- Publicity: Public Only All
Personal notifications - Mode procs
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/personal-notification-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2020-08-02
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
Procedures in this file
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::xo::library doc { Personal notifications - Mode procs @creation-date 2020-08-02 @author Gustaf Neumann } ::xo::library require includelet-procs namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet { # # Includelet interface to personal notifications # Class create personal-notification-messages -superclass ::xowiki::Includelet \ -parameter { {__decoration plain} {parameter_declaration { {-url_poll ""} {-url_dismiss ""} {-poll_interval 5000} }} } -ad_doc { Personal notification messages This includelet can be used for personal messaging, where a sender can send messages to a single user in a single applications (e.g. in an exam), where the user has to acknowledge every single message to make it disappear (current implementation). The messages are not persisted (current implementation). } personal-notification-messages ad_proc get_messages_response { {-notification_id:integer} {-user_id:integer} } { Get all messages for the notification-id and the give user in form of an AJAX array. } { # # Get messages for this notification_id and user. This function # returns a JSON result. # # TODO: replace inclass_exam with personal_notifications if {[nsv_dict exists inclass_exam $notification_id $user_id]} { set msgs [nsv_dict get inclass_exam $notification_id $user_id] } else { set msgs {} } # # Convert the messages to JSON. The timestamp (ts) is used as an # ID for an individual message. # set json {} foreach {ts msgDict} $msgs { set msg [string map {\" {\"} \n {<br>}} [dict get $msgDict msg]] set from [string map {\" {\"} \n {<br>}} [::xo::get_user_name [dict get $msgDict from]]] set urgency [string map {\" {\"} \n {<br>}} [dict get $msgDict urgency]] lappend json [subst -nobackslash {{"text": "$msg","ts":$ts,"from":"$from","urgency":"$urgency"}}] } return [subst {\[[join $json ,]\]}] } personal-notification-messages ad_proc message_add { {-notification_id:integer} {-to_user_id:integer,1..n} {-payload:required} } { Send the user a message. The payload has the form of a dict containing at least "msg" and "from" (in form of a user_id). } { # # Set the timestamp to [clock microseconds]. It is assumed that we have # at most one message per microsecond to this user. # foreach to_user_id $to_user_id { nsv_dict set inclass_exam $notification_id $to_user_id \ [clock microseconds] \ $payload } } personal-notification-messages ad_proc message_dismiss { {-notification_id:integer} {-user_id:integer} {-ts:integer} } { The user has dismissed a message. flush this message from the set of displayed messages. } { nsv_dict unset inclass_exam $notification_id $user_id $ts } personal-notification-messages ad_proc modal_message_dialog { -to_user_id:integer,1..n,required {-title "#xowiki.Send_message_to#"} {-adpicon pencil} } { Create a bootstrap3/5-compatible modal dialog } { if {[::template::CSS toolkit] eq "bootstrap5"} { set data_attribute "data-bs" set close_button_label "" set before_close "<h4 class='modal-title' id='configurationModalTitle'>$title</h4>" set after_close "" } else { set data_attribute "data" set close_button_label {<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>} set before_close "" set after_close "<h4 class='modal-title' id='configurationModalTitle'>$title</h4>" } if {[llength $to_user_id] == 1} { set id dialog-msg-$to_user_id set to_user_name [::xo::get_user_name $to_user_id] } else { set id dialog-msg-all set to_user_name " [llength $to_user_id] #xowiki.Participants#" } append title " " $to_user_name foreach to_user_id $to_user_id { append input_fields [subst {<input type="hidden" name="to_user_id" value="$to_user_id">}] } set btnDefault [::template::CSS class btn-default] return [list link [subst { <a href="#$id" title="$title" role="button" $data_attribute-toggle="modal" $data_attribute-keyboard="false"> <adp:icon name="$adpicon" aria-hidden="true"></span> }] dialog [subst { <div class="modal fade" id='$id' tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <form role="form" class="form-vertical" method="post" action=""> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> $before_close<adp:button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">$close_button_label </adp:button>$after_close </div><!-- modal-header --> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="msg"><adp:icon name="$adpicon"> #xowiki.Message#</label> <input class="form-control" id="msg" name="msg" placeholder="#xowiki.Enter_message#" required autofocus> </div> <div class="form-group"> #xowiki.Urgency# <label class="radio-inline" for="option1">#xowiki.urgency_low#</label> <input id="option1" name="urgency" value="info" type="radio"> <label class="radio-inline" for="option2">#xowiki.urgency_normal#</label> <input id="option2" name="urgency" value="warning" type="radio" checked> <label class="radio-inline" for="option3">#xowiki.urgency_high#</label> <input id="option3" name="urgency" value="danger" type="radio"> </div> <!--form-group--> $input_fields </div><!--modal-body--> <div class="modal-footer"> <adp:button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">#acs-kernel.common_Close#</adp:button> <adp:button type="submit" class="btn btn-default submit" data-id="$id" data-dismiss="modal">#xowiki.Send#</adp:button> </div> </div> </form> </div><!--modal-dialog--> </div><!--modal--> }]] } personal-notification-messages ad_proc modal_message_dialog_register_submit { -url:required } { Register a submit callback for all bootstrap3 modal dialogs having an .submit class. } { template::add_body_script -script [subst { document.querySelectorAll('div.modal form .submit').forEach(function(e) { e.addEventListener('click', function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); //console.log(ev.target.dataset.id); var form = document.querySelector('#' + ev.target.dataset.id + ' form'); var data = new FormData(form); var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.open('POST', '$url', true); xhttp.onload = function () { //console.log(this.responseText); }; xhttp.send(data); });}); }] } personal-notification-messages instproc initialize {} { :get_parameters # # The following code depends on the variables # # - url_poll # - url_dismiss # - poll_interval # # provided via get_parameters # # Create Bootstrap3/5 compatible attributes if {[::template::CSS toolkit] eq "bootstrap5"} { set data_attribute "data-bs" set close_button_label "" } else { set data_attribute "data" set close_button_label {<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>} } template::add_body_script -script [subst { var inclass_exam_messages_ts = \[\]; var inclass_exam_dismiss_handler = function (ev) { var ts = ev.target.dataset.ts; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.open("GET", '$url_dismiss&ts=' + ts, true); xhttp.send(); }; var inclass_exam_get_data = function () { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.open("GET", '$url_poll', true); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { //console.log(xhttp.responseText); var data_array = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText); var el = document.querySelector('#personal-notification-messages'); var block = ''; data_array.forEach(function(data) { if (data.text != "" && typeof data.text !== "undefined" ) { if (inclass_exam_messages_ts.indexOf(data.ts) == -1) { var alert = 'alert-' + data.urgency; block = '<div class="alert ' + alert + ' alert-dismissible" style="width:50%">' + '<button id="ts' + data.ts + '" data-ts="' + data.ts + '" href="#" class="[::template::CSS class close]" ' + '$data_attribute-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">$close_button_label</button>' + '<strong>' + data.from +':</strong> <span>' + data.text + '</span>' + '</div>'; inclass_exam_messages_ts.push(data.ts); } } if (block != '') { el.innerHTML += block; } }); document.querySelectorAll('button.[::template::CSS class close]').forEach(function(e) { //console.log('register dismiss handler ts '+ e.dataset.ts); e.removeEventListener('click', inclass_exam_dismiss_handler); e.addEventListener('click', inclass_exam_dismiss_handler); }); } }; xhttp.send(); }; inclass_exam_get_data(); (function poll() { setTimeout(function() { inclass_exam_get_data(); poll(); }, $poll_interval); })(); }] } personal-notification-messages instproc render {} { return { <div id='personal-notification-messages'> </div> } } } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: