• Publicity: Public Only All


Procedures in this file

Detailed information

xowiki::test::create_form (public)

 xowiki::test::create_form [ -user_id user_id ] \
    [ -last_request last_request ] -instance instance -path path \
    -parent_id parent_id -name name [ -autonamed ] [ -update update ] \
    [ -remove remove ]

Create a form via the web interface.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) xowiki::test::create_form xowiki::test::create_form test_create_form_with_form_instance->xowiki::test::create_form test_create_form_with_numeric create_form_with_numeric (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_numeric->xowiki::test::create_form test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test ) test_create_workflow_with_instance->xowiki::test::create_form test_form_validate form_validate (test xowiki) test_form_validate->xowiki::test::create_form test_xowf xowf (test ) test_xowf->xowiki::test::create_form aa_false aa_false (public) xowiki::test::create_form->aa_false aa_log aa_log (public) xowiki::test::create_form->aa_log aa_true aa_true (public) xowiki::test::create_form->aa_true acs::test::dom_html acs::test::dom_html (public) xowiki::test::create_form->acs::test::dom_html acs::test::form_reply acs::test::form_reply (public) xowiki::test::create_form->acs::test::form_reply

create_workflow_with_instance, xowf, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate

xowiki::test::create_form_page (public)

 xowiki::test::create_form_page -user_id user_id \
    [ -last_request last_request ] -instance instance \
    -parent_id parent_id -form_name form_name -path path \
    [ -autonamed ] [ -update update ] [ -remove remove ] \
    [ -extra_url_parameter extra_url_parameter ] \
    [ -expect_validation_error expect_validation_error ]

Create a form page via the web interface. In essence, this calls $instance/$path/$form_name?m=create-new

(defaults to "0") (required)
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_composite_test_item create_composite_test_item (test xowf) xowiki::test::create_form_page xowiki::test::create_form_page test_create_composite_test_item->xowiki::test::create_form_page test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) test_create_folder_with_page->xowiki::test::create_form_page test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->xowiki::test::create_form_page test_create_form_with_numeric create_form_with_numeric (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_numeric->xowiki::test::create_form_page test_create_test_items create_test_items (test ) test_create_test_items->xowiki::test::create_form_page aa_log aa_log (public) xowiki::test::create_form_page->aa_log aa_true aa_true (public) xowiki::test::create_form_page->aa_true acs::test::dom_html acs::test::dom_html (public) xowiki::test::create_form_page->acs::test::dom_html acs::test::form_get_fields acs::test::form_get_fields (public) xowiki::test::create_form_page->acs::test::form_get_fields acs::test::form_reply acs::test::form_reply (public) xowiki::test::create_form_page->acs::test::form_reply xowiki::test::require_test_folder xowiki::test::require_test_folder (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->xowiki::test::create_form_page

create_test_items, xowf, create_composite_test_item, create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate

xowiki::test::edit_form_page (public)

 xowiki::test::edit_form_page [ -user_id user_id ] \
    [ -last_request last_request ] [ -instance instance ] -path path \
    [ -update update ] [ -remove remove ] \
    [ -extra_url_parameter extra_url_parameter ] \
    [ -next_page_must_contain next_page_must_contain ] [ -refetch ]

Edit a form page via the web interface. In essence, this calls $instance/$path?m=edit

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "{m edit}") (optional)
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) xowiki::test::edit_form_page xowiki::test::edit_form_page test_create_folder_with_page->xowiki::test::edit_form_page test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->xowiki::test::edit_form_page test_create_form_with_numeric create_form_with_numeric (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_numeric->xowiki::test::edit_form_page test_create_test_items create_test_items (test ) test_create_test_items->xowiki::test::edit_form_page test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) test_create_workflow_with_instance->xowiki::test::edit_form_page aa_log aa_log (public) xowiki::test::edit_form_page->aa_log aa_true aa_true (public) xowiki::test::edit_form_page->aa_true acs::test::dom_html acs::test::dom_html (public) xowiki::test::edit_form_page->acs::test::dom_html acs::test::form_reply acs::test::form_reply (public) xowiki::test::edit_form_page->acs::test::form_reply acs::test::get_form acs::test::get_form (public) xowiki::test::edit_form_page->acs::test::get_form

create_test_items, xowf, create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate

xowiki::test::get_content (public)

 xowiki::test::get_content d

Retrieve form a result dict of a request just the xowiki content part, denoted by the div with class 'xowiki-content' (i.e., leave out the header and footer).

HTML with xowiki content or empty, iof not there

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) xowiki::test::get_content xowiki::test::get_content test_create_form_with_form_instance->xowiki::test::get_content acs::test::dom_html acs::test::dom_html (public) xowiki::test::get_content->acs::test::dom_html xowf::test::question_names_from_input_form xowf::test::question_names_from_input_form (private) xowf::test::question_names_from_input_form->xowiki::test::get_content xowiki::test::create_form xowiki::test::create_form (public) xowiki::test::create_form->xowiki::test::get_content


xowiki::test::require_test_folder (public)

 xowiki::test::require_test_folder -instance instance \
    -folder_name folder_name [ -user_id user_id ] \
    [ -last_request last_request ] [ -form_name form_name ] [ -fresh ] \
    [ -update update ] [ -extra_url_parameter extra_url_parameter ]

Make sure a testfolder with the specified name exists in the top level directory of the specified instance. If this folder exists already, it is deleted are recreated empty.

the path leading the instance, e.g. /xowiki
the name of the folder, e.g. "testfolder"
(defaults to "0") (optional)
the user, under which the operations should be performed
(defaults to "folder.form") (optional)
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
create a fresh folder, this means, delete a pre-existing folder first

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_composite_test_item create_composite_test_item (test xowf) xowiki::test::require_test_folder xowiki::test::require_test_folder test_create_composite_test_item->xowiki::test::require_test_folder test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) test_create_folder_with_page->xowiki::test::require_test_folder test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->xowiki::test::require_test_folder test_create_form_with_numeric create_form_with_numeric (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_numeric->xowiki::test::require_test_folder test_create_test_items create_test_items (test ) test_create_test_items->xowiki::test::require_test_folder _ _ (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->_ aa_log aa_log (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->aa_log acs::test::get_url_from_location acs::test::get_url_from_location (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->acs::test::get_url_from_location acs::test::http acs::test::http (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->acs::test::http acs::test::reply_has_status_code acs::test::reply_has_status_code (public) xowiki::test::require_test_folder->acs::test::reply_has_status_code

create_test_items, xowf, create_composite_test_item, create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

namespace eval ::xowiki::test {

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_object_name {node} {

        This proc obtains the "value" attribute of an input field
        named "__object_name". This can be used to obtain the
        object_id behind a form.  This object_id is used as well in
        the construction of HTML ids.

    } {
        set result [$node selectNodes {string(//form//input[@name="__object_name"]/@value)}]
        if {$result ne ""} {
            set result [::security::parameter::validated $result]
        return $result

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_form_CSSclass {node} {

        Obtain the "class" attribute of a form containing in input
        field named "__object_name".

    } {
        return [$node selectNodes {string(//form//input[@name="__object_name"]/../../@class)}]

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_named_form_value {node formCSSClass name} {

        Obtain the "value" attribute of an input field with the
        provided "name" from a form identified by the "formCSSClass".

    } {
        set selector [subst {string(//form\[contains(@class,'$formCSSClass')\]//input\[@name='$name'\]/@value)}]
        ns_log notice "get_named_form_value selector = $selector"
        return [$node selectNodes  $selector]

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_form_value {node object_id name} {

        Obtain the "value" attribute of an input field identified by
        the object_id and the provided name. This kind of addressing
        is used by xowiki form instances.

    } {
        set q string(//form//input\[@id='F.$object_id.$name'\]/@value)
        return [$node selectNodes $q]

    ad_proc -private -deprecated ::xowiki::test::get_url_from_location {d} {
        Deprecated version of ::acs::test::get_url_from_location
        @see acs::test::get_url_from_location
    } {
        ::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::pretty_form_content {d} {
        set pretty_form_content ""
        foreach {k v} $d {
            append  pretty_form_content "$k: $v\n"
        return $pretty_form_content

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_form_values {node className} {
        return [::acs::test::xpath::get_form_values $node \
                    "//form\[contains(@class,'$className')\]" ]

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::get_form_action {node className} {
        return [$node selectNodes string(//form\[contains(@class,'$className')\]/@action)]

    # "require_folder", "require_page" and "require_link" are here just for testing
    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::require_folder {name parent_id package_id} {
        set item_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $name -parent_id $parent_id]

        if {$item_id == 0} {
            set form_id [::$package_id instantiate_forms -forms en:folder.form]
            set f [::$form_id create_form_page_instance \
                       -name $name \
                       -nls_language en_US \
                       -default_variables [list \
                                               title "Folder $name" \
                                               parent_id $parent_id \
                                               package_id $package_id \
                                               description {{{child-resources}}}]]
            $f publish_status ready
            $f save_new
            set item_id [$f item_id]
        aa_log "  $name => $item_id"
        return $item_id

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::require_link {name parent_id package_id target_ref} {
        set item_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $name -parent_id $parent_id]

        if {$item_id == 0} {
            set form_id [::$package_id instantiate_forms -forms en:link.form]
            set f [::$form_id create_form_page_instance \
                       -name $name \
                       -nls_language en_US \
                       -instance_attributes [list link $target_ref] \
                       -default_variables [list \
                                               title "Link $name -> $target_ref" \
                                               parent_id $parent_id \
                                               package_id $package_id]]
            $f publish_status ready
            $f save_new
            set item_id [$f item_id]
        aa_log "  $name => $item_id"
        return $item_id

    d_proc -private ::xowiki::test::require_page {
        {-page_order ""}
        {file_content ""}
    } {
        set item_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $name -parent_id $parent_id]
        if {$item_id == 0} {
            if {$file_content eq ""} {
                ::$package_id get_lang_and_name -name $name lang stripped_name
                set nls_language [::xowiki::Package get_nls_language_from_lang $lang]
                if {![info exists text]} {
                    set text [list "Content of $name" text/html]
                set f [::xowiki::Page new \
                           -name $name \
                           -description "" \
                           -parent_id $parent_id \
                           -package_id $package_id \
                           -nls_language $nls_language \
                           -page_order $page_order \
                           -text $text]
            } else {
                set mime_type [::xowiki::guesstype $name]
                set f [::xowiki::File new \
                           -name $name \
                           -description "" \
                           -parent_id $parent_id \
                           -package_id $package_id \
                           -page_order $page_order \
                           -mime_type $mime_type]

                ::xo::write_tmp_file import_file [::base64::decode $file_content]
                $f set import_file $import_file
            $f publish_status ready
            $f save_new
            set item_id [$f item_id]
            $f destroy_on_cleanup
        ns_log notice "Page  $name => $item_id"
        aa_log "  $name => $item_id"

        return $item_id

    d_proc -private ::xowiki::test::require_form_page {
        {-form en:page.form}
        name parent_id package_id} {
        set item_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $name -parent_id $parent_id]

        if {$item_id == 0} {
            set form_id [::$package_id instantiate_forms -forms $form]
            set f [::$form_id create_form_page_instance \
                       -name $name \
                       -nls_language en_US \
                       -default_variables [list \
                                               title [expr {[info exists title] ? $title : "Page $name"}] \
                                               {*}[expr {[info exists page_order] ? "page_order $page_order" : ""}] \
                                               parent_id $parent_id \
                                               package_id $package_id]]
            $f publish_status ready
            $f save_new
            set item_id [$f item_id]
        aa_log "  $name => $item_id"
        return $item_id

    ad_proc -private ::xowiki::test::label {intro case ref} {
        return "$intro '$ref' -- $case"

    d_proc ::xowiki::test::require_test_folder {
        {-user_id 0}
        {-last_request ""}
        {-form_name folder.form}
        {-fresh:boolean false}
        {-update ""}
        {-extra_url_parameter {}}
    } {
        Make sure a testfolder with the specified name exists in the
        top level directory of the specified instance. If this folder
        exists already, it is deleted are recreated empty.

        @param user_id the user, under which the operations should be performed
        @param instance the path leading the instance, e.g. /xowiki
        @param folder_name the name of the folder, e.g. "testfolder"
        @param fresh create a fresh folder, this means, delete a pre-existing folder first
        @return folder_id

    } {
        set must_create 1
        ::xo::Package initialize -url $instance/

        # First check, if test folder exists already.
        set d [acs::test::http -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id $instance/$folder_name]
        if {[dict get $d status] == 200} {
            # yes it exists - so delete it
            if {$fresh_p} {
                # Since -fresh was specified, we delete the folder and
                # create it later again.
                aa_log "require_test_folder_ test folder $folder_name exists already, ... delete it (user_id $user_id)"
                set d [acs::test::http -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                if {[acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302]} {
                    set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
                    set d [acs::test::http -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id $location/]
                    acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200
            } else {
                set must_create 0

        if {$must_create} {
            aa_log "require_test_folder: create a fresh test folder $folder_name"
            # When we try folder creation without being logged in, we
            # expect a permission denied error.
            set d [acs::test::http -user_id 0 $instance/$form_name?m=create-new&return_url=$instance/]
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 403

            ::xowiki::test::create_form_page \
                -user_id $user_id \
                -last_request $last_request \
                -instance $instance \
                -path "" \
                -autonamed \
                -parent_id [::$package_id folder_id] \
                -form_name $form_name \
                -update [subst {
                    _title "Test folder"
                    _name $folder_name
                }] \
                -extra_url_parameter $extra_url_parameter

        set new_folder_id [::$package_id lookup -name $folder_name]
        aa_log "require_test_folder: set folder_id [::$package_id lookup -name $folder_name] ==> $new_folder_id DONE"

        return [list folder_id $new_folder_id package_id $package_id]

    d_proc ::xowiki::test::create_form_page {
        {-user_id:required 0}
        {-last_request ""}
        {-autonamed:boolean false}
        {-update ""}
        {-remove ""}
        {-extra_url_parameter ""}
        {-expect_validation_error ""}
    } {

        Create a form page via the web interface.
        In essence, this calls $instance/$path/$form_name?m=create-new

    } {
        # Create a page under the parent_id
        aa_log "create a page in test test folder $parent_id"
        set url $instance/$path/$form_name?m=create-new&parent_id=$parent_id
        if {$extra_url_parameter ne ""} {
            append url &[export_vars $extra_url_parameter]
        #aa_log "... create page via url: $url"

        set d [acs::test::http \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302

        set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
        aa_true "create_form_page: location '$location' is valid" {$location ne ""}

        # Call "edit" method on the new page
        set d [acs::test::http \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200

        set formCSSClass [::xowiki::utility formCSSclass $form_name]
        set response [dict get $d body]

        acs::test::dom_html root $response {
            ::acs::test::xpath::non_empty $root [subst {
            set form [::acs::test::xpath::get_form $root [subst {
            #aa_log "FORM_CONTENT !$form!"

            set fields [acs::test::form_get_fields $form]
            set f_page_name   [dict get $fields _name]
            set f_creator     [dict get $fields _creator]
            if {$autonamed_p} {
                aa_true "create_form_page: page_name '$f_page_name' is NOT empty" {$f_page_name ne ""}
            } else {
                aa_log "autonamed form pages has page_name '$f_page_name' is empty"
                dict set form_content _name $f_page_name
            aa_true "create_form_page: creator '$f_creator' is nonempty" {$f_creator ne ""}

            set f_form_action [dict get $form @action]
            aa_true "create_form_page: form_action '$f_form_action' is nonempty" {$f_form_action ne ""}

            set names [dict keys $fields]
            aa_log "create_form_page: form names: [lsort $names]"
            aa_true "create_form_page: page has at least 9 fields" { [llength $names] >= 9 }

        set d [::acs::test::form_reply \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                   -form $form \
                   -update $update \
                   -remove $remove]
        if {$expect_validation_error ne ""} {
            aa_log "HAVE VALIDATION ERROR"
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200
            set response [dict get $d body]
            acs::test::dom_html root $response {
                set errorNodes [$root selectNodes {//div[contains(@class,'form-error')]}]
                aa_true "errorNodes exist '$errorNodes'" {$errorNodes ne ""}
                set errorMsgs {}
                foreach n $errorNodes {
                    aa_log "validation error '[$n text]'"
                    lappend errorMsgs [$n text]
                aa_true "contains expected msg '$expect_validation_error'" {$expect_validation_error in $errorMsgs}
        } else {
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302

            #set response [dict get $d body]
            #ns_log notice "FORM POST\n$response"

            foreach {key value} $update {
                dict set form_content $key $value
            aa_log "create_form_page: form_content:\n[::xowiki::test::pretty_form_content $form_content]"

            set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
            aa_true "create_form_page: location '$location' is valid" {$location ne ""}

            set d [acs::test::http \
                       -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200

            ::xo::Package initialize -url $location
            set lang [string range [lang::system::locale] 0 1]

            set page_info [::$package_id item_ref \
                               -default_lang $lang \
                               -parent_id $parent_id \
                               [dict get $form_content _name] \
            set item_id [dict get $page_info item_id]
            #aa_log "lookup of $folder_name/page -> $item_id"
            if {$item_id == 0} {error "Page not found"}
            ::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id

            set d [acs::test::http \
                       -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                       $instance/admin/set-publish-state?state=ready&revision_id=[::$item_id revision_id]]
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302
            aa_log "create_form_page: DONE"
            dict set d page_info $page_info
            dict set d instance $instance
            dict set d item_id $item_id
        return $d

    d_proc ::xowiki::test::edit_form_page {
        {-user_id 0}
        {-last_request ""}
        {-instance ""}
        {-update ""}
        {-remove ""}
        {-extra_url_parameter {{m edit}}}
        {-next_page_must_contain ""}
        {-refetch:boolean true}
    } {

        Edit a form page via the web interface.
        In essence, this calls $instance/$path?m=edit

    } {
        if {$instance eq ""} {
            if {[dict exists $last_request instance]} {
                set instance [dict get $last_request instance]
        aa_log "edit page $instance/$path"
        set d [acs::test::http \
                   -user_id $user_id -last_request $last_request \
                   [export_vars -base $instance/$path $extra_url_parameter]]
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200

        #set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
        #aa_true "location '$location' is valid" {$location ne ""}
        set response [dict get $d body]

        acs::test::dom_html root $response {
            set f_id     [::xowiki::test::get_object_name $root]
            set CSSclass [::xowiki::test::get_form_CSSclass $root]
            aa_true "page_name '$f_id' non empty" {$f_id ne ""}
            aa_true "CSSclass: '$CSSclass' non empty"  {$CSSclass ne ""}

        set form [acs::test::get_form $response "//form\[contains(@class,'$CSSclass') and @method='POST'\]"]

        set f_page_name [dict get $form fields _name]
        set f_creator   [dict get $form fields _creator]

        aa_true "page_name '$f_page_name' non empty" {$f_page_name ne ""}
        #aa_true "creator '$f_creator' is nonempty" {$f_creator ne ""}
        aa_log  "creator '$f_creator'"

        set f_form_action  [dict get $form @action]
        aa_true "form_action '$f_form_action' is nonempty" {$f_form_action ne ""}

        set form_content [dict get $form fields]
        set names [dict keys $form_content]
        aa_log "form names: [lsort $names]"
        aa_true "page has at least 9 fields" { [llength $names] >= 9 }

        set d [::acs::test::form_reply \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                   -form $form \
                   -update $update \
                   -remove $remove]
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302
        # set location /[::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]

        if {$refetch_p} {
            foreach {key value} $update {
                dict set form_content $key $value
            aa_log "form_content:\n[::xowiki::test::pretty_form_content $form_content]"

            set d [acs::test::http \
                       -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200
            if {$next_page_must_contain eq ""} {
                set next_page_must_contain [dict get $form_content _title]
            acs::test::reply_contains $d $next_page_must_contain
        dict set d instance $instance
        return $d

    d_proc ::xowiki::test::create_form {
        {-user_id 0}
        {-last_request ""}
        {-autonamed:boolean false}
        {-update ""}
        {-remove ""}
    } {

        Create a form via the web interface.

    } {
        # Create a form under the parent_id
        aa_log "create a new form in the test folder $parent_id"
        # New form creation happens over the top-level URL
        #set d [acs::test::http \
        #           -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
        #           $instance/?object_type=::xowiki::Form&edit-new=1&parent_id=$parent_id&return_url=$instance/$path]

        set d [acs::test::http \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
        # If we use form.form, we get a redirect; classical
        # "object_type=::xowiki::Form&edit-new=1" has no redirect.
        if {[acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302]} {

            set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
            set d [acs::test::http -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id $location/]
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200
            set formform 1

            set response [::xowiki::test::get_content $d]
            #ns_log notice response=$response
            set formCSSClass "Form-form"

            acs::test::dom_html root $response {

                set selector [subst {string(//form\[contains(@class,'$formCSSClass')\]//button\[@type='submit'\])}]
                set f_submit [$root selectNodes $selector]
                aa_true "submit_button '$f_submit' is non empty" {$f_submit ne ""}

                set f_id     [::xowiki::test::get_object_name $root]
                aa_false "page_id '$f_id' is empty" {$f_id eq ""}
            set form [acs::test::get_form $response "//form\[contains(@class,'$formCSSClass')\]"]
            ns_log notice "FORM <$form>"

            set f_page_name   [dict get $form fields _name]
            set f_creator     [dict get $form fields _creator]
        } else {
            acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200
            set formform 0

            set response [dict get $d body]
            #ns_log notice response=$response
            set formCSSClass "margin-form"

            acs::test::dom_html root $response {

                set selector [subst {string(//form\[contains(@class,'$formCSSClass')\]//input\[@type='submit'\]/@value)}]
                set f_submit [$root selectNodes $selector]
                aa_true "submit_button '$f_submit' is non empty" {$f_submit ne ""}

                set f_id     [::xowiki::test::get_object_name $root]
                aa_true "page_id '$f_id' is empty" {$f_id eq ""}
            set form [acs::test::get_form $response "//form\[contains(@class,'$formCSSClass')\]"]
            ns_log notice "FORM <$form>"

            set f_page_name   [dict get $form fields name]
            set f_creator     [dict get $form fields creator]

        set f_form_action [dict get $form @action]

        aa_true "name '$f_page_name' is empty"             {$f_page_name eq ""}
        #aa_log  "creator '$f_creator'"
        aa_true "creator '$f_creator' is nonempty"         {$f_creator ne ""}
        aa_true "form_action '$f_form_action' is nonempty" {$f_form_action ne ""}

        set form_content [dict get $form fields]
        set names [dict keys $form_content]
        aa_log "form names: [lsort $names]"
        aa_true "page has at least 9 fields" { [llength $names] >= 9 }

        aa_log "empty form_content:\n$[::xowiki::test::pretty_form_content $form_content]"
        dict set form_content [expr {$formform ? "_name" : "name"}] $name
        set form [acs::test::form_set_fields $form $form_content]

        set d [::acs::test::form_reply \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                   -form $form \
                   -update $update \
                   -remove $remove]
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302

        foreach {key value} $update {
            dict set form_content $key $value
        aa_log "form_content:\n[::xowiki::test::pretty_form_content $form_content]"

        if {[dict get $d status] eq 200} {
            set response [dict get $d body]
            ns_log notice "Maybe a validation error? response\n$response"

        set location [::acs::test::get_url_from_location $d]
        aa_true "location '$location' is valid" {$location ne ""}

        ::xo::Package initialize -url $location
        set page_info [::$package_id item_ref \
                           -default_lang en \
                           -parent_id $parent_id \
                           $name \
        set item_id [dict get $page_info item_id]
        aa_log "lookup of form $name -> $item_id"
        ::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id

        set d [acs::test::http \
                   -last_request $last_request -user_id $user_id \
                   $instance/admin/set-publish-state?state=ready&revision_id=[::$item_id revision_id]]
        acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 302

    ad_proc ::xowiki::test::get_content {d} {

        Retrieve form a result dict of a request just the xowiki
        content part, denoted by the div with class 'xowiki-content'
        (i.e., leave out the header and footer).

        @return HTML with xowiki content or empty, iof not there
    } {
        acs::test::dom_html root [dict get $d body] {
            set xowiki_content [$root selectNodes {//div[@class='xowiki-content']}]
            if {$xowiki_content ne ""} {
                set xowiki_content [$xowiki_content asHTML]
        return $xowiki_content


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: