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XoWiki - form fields

This file defines the following Objects and Classes: ::xowiki::formfield::FormField[i], ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text[i], ::xowiki::formfield::range[i], ::xowiki::formfield::numeric[i], ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext[i], ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce[i], ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField[i], ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields[i], ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select[i], ::xowiki::formfield::FormField[i], ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text[i], ::xowiki::formfield::range[i], ::xowiki::formfield::numeric[i], ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext[i], ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce[i], ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField[i], ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields[i], ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select[i]

Gustaf Neumann
CVS Identification:
$Id: form-field-procs.tcl,v 2024/08/06 09:43:17 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField[i] \
    [ -language_specific language_specific ]

Base FormField class. FormFields are objects, which can be outputted as well in ad_forms or asHTML included in wiki pages. FormFields support: - validation - help_text - error messages - internationalized pretty_values and inherit properties of the original datatypes via slots (e.g. for boolean entries). FormFields can be subclassed to ensure tailor-ability and high reuse. todo: at some later time, this could go into xotcl-core.

this parameter decides that the value collected by this formfield should be transparently stored as a message key. The translation language is that of the current package, determined by 'use_connection_locale' package parameter, connection locale and system settings.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_try ad_try (public) html::button html::button html::div html::div html::h5 html::h5 Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->_ Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->ad_try Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->html::button Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->html::div Class ::xowiki::formfield::FormField->html::h5

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField[i] \
    [ -shuffle_kind shuffle_kind ]

An abstract class for shuffling options and answers. The options can be used a content of checkboxes, radioboxes and the like. This is particular useful when creating quizzes.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set nx::slotObj nx::slotObj xowiki::randomized_indices xowiki::randomized_indices (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField->nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField->nsf::relation::set Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField->nx::slotObj Class ::xowiki::formfield::ShuffleField->xowiki::randomized_indices

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select[i] \
    [ -as_box as_box ] [ -keep_order keep_order ] [ -dnd dnd ]

XOTcl class for selecting a subset from a list of candidates.

makes something like in info box in wikipedia (right floated)
when set, the user provided order is preserved, otherwise the order from the candidates is used.
allow drag and drop

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::div html::div html::h3 html::h3 html::li html::li html::t html::t html::textarea html::textarea Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select->html::div Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select->html::h3 Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select->html::li Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select->html::t Class ::xowiki::formfield::candidate_box_select->html::textarea

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext[i]

This class can be used to provide an interface for specifying internationalized text strings saved in message keys via input from a form. Very similar to localized_text

See Also:
  • xowiki::formfield::localized_text

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext->nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_richtext->nsf::relation::set

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text[i]

This class can be used to provide an interface for specifying internationalized text strings saved in message keys via input from a form. When editing the content provided via the input field is saved together with an item-specific message keys in the message key tables via lang::util::convert_to_i18n. This formfield class is especially useful for xowiki items which have no language-prefix (e.g. folders or links). In other cases it is probably still a better idea to create same named pages with different language prefixes.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::option html::option html::select html::select html::t html::t lang::util::convert_to_i18n lang::util::convert_to_i18n (public) lang::util::localize lang::util::localize (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text->html::option Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text->html::select Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text->html::t Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text->lang::util::convert_to_i18n Class ::xowiki::formfield::localized_text->lang::util::localize

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric[i] [ -format format ] \
    [ -connection_locale connection_locale ] [ -strict strict ] \
    [ -keep_string_rep keep_string_rep ]

Field with numeric content. Depending on the format, the accepted value can be either an integer or a floating point number. The widget performs localization based on the setting of :locale. In case 'keep_string_rep' is not true, the widget converts the value to an internal representation to be able to evaluate numeric expressions by this. When 'keep_string_rep' is true, the original string representation is kept, and only validation is performed.

format for output and determining integer property
when set, use the connection locale as source for internationalized input
when set, use just use the locale for input checking. Otherwise, always accept as fallback what is accepted by en_US.
when true, do not convert from and to the internal representation, but preserve the original string.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_try ad_try (public) lc_numeric lc_numeric (public) lc_parse_number lc_parse_number (public) nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->ad_conn Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->ad_try Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->lc_numeric Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->lc_parse_number Class ::xowiki::formfield::numeric->nsf::object::alloc

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::range (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::range[i] [ -min min ] [ -max max ] \
    [ -step step ] [ -with_output with_output ] \
    [ -output_prefix output_prefix ] [ -output_suffix output_suffix ]

HTML5 range input field. The range input is rendered as a slider by the actual browsers.

minimum value of the value range
maximum value of the value range
increment steps when moving the slider
add an output box with show the actual slider value (requires JavaScript)
prepend string value to the actual slider value in the output display
append string value to the actual slider value in the output display

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::input html::input html::output html::output html::t html::t nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set Class ::xowiki::formfield::range Class ::xowiki::formfield::range Class ::xowiki::formfield::range->html::input Class ::xowiki::formfield::range->html::output Class ::xowiki::formfield::range->html::t Class ::xowiki::formfield::range->nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::range->nsf::relation::set

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce[i] \
    [ -extraPlugins extraPlugins ] [ -customConfig customConfig ] \
    [ -additionalConfig additionalConfig ]

TinyMCE XoWiki richtext-editor integration.

a list of couples 'pluginId' 'pluginURL' specifying additional plugins.
a configuration dict that will completely override configuration coming from the parameters.
a configuration dict that will be merged with configuration coming from the parameters. Values specified here will take precedence on the parameter values.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_conn ad_conn (public) nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set nx::slotObj nx::slotObj template::add_body_handler template::add_body_handler (public) Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->ad_conn Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->nsf::relation::set Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->nx::slotObj Class ::xowiki::formfield::richtext::tinymce->template::add_body_handler

No testcase defined.

Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields[i]

Provide multiple text and short text entries. This field is a compound field which create for every text field a sub component. When the components are rendered, the items can be shuffled.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::div html::div html::li html::li html::t html::t html::ul html::ul nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields->html::div Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields->html::li Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields->html::t Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields->html::ul Class ::xowiki::formfield::text_fields->nsf::object::alloc

No testcase defined.

xowiki::formfield::CompoundField instproc get_named_sub_component_value (public)

 <instance of xowiki::formfield::CompoundField[i]> get_named_sub_component_value \
    [ -from_repeat ] [ -default default ] args [ args... ]

Return the value of a named subcomponent. When the named subcomponent is a repeated item, and the value of the 0th element of the repeat (the template element) is omitted from the returned value.

skip template element from repeated values
default value, when component is not found
args - space separated path of elements names in a potentially nested component structure (similar to dict)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_test_items create_test_items (test xowf) xowiki::formfield::CompoundField instproc get_named_sub_component_value xowiki::formfield::CompoundField instproc get_named_sub_component_value test_create_test_items->xowiki::formfield::CompoundField instproc get_named_sub_component_value


xowiki::formfield::child_components (public)

 xowiki::formfield::child_components [ -filter filter ] objs

For every form-field obj in the provided objs, return a list of all child components (potentially leaf components of compound fields). The result list is filtered by the optional filter expression, which can refer to the current object via variable $_.

(defaults to "true") (optional)
objs - input form-field objs

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager (public) xowiki::formfield::child_components xowiki::formfield::child_components Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager->xowiki::formfield::child_components xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields (protected) xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields->xowiki::formfield::child_components

No testcase defined.

xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc (public)

 xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc [ -name name ] [ -type type ] dict

Convert the provided dict into form_constraint syntax (comma separated). The other direction would be more complex, since the fcs are interpreted from left to right, overwriting potentially previous values. The fc-interpretation creates already the form fields, produces intended errors, when certain attributes are not allowed, etc.

optional form-field name
type of the form-field; if not specified, take it from key "_type" of the dict
dict - dict to be converted.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_dict_to_xx dict_to_xx (test xowiki) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc test_dict_to_xx->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec (public) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc


xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec (public)

 xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec [ -aspair ] [ -name name ] dict

Convert the provided dict into a form-field spec together with the form-field name. When "-aspair" is specified the spec is returned in the list format as used by "create_components". If "-name" is not specified, the name has to be provided via dict member "_name", otherwise an exception is triggered.

(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_dict_to_xx dict_to_xx (test xowiki) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec test_dict_to_xx->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc (public) xowiki::formfield::dict_to_spec->xowiki::formfield::dict_to_fc


xowiki::formfield::dict_value (public)

 xowiki::formfield::dict_value dict key [ default ]

Return the dict value of the specified "key" when this member exists. Otherwise return the default.

default (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_dict_to_xx dict_to_xx (test xowiki) xowiki::formfield::dict_value xowiki::formfield::dict_value test_dict_to_xx->xowiki::formfield::dict_value


xowiki::formfield::enumeration instproc scores (public)

 <instance of xowiki::formfield::enumeration[i]> scores [ -r r ] \
    [ -f f ] [ -rk rk ] [ -fk fk ] [ -R R ] [ -W W ]
(defaults to "0") (optional)
number of answers which are true
(defaults to "0") (optional)
number of answers which are false
(defaults to "0") (optional)
number checkmarks to a true answer
(defaults to "0") (optional)
number checkmarks to a false answer
number correct answered
number incorrect answered

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_test_items create_test_items (test xowf) xowiki::formfield::enumeration instproc scores xowiki::formfield::enumeration instproc scores test_create_test_items->xowiki::formfield::enumeration instproc scores


xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict (public)

 xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict form_constraints

Convert from form_constraint syntax to a dict. This is just a partial implementation to be probably extended in the future. it expects that the type is the first element and ignores everything not in the syntax "*=*", or skips "@*" fields. Don't expect this to be fully reversible.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_dict_to_xx dict_to_xx (test xowiki) xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict test_dict_to_xx->xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict xowiki::formfield::spec_to_dict xowiki::formfield::spec_to_dict (private) xowiki::formfield::fc_to_dict->xowiki::formfield::spec_to_dict

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