- Publicity: Public Only All
Form-field "repeat"
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/repeat-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2013-02-27
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
Procedures in this file
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::xo::library doc { Form-field "repeat" @author Gustaf Neumann @creation-date 2013-02-27 } ::xo::library require -package xowiki form-field-procs namespace eval ::xowiki::formfield { # TODO: # - improve styling (e.g. remove/deactivate controls for # addition/deletion, when min/max is reached) # - test for more input types # - maybe deactivate container display for "repeat=1..1" ::xowiki::formfield::FormField instproc repeat {range} { if {[info exists :__initialized_repeat]} return set oldClass [:info class] :class ::xowiki::formfield::repeatContainer if {$oldClass ne [:info class]} { :reset_parameter set :__state reset } if {$range ne ""} { if {[regexp {^(\d*)[.][.](\d*)$} $range _ low high]} { if {$low ne ""} {set :min $low} if {$high ne ""} {set :max $high} if {${:min} > ${:max}} { error "invalid range '$range' specified (lower limit ${:min} must not be larger than higher limit ${:max})" } if {${:min} < 0 || ${:max} < 1} { error "invalid range '$range' specified (max ${:max} must be at least 1) " } } else { error "invalid range '$range' specified (must be of form 'min..max')" } } :initialize } ::xowiki::formfield::FormField instproc repeat_add_label {label} { if {[info exists :__initialized_repeat]} return set :repeat_add_label $label } ########################################################### # # ::xowiki::formfield::repeatContainer # ########################################################### Class create repeatContainer -superclass ::xowiki::formfield::CompoundField -parameter { {min 1} {max 5} {repeat_add_label "#xowiki.form-repeatable-add#"} {repeat_remove_label "#xowiki.delete#"} } repeatContainer instproc item_spec {} { # # Return the spec of a contained item, which is a subset of the # container spec. # set result {} set is_required false foreach s [split [:spec] ,] { # don't propagate "repeat" and "label" properties if { [string match "repeat=*" $s] || [string match "label=*" $s] } continue if { "required" eq $s} {set is_required true; continue} if { "disabled" eq $s} {:set_disabled true} lappend result $s } return [list $is_required [join $result ,]] } repeatContainer instproc initialize {} { ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/repeat.js" ::xo::Page requireJS urn:ad:js:jquery if {[info exists :__initialized_repeat]} {return} next set :__initialized_repeat 1 # # Derive the spec of the contained items from the spec of the # container. # lassign [:item_spec] isRequired itemSpec # # Use item .0 as template for other items in .js (e.g. blank an # item with the template, when it is deleted. By using a # potentially compound item as template, we are able to preserve # default values for subfields without knowing the detailed # structure). # set componentItemSpecs [list [list 0 $itemSpec]] # # We use dynamic repeat fields. The number of fields generated on # the server side is the minimum, while the rest will be created # on demand via javascript. # set max [:min] for {set i 1} {$i <= $max} {incr i} { set componentItemSpec [:component_item_spec $i $itemSpec $isRequired] #ns_log notice "dynamic repeat componentItemSpec $componentItemSpec" lappend componentItemSpecs $componentItemSpec } :create_components $componentItemSpecs # # Deactivate template item # set componentList ${:components} if {[llength $componentList] > 0} { [lindex $componentList 0] set_disabled true [lindex $componentList 0] set_is_repeat_template true } } repeatContainer instproc component_item_spec {i itemSpec isRequired} { # # Return a single itemspec suited for the nth component, derived # from the repeatable formfield spec. # if {$i <= [:min] && $isRequired} { set componentItemSpec [list $i $itemSpec,required,label=$i] } else { set componentItemSpec [list $i $itemSpec,label=$i] } return $componentItemSpec } repeatContainer instproc require_component {i} { # # Require the nth component of a repeat field # lassign [:item_spec] isRequired itemSpec set componentItemSpec [:component_item_spec $i $itemSpec $isRequired] #ns_log notice "dynamic repeat field: add component on the fly: $componentItemSpec" :add_component $componentItemSpec } repeatContainer instproc set_compound_value {value} { # # Before setting compound values, check if we have the repeat # structure already set. # set neededComponents [expr {[llength $value] / 2}] set availableComponents [llength ${:components}] #:log "repeatContainer set_compound_value <$value> have $availableComponents needed $neededComponents" :check_nr_components $neededComponents $availableComponents next } repeatContainer instproc check_nr_components {neededComponents availableComponents} { if {$neededComponents > $availableComponents} { lassign [:item_spec] isRequired itemSpec for {set i $availableComponents} {$i < $neededComponents} {incr i} { :require_component $i } } } repeatContainer instproc convert_to_internal {} { set values [:value] :trim_values set r [next] #:msg name=${:name},value=[:get_compound_value] # # remove "unneeded" entries from instance attributes # ${:object} instvar instance_attributes foreach {name value} $values { if {[dict exists $instance_attributes $name]} { dict unset instance_attributes $name } } return $r } repeatContainer instproc trim_values {} { # Trim trailing values identical to default. # Trimming the components list seems sufficient. set count [:count_values [:value]] set :components [lrange ${:components} 0 $count] } repeatContainer instproc count_values {values} { set count 1 set highestCount 1 if {![:required]} {set highestCount [:min]} # The first pair is the default from the template field (.0) set default [lindex $values 1] foreach f [lrange ${:components} 1 end] {name value} [lrange $values 2 end] { if {[$f required] || ($value ne "" && ![$f same_value $value $default])} {set highestCount $count} incr count } return $highestCount } repeatContainer instproc render_input {} { # # Render content of the container within in a fieldset, # without labels for the contained items. # html::fieldset [:get_attributes id {CSSclass class}] { set i 0 set clientData [subst {{"min":${:min},"max":${:max}, "name":"${:name}"}}] set CSSclass "[:form_widget_CSSclass] repeatable" set providedValues [:count_values [:value]] if {${:min} > $providedValues} { set nrItems ${:min} } else { set nrItems $providedValues } incr nrItems set containerIsDisabled [:is_disabled] set containerIsPrototype [string match "*.0*" ${:name}] set isPrototypeElement 0 foreach c ${:components} { set atts [list class $CSSclass] lappend atts data-repeat $clientData if {$i == 0 || $i >= $nrItems} { lappend atts style "display: none;" } ::html::div $atts { # # Compound fields - link not shown if we are not rendering # for the template and copy the template afterwards. # if {!$containerIsDisabled || $containerIsPrototype} { set del_id "repeat-del-link-[$c set id]" ::html::a -href "#" \ -id $del_id \ -title ${:repeat_remove_label} \ -class "delete-item-button repeat-del-link" { html::t "" } template::add_event_listener \ -id $del_id \ -script [subst {xowiki.repeat.delItem(this,'$clientData');}] } $c render_input } incr i } #ns_log notice "repeat container $c [$c name] isDisabled $containerIsDisabled containerIsPrototype $containerIsPrototype" if {!$containerIsDisabled || $containerIsPrototype } { set hidden [expr {[:count_values [:value]] == ${:max} ? "display: none;" : ""}] set add_id "repeat-add-link-[:id]" #ns_log notice "... add another for ${:name}" html::a -href "#" \ -id $add_id \ -style $hidden \ -class "repeat-add-link" { html::t ${:repeat_add_label} } template::add_event_listener \ -id $add_id \ -script [subst {xowiki.repeat.newItem(this,'$clientData');}] } } } repeatContainer instproc validate {obj:object} { foreach c [lrange ${:components} 1 [:count_values [:value]]] { set result [$c validate $obj] if {$result ne ""} { return $result } } return "" } repeatContainer instproc pretty_value {v} { # # Simple renderer for repeated values # set ff [dict create {*}$v] set html "<ol class='repeatContainer'>\n" :set_compound_value $v foreach c [lrange ${:components} 1 [:count_values $v]] { if {[dict exists $ff [$c set name]]} { append html "<li>[$c pretty_value [dict get $ff [$c set name]]]</li>\n" } } append html "</ol>\n" return $html } Class create repeattest -superclass CompoundField repeattest instproc initialize {} { :create_components [subst { {sub {text,repeat=1..4}} }] next } } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: