sep "" # JCD: need to preserve the order of the index columns # since it matters a lot. db_foreach sb_get_indexes_select_2 " select a.attname as column_name, a.attnum from (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c join pg_attribute a on (c.oid = a.attrelid) where a.attnum in $index_clause " { set cname($attnum) $column_name } foreach indid [split $indkey " "] { if {[info exists cname($indid)]} { append return_string $sep$cname($indid) set sep ", " } } append return_string ");" unset -nocomplain cname } return $return_string } ad_proc sb::get_foreign_keys { table_name } { Build a list describing all foreign keys on table_name and their actions. We ignore MATCH conditions because Oracle doesn't support them, therefore, OpenACS doesn't use them. Same is true of SET NULL and SET DEFAULT actions hung on ON DELETE/ON UPDATE subclauses, but since Oracle *does* support CASCADE as an action I had figure out how to grab this info from the system catalog anyway. This code is *horribly* convoluted, mostly a result of the non-obvious way that the needed information is organized in the PG system catalogs. g Feel free to clean this up if you want! @author Don Baccus, though he hates to admit to writing such ugly code (dhogaza@pacifier.com) } { set complex_foreign_keys [list] db_foreach schema_browser_get_referencess { select t.tgargs as constraint_args, conname as constraint_name, 'NOACTION' as action, 'CHECK' as trigger_kind, r1.relname as refer_table, t.oid as oid, 0 as sort_key from pg_trigger t, pg_class r, pg_class r1, pg_constraint c, pg_proc p where lower(r.relname) = lower(:table_name) and r.oid = t.tgrelid and r1.oid = t.tgconstrrelid and t.tgfoid = p.oid and c.conrelid = r.oid and p.proname = 'RI_FKey_check_ins' union all select t.tgargs as constraint_args, conname as constraint_name, case when p.proname like '%noaction%' then 'NOACTION' when p.proname like '%cascade%' then 'CASCADE' when p.proname like '%setnull%' then 'SET NULL' when p.proname like '%setdefault%' then 'SET DEFAULT' end as action, case when p.proname like '%upd' then 'ON UPDATE' when p.proname like '%del' then 'ON DELETE' end as trigger_kind, r1.relname as refer_table, t.oid as oid, 1 as sort_key from pg_trigger t, pg_class r, pg_class r1, pg_constraint c, pg_proc p where lower(r.relname) = lower(:table_name) and r.oid = t.tgconstrrelid and r1.oid = t.tgrelid and t.tgfoid = p.oid and c.conrelid = r.oid and not p.proname like 'RI%_check_%' order by oid, sort_key } { set one_ri_datum [list] set arg_start 0 while { $constraint_args ne "" } { set arg_end [expr {[string first "\\000" $constraint_args] - 1}] lappend one_ri_datum [string range $constraint_args $arg_start $arg_end] set constraint_args [string range $constraint_args $arg_end+5 end] } switch $trigger_kind { CHECK { if { [info exists foreign_key_sql] } { if { [info exists arg_count] && $arg_count == 1 } { set references($on_var) $foreign_key_sql } else { lappend complex_foreign_keys $foreign_key_sql } } if { $constraint_name eq "<unnamed>" } { set foreign_key_sql "" } else { set foreign_key_sql "CONSTRAINT $constraint_name " } set on_var_part "" set refer_var_part "" set sep "" set arg_count 0 foreach { on_var refer_var } [lrange $one_ri_datum 4 end] { append refer_var_part "$sep$refer_var" append on_var_part "$sep$on_var" set sep ", " incr arg_count } if { $arg_count > 1 } { append foreign_key_sql "FOREIGN KEY ($on_var_part) " } append foreign_key_sql "REFERENCES <a href=\"index?table_name=$refer_table\">$refer_table</a> ($refer_var_part)" } default { if { $action ne "NOACTION" } { append foreign_key_sql " $trigger_kind $action" } } } } if { [info exists foreign_key_sql] } { if { $arg_count == 1 } { set references($on_var) $foreign_key_sql } else { lappend complex_foreign_keys $foreign_key_sql } } return [list [array get references] $complex_foreign_keys] } d_proc -public sb::get_table_size { {-table_name:required} {-namespace {public}} {-block_size {8192}} } { Returns the size of the table on disk. This information is only updated by the commands VACUUM, ANALYZE, and CREATE INDEX. Thus, if you have been changing your table, run ANALYZE on the table before running this proc. @param table_name The table name @param namespace The database namespace that contains the table @param block_size Size of BLCKSZ (in bytes) used by the database @return This procedure returns a list with 2 items: <ol> <li> Size of the table on disk (in bytes), or -1 if the table was not found <li> Number of rows in the table, or -1 if the table was not found </ol> @author Gabriel Burca (gburca-openacs@ebixio.com) @creation-date 2004-06-27 } { set res [db_0or1row sb_get_table_size { select relpages * :block_size as size_in_bytes, reltuples as table_rows from pg_class where relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = :namespace) and relname = :table_name }] if {$res} { return [list $size_in_bytes $table_rows] } else { # No such table in the namespace? return [list -1 -1] } } ad_proc sb::get_table_description { table_name } { @return table description as HTML } { set foreign_keys [sb::get_foreign_keys $table_name] array set references [lindex $foreign_keys 0] set complex_foreign_keys [lindex $foreign_keys 1] set html "<pre>" # get table comments if { [db_0or1row sb_get_table_comment { select d.description from pg_class c, pg_description d where c.relname = lower(:table_name) and d.objoid = c.oid and objsubid = 0}] } { append html "\n--[join [split $description "\n"] "\n-- "]" } append html "\nCREATE TABLE [string tolower $table_name] (" if { [db_0or1row sb_get_primary_key { select indkey as primary_key_array from pg_index i join (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c on (i.indrelid = c.oid) join pg_class index_class on (index_class.oid = i.indexrelid and i.indisprimary) join pg_am a on (index_class.relam = a.oid)}] } { set primary_key_columns [split $primary_key_array " "] } else { set primary_key_columns [list] } set column_list [list] set column_info_set [ns_set create] # DRB: This changes some PG internal types into SQL92 standard types for readability's # sake. db_foreach schema_browser_index_get_user_table_data " select a.attname as column_name, case when t.typlen = -1 and t.typname <> 'numeric' then a.atttypmod - 4 else NULL end as data_length, case when t.typname = 'numeric' then a.atttypmod::int4 & 65535 - 4 else NULL end as scale, case when t.typname = 'numeric' then (a.atttypmod::int4 >> 16) & 65535 else NULL end as precision, case t.typname when 'int4' then 'integer' when 'bpchar' then 'char' else t.typname end as data_type, d.description as column_comments, pg_get_expr(ad.adbin, ad.adrelid) as data_default, substr(lower(:table_name),1,15) || '_' || substr(lower(a.attname),1,15) as column_constraint_key, case a.attnotnull when true then 'NOT NULL' else '' end as nullable, a.attnum as column_number from (select oid from pg_class where relname=lower(:table_name)) c join pg_attribute a on (c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum > 0) join pg_type t on (a.atttypid = t.oid) left join pg_attrdef ad on (a.attrelid = ad.adrelid and a.attnum = ad.adnum) left join pg_description d on (c.oid = d.objoid and a.attnum = d.objsubid) order by a.attnum" -column_set column_info_set { lappend column_list [ns_set copy $column_info_set] } ns_set free $column_info_set # current_constraint_info -- a constraint_info_set for the constraint being processed in the loop below set check_constraint_set [ns_set create] db_foreach schema_browser_index_get_subselect { select conname as constraint_name, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) as constraint_source from pg_constraint r join (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c on (c.oid = r.conrelid) order by constraint_name } { ns_set put $check_constraint_set $constraint_name $constraint_source } # # write out the columns with associated constraints # set n_column 0 foreach column $column_list { if { $n_column > 0 } { append html "," } set column_comments [ns_set get $column "column_comments"] if {$column_comments ne ""} { set comment_list [split $column_comments "\n"] append html "\n\t--[join $comment_list "\n\t-- "]" } append html "\n" append html "\t[string tolower [ns_set get $column column_name]]\t [ns_set get $column data_type]" if { [ns_set get $column data_length] ne "" } { append html "([ns_set get $column data_length])" } if { [ns_set get $column precision] ne "" } { append html "([ns_set get $column precision], [ns_set get $column scale])" } if { [llength $primary_key_columns] == 1 && [lindex $primary_key_columns 0] == [ns_set get $column column_number] } { append html " PRIMARY KEY" } if { [ns_set get $column "data_default"] ne "" } { append html " DEFAULT [ad_text_to_html -- [ns_set get $column data_default]]" } if { [ns_set get $column "nullable"] ne "" } { append html " [ns_set get $column nullable]" } if { [info exists references([ns_set get $column column_name])] } { append html " $references([ns_set get $column column_name])" } if { [ns_set get $check_constraint_set [ns_set get $column column_constraint_key]] ne "" } { append html "\n\t\t\tCHECK [ns_set get $check_constraint_set [ns_set get $column column_constraint_key]]" ns_set delkey $check_constraint_set [ns_set get $column column_constraint_key] } incr n_column } # # write out the table-level constraints in the table_constraint_list # for { set i 0 } { $i < [ns_set size $check_constraint_set] } { incr i } { if { [ns_set value $check_constraint_set $i] ne "" } { append html ",\n " if { [string first "\$" [ns_set key $check_constraint_set $i]] == -1 } { append html "CONSTRAINT [ns_set key $check_constraint_set $i]\n " } append html "CHECK [ns_set value $check_constraint_set $i]" } } if { [llength $primary_key_columns] > 1 } { append html ",\n\tPRIMARY KEY (" append html [join [db_list sb_get_primary_key_select_2 [subst { select a.attname as column_name from (select oid from pg_class where relname = lower(:table_name)) c join pg_attribute a on (c.oid = a.attrelid) where a.attnum in ([join $primary_key_columns ","]) }]] ","] append html ")" } foreach complex_foreign_key $complex_foreign_keys { append html ",\n\t$complex_foreign_key" } append html "\n);" append html [sb::get_indexes $table_name] append html [sb::get_triggers $table_name] append html [sb::get_child_tables $table_name "t"] if {[string match "pg_*" $table_name]} { set table_size [sb::get_table_size -table_name $table_name -namespace "pg_catalog"] } else { set table_size [sb::get_table_size -table_name $table_name] } append html "\n\n-- Table size: [lc_numeric [lindex $table_size 0]] bytes\n" append html "-- Table rows: [lc_numeric [lindex $table_size 1]]\n" append html "</pre>" return $html } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: