- Publicity: Public Only All
XoWiki Portlets
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/dotlrn-portal-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2007-10-10
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
Procedures in this file
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::xo::library doc { XoWiki Portlets @author Gustaf Neumann @creation-date 2007-10-10 } if {![apm_package_installed_p dotlrn]} { # # We have no dotlrn installed # return } ::xo::library require includelet-procs ::xo::library require xowiki-procs namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet { ############################################################################# # # dotlrn portlets # ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-portlet \ -superclass ::xowiki::Includelet \ -parameter { {cf ""} {shaded false} {community_id} {adp_file} {allow_multiple_community_ids true} {parameter_declaration { {-community_id:integer} }} } dotlrn-portlet instproc initialize {} { :get_parameters # # The community_id(s) can be determined currently in three ways # 1) The community_id(s) might be specified in the includelet # definition: This makes it possible, to list on one portal # page dotlrn portlets from different packages # # 2) The community_id(s) might be taken from a form page: This # option can be used to make easily portal pages for different # communities. # # 3) The community_id might be taken from the mount point via # dotlrn_community::get_community_id (not implemented yet) # # 4) If non of the above is applicable, the list of community_ids # is the list of all approved community memberships of the # current user. This option is typically used for a personal # portal page. # if {[info exists community_id]} { # # case (1) # set :community_id $community_id } elseif {[info exists :__including_page]} { # # check case (2) # set including_page ${:__including_page} if {[$including_page exists instance_attributes]} { array set __ia [$including_page set instance_attributes] if {[info exists __ia(community_id)]} { # we get the community_id from the form page. set :community_id $__ia(community_id) } } } if {![info exists :community_id]} { # # we have no community_id, try to get it from site map, case (3) # set :community_id [dotlrn_community::get_community_id] #:msg "got from context ${:community_id}" } if {![info exists :community_id] || ${:community_id} eq ""} { # # we have no community_id, get all :community ids, case (4) # set user_id [::xo::cc user_id] set community_ids [::xo::dc list -prepare integer get_memberships { select community_id from dotlrn_member_rels_approved where user_id = :user_id }] set :community_id $community_ids } if {${:community_id} eq ""} { error "Cannot determine community_id(s);\nmaybe, you are not logged in?\n" } if {[llength ${:community_id}]>1 && ![:allow_multiple_community_ids]} { error "This dotrln portlet allows only a single community_id;\nuse it only on community portals\n" } # # for multiple community_ids, compute a corresponding list of package_ids # set package_ids [list] foreach c ${:community_id} { if {[info exists :package_key]} { lappend package_ids [dotlrn_community::get_applet_package_id -community_id $c \ -applet_key [dotlrn_[:package_key]::applet_key]] } } #:msg community_id=${:community_id}-package_ids=$package_ids :cf [list shaded_p [:shaded] community_id ${:community_id} package_id $package_ids] } dotlrn-portlet instproc render {} { :get_parameters return [template::adp_include ${:adp_file} [list cf ${:cf}]] } # MAIN (groups) ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-main -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {adp_file "/packages/dotlrn/www/dotlrn-main-portlet"} {title "#dotlrn.dotlrn_main_portlet_pretty_name#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN main portlet } dotlrn-main instproc initialize {} { :cf [list shaded_p [:shaded]] } # DOTLRN (subgroups) ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-dotlrn -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {allow_multiple_community_ids false} {adp_file "/packages/dotlrn-portlet/www/dotlrn-portlet"} {title "#dotlrn.subcommunities_pretty_plural#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN portlet } # FORUMS ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-forums -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {package_key "forums"} {adp_file "/packages/forums-portlet/www/forums-portlet"} {title "#forums-portlet.pretty_name#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN forums portlet } # FAQ ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-faq -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {package_key "faq"} {adp_file "/packages/faq-portlet/www/faq-portlet"} {title "#faq-portlet.pretty_name#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN FAQ portlet } # NEWS ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-news -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {package_key "news"} {adp_file "/packages/news-portlet/www/news-portlet"} {title "#news-portlet.pretty_name#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN NEWS portlet } # CALENDAR ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-calendar -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {package_key "calendar"} {adp_file "/packages/calendar-portlet/www/calendar-portlet"} {title "#calendar-portlet.pretty_name#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN calendar portlet } dotlrn-calendar instproc initialize {} { ::xo::Page requireCSS "/resources/calendar/calendar.css" next foreach c ${:community_id} { lappend calendar_ids [dotlrn_calendar::get_group_calendar_id -community_id $c] } lappend :cf default_view day scoped_p f calendar_id $calendar_ids } # SCHEDULE ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-schedule -superclass dotlrn-calendar \ -parameter { {package_key "calendar"} {adp_file "/packages/calendar-portlet/www/calendar-list-portlet"} {title "#calendar-portlet.Schedule#"} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN calendar list portlet } # Extra includelet (somewhat similar to static info portlet) ::xowiki::IncludeletClass create dotlrn-info -superclass dotlrn-portlet \ -parameter { {allow_multiple_community_ids false} {title} } -ad_doc { Include dotLRN info portlet } dotlrn-info instproc initialize {} { next :title [dotlrn_community::get_community_name ${:community_id}] } dotlrn-info instproc render {} { set key [dotlrn_community::get_community_key -community_id ${:community_id}] set page [::${:package_id} resolve_page $key method] if {$page ne ""} { return [$page render] } else { # # If the content page does not exist, offer the user to create it. # set edit_snippet [::${:package_id} create_new_snippet $key] return $edit_snippet } } } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: