- Publicity: Public Only All
XOTcl API for the API browser, defines the methods ad_proc (for object specific methods), ad_instproc (for traditional methods) and ad_doc (for documenting classes). Syntax for the methods ad_proc and ad_instproc is like oacs ad_proc, ad_doc receives one argument, similar to ad_library.
- Location:
- packages/xotcl-core/tcl/03-doc-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2005-05-13
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: 03-doc-procs.tcl,v 1.36 2024/11/13 17:36:08 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
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ad_library { XOTcl API for the API browser, defines the methods d_proc (for object specific methods), ad_instproc (for traditional methods) and ad_doc (for documenting classes). Syntax for the methods d_proc and ad_instproc is like oacs ad_proc, ad_doc receives one argument, similar to ad_library. @author Gustaf Neumann @creation-date 2005-05-13 @cvs-id $Id: 03-doc-procs.tcl,v 1.36 2024/11/13 17:36:08 gustafn Exp $ } ::nx::Object create ::xo::api { # # General interface to obtain information from XOTcl/NX objects and # classes for the API browser. # set :methodLabel { 1-instproc "method" 1-proc "object method" 1-forward "object forward" 0-instproc "instproc" 0-proc "proc" 0-forward "forward" 0-Class "Class" 0-Object "Object" } # # Support functions for the OpenACS API browser # :public object method method_label { -kind:switch proc_spec } { # # Return a user-friendly label for methods and objects. # @param kind when set, use naming convention from nx, otherwise XOTcl # switch [llength $proc_spec] { 1 {} 2 {lassign $proc_spec methodType obj; set scope ""} 3 {lassign $proc_spec obj methodType method; set scope ""} 4 {lassign $proc_spec scope obj methodType method} default { ns_log notice "Unexpected format <$proc_spec> consists of [llength $proc_spec] parts" } } if {[info exists method]} { set isObject [:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::is object $obj] if {$isObject} { set isNx [:scope_eval $scope \ ::nsf::directdispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Class] if {$kind} { set result [dict get ${:methodLabel} $isNx-$methodType] } else { set result "$obj [dict get ${:methodLabel} $isNx-$methodType] $method" } return $result } } return $proc_spec } :public object method debug_widget { proc_spec } { # # Return HTML code for a debug switch that lets an admin turn # debugging of functions and methods on and off. This # functionality is only allowed to site-wide admins. # if {![acs_user::site_wide_admin_p] || [info commands ::nsf::method::property] eq "" || $::nsf::version < 2.1 } { return "" } switch [llength $proc_spec] { 1 {lassign [list "" ::nx::Object nsfproc $proc_spec] scope obj methodType method if {![string match ::* $method]} { set method ::$method } # # In case $proc_spec is a cmd, it has to be a nsfproc # if {[nsf::cmd::info type $method] ne "nsfproc"} { return "" } } 2 {lassign $proc_spec methodType obj; set scope ""} 3 {lassign $proc_spec obj methodType method; set scope ""} 4 {lassign $proc_spec scope obj methodType method} default { ns_log notice "[self] debug_widget: Unexpected format <$proc_spec> consists of [llength $proc_spec] parts" return "" } } if {$methodType eq "proc"} { set modifier "-per-object" } elseif {$methodType in {instproc nsfproc}} { set modifier "" } elseif {$methodType in {Class Object}} { return "" } else { ns_log warning "[self] debug_widget unexpected method type <$methodType>" set modifier "" } set isObject [:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::is object $obj] if {!$isObject} { return "" } set debug_p [:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::method::property $obj {*}$modifier $method debug] # # Increment global form_id # set form_id "form-[incr ::__form_id]" # # Add the JavaScript function only once, which will toggle the # debug state in the background (template::add_script would add # it multiple times). # if {$::__form_id eq "1"} { template::add_body_script -script { function ajax_submit(form) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', '/xotcl/admin/toggle-debug', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status != 200) { alert('AJAX submit unexpected response: ' + this.status); } } } xhr.send(new FormData(form)); }; } } # # Add the required js and CSS. We use here bootstrap + titatoggle, # and assume, we have bootstrap3 installed # #template::head::add_css -href urn:ad:css:bootstrap3 #template::head::add_javascript -src urn:ad:js:bootstrap3 template::head::add_css -href "/resources/xotcl-core/titatoggle/titatoggle-dist.css" # # Return an HTML snippet with a form and the computed form-ID # if {$debug_p} {set state checked} {set state ""} set html [subst { <form id="$form_id" class="form" method="POST" action="/xotcl/admin/toggle-debug"> <div class="checkbox checkbox-slider--b-flat"> <label class="checkbox-inline"> <input class="debug form-control" id="$form_id-control" name="debug" type="checkbox" $state><span>Debug</span> <input name="proc_spec" type="hidden" value="$proc_spec"> <input name="return_url" type="hidden" value="[ns_quotehtml [ad_return_url]]"> </label> </div> </form> }] template::add_body_script -script [subst { document.getElementById('$form_id-control').addEventListener('click', function (event) { ajax_submit(this.form); }); }] return $html } :public object method method_link {{-label ""} obj kind method} { # # Return a link for the method if possible. If no proc-doc is # available, return just plain text. # set kind [string trimright $kind s] set proc_index [::xo::api proc_index "" $obj $kind $method] if {$label eq ""} { set label $method } if {[nsv_exists api_proc_doc $proc_index]} { return "<a href='/api-doc/proc-view?proc=[ns_urlencode $proc_index]'>$label</a>" } else { if {[::apidoc::get_object_property $obj $kind $method] eq ""} { # # Try to handle aliases via the alias definition # set definition [ns_cache info {*}[expr {$kind eq "proc" ? "object" : ""}] method definition $method] if {[lindex $definition end-2] eq "alias"} { return "<a href='/api-doc/proc-view?proc=[ns_urlencode [lindex $definition end]]'>$label</a>" } # # Must be something implemented in C # return $method<SUP>C</SUP> } else { return $method } } } :public object method scope_eval {scope args} { # # When the scope is not empty, evaluate the command in the # specified scope (thread) # if {$scope eq ""} { {*}$args } else { $scope do {*}$args } } :public object method isclass {scope obj} { # # Check, whether the passed in obj is a class # :scope_eval $scope apidoc::get_object_property $obj isclass } :public object method isobject {scope obj} { # # Check, whether the passed in obj is an object # :scope_eval $scope apidoc::get_object_property $obj isobject } :public object method scope {} { # # Return the scope of the object. When executed in an XOTcl # thread; the body won't be accessible by default without the # explicit scope. # # The purpose of this proc is to document objects and classes that # live only in a certain thread. # if {[info exists ::xotcl::currentThread]} { # # We are in an XOTcl thread # return $::xotcl::currentThread } return "" } :public object method scope_from_object_reference {scope_var object_var} { # # Parse the object reference and return the scope from it. # upvar $scope_var scope $object_var object set scope "" regexp {^(.+) do (.+)$} $object match scope object } :public object method scope_from_proc_index {proc_index} { # # Parse the proc_index and return the scope from it. # set scope "" regexp {^(.+) .+ (inst)?proc (.+)$} $proc_index match scope return $scope } :public object method object_from_proc_index {proc_index} { # # Parse the proc_index and return the scope from it. # set object "" if {[regexp { *([^ ].+) (inst)?proc (.+)$} $proc_index . object] || [regexp { (Class|Object) (.+)$} $proc_index . what object] } { } return $object } :public object method script_name {-obj scope} { # # Determine name of the current "script" as displayed by "Defined # in" in the API browser. Define different sources available in # different situatons. # # @param obj class name for identifying the source filename # @param scope either empty or thread name # @return path starting with the "packages" directory # set script [info script] if {$script eq "" || [file tail $script] eq "procdoc-init.tcl"} { set script "" if {$script eq "" && [info exists obj] && [nsv_get proc_source_file " Class $obj" script]} { #ns_log notice "INIT script_name of $obj from proc_source_file => <$script>" } if {$script eq "" && [info exists obj]} { set class [::nsf::directdispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::class] if {[nsv_get proc_source_file " Class $class" script]} { #ns_log notice "INIT script_name of $obj via $class from proc_source_file => <$script>" } } if {$script eq "" && [info exists ::xotcl::currentScript]} { set script $::xotcl::currentScript } set root_dir $::acs::rootdir set root_length [string length $root_dir] if { $root_dir eq [string range $script 0 $root_length-1]} { set script [string range $script $root_length+1 end] } } return $script } :public object method object_link {{-noimg:boolean off} scope obj} { # # Return a link for the object. # set link "<a href='[ns_quotehtml [:object_url $scope $obj]]'>" if {$noimg} { return "$link$obj</a>" } else { return "$obj$link<img src='/resources/acs-subsite/ZoomIn16.gif' alt='\[i\]' border='0'></a>" } } :public object method object_url {{-show_source 0} {-show_methods 1} scope obj} { # # Return a link for the object in the object browser (show-object) # set isObject [:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::is object $obj] if {$isObject} { set object [:scope_eval $scope namespace origin $obj] return [export_vars -base /xotcl/show-object {object show_source show_methods}] } else { return . } } :public object method object_index {scope obj} { # # Return a canonical index string for the object # set kind [expr {[:isclass $scope $obj] ? "Class" : "Object"}] return "$scope $kind $obj" } :public object method proc_index {scope obj instproc proc_name} { # # Return a canonical index string for the specified method # if {$scope eq ""} { return [list [string trimleft $obj :] $instproc $proc_name] } else { return [list $scope $obj $instproc $proc_name] } } :public object method source_to_html {{-width 100} string} { # # Helper proc to preserve indentation in source-code to HTML # conversion. # set lines [list] foreach l [split $string \n] { while {[string length $l] > $width} { set pos [string last " \{" $l $width] if {$pos>10} { lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\" set l " [string range $l $pos end]" } else { # search for a match right of the target set pos [string first " \{" $l $width] if {$pos > 10} { lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\" set l " [string range $l $pos end]" } else { # last resort try to split around spaces set pos [string last " " $l $width] if {$pos > 10} { lappend lines "[string range $l 0 $pos-1] \\" set l " [string range $l $pos end]" } else { break } } } } lappend lines $l } set string [join $lines \n] set html [ns_quotehtml $string] regsub -all -- {(\n[\t ]*)(\#[^\n]*)} $html \\1<it>\\2</it> html return "<pre class='code'>$html</pre>" } :public object method get_doc_block {text {restVar ""}} { # # Get the (first) documentation block of the provided text (which # might be e.g. the body of a method). # set lines [split $text \n] set docBlock "" set i 0 set nrLines [llength $lines] while {[string is space [lindex $lines $i]] && $i < $nrLines} {incr i} while {$i < $nrLines} { set line [string trim [lindex $lines $i]] incr i if {[string index $line 0] ne "#"} break append docBlock [string range $line 1 end] \n } if {$restVar ne ""} { upvar $restVar rest set rest [join [lrange $lines $i-1 end] \n] } #ns_log notice "=================== get_doc_block RETURNS <$docBlock>" return $docBlock } :public object method update_object_doc {scope obj doc_string} { # # Update the API browser nsvs with information about the provided # object. # # If no doc string is provided, try to get it from the object # definition. # #if {![string match ::* $obj]} { # ad_log error "==== update_object_doc OBJECT WITHOUT leading colons <$obj>" #} if {$doc_string eq ""} { set doc_string [:get_doc_block [:get_init_block $scope $obj]] } ad_parse_documentation_string $doc_string doc_elements # # Initialize dictionary with default values and update it with the # information from parsing the doc string. # set doc [dict create \ param "" \ protection public \ varargs_p false \ deprecated_p false \ warn_p false \ script [::xo::api script_name -obj $obj $scope] \ ] set doc [dict replace $doc {*}[array get doc_elements]] # # TODO: add actual parameters to flags and defaults (also required, ...) # set switches {}; set flags {} foreach l [dict get $doc param] { if {[regexp {^([^ ]+)\s} $l . word]} { lappend switches $word lappend flags $word "" } } set proc_index [::xo::api object_index $scope $obj] set doc [dict replace $doc \ default_values "" \ switches0 $switches \ switches1 "" \ positionals "" \ flags $flags \ ] #ns_log notice "proc_index <$proc_index> -> $doc" if {![nsv_exists api_proc_doc $proc_index]} { nsv_lappend api_proc_doc_scripts [dict get $doc script] $proc_index } nsv_set api_proc_doc $proc_index $doc nsv_set api_library_doc $proc_index $doc set file_index [dict get $doc script] if {[nsv_exists api_library_doc $file_index]} { array set elements [nsv_get api_library_doc $file_index] } set oldDoc [expr {[info exists elements(main)] ? \ [lindex $elements(main) 0] : ""}] set prefix "This file defines the following Objects and Classes" set entry [::xo::api object_link $scope $obj] if {![string match "*$prefix*" $oldDoc]} { append oldDoc "<p>$prefix: $entry" } else { append oldDoc ", $entry" } set elements(main) [list $oldDoc] #ns_log notice "elements = [array get elements]" nsv_set api_library_doc $file_index [array get elements] if {[::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Class]} { # # nx classes # foreach protection {public protected private} { foreach m [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::class::info::methods \ -path -callprotection $protection -type scripted] { set docBlock [:get_doc_block \ [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::class::info::method body $m]] ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection $protection \ -deprecated=false \ -debug=false \ $scope $obj \ inst $m $docBlock } } } if {[::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Object]} { # # nx objects # foreach protection {public protected private} { foreach m [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::methods \ -callprotection $protection -type scripted] { set docBlock [:get_doc_block \ [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::method body $m]] ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection $protection \ -deprecated=false \ -debug=false \ $scope $obj \ "" $m $docBlock } } } } :public object method update_method_doc { {-protection "public"} {-deprecated:switch false} {-debug:switch false} {-warn:switch false} scope obj inst proc_name docString } { # # Obtain a doc-string for a method, convert it and add it to the # proc-doc. # set methodType [::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}methodtype $proc_name] set varargs_p [expr {$methodType eq "scripted" && "args" in [::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}args $proc_name]}] set doc [dict create \ param "" \ protection $protection \ varargs_p $varargs_p \ deprecated_p $deprecated \ warn_p false \ script [::xo::api script_name -obj $obj $scope] \ main "" \ flags "" \ switches0 "" \ switches1 "" \ ] if {$docString ne ""} { ad_parse_documentation_string $docString doc_elements set doc [dict replace $doc {*}[array get doc_elements]] } if {$methodType ne "scripted"} { dict set doc default_values {} dict set doc positionals {} } else { set defaults [list] foreach a [::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}args $proc_name] { if {[::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}argdefault $proc_name $a d]} { lappend defaults $a $d } } foreach def [::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}methodparameter $proc_name] { lassign $def f default set pair [split [lindex $f 0 0] :] lassign $pair flaggedName flags if {[string index $flaggedName 0] eq "-"} { set isFlag 1 set name [string range $flaggedName 1 end] } else { set isFlag 0 set name $flaggedName } if {$isFlag} { dict lappend doc switches0 $name dict lappend doc flags $name [split $flags ,] #:log "default_value $proc_name: $sw -> '[lindex $f 1]' <$pair/$f>" if {$flags eq "switch" && $default eq ""} { set default "false" } } else { dict lappend doc flags $name [split $flags ,] } #:log "default_value $proc_name: $sw -> 'default' <$pair/$f>" if {[llength $def] > 1} { lappend defaults $name $default } } dict set doc default_values $defaults dict set doc positionals [::apidoc::get_object_property $obj ${inst}args $proc_name] } # argument documentation finished set proc_index [::xo::api proc_index $scope $obj ${inst}proc $proc_name] if {![nsv_exists api_proc_doc $proc_index]} { nsv_lappend api_proc_doc_scripts [dict get $doc script] $proc_index } #ns_log notice "SETTING api_proc_doc '$proc_index' <$doc>" nsv_set api_proc_doc $proc_index $doc } :public object method get_init_block {scope obj} { # # Get the init block of an object/class or return empty # if {[:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::var::exists $obj __cmd(__initblock)]} { return [:scope_eval $scope ::nsf::var::set $obj __cmd(__initblock)] } return "" } :public object method get_object_source {scope obj} { # # Return the full object definition # if {![nsf::is object $obj]} { ns_log warning "[self] get_object_source: argument passed as obj is not an object: $obj" return "" } set init_block [:get_init_block $scope $obj] if {$init_block ne ""} { set dummy [:get_doc_block $init_block body] return $body } else { return [:scope_eval $scope $obj serialize] } } :public object method get_method_source {scope obj prefix method} { # # Return the full method definition. # :scope_eval $scope ::Serializer methodSerialize $obj $method $prefix } :public object method get_method_body {scope obj prefix method} { # # Return the method body on object (when "prefix" is empty) or # class (when "prefix" is "inst"). # :scope_eval $scope ::nsf::dispatch $obj \ ::nsf::methods::[expr {$prefix eq "inst" ? "class" : "object"}]::info::method \ body $method } :public object method update_nx_docs {{objects ""}} { # # Update for the provided (or all) nx::Object instances the # internal documentation structures. # if {[llength $objects] == 0} { set objects [nx::Object info instances -closure] } foreach o $objects { # # Check general per-object documentation. # if {[string match ::nx::* $o] || [string match *::slot::* $o] || [::nsf::object::property $o slotcontainer]} { continue } ::xo::api update_object_doc "" $o "" } } :public object method get_proc_definition_flags {debug deprecated} { # # Helper for version compatibility # # @return flags for proc definition # if {$::nsf::version < 2.1} { return "" } return [list -debug=$debug -deprecated=$deprecated] } :public object method get_returns_spec {returns} { # # Helper for version compatibility # # @return flags for -returns flag # if {$::nsf::version < 2.1} { set result "" } elseif {$returns ne ""} { set result [list -returns $returns] } else { set result "" } return $result } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Per default, the content of the "::xotcl" and "::nx" namespace is # not serialized; so when extending the base classes of the object # system, one has to these methods explizitely to the export list for # the serializer. # # The following extensions of the base classes are defined here: # ::Serializer exportMethods { ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_proc ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_forward ::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instproc ::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instforward ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_doc } ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_proc { {-private:switch false} {-deprecated:switch false} {-warn:switch false} {-debug:switch false} proc_name arguments:parameter,0..* {-returns ""} doc body } { set flags [::xo::api get_proc_definition_flags $debug $deprecated] set returnSpec [::xo::api get_returns_spec $returns] uplevel [list [self] proc {*}$flags $proc_name $arguments {*}$returnSpec $body] ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection [expr {$private ? "private" : "public"}] \ -deprecated=$deprecated \ -debug=$debug \ [::xo::api scope] [self] \ "" $proc_name $doc } ::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instproc { {-private:switch false} {-deprecated:switch false} {-warn:switch false} {-debug:switch false} proc_name arguments:parameter,0..* {-returns ""} doc body } { set flags [::xo::api get_proc_definition_flags $debug $deprecated] set returnSpec [::xo::api get_returns_spec $returns] uplevel [list [self] instproc {*}$flags $proc_name $arguments {*}$returnSpec $body] ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection [expr {$private ? "private" : "public"}] \ -deprecated=$deprecated \ -debug=$debug \ [::xo::api scope] [self] \ inst $proc_name $doc } ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_forward { {-private:switch false} {-deprecated:switch false} {-warn:switch false} {-debug:switch false} method_name doc args } { set flags [::xo::api get_proc_definition_flags $debug $deprecated] uplevel [self] forward {*}$flags $method_name $args ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection [expr {$private ? "private" : "public"}] \ -deprecated=$deprecated \ -debug=$debug \ [::xo::api scope] [self] \ "" $method_name $doc } ::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instforward { {-private:switch false} {-deprecated:switch false} {-warn:switch false} {-debug:switch false} method_name doc args } { set flags [::xo::api get_proc_definition_flags $debug $deprecated] uplevel [self] instforward {*}$flags $method_name $args ::xo::api update_method_doc \ -protection [expr {$private ? "private" : "public"}] \ -deprecated=$deprecated \ -debug=$debug \ [::xo::api scope] [self] \ "inst" $method_name $doc } ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_doc {doc_string} { ::xo::api update_object_doc [::xo::api scope] [self] $doc_string } # Class ::Test -ad_doc { # Test Class for the documentation of # <code>Classes</code>, # <code>Objects</code>, # <code>instprocs</code>, and # <code>procs</code>. # @author Gustaf Neumann # @cvs-id $Id: 03-doc-procs.tcl,v 1.36 2024/11/13 17:36:08 gustafn Exp $ # } # ::Test ad_proc my-class-specific-proc {x y} { # This is a proc of Class Test merely for testing purposes... # @param x First Operand # @param y Second Operand # } { # ns_log notice "hello world $x $y" # } # ::Test ad_instproc my-method {-id:required} { # This is an instproc of Class Test merely for testing purposes... # @param id Some Id # } { # ns_log notice "hello world $id" # } # ::Test ad_instproc my-method2 {-id:required {-flag:boolean true}} { # This is an instproc of Class Test merely for testing purposes... # @param id Some Id # @param flag Some flag # } { # ns_log notice "hello world $id" # } # ::Test ad_instproc -private my-method3 {-id:required {-flag:boolean true} -switch:switch x {y 1}} { # This is an instproc of Class Test merely for testing purposes... # @param id Some Id # @param flag Some flag # @param switch Switch to turn on or off depending on default # @param x First Operand # @param y Second Operand # } { # ns_log notice "hello world $id" # } # Class create ::SpecializedTest -superclass ::Test -ad_doc { # A Class defined as a subclass of ::Test for testing the # documentation stuff... # } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: