• Publicity: Public Only All


yui procs: provide some support for yui library

This file defines the following Objects and Classes: ::YUI::loader[i], ::YUI::AnchorField[i], ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField[i]

Michael Aram
Gustaf Neumann
CVS Identification:
$Id: yui-procs.tcl,v 2022/04/24 07:33:47 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

Class ::YUI::AnchorField (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::YUI::AnchorField[i]

In addition to the standard TableWidget's AnchorField, we also allow the attributes

  • onclick
  • target

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set nx::slotObj nx::slotObj Class ::YUI::AnchorField Class ::YUI::AnchorField Class ::YUI::AnchorField->nsf::object::alloc Class ::YUI::AnchorField->nsf::relation::set Class ::YUI::AnchorField->nx::slotObj

No testcase defined.

Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField[i]

In addition to the standard TableWidget's AnchorField, we also allow the attributes

  • onclick
  • target

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::a html::a nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc nsf::relation::set nsf::relation::set nx::slotObj nx::slotObj Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField->html::a Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField->nsf::object::alloc Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField->nsf::relation::set Class ::xo::Table::YUIDataTableRenderer::AnchorField->nx::slotObj

No testcase defined.

Object ::YUI::loader (public)

  Object ::YUI::loader

The YUI Library comes with a "Loader" module, that resolves YUI-module dependencies. Also, it combines numerous files into one single file to increase page loading performance. This works only for the "hosted" YUI library. This Loader module should basically do the same (in future). For two simple calls like e.g. "::YUI::loader require menu" and "::YUI::loader require datatable" it should take care of selecting all the files needed and assemble them into one single resource, that may be delivered. Note that this is not implemented yet.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 nsf::object::alloc nsf::object::alloc Object ::YUI::loader Object ::YUI::loader Object ::YUI::loader->nsf::object::alloc

No testcase defined.

YUI::loader proc require (public)

 YUI::loader[i] require [ -module module ] [ -version version ]

This is the key function of the loader, that will be used by other packages.

The YUI Module to be loaded
(defaults to "2.7.0b") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render (public)

 <instance of xowiki::YUIContextMenu[i]> render


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::div html::div html::script html::script html::t html::t html::ul html::ul security::csp::nonce security::csp::nonce (public) xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render->html::div xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render->html::script xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render->html::t xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render->html::ul xowiki::YUIContextMenu instproc render->security::csp::nonce

No testcase defined.

xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render (public)

 <instance of xowiki::YUIMenu[i]> render


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::div html::div html::script html::script html::t html::t html::ul html::ul security::csp::nonce security::csp::nonce (public) xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render->html::div xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render->html::script xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render->html::t xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render->html::ul xowiki::YUIMenu instproc render->security::csp::nonce

No testcase defined.

xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render (public)

 <instance of xowiki::YUIMenuBar[i]> render

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/menu/#menubar MenuBar looks best without a header and with one MenuItemList only

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::div html::div html::t html::t html::ul html::ul xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render->html::div xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render->html::t xowiki::YUIMenuBar instproc render->html::ul

No testcase defined.

xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render (public)

 <instance of xowiki::YUIMenuItem[i]> render


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 html::a html::a html::em html::em html::li html::li html::t html::t xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render->html::a xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render->html::em xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render->html::li xowiki::YUIMenuItem instproc render->html::t

No testcase defined.
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