- Publicity: Public Only All
XOTcl for the Content Repository
- Location:
- packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2007-08-13
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: cr-procs.tcl,v 1.79 2024/10/08 15:09:25 antoniop Exp $
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::xo::library doc { XOTcl for the Content Repository @author Gustaf Neumann @creation-date 2007-08-13 @cvs-id $Id: cr-procs.tcl,v 1.79 2024/10/08 15:09:25 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval ::xo::db { ::xotcl::Class create ::xo::db::CrClass \ -superclass ::xo::db::Class \ -parameter { {supertype content_revision} form edit_form {mime_type text/plain} {storage_type "text"} {folder_id -100} {non_cached_instance_var_patterns {__*}} } -ad_doc { <p>The meta class CrClass serves for a class of applications that mostly store information in the content repository and that use a few attributes adjoining this information. The class handles the open acs object_type creation and the automatic creation of the necessary tables based on instances of this meta-class.</p> <p>The definition of new types is handled in the constructor of CrType through the method <a href='#instproc-create_object_type'>create_object_type</a>, the removal of the object type is handled through the method <a href='#instproc-drop_object_type'>drop_object_type</a> (requires that all instances of this type are deleted).</p> <p>Each content item can be retrieved either through the general method <a href='/api-doc/proc-view?proc=::xo::db::CrClass+proc+get_instance_from_db'> CrClass get_instance_from_db</a> or through the "get_instance_from_db" method of every subclass of CrItem. <p>This Class is a meta-class providing methods for Classes managing CrItems.</p> } # # Methods for the meta class # CrClass ad_proc get_object_type { -item_id:integer,required {-revision_id:integer 0} } { Return the object type for an item_id or revision_id. @return object_type typically an XOTcl class } { # # Use a request-spanning cache. When the object_type would change, # we require xo::broadcast or server restart. # set key ::xo::object_type($item_id,$revision_id) if {[info exists $key]} { return [set $key] } set entry_key [expr {$item_id ? $item_id : $revision_id}] set $key [xo::xotcl_object_type_cache eval -partition_key $entry_key $entry_key { if {$item_id} { ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_class_from_item_id \ "select content_type as object_type from cr_items where item_id=:item_id" } else { ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_class_from_revision_id \ "select object_type from acs_objects where object_id=:revision_id" } return $object_type }] } CrClass ad_proc get_instance_from_db { {-item_id:integer 0} {-revision_id:integer 0} {-initialize:boolean true} } { Instantiate the live revision or the specified revision of an CrItem. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request). @return fully qualified object containing the attributes of the CrItem } { set object ::[expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}] if {$object eq "::0"} { set msg "get_instance_from_db must be called with either item_id or revision_id different from 0" ad_log error $msg error $msg } if {![::nsf::is object $object]} { set object_type [:get_object_type -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id] set class [::xo::db::Class object_type_to_class $object_type] set object [$class get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id -initialize $initialize] } return $object } CrClass ad_proc ensure_item_ids_instantiated { {-initialize:boolean true} {-item_ids:required} } { Make sure, the objects all of the provided items_ids are instantiated (i.e. the same-named objects do exist as executable commands in the current thread). } { foreach item_id $item_ids { #if {![::nsf::is object ::$item_id]} { ns_log notice "===== we have to fetch ::$item_id"} :get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id -initialize $initialize } } CrClass ad_proc get_parent_id { -item_id:required } { Get the parent_id of a content item either from an already instantiated object or from the database without instantiating it. If item_id is not a valid item_id, we throw an error. @return parent_id } { # TODO: the following line is deactivated, until we get rid of the "folder object" in xowiki #if {[nsf::is object ::$item_id]} {return [::$item_id parent_id]} ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_parent "select parent_id from cr_items where item_id = :item_id" return $parent_id } CrClass ad_proc get_name { -item_id:required } { Get the name of a content item either from an already instantiated object or from the database without instantiating it. If item_id is not a valid item_id, we throw an error. @return parent_id } { # TODO: the following line is deactivated, until we get rid of the "folder object" in xowiki #if {[nsf::is object ::$item_id]} {return [::$item_id parent_id]} ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_name "select name from cr_items where item_id = :item_id" return $name } CrClass ad_proc id_belongs_to_package { {-item_id:integer 0} {-revision_id:integer 0} -package_id:integer,required } { Check if the provided item_id or revision_id belongs to the provided package. @return boolean success } { set id [expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}] if {$id eq 0} { return 0 } set what [expr {$item_id != 0 ? "item_id" : "revision_id"}] return [::xo::dc 0or1row -prepare integer,integer check_package [subst { select 1 from cr_items, acs_objects where $what = :$what and object_id = :$what and package_id = :package_id fetch first 1 rows only }]] } CrClass ad_proc get_child_item_ids { -item_id:required } { Return a list of content items having the provided item_id as direct or indirect parent. The method returns recursively all item_ids. @return list of item_ids } { # # The following construct (commented out) is fully PostgreSQL and # Oracle compliant. However, all newer Oracle installations # should as well support the recursive query below as well, which # requires less DB interactions. # # set items [list] # foreach item_id [::xo::dc list -prepare integer get_child_items \ # "select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = :item_id"] { # lappend items $item_id {*}[my [self proc] -item_id $item_id] # } # return $items return [::xo::dc list -prepare integer get_child_items { WITH RECURSIVE child_items AS ( select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = :item_id UNION ALL select i.item_id from cr_items i, child_items where i.parent_id = child_items.item_id ) select * from child_items }] } CrClass ad_proc lookup { -name:required {-parent_id -100} {-content_type} } { Check, whether a content item with the given name exists. When content_type is provided (e.g. -content_type "::%") then a like operation is applied on the value. @return item_id If the item exists, return its item_id, otherwise 0. } { if {[info exists content_type]} { set result [::xo::dc get_value lookup_by_name_and_ct { select item_id from cr_items where name = :name and parent_id = :parent_id and content_type like :content_type } 0] } else { set result [::xo::dc get_value lookup_by_name { select item_id from cr_items where name = :name and parent_id = :parent_id } 0] } return $result } CrClass ad_proc delete { -item_id } { Delete a CrItem in the database } { set object_type [:get_object_type -item_id $item_id] $object_type delete -item_id $item_id } CrClass instproc unknown { obj args } { # When this happens, this is most likely an error. Ease debugging # by writing the call stack to the error log. ::xo::show_stack :log "::xo::db::CrClass: unknown called with $obj $args" } # # Deal with locking requirements # if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "postgresql"} { # # PostgreSQL # set pg_version [::xo::dc get_value get_version { select substring(version() from 'PostgreSQL #"[0-9]+.[0-9]+#"%' for '#') }] ns_log notice "--Postgres Version $pg_version" if {$pg_version < 8.2} { ns_log notice "--Postgres Version $pg_version older than 8.2, use locks" # # We define a locking function, really locking the tables... # CrClass instproc lock {tablename mode} { ::xo::dc dml fix_content_length "update cr_revisions " ::xo::dc lock_objects "LOCK TABLE $tablename IN $mode MODE" } } else { # No locking needed for newer versions of PostgreSQL CrClass instproc lock {tablename mode} {;} } } else { # # Oracle # # No locking needed for known versions of Oracle CrClass instproc lock {tablename mode} {;} } # # Generic part (independent of Postgres/Oracle) # CrClass instproc type_selection_clause {{-base_table cr_revisions} {-with_subtypes:boolean false}} { if {$with_subtypes} { if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} { # do type selection manually return "acs_objects.object_type in ([:object_types_query])" } # the base-table defines contains the subtypes return "" } else { if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} { return "acs_objects.object_type = '${:object_type}'" } else { return "bt.object_type = '${:object_type}'" } } } # # database version (Oracle/PG) independent code # CrClass set common_query_atts { object_type package_id creation_user creation_date publish_status storage_type last_modified } CrClass instproc edit_atts {} { # TODO remove, when name and text are slots (only for generic) array names :db_slot } CrClass ad_instproc folder_type_unregister_all { {-include_subtypes t} } { Unregister the object type from all folders on the system @param include_subtypes Boolean value (t/f) to flag whether the operation should be applied on subtypes as well } { set object_type ${:object_type} xo::dc foreach all_folders { select folder_id from cr_folder_type_map where content_type = :object_type } { ::acs::dc call content_folder unregister_content_type \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -content_type $object_type \ -include_subtypes $include_subtypes } } CrClass ad_instproc folder_type { {-include_subtypes t} -folder_id operation } { register the current object type for folder_id. If folder_id is not specified, use the instvar of the class instead. @param include_subtypes Boolean value (t/f) to flag whether the operation should be applied on subtypes as well } { if {$operation ne "register" && $operation ne "unregister"} { error "[self] operation for folder_type must be 'register' or 'unregister'" } if {![info exists folder_id]} { set folder_id ${:folder_id} } ::acs::dc call content_folder ${operation}_content_type \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -content_type ${:object_type} \ -include_subtypes $include_subtypes } CrClass ad_instproc create_object_type {} { Create an oacs object_type and a table for keeping the additional attributes. } { :check_table_atts set :supertype [:info superclass] switch -- ${:supertype} { ::xotcl::Object - ::xo::db::CrItem {set :supertype content_revision} } if {![info exists :pretty_plural]} {set :pretty_plural ${:pretty_name}} ::xo::dc transaction { ::acs::dc call content_type create_type \ -content_type ${:object_type} \ -supertype ${:supertype} \ -pretty_name ${:pretty_name} \ -pretty_plural ${:pretty_plural} \ -table_name ${:table_name} \ -id_column ${:id_column} \ -name_method ${:name_method} :folder_type register } } CrClass ad_instproc drop_object_type {} { Delete the object type and remove the table for the attributes. This method should be called when all instances are deleted. It undoes everying what create_object_type has produced. } { set object_type ${:object_type} ::xo::dc transaction { :folder_type unregister ::acs::dc call content_type drop_type \ -content_type ${:object_type} \ -drop_children_p t \ -drop_table_p t } } CrClass instproc getFormClass {-data:required} { if {[$data exists item_id] && [$data set item_id] != 0 && [info exists :edit_form]} { return [:edit_form] } else { return [:form] } } CrClass instproc remember_long_text_slots {} { # # Keep "long_text_slots" in a separate array (for Oracle) # unset -nocomplain :long_text_slots foreach {slot_name slot} [array get :db_slot] { if {[$slot sqltype] eq "long_text"} { set :long_text_slots($slot_name) $slot } } # :log "--long_text_slots = [array names :long_text_slots]" } # # "::xo::db::Class" creates automatically save and insert methods. # For the content repository classes (created with CrClass) we use # for the time being the automatically created views for querying # and saving (save and save_new). Therefore, we overwrite for # CrClass the generator methods. # CrClass instproc mk_save_method {} {;} CrClass instproc mk_insert_method {} {;} CrClass instproc init {} { # # First, do whatever ::xo::db::Class does for initialization ... # next # # We want to be able to define for different CrClasses different # default mime-types. Therefore, we define attribute slots per # application class with the given default for mime_type. # if {[self] ne "::xo::db::CrItem"} { :slots { ::xotcl::Attribute create mime_type -default [:mime_type] } :db_slots } # ... then we do the CrClass specific initialization. #if {[:info superclass] ne "::xo::db::CrItem"} { # set :superclass [[:info superclass] set object_type] #} # "CrClasses" stores all attributes of the class hierarchy in # db_slot. This is due to the usage of the # automatically created views. Note that classes created with # ::xo::db::Class keep only the class specific db slots. # foreach {slot_name slot} [[:info superclass] array get :db_slot] { # don't overwrite slots, unless the object_title (named title) if {![info exists :db_slot($slot_name)] || $slot eq "::xo::db::Object::slot::object_title"} { set :db_slot($slot_name) $slot } } :remember_long_text_slots if {![::xo::db::Class object_type_exists_in_db -object_type ${:object_type}]} { :create_object_type } } CrClass ad_instproc fetch_object { -item_id:required {-revision_id 0} -object:required {-initialize:boolean true} } { Load a content item into the specified object. If revision_id is provided, the specified revision is returned, otherwise the live revision of the item_id. If the object does not exist, we create it. @return cr item object } { # :log "-- generic fetch_object [self args]" if {![nsf::is object $object]} { # if the object does not yet exist, we have to create it :create $object } set raw_atts [::xo::db::CrClass set common_query_atts] #:log "-- raw_atts = '$raw_atts'" set atts [list] foreach v $raw_atts { switch -glob -- $v { publish_status {set fq i.$v} storage_type {set fq i.$v} creation_date {set fq o.$v} creation_user {set fq o.$v} package_id {set fq o.$v} default {set fq n.$v} } lappend atts $fq } foreach {slot_name slot} [array get :db_slot] { switch -glob -- $slot { ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::text { # # We need the rule, since insert the handling of the sql # attribute "text" is somewhat magic. On insert, one can use # the automatic view with column_name "text, on queries, one # has to use "data". Therefore, we cannot use simply # -column_name for the slot. # lappend atts "n.data AS text" } ::xowiki::Page::slot::text { # # This is just a hotfix for now. # #ns_log notice [$slot serialize] lappend atts "n.data as text" } ::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name { lappend atts i.[$slot column_name] } ::xo::db::Object::slot::context_id { # # If we are fetching by revision_id, skip the context_id, # since on object-save-operations, we want to keep the # context_id of the item, and not the context_id from the # revision. # if {$revision_id == 0} { # # Fetch by item_id. # lappend atts o.[$slot column_name] } } ::xo::db::Object::slot::* { lappend atts o.[$slot column_name] } default { lappend atts n.[$slot column_name] } } } if {$revision_id} { $object set revision_id $revision_id set sql [subst { select [join $atts ,], i.parent_id from ${:table_name}i n, cr_items i, acs_objects o where n.revision_id = :revision_id and i.item_id = n.item_id and o.object_id = n.revision_id }] set selection [lindex [::xo::dc sets \ -prepare integer \ fetch_object_from_revision_id $sql] 0] $object mset [ns_set array $selection] } else { # # We fetch the creation_user and the modifying_user by returning # the creation_user of the automatic view as modifying_user. In # case of troubles, comment next line out. # lappend atts "n.creation_user as modifying_user" $object set item_id $item_id $object db_1row [:qn fetch_from_view_item_id] "\ select [join $atts ,], i.parent_id \ from ${:table_name}i n, cr_items i, acs_objects o \ where i.item_id = :item_id \ and n.${:id_column} = coalesce(i.live_revision, i.latest_revision) \ and o.object_id = i.item_id" } # # The method "db_1row" treats all newly created variables as # instance variables, so we can see vars like "__db_sql", # "__db_lst" that we do not want to keep. # foreach v [$object info vars __db_*] { $object unset $v } # # Deactivate compatibility with versions before OpenACS 5.2 # (2005), since this is a busy code, but leave it here for easy # reactivating in legacy applications. # #if {[apm_version_names_compare [ad_acs_version] 5.2] <= -1} { # set parent_id [$object set parent_id] # $object set package_id [::xo::dc get_value get_pid { # select package_id from cr_folders where folder_id = :parent_id # } #} # :log "--AFTER FETCH\n[$object serialize]" if {$initialize} {$object initialize_loaded_object} return $object } CrClass ad_instproc get_instance_from_db { {-item_id 0} {-revision_id 0} {-initialize:boolean true} } { Retrieve either the live revision or a specified revision of a content item with all attributes into a newly created object. The retrieved attributes are stored in the instance variables in class representing the object_type. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request) @param item_id id of the item to be retrieved. @param revision_id revision-id of the item to be retrieved. @return fully qualified object } { set object ::[expr {$revision_id ? $revision_id : $item_id}] if {![nsf::is object $object]} { :fetch_object -object $object \ -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id \ -initialize $initialize $object destroy_on_cleanup } return $object } CrClass ad_instproc new_persistent_object {-package_id -creation_user -creation_ip args} { Create a new content item of the actual class, configure it with the given arguments and insert it into the database. The XOTcl object is destroyed automatically on cleanup (end of a connection request). @return fully qualified object } { :get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip # :log "ID [self] create $args" ad_try { :create ::0 {*}$args } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log error "CrClass create raises: $errorMsg" } # :log "ID [::0 serialize]" set item_id [::0 save_new \ -package_id $package_id \ -creation_user $creation_user \ -creation_ip $creation_ip] ::0 move ::$item_id ::$item_id destroy_on_cleanup return ::$item_id } CrClass ad_instproc delete { -item_id:required } { Delete a content item from the content repository. @param item_id id of the item to be deleted } { ::acs::dc call content_item del -item_id $item_id } CrClass ad_instproc instance_select_query { {-select_attributes ""} {-orderby ""} {-where_clause ""} {-from_clause ""} {-with_subtypes:boolean true} {-with_children:boolean false} {-publish_status} {-count:boolean false} {-folder_id} {-parent_id} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""} {-base_table "cr_revisions"} } { returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type @param select_attributes attributes for the SQL query to be retrieved, in addition to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type, and package_id which are always returned @param orderby for ordering the solution set @param where_clause clause for restricting the answer set @param with_subtypes return subtypes as well @param with_children return immediate child objects of all objects as well @param count return the query for counting the solutions @param folder_id parent_id @param publish_status one of 'live', 'ready', or 'production' @param base_table typically automatic view, must contain title and revision_id @return SQL query } { if {![info exists folder_id]} {set folder_id ${:folder_id}} if {![info exists parent_id]} {set parent_id $folder_id} if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} { set attributes [list ci.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status acs_objects.object_type acs_objects.package_id] } else { set attributes [list bt.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status bt.object_type "bt.object_package_id as package_id"] } foreach a $select_attributes { if {$a eq "title"} {set a bt.title} lappend attributes $a } set type_selection_clause [:type_selection_clause -base_table $base_table -with_subtypes $with_subtypes] # :log "type_selection_clause -with_subtypes $with_subtypes returns $type_selection_clause" if {$count} { set attribute_selection "count(*)" set orderby "" ;# no need to order when we count set page_number "" ;# no pagination when count is used } else { set attribute_selection [join $attributes ,] } set cond [list] if {$type_selection_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $type_selection_clause} if {$where_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $where_clause} if {[info exists publish_status]} {lappend cond "ci.publish_status = :publish_status"} if {$base_table eq "cr_revisions"} { lappend cond "acs_objects.object_id = bt.revision_id" set acs_objects_table "acs_objects, " } else { lappend cond "ci.item_id = bt.item_id" set acs_objects_table "" } lappend cond "coalesce(ci.live_revision,ci.latest_revision) = bt.revision_id" if {$parent_id ne ""} { if {$with_children} { append from_clause ", (select $parent_id as item_id from dual union \ select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = $parent_id) children" lappend cond "ci.parent_id = children.item_id" } else { lappend cond "ci.parent_id = $parent_id" } } if {$page_number ne ""} { set limit $page_size set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}] } else { set limit "" set offset "" } if {!$count} { # # In case the query is not explicitly referring to a context_id, # return the context_id of the item. The problem are queries # using "*" in the attribute list, which should be deprecated. # Before that we should walk through the common call patterns of # this function to check, if this is feasible. # # This local hack was necessary to deal with a recent fix that # honors now correctly changes in the context_id. Before this # change, e.g. "get_all_children" was returning due to the # nature of the call the context_id of the revision (not of the # item), although it was returning items. A following bug-fix # actually triggered this change. # https://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=oacs-5-10%3Agustafn%3A20210308161117 # # TODO: remove me, when not necessary anymore. # if {[lsearch -glob $attributes *context_id*] == -1} { append attribute_selection {,(select context_id from acs_objects where object_id = ci.item_id)} } } set sql [::xo::dc select \ -vars $attribute_selection \ -from "$acs_objects_table cr_items ci, $base_table bt $from_clause" \ -where [join $cond " and "] \ -orderby $orderby \ -limit $limit -offset $offset] #:log "--sql=$sql" return $sql } CrClass ad_instproc get_instances_from_db { {-select_attributes ""} {-from_clause ""} {-where_clause ""} {-orderby ""} {-with_subtypes:boolean true} {-folder_id} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""} {-base_table "cr_revisions"} {-initialize true} } { Returns a set (ordered composite) of the answer tuples of an 'instance_select_query' with the same attributes. The tuples are instances of the class, on which the method was called. } { if {![info exists folder_id]} { set folder_id ${:folder_id} } set s [:instantiate_objects -sql \ [:instance_select_query \ -select_attributes $select_attributes \ -from_clause $from_clause \ -where_clause $where_clause \ -orderby $orderby \ -with_subtypes $with_subtypes \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -page_size $page_size \ -page_number $page_number \ -base_table $base_table \ ] \ -initialize $initialize] return $s } ################################## ::xo::db::CrClass create ::xo::db::CrItem \ -superclass ::xo::db::Object \ -table_name cr_revisions -id_column revision_id \ -object_type content_revision \ -slots { # # The following attributes are from cr_revisions # ::xo::db::CrAttribute create item_id \ -datatype integer \ -pretty_name "Item ID" -pretty_plural "Item IDs" \ -references "cr_items on delete cascade" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create title \ -sqltype varchar(1000) \ -pretty_name "#xotcl-core.title#" -pretty_plural "#xotcl-core.titles#" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create description \ -sqltype text \ -pretty_name "#xotcl-core.description#" -pretty_plural "#xotcl-core.descriptions#" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create publish_date \ -datatype date ::xo::db::CrAttribute create mime_type \ -sqltype varchar(200) \ -pretty_name "Mime Type" -pretty_plural "Mime Types" \ -default text/plain -references cr_mime_types ::xo::db::CrAttribute create nls_language \ -sqltype varchar(50) \ -pretty_name "#xotcl-core.language#" -pretty_plural "#xotcl-core.languages#" \ -default en_US # lob, content, content_length # # "magic attribute "text" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create text \ -pretty_name "Text" \ -create_table_attribute false \ -create_acs_attribute false # missing: attribute from cr_items ::xo::db::CrAttribute create name \ -pretty_name "Name" \ -create_table_attribute false \ -create_acs_attribute false } \ -parameter { package_id {parent_id -100} {publish_status ready} {storage_type text} } CrItem::slot::revision_id default 0 CrItem instproc initialize_loaded_object {} { # empty body, to be refined } if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "postgresql"} { # # PostgreSQL # # # INSERT statements differ between PostgreSQL and Oracle # due to the handling of CLOBS. # CrClass instproc insert_statement {atts vars} { return "insert into ${:table_name}i ([join $atts ,]) \ values (:[join $vars ,:])" } CrItem instproc fix_content {revision_id content} { [:info class] instvar storage_type # ::msg "--long_text_slots: [[:info class] array get long_text_slots]" # foreach {slot_name slot} [[:info class] array get long_text_slots] { # set cls [$slot domain] # set content [set :$slot_name] # :msg "$slot_name [$cls table_name] [$cls id_column] length=[string length $content]" # } if {![info exists :storage_type] || $storage_type ne ${:storage_type}} { ad_log warning "we cannot get rid of the instvar storage_type yet" \ "(exists [info exists :storage_type], instvar '$storage_type'," \ "value '[expr {[info exists :storage_type] ? ${:storage_type} : {UNKNOWN}}]')" } if {$storage_type eq "file"} { ::xo::dc dml fix_content_length "update cr_revisions \ set content_length = [ad_file size ${:import_file}] \ where revision_id = :revision_id" } } CrItem instproc update_content {revision_id content} { # # This method can be use to update the content field (only this) of # a content item without creating a new revision. This works # currently only for storage_type == "text". # [:info class] instvar storage_type if {$storage_type eq "file"} { :log "--update_content not implemented for type file" } else { ::xo::dc dml update_content "update cr_revisions set content = :content \ where revision_id = :revision_id" } } CrItem instproc update_attribute_from_slot {-revision_id slot:object value} { set :[$slot name] $value if {![info exists revision_id]} { set revision_id ${:revision_id} } set domain [$slot domain] #set sql "update [$domain table_name] \ # set [$slot column_name] = '$value' \ # where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id" #ns_log notice UPDATE-$sql ::xo::dc dml update_attribute_from_slot [subst { update [$domain table_name] set [$slot column_name] = :value where [$domain id_column] = :revision_id }] # # Probably we should call here update_last_modified, but for # that we would need the modifying_user and the modifying IP # address. # # ::acs::dc call acs_object update_last_modified \ # -object_id $revision_id \ # -modifying_user ${:publish_status} \ # -modifying_ip ... ::xo::dc dml update_attribute_from_slot_last_modified { update acs_objects set last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where object_id = :revision_id } } } else { # # Oracle # CrClass instproc insert_statement {atts vars} { # # The Oracle implementation of OpenACS cannot update # here *LOBs safely updarted through the automatic generated # view. So we postpone these updates and perform these # as separate statements. # set values [list] set attributes [list] # :msg "--long_text_slots: [array get :long_text_slots]" foreach a $atts v $vars { # # "text" and long_text_slots are handled in Oracle # via separate update statement. # if {$a eq "text" || [info exists :long_text_slots($a)]} continue lappend attributes $a lappend values $v } return "insert into ${:table_name}i ([join $attributes ,]) \ values (:[join $values ,:])" } CrItem instproc fix_content {{-only_text false} revision_id content} { [:info class] instvar storage_type if {$storage_type eq "file"} { ::xo::dc dml fix_content_length "update cr_revisions \ set content_length = [ad_file size ${:import_file}] \ where revision_id = :revision_id" } elseif {$storage_type eq "text"} { ::xo::dc dml fix_content "update cr_revisions \ set content = empty_blob(), content_length = [string length $content] \ where revision_id = :revision_id \ returning content into :1" -blobs [list $content] } if {!$only_text} { foreach {slot_name slot} [[:info class] array get long_text_slots] { :update_attribute_from_slot -revision_id $revision_id $slot [set :$slot_name] } } } CrItem instproc update_content {revision_id content} { # # This method can be used to update the content field (only this) of # a content item without creating a new revision. This works # currently only for storage_type == "text". # [:info class] instvar storage_type if {$storage_type eq "file"} { :log "--update_content not implemented for type file" } else { :fix_content -only_text true $revision_id $content } } CrItem instproc update_attribute_from_slot {-revision_id slot:object value} { set :[$slot name] $value if {![info exists revision_id]} {set revision_id ${:revision_id}} set domain [$slot domain] set att [$slot column_name] if {[$slot sqltype] eq "long_text"} { ::xo::dc dml att-$att "update [$domain table_name] \ set $att = empty_clob() \ where [$domain id_column] = :revision_id \ returning $att into :1" -clobs [list $value] } else { set sql "update [$domain table_name] \ set $att = :value \ where [$domain id_column] = $revision_id" ::xo::dc dml $att $sql } ::xo::dc dml update_attribute_from_slot_last_modified { update acs_objects set last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where object_id = :revision_id } } } CrItem instproc update_revision {{-quoted false} revision_id attribute value} { # # This method can be use to update arbitrary fields of # a revision. # if {$quoted} {set val $value} {set val :value} ::xo::dc dml update_content "update cr_revisions set $attribute = $val \ where revision_id = :revision_id" } CrItem instproc current_user_id {} { if {[nsf::is object ::xo::cc]} {return [::xo::cc user_id]} if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {return [ad_conn user_id]} return "" } CrItem ad_instproc save { -modifying_user {-live_p:boolean true} {-use_given_publish_date:boolean false} } { Updates an item in the content repository. We insert a new revision instead of changing the current revision. @param modifying_user @param live_p make this revision the live revision } { set __atts [list creation_user] set __vars $__atts if {[ns_conn isconnected]} { lappend __atts creation_ip set peeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] lappend __vars peeraddr } # # The modifying_user is not maintained by the CR (bug?). # xotcl-core handles this by having the modifying user as # creation_user of the revision. # # Caveat: the creation_user fetched can be different if we fetch # via item_id (the creation_user is the creator of the item) or if # we fetch via revision_id (the creation_user is the creator of # the revision). set creation_user [expr {[info exists modifying_user] ? $modifying_user : [:current_user_id]}] #set old_revision_id ${:revision_id} foreach {__slot_name __slot} [[:info class] array get db_slot] { if { [$__slot domain] eq "::xo::db::Object" || $__slot in { "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::publish_date" } } continue #ns_log notice "REMAINING SLOT: [$__slot serialize]" set $__slot_name [set :$__slot_name] lappend __atts [$__slot column_name] lappend __vars $__slot_name } if {$use_given_publish_date} { if {"publish_date" ni $__atts} { set publish_date ${:publish_date} lappend __atts publish_date lappend __vars publish_date } set publish_date_flag [list -publish_date $publish_date] } else { set publish_date_flag "" } ::xo::dc transaction { # # Provide a row-lock to protect against deadlocks during # concurrent updates on the same item in different threads. # ::xo::dc row_lock -for "no key update" -prepare integer item_lock { select item_id from cr_items where item_id = :item_id } [:info class] instvar storage_type set revision_id [xo::dc nextval acs_object_id_seq] if {$storage_type eq "file"} { # # Get the mime_type from the file, eventually creating a new # one if it's unrecognized. # set :mime_type [cr_check_mime_type \ -mime_type ${:mime_type} \ -filename ${:name} \ -file ${:import_file}] set :text [cr_create_content_file $item_id $revision_id ${:import_file}] set text ${:text} set mime_type ${:mime_type} } ::xo::dc [::xo::dc insert-view-operation] revision_add \ [[:info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars] :fix_content $revision_id $text if {$live_p} { # # Update the life revision with the publish status and # optionally the "publish_date". # ::acs::dc call content_item set_live_revision \ -revision_id $revision_id \ -publish_status ${:publish_status} \ -is_latest true \ {*}$publish_date_flag set :revision_id $revision_id :update_item_index } else { # # If we do not make the revision live, use the old # revision_id, and let CrCache save it ...... # } # # Update instance variables "modifying_user" and "last_modified" # from potentially changed DB values. # set :modifying_user $creation_user ::xo::dc 1row -prepare integer get_metadata { select last_modified from acs_objects where object_id = :revision_id } set :last_modified $last_modified # # In case the context_id has in the DB is different as in the # instance variable, push the value from the instance variable # to the DB as well. # if {[info exists :context_id]} { set context_id ${:context_id} ::xo::dc dml update_context { UPDATE acs_objects SET context_id = :context_id WHERE object_id = :item_id AND context_id != :context_id } } } return $item_id } CrItem ad_instproc set_live_revision { -revision_id:required {-publish_status "ready"} {-is_latest:boolean false} } { @param revision_id @param publish_status one of 'live', 'ready' or 'production' } { ::acs::dc call content_item set_live_revision \ -revision_id $revision_id \ -publish_status $publish_status \ -is_latest $is_latest ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush ${:item_id} ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $revision_id } CrItem ad_instproc update_item_index {} { Dummy stub to allow subclasses to produce a more efficient index for items based on live revisions. } { next } CrItem ad_instproc save_new { -package_id -creation_user -creation_ip -context_id {-live_p:boolean true} {-use_given_publish_date:boolean false} } { Insert a new item to the content repository. @param package_id @param creation_user user_id if the creating user @param live_p make this revision the live revision } { set __class [:info class] if {![info exists package_id] && [info exists :package_id]} { set package_id ${:package_id} } if {![info exists context_id]} { set context_id [expr {[info exists :context_id] ? ${:context_id} : ""}] } [self class] get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip set :creation_user $creation_user set __atts [list creation_user] set __vars $__atts # :log "db_slots for $__class: [$__class array get db_slot]" foreach {__slot_name __slot} [$__class array get db_slot] { # :log "--slot = $__slot" if { [$__slot domain] eq "::xo::db::Object" || $__slot in { "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::name" "::xo::db::CrItem::slot::publish_date" } } continue :instvar $__slot_name if {![info exists $__slot_name]} {set $__slot_name ""} lappend __atts [$__slot column_name] lappend __vars $__slot_name } if {$use_given_publish_date} { if {"publish_date" ni $__atts} { set publish_date ${:publish_date} lappend __atts publish_date lappend __vars publish_date } set publish_date_flag [list -publish_date $publish_date] } else { set publish_date_flag "" } ::xo::dc transaction { $__class instvar storage_type object_type [self class] lock acs_objects "SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE" set revision_id [xo::dc nextval acs_object_id_seq] set :revision_id $revision_id if {![info exists :name] || ${:name} eq ""} { # we have an autonamed item, use a unique value for the name set :name [expr {[info exists :__autoname_prefix] ? "${:__autoname_prefix}$revision_id" : $revision_id}] } if {$title eq ""} { set title [expr {[info exists :__title_prefix] ? "${:__title_prefix} (${:name})" : ${:name}}] } if {$storage_type eq "file"} { # # Get the mime_type from the file, eventually creating a new # one if it's unrecognized. # set mime_type [cr_check_mime_type \ -mime_type $mime_type \ -filename ${:name} \ -file ${:import_file}] } set :item_id [::acs::dc call content_item new \ -name ${:name} \ -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -creation_user $creation_user \ -creation_ip $creation_ip \ -context_id $context_id \ -item_subtype "content_item" \ -content_type $object_type \ -description $description \ -mime_type $mime_type \ -nls_language $nls_language \ -is_live f \ -storage_type $storage_type \ -package_id $package_id \ -with_child_rels f] if {$storage_type eq "file"} { set text [cr_create_content_file ${:item_id} $revision_id ${:import_file}] } ::xo::dc [::xo::dc insert-view-operation] revision_add \ [[:info class] insert_statement $__atts $__vars] :fix_content $revision_id $text if {$live_p} { # # Update the life revision with the publish status and # optionally the publish_date # ::acs::dc call content_item set_live_revision \ -revision_id $revision_id \ -publish_status ${:publish_status} \ -is_latest true \ {*}$publish_date_flag :update_item_index } } :db_1row [:qn get_dates] { select creation_date, last_modified from acs_objects where object_id = :revision_id } set :object_id ${:item_id} return ${:item_id} } CrItem ad_instproc delete {} { Delete the item from the content repository with the item_id taken from the instance variable. } { # delegate deletion to the class [:info class] delete -item_id ${:item_id} } CrItem ad_instproc rename {-old_name:required -new_name:required} { Rename a content item } { set item_id ${:item_id} ::xo::dc dml update_rename \ "update cr_items set name = :new_name where item_id = :item_id" set :name $new_name :update_item_index } CrItem ad_instproc is_package_root_folder {} { # In general, every cr_item may be in the role of a # "root-folder" of a package. } { # e.g. the -100 folder has no package_id # if {$package_id eq ""} {return false} if {![info exists :item_id]} { return false } #::xo::Package require ${:package_id} return [expr {${:item_id} eq [::${:package_id} folder_id]} ? true : false] } CrItem instproc is_cached_object {} { return [info exists :__cached_object] } # # The method "changed_redirect_url" is a helper method for old-style # wiki pages, still using ad_form. Form.edit_data calls this method # after a rename operation to optionally redirect the browser after # the edit operation to the new url, unless an explicit return_url # was specified. # CrItem instproc changed_redirect_url {} { return "" } CrItem instproc www-revisions {} { set isAdmin [acs_user::site_wide_admin_p] ::TableWidget create t1 -volatile \ -columns { Field version_number -label "" -html {align right} AnchorField create view -CSSclass view-item-button -label "" AnchorField diff -label "" AnchorField plain_diff -label "" AnchorField author -label [_ acs-content-repository.Creation_User] Field content_size -label [_ acs-content-repository.Size] -html {align right} Field last_modified_ansi -label [_ acs-content-repository.Last_Modified] Field description -label [_ acs-content-repository.Description] if {[acs_user::site_wide_admin_p]} {AnchorField show -label ""} ImageAnchorField live_revision -label [_ xotcl-core.live_revision] \ -src /resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif \ -width 16 -height 16 -border 0 -html {align center} AnchorField create version_delete -CSSclass delete-item-button -label "" } set user_id [:current_user_id] set page_id ${:item_id} set live_revision_id [::acs::dc call content_item get_live_revision -item_id $page_id] set package_id ${:package_id} set base [::$package_id url] set sql [::xo::dc select \ -map_function_names true \ -vars "ci.name, r.revision_id as version_id,\ person__name(o.creation_user) as author, \ o.creation_user as author_id, \ to_char(o.last_modified,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_modified_ansi,\ r.description,\ acs_permission.permission_p(r.revision_id,:user_id,'admin') as admin_p,\ acs_permission.permission_p(r.revision_id,:user_id,'delete') as delete_p,\ r.content_length,\ content_revision__get_number(r.revision_id) as version_number " \ -from "cr_items ci, cr_revisions r, acs_objects o" \ -where "ci.item_id = :page_id and r.item_id = ci.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id and acs_permission.permission_p(r.revision_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't'" \ -orderby "r.revision_id desc"] ::xo::dc foreach revisions_select $sql { set content_size_pretty [lc_content_size_pretty -size $content_length] set last_modified_ansi [lc_time_system_to_conn $last_modified_ansi] if {$version_id != $live_revision_id} { set live_revision "Make this Revision Current" set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif } else { set live_revision "Current Live Revision" set live_revision_icon /resources/acs-subsite/radiochecked.gif } set live_revision_link [export_vars -base $base { {m make-live-revision} {revision_id $version_id} }] t1 add \ -version_number $version_number: \ -view "" \ -view.href [export_vars -base $base {{revision_id $version_id}}] \ -author $author \ -content_size $content_size_pretty \ -last_modified_ansi [lc_time_fmt $last_modified_ansi "%x %X"] \ -description $description \ -live_revision.src $live_revision_icon \ -live_revision.title $live_revision \ -live_revision.href $live_revision_link \ -version_delete.href [export_vars -base $base \ {{m delete-revision} {revision_id $version_id}}] \ -version_delete "" \ -version_delete.title [_ acs-content-repository.Delete_Revision] [t1 last_child] set payload(revision_id) $version_id if {$isAdmin} { set show_revision_link [export_vars -base $base \ {{m show-object} {revision_id $version_id}}] [t1 last_child] set show show [t1 last_child] set show.href $show_revision_link } } # providing diff links to the prevision versions. This can't be done in # the first loop, since we have not yet the revision id of entry in the next line. set lines [t1 children] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lines]-1} {incr i} { set e [lindex $lines $i] set n [lindex $lines $i+1] set revision_id [$e set payload(revision_id)] set compare_revision_id [$n set payload(revision_id)] $e set diff.href [export_vars -base $base {{m diff} compare_revision_id revision_id}] $e set diff "diff" $e set plain_diff.href [export_vars -base $base {{m diff} {plain_text_diff 1} compare_revision_id revision_id}] $e set plain_diff "plain" } set e [lindex $lines end] if {$e ne ""} { $e set diff.href "" $e set diff "" $e set plain_diff.href "" $e set plain_diff "" } return [t1 asHTML] } # # Object specific privilege to be used with policies # CrItem ad_instproc privilege=creator { {-login true} user_id package_id method } { Define an object specific privilege to be used in the policies. Grant access to a content item for the creator (creation_user) of the item, and for the package admin. } { set allowed 0 # :log "--checking privilege [self args]" if {[info exists :creation_user]} { if {${:creation_user} == $user_id} { set allowed 1 } else { # allow the package admin always access set allowed [::xo::cc permission \ -object_id $package_id \ -party_id $user_id \ -privilege admin] } } return $allowed } ::xo::db::CrClass create ::xo::db::image -superclass ::xo::db::CrItem \ -pretty_name "Image" \ -table_name "images" -id_column "image_id" \ -object_type image \ -slots { ::xo::db::CrAttribute create width -datatype integer ::xo::db::CrAttribute create height -datatype integer } # # CrFolder # # This class is just intended for legacy application or for working # with the xo::db interface on e.g. folder structures of the file # storage. There is no usage of CrFolder in all of xowiki and # derived classes. # ::xo::db::CrClass create ::xo::db::CrFolder \ -superclass ::xo::db::CrItem \ -pretty_name "Folder" -pretty_plural "Folders" \ -table_name "cr_folders" -id_column "folder_id" \ -object_type content_folder \ -form CrFolderForm \ -edit_form CrFolderForm \ -slots { ::xo::db::CrAttribute create folder_id -datatype integer -pretty_name "Folder ID" \ -references "cr_items on delete cascade" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create label -datatype text -pretty_name "Label" ::xo::db::CrAttribute create description \ -datatype text -pretty_name "Description" -spec "textarea,cols=80,rows=2" # the package_id in folders is deprecated, the one in acs_objects should be used } \ \ -ad_doc { This is a generic class that represents a "cr_folder" XoWiki specific methods are currently directly mixed into all instances of this class. @see ::xowiki::Folder } # TODO: the following block should not be necessary We should get # rid of the old "folder object" in xowiki and use parameter pages # instead. The primary usage of the xowiki folder object is for # # a) specifying richt-text properties for an instance # b) provide a title for the instance # # We should provide either a minimal parameter page for this # purposes, or - more conservative - provide simply package # parameters for this. The only thing we are losing are "computed # parameters", what most probably no-one uses. The delegation based # parameters are most probably good replacement to manage such # parameters site-wide. ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_proc instance_select_query { {-select_attributes ""} {-orderby ""} {-where_clause ""} {-from_clause ""} {-with_subtypes:boolean true} {-with_children:boolean true} {-publish_status} {-count:boolean false} {-folder_id} {-parent_id} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""} {-base_table "cr_folders"} } { returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type @param select_attributes attributes for the SQL query to be retrieved, in addition to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type which are always returned @param orderby for ordering the solution set @param where_clause clause for restricting the answer set @param with_subtypes return subtypes as well @param with_children return immediate child objects of all objects as well @param count return the query for counting the solutions @param folder_id parent_id @param publish_status one of 'live', 'ready', or 'production' @param base_table typically automatic view, must contain title and revision_id @return SQL query } { if {![info exists folder_id]} {set folder_id ${:folder_id}} if {![info exists parent_id]} {set parent_id $folder_id} if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} { set attributes [list ci.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status acs_objects.object_type] } else { set attributes [list bt.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status bt.object_type] } foreach a $select_attributes { # if {$a eq "title"} {set a bt.title} lappend attributes $a } # FIXME: This is dirty: We "fake" the base table for this function, so we can reuse the code set type_selection_clause [:type_selection_clause -base_table cr_revisions -with_subtypes false] # :log "type_selection_clause -with_subtypes $with_subtypes returns $type_selection_clause" if {$count} { set attribute_selection "count(*)" set orderby "" ;# no need to order when we count set page_number "" ;# no pagination when count is used } else { set attribute_selection [join $attributes ,] } set cond [list] if {$type_selection_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $type_selection_clause} if {$where_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $where_clause} if {[info exists publish_status]} {lappend cond "ci.publish_status = :publish_status"} if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} { lappend cond "acs_objects.object_id = cf.folder_id and ci.item_id = cf.folder_id" set acs_objects_table "acs_objects, cr_items ci, " } else { lappend cond "ci.item_id = bt.item_id" set acs_objects_table "" } if {$parent_id ne ""} { set parent_clause "ci.parent_id = :parent_id" if {$with_children} { lappend cond "ci.item_id in ( select children.item_id from cr_items parent, cr_items children where children.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey) and parent.item_id = $parent_id and parent.tree_sortkey <> children.tree_sortkey)" } else { lappend cond $parent_clause } } if {$page_number ne ""} { set limit $page_size set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}] } else { set limit "" set offset "" } set sql [::xo::dc select \ -vars $attribute_selection \ -from "$acs_objects_table cr_folders cf $from_clause" \ -where [join $cond " and "] \ -orderby $orderby \ -limit $limit -offset $offset] return $sql } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_proc get_instance_from_db { {-item_id 0} {-revision_id 0} {-initialize:boolean true} } { The "standard" get_instance_from_db methods return objects following the naming convention "::<acs_object_id>", e.g. ::1234 <p>Usually, the id of the item that is fetched from the database is used. However, XoWiki's "folder objects" (i.e. an ::xowiki::Object instance that can be used to configure the respective instance) are created using the acs_object_id of the root folder of the xowiki instance, which is actually the id of another acs_object. <p>Because of this, we cannot simply create the instances of CrFolder using the "standard naming convention". Instead we create them as ::cr_folder<acs_object_id>. } { set object ::$item_id if {![nsf::is object $object]} { :fetch_object -object $object -item_id $item_id -initialize $initialize $object destroy_on_cleanup } return $object } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_proc register_content_types { {-folder_id:required} {-content_types ""} } { Register the specified content types for the folder. If a content_type ends with a *, include its subtypes } { foreach content_type $content_types { set with_subtypes [expr {[regexp {^(.*)[*]$} $content_type _ content_type] ? "t" : "f"}] ::acs::dc call content_folder register_content_type \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -content_type $content_type \ -include_subtypes $with_subtypes } } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_proc fetch_object { -item_id:required {-revision_id 0} -object:required {-initialize:boolean true} } { We overwrite the default fetch_object method here. We join acs_objects, cr_items and cr_folders and fetch all attributes. The revision_id is completely ignored. @see CrClass fetch_object } { if {![nsf::is object $object]} { :create $object } $object set item_id $item_id $object db_1row [:qn fetch_folder] { SELECT * FROM cr_folders JOIN cr_items on cr_folders.folder_id = cr_items.item_id JOIN acs_objects on cr_folders.folder_id = acs_objects.object_id WHERE folder_id = :item_id } if {$initialize} { $object initialize_loaded_object } return $object } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_instproc save_new {-creation_user} { Save a new CrFolder instance in the database. } { set package_id ${:package_id} [:info class] get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip set :folder_id [::acs::dc call content_folder new \ -name ${:name} -label [:label] \ -description [:description] \ -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -package_id $package_id \ -creation_user $creation_user \ -creation_ip $creation_ip] #parent_s has_child_folders attribute could have become outdated if { [nsf::is object ::${:parent_id}] } { ::${:parent_id} set has_child_folders t } # well, obtaining the allowed content_types this way is not very # straightforward, but since we currently create these folders via # ad_forms, and we have no form variable, this should be at least # robust. if {[[self class] exists allowed_content_types]} { ::xo::db::CrFolder register_content_types \ -folder_id ${:folder_id} \ -content_types [[self class] set allowed_content_types] } ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush ${:parent_id} return ${:folder_id} } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_instproc save {args} { Save an existing CrFolder instance in the database. } { set folder_id ${:folder_id} content::folder::update \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -attributes [list \ [list name ${:name}] \ [list label ${:label}] \ [list description ${:description}]\ ] [:info class] get_context package_id user_id ip ::xo::dc 1row _ "select acs_object__update_last_modified(:folder_id, :user_id, :ip)" } ::xo::db::CrFolder ad_instproc delete {} { Delete the CrFolder instance. This method takes the folder_id of the current instance. } { if {[:is_package_root_folder]} { ad_return_error "Removal denied" "Don't delete the package root folder, delete the package" return } # delegate deletion to the class [:info class] delete -item_id ${:folder_id} } ::xo::db::CrFolder proc delete {-item_id} { ::acs::dc call content_folder del -folder_id $item_id -cascade_p t } # # Caching interface # # CrClass is a mixin class for caching the CrItems in ns_cache. # ::xotcl::Class create CrCache CrCache instproc fetch_object { -item_id:required {-revision_id 0} -object:required {-initialize:boolean true} } { set serialized_object [::xo::xotcl_object_cache eval [string trimleft $object :] { # :log "--CACHE true fetch [self args], call shadowed method [self next]" set loaded_from_db 1 # Call the shadowed method with initializing turned off. We # want to store object before the after-load initialize in the # cache to save storage. set o [next -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id -object $object -initialize 0] return [::Serializer deepSerialize $o] }] # :log "--CACHE: [self args], created [info exists created] o [info exists o]" if {[info exists loaded_from_db]} { # The basic fetch_object method creates the object, we have # just to run the after load init (if wanted) if {$initialize} { $object initialize_loaded_object } } else { # The variable serialized_object contains the serialization of # the object from the cache; check if the object exists already # or create it. if {[nsf::is object $object]} { # There would have been no need to call this method. We could # raise an error here. # :log "--!! $object exists already" } else { # Create the object from the serialization and initialize it eval $serialized_object if {$initialize} { $object initialize_loaded_object } } } $object set __cached_object 1 return $object } CrCache instproc delete {-item_id} { next ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $item_id # we should probably flush as well cached revisions } ::xotcl::Class create CrCache::Class CrCache::Class instproc lookup { -name:required {-parent_id -100} {-content_type} } { # # We need here the strange logic to avoid caching of lookup fails # (when lookup returns 0). Adding cache-fails to the shared cache # would lead to a high number of cache entries. Therefore, we add # these to a per-request cache and (i.e. flush) these in sync with # the xo::xotcl_object_type_cache. The avoids a high number of # cache queries (and cache locks), since these lookups are # performed often many times per request. # if {[acs::per_request_cache get -key xotcl-core.lookup-$parent_id-$name value]} { return $value } while {1} { set item_id [xo::xotcl_object_type_cache eval -partition_key $parent_id $parent_id-$name { set item_id [next] if {$item_id == 0} { # # Not found, perform per-thread caching. This has to be # invalidated like the xotcl_object_type_cache. # acs::per_request_cache eval -key xotcl-core.lookup-$parent_id-$name {set key 0} #ns_log notice ".... lookup $parent_id-$name => 0 -> break and don't cache" break } return $item_id }] break } # :msg "lookup $parent_id-$name -> item_id=$item_id" return $item_id } ::xotcl::Class create CrCache::Item CrCache::Item set name_pattern {^::[0-9]+$} CrCache::Item instproc remove_non_persistent_vars {} { # # Do not save __db__artefacts in the cache. # foreach x [info vars :__db_*] { unset :$x } # # Remove vars and arrays matching the class-specific specified # non_cached_instance_var_patterns and treat these as variables, # which are not stored in the cache, but which are kept in the # instance variables. These variables are removed before caching # and restored afterwards. # set arrays {} set scalars {} set non_cached_vars {} foreach pattern [[:info class] non_cached_instance_var_patterns] { lappend non_cached_vars {*}[:info vars $pattern] } #ns_log notice "pattern [[:info class] non_cached_instance_var_patterns], non_cached_vars <$non_cached_vars>" foreach x $non_cached_vars { if {[array exists :$x]} { lappend arrays $x [array get :$x] unset :$x } { lappend scalars $x [set :$x] unset -nocomplain :$x } } return [list $arrays $scalars] } CrCache::Item instproc set_non_persistent_vars {vars} { lassign $vars arrays scalars foreach {var value} $arrays {:array set $var $value} :mset $scalars } CrCache::Item instproc flush_from_cache_and_refresh {} { # cache only names with IDs set obj [self] set canonical_name ::[$obj item_id] if {[$obj is_cached_object]} { ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush [string trimleft $obj :] } if {$obj eq $canonical_name} { #:log "--CACHE saving $obj in cache" # # The object name is equal to the item_id; we assume, this is a # fully loaded object, containing all relevant instance # variables. We can restore it. After the flash # # We do not want to cache per object mixins for the # time being (some classes might be volatile). So save # mixin-list, cache and restore them later for the current # session. set mixins [$obj info mixin] $obj mixin [list] set npv [$obj remove_non_persistent_vars] ::xo::xotcl_object_cache set [string trimleft $obj :] [$obj serialize] $obj set_non_persistent_vars $npv $obj mixin $mixins } else { # # In any case, flush the canonical name. # ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush [string trimleft $canonical_name :] } # To be on he safe side, delete the revision as well from the # cache, if possible. if {[$obj exists revision_id]} { set revision_id [$obj revision_id] set revision_obj ::$revision_id if {$obj ne $revision_obj} { ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush $revision_id } } acs::per_request_cache flush -pattern xotcl-core.lookup-${:parent_id}-${:name} } CrCache::Item instproc update_attribute_from_slot args { set r [next] :flush_from_cache_and_refresh return $r } CrCache::Item instproc save args { # # We perform next before the cache update, since when update # fails, we do not want to populate wrong content in the cache. # set r [next] :flush_from_cache_and_refresh return $r } CrCache::Item instproc save_new args { set item_id [next] #ns_log notice "===== save_new acs::per_request_cache flush -pattern xotcl-core.lookup-${:parent_id}-${:name}" acs::per_request_cache flush -pattern xotcl-core.lookup-${:parent_id}-${:name} return $item_id } CrCache::Item instproc delete args { # # Not all cr_items are cached. Some of the bulk creation commands # create autonamed items, which have non-numeric object names. So # the flush on these will fail anyhow, since these were never # added to the cache. # if {[:is_cached_object]} { ::xo::xotcl_object_cache flush [string trimleft [self] :] } xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush -partition_key ${:parent_id} ${:parent_id}-${:name} acs::per_request_cache flush -pattern xotcl-core.lookup-${:parent_id}-${:name} next } CrCache::Item instproc rename {-old_name:required -new_name:required} { ::xo::xotcl_object_type_cache flush -partition_key ${:parent_id} ${:parent_id}-$old_name acs::per_request_cache flush -pattern xotcl-core.lookup-${:parent_id}-$old_name next } # # Register the caching mixins # CrClass instmixin CrCache CrClass mixin CrCache::Class CrItem instmixin CrCache::Item } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: