- Publicity: Public Only All
Support for some REST APIs
This file defines the following Objects and Classes: ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST, ::xo::REST
- Location:
- packages/xooauth/tcl/rest-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
Procedures in this file
- Class ::xo::REST (public)
- xo::REST instproc pp (public)
Detailed information
Class ::xo::REST (public)
::nx::Class ::xo::REST
The client_id/client_secret identifies the registered "app" for which later app-tokens are used to issue action via the REST interface.
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
xo::REST method pp (public)
<instance of xo::REST> pp [ -list ] [ -prefix prefix ] dict
Simple pretty-print function which is based on the conventions of the dict structures as returned from Microsoft Graph API. Multi-valued results are returned in a dict member named "value", which are printed indented and space separated.
- Switches:
- -list (optional)
- -prefix (optional)
- Parameters:
- dict (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
::xo::library doc { Support for some REST APIs @author Gustaf Neumann } namespace eval ::xo { ########################################################### # # xo::REST class: # # Base class to support for some REST APIs # ########################################################### nx::Class create REST { # # The client_id/client_secret identifies the registered "app" # for which later app-tokens are used to issue action via the # REST interface. # :property {client_id} :property {client_secret} :method init {} { # # Make sure, we have the nsv array for application tokens # defined. # nsv_set -default app_token [self] "" # # Set defaults for instance variables from the # configuration file. This lookup is fairly generic and # takes into account the configure parameter of subclasses # of xo::REST. The parameters are looked up from the # configuration file on a path consisting of the namespace # of the defining class and the instance name. So, one # cloud define an app (an MS administrative agent) # "ms::app" for the Microsoft Graph and Azure and # interface objects for the oauth identity providers # "ms::azure" and "xo::oauth::github" like: # # ::ms::Graph create ::ms::app # ::ms::Authorize create ::ms::azure # ::xo::oauth::GitHub create ::xo::oauth::github # # The parameters for these objects can be specified during # creation (.... -client:id "..." ...) or in the # configuration file in the following sections: # # ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/ms/app # ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/ms/azure # ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/github # # In case, one wants a common parameters for "ms::app" and # "ms::azure", one might use just the section: # # ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/ms # set clientName [namespace tail [self]] set namespace [string trimleft [namespace parent [:info class]] :] if {$namespace eq "xo::oauth"} { set namespace "" } # # First lookup on the level of the app, then on the level # above this (e.g. first ".../ms/app", ".../ms/azure", # then ".../ms". When both are used and use the e.g. the # identical "client_id", use the section ".../ms". # if {$namespace ne ""} { set sections "ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/$namespace/$clientName" lappend sections "ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/$namespace" } else { set sections "ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/oauth/$clientName" } set configureParameters [lmap p [:info lookup variables] { namespace tail $p }] ns_log notice "[self] configure parameters: $configureParameters" foreach section $sections { foreach param $configureParameters { if {![info exists :$param]} { set value [ns_config $section $param] #ns_log notice "[self] '$section' '$param' -> '$value'" if {$value ne ""} { ns_log notice "[self] config $param -> '$value'" set :$param $value } } } } next } :method expect_status_code {r status_codes} { set status [dict get $r "status"] if {$status ni $status_codes} { set error "" if {[dict exists $r JSON]} { set jsonDict [dict get $r JSON] if {[dict exists $jsonDict error]} { set error ([dict get $jsonDict error]) } } set context "[:uplevel {current methodpath}] [:uplevel {current args}]" set msg "[self] $context: expected status code $status_codes got $status $error" #ns_log notice $msg "\n[ns_set array [dict get $r headers]]" error $msg } if {[dict exists $r JSON]} { return [dict get $r JSON] } } :method with_json_result {rvar} { :upvar $rvar r set content_type [ns_set iget [dict get $r headers] content-type ""] if {[string match "application/json*" $content_type]} { dict set r JSON [:json_to_dict [dict get $r body]] } return $r } :public method pp {{-list:switch} {-prefix ""} dict} { # # Simple pretty-print function which is based on the # conventions of the dict structures as returned from # Microsoft Graph API. Multi-valued results are returned in a dict # member named "value", which are printed indented and # space separated. # set r "" if {$list} { foreach e $dict { append r [:pp -list=0 -prefix $prefix $e] \n } return $r } foreach {k v} $dict { if {$k eq "value"} { append r $prefix $k ": " \n foreach e $v { append r [:pp -prefix " $prefix" $e] \n } } else { append r $prefix $k ": " $v \n } } return $r } :method body { {-content_type "application/json; charset=utf-8"} {-vars ""} } { # # Build a body based on the provided variable names. The # values are retrieved via uplevel calls. # # # Get the caller of the caller (and ignore next calling levels). # set callinglevel [:uplevel [current callinglevel] [list current callinglevel]] #ns_log notice "CURRENT CALLING LEVEL $callinglevel " \ [:uplevel $callinglevel [list info vars]] \ [:uplevel $callinglevel [list info level 0]] #foreach level {2 3} { # set cmd [lindex [:uplevel $level [list info level 0]] 0] # ns_log notice "$cmd check for vars '$vars' on level $level, have: [:uplevel $level [list info vars]]" # if {$cmd ne ":request"} break #} if {[string match "application/json*" $content_type]} { # # Convert var bindings to a JSON structure. This supports # an interface somewhat similar to export_vars but # supports currently as import just a list of variable # names with a suffix of either "array" (when value is a # list) or "triples" (for processing a triple list as # returned by e.g. mongo::json::parse). # return [:typed_list_to_json [concat {*}[lmap p $vars { if {[regexp {^(.*):([a-z]+)(,[a-z]+)?$} $p . prefix suffix type]} { set type [expr {$type eq "" ? "string" : [string range $type 1 end]}] if {$suffix eq "array"} { set values [:uplevel $callinglevel [list set $prefix]] set result {}; set c 0 foreach v $values { lappend result [list [incr c] $type $v] } list $prefix array [concat {*}$result] } else { list $prefix $suffix [:uplevel $callinglevel [list set $prefix]] } } else { if {![:uplevel $callinglevel [list info exists $p]]} continue list $p string [:uplevel $callinglevel [list set $p]] } }]]] } else { return [:uplevel $callinglevel [list export_vars $vars]] } } :method request { {-method:required} {-content_type "application/json; charset=utf-8"} {-token} {-vars ""} {-url:required} } { set tokenArgs [expr { [info exists token] ? [list "Authorization" "Bearer $token"] : {} }] if {$vars ne "" || $method eq "POST"} { set body [:body -content_type $content_type -vars $vars] set r [ns_http run \ -method $method \ -headers [ns_set create headers {*}$tokenArgs "Content-type" $content_type] \ -expire 30 \ -body $body \ $url] } else { set r [ns_http run \ -method $method \ -headers [ns_set create headers {*}$tokenArgs] \ -expire 10 \ $url] } set content_type [ns_set iget [dict get $r headers] content-type ""] #ns_log notice "[self] $method $url\n" \ # [expr {[info exists body] ? "$body\n" : ""}] \ # "Answer: $r ($content_type)" return [:with_json_result r] } :method json_to_dict {json_string} { # # Convert JSON to a Tcl dict and add it to the result # dict. # return [::util::json2dict $json_string] } :method typed_value_to_json {type value} { switch $type { "string" { set escaped [string map [list \n \\n \t \\t \" \\\" \\ \\\\] $value] return [subst {"$escaped"}] } "array" { set r {} foreach {pos t v} $value { lappend r [:typed_value_to_json $t $v] } return "\[[join $r ,]\]" } "document" { set r {} foreach {name t v} $value { lappend r [subst {"$name":[:typed_value_to_json $t $v]}] } return "{[join $r ,]}" } } return $value } :method typed_list_to_json {triples} { # # Convert a list of triples (name, type, value) into json/bson # notation. In case, there is mongodb support, use it, # otherwise use a simple approximation. # # The "type" element of the triple is used to determine value # formatting, such as e.g. quoting. # if {[info commands ::mongo::json::generate] ne ""} { #ns_log notice "typed_list_to_json (mongo): $triples" return [::mongo::json::generate $triples] } else { #ns_log notice "typed_list_to_json (tcl): $triples" set result "" foreach {name type value} $triples { lappend result [subst {"$name":[:typed_value_to_json $type $value]}] } return "{[join $result ,]}" } } # ... :typed_list_to_json { # mailnickname string gn # active boolean true # name string "Gustaf Neumann" # x int 1 # } } } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End