- Publicity: Public Only All
This file defines the following Objects and Classes: ::nsbeat::Beat, ::nsbeat::b1
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/nsbeat-procs.tcl
Procedures in this file
- Class ::nsbeat::Beat (public)
- Object ::nsbeat::b1 (public)
- nsbeat::Beat instproc beat (public)
- nsbeat::Beat instproc data (public)
- nsbeat::Beat instproc ms_to_utc (protected)
- nsbeat::Beat instproc nspost (protected)
Detailed information
nsbeat::Beat method ms_to_utc (protected)
<instance of nsbeat::Beat> ms_to_utc ms
- Parameters:
- ms (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
nsbeat::Beat method nspost (protected)
<instance of nsbeat::Beat> nspost data
- Parameters:
- data (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
namespace eval ::nsbeat { nx::Class create Beat { :property {outputLocation http://localhost:9200/} :method ms_to_utc {ms} { set seconds [expr {$ms / 1000}] set fraction [format %03d [expr {$ms - ($seconds * 1000)}]] return [clock format $seconds -format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" -gmt 1].${fraction}Z } :method nspost {data} { set queryHeaders [ns_set create] ns_set update $queryHeaders Host localhost ns_set update $queryHeaders Content-Type "application/json; charset=UTF-8" set d [ns_http run \ -headers $queryHeaders \ -method POST \ -body $data \ -timeout 10.0 \ ${:outputLocation}/_bulk] ns_http wait -result R -headers $replyHeaders -status S $h ns_log notice "nsbeat post returned S [dict get $d status] R [dict get $d body]" } :public method data {} { set index nsbeat-[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y.%m.%d"] set data "" foreach serverName [ns_info servers] { foreach poolName [lsort [ns_server -server $serverName pools]] { # # provide a nicer name for the pool # set startClicks [clock clicks -microseconds] set poolLabel "default" if {$poolName ne {}} {set poolLabel $poolName} set rtt [expr {[clock clicks -microseconds] - $startClicks}] set stats [ns_server -server $serverName -pool $poolName stats] set header [subst {{"index":{"_index":"$index","_type":"doc"}}}] regsub -all \n [subst $::nsbeat::template(serverStats)] "" payload regsub -all {\s\s+} $payload " " payload append data $header\n$payload\n } } foreach {dbPool stats} [ns_db stats] { set header [subst {{"index":{"_index":"$index","_type":"doc"}}}] regsub -all \n [subst $::nsbeat::template(dbStats)] "" payload regsub -all {\s\s+} $payload " " payload append data $header\n$payload\n } return $data } :public method beat {} { set data [:data] ns_log notice "nsbeat DATA:\n$data" :nspost $data } } set ::nsbeat::template(serverStats) { {"@timestamp":"[:ms_to_utc [clock click -milliseconds]]", "beat": {"hostname":"openacs.wu-wien.ac.at","name":"openacs.wu-wien.ac.at","version":"5.6.3"}, "metricset":{"module":"ns","name":"server","rtt":$rtt}, "ns": { "server":{ "name": "$serverName", "pool": "$poolLabel", "requests": [dict get $stats requests], "spools": [dict get $stats spools], "queued": [dict get $stats queued], "connthreads": [dict get $stats connthreads], "accepttime": [dict get $stats accepttime], "queuetime": [dict get $stats queuetime], "filtertime": [dict get $stats filtertime], "runtime": [dict get $stats runtime], "tracetime": [dict get $stats tracetime] }},"type":"metricsets"} } set ::nsbeat::template(dbStats) { {"@timestamp":"[:ms_to_utc [clock click -milliseconds]]", "beat": {"hostname":"openacs.wu-wien.ac.at","name":"openacs.wu-wien.ac.at","version":"5.6.3"}, "metricset":{"module":"ns","name":"db","rtt":$rtt}, "ns": { "db":{ "pool": "$dbPool", "statements": [dict get $stats statements], "gethandles": [dict get $stats gethandles], "handles": [dict get $stats handles], "used": [dict get $stats used], "waittime": [dict get $stats waittime], "sqltime": [dict get $stats sqltime] }},"type":"metricsets"} } Beat create b1 -outputLocation } ns_atstartup { # ns_schedule_proc 60 { ::nsbeat::b1 beat} }