- Publicity: Public Only All
XoWiki - category specific code
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/category-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2006-10-10
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: category-procs.tcl,v 1.34 2024/09/11 06:15:56 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
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::xo::library doc { XoWiki - category specific code @creation-date 2006-10-10 @author Gustaf Neumann @cvs-id $Id: category-procs.tcl,v 1.34 2024/09/11 06:15:56 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval ::xowiki { # # Commonly used code for categories # Class create Category Category proc get_mapped_trees { -object_id {-locale ""} {-names ""} {-output {tree_id tree_name subtree_category_id assign_single_p require_category_p}} } { # Return matched category trees matching the specified names (or all) # provide compatibility with earlier versions of categories set have_locale [expr {"locale" in [info args category_tree::get_mapped_trees]}] set mapped_trees [expr {$have_locale ? [category_tree::get_mapped_trees $object_id $locale] : [category_tree::get_mapped_trees $object_id]}] set trees [list] foreach tree $mapped_trees { lassign $tree tree_id my_tree_name ... # "names" is a list of category names if {$names ne ""} { # Check, if the current name matches any of the given # names. If the name contains wild-cards, perform a string # match, otherwise a string equal. set match 0 foreach n $names { if {[string first * $n] > -1} { if {![string match $n $my_tree_name]} { set match 1 break } } elseif {$n eq $my_tree_name} { set match 1 break } } if {!$match} continue } # Get the values from info in "tree" into separate variables given by output. # Note that the order matters! lassign $tree {*}$output set l [list] foreach __var $output {lappend l [set $__var]} lappend trees $l } return $trees } Category proc get_category_infos {{-all false} {-subtree_id ""} {-locale ""} -tree_id} { # # provide a common interface to older versions of categories # # provide compatibility with earlier versions of categories #set have_locale [expr {[lsearch [info args category_tree::get_tree] locale] > -1}] set have_locale 1 set all_arg [expr {$all ? "-all" : ""}] return [expr {$have_locale ? [category_tree::get_tree {*}$all_arg -subtree_id $subtree_id $tree_id $locale] : [category_tree::get_tree {*}$all_arg -subtree_id $subtree_id $tree_id]}] } } ::xo::library source_dependent # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: