
DB Query file

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<fullquery name="categorized_faq">      
    select entry_id, faq_id, question, answer, sort_key
    from faq_q_and_as qa, category_object_map com
    where faq_id = :faq_id and
	com.object_id = qa.entry_id and
	com.category_id = :category_id
    order by sort_key

<fullquery name="uncategorized_faq">
    select entry_id, faq_id, question, answer, sort_key
    from faq_q_and_as
    where faq_id = :faq_id
    order by sort_key  

<fullquery name="faq_categories">
	select c.category_id as category_id, c.tree_id
	from   categories c, category_tree_map ctm
	where  ctm.tree_id = c.tree_id
	and    ctm.object_id = :package_id
