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<sect1 id="unix-installation" xreflabel="Install a Unix-like OS">
  <title>Install a Unix-like system and supporting software</title>
    <para>by <ulink url="mailto:joel@aufrecht.org">Joel Aufrecht</ulink></para>
  <sect2 id="unix-install">
    <title>a Unix-like system</title>
    <para>Most of the documentation in this section is kept as a
    reference. More up-to-date documentation is in the <ulink
    sections in the Wiki</ulink>.
    <para>You will need a computer running a unix-like system with the following software installed:</para>
      <listitem><para>tcl --if you plan to use the OpenACS installation script</para></listitem>
      <listitem><para>gmake and the compile and build environment.</para>
          <title>BSD Note</title>
          <para>BSD users: in most places in these instructions, gmake will work better than make.  (<ulink
          information on FreeBSD installation</ulink>). Also, fetch is a native replacement for wget.</para>
    <para>Note: Instructions for installing tDOM and threaded Tcl are included with the AOLserver4 installation instructions, 
    if these are not yet installed.</para>
    <para>The following programs may be useful or required for some configurations. They are included in most distributions:</para>
        <listitem><para>cvs (and <link linkend="install-cvs">initialize</link> it)</para></listitem>
        <listitem><para>ImageMagick (used by some packages for server side image manipulation)</para></listitem>
        <listitem><para>Aspell (<ulink url="http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=130549">more information on spell-checking</ulink>)</para></listitem>
        <listitem><para>DocBook and supporting software (and <link linkend="psgml-for-emacs">install</link> emacs keybindings for DocBook SGML)</para></listitem>
        <listitem><para>daemontools (<link linkend="install-daemontools">install from source</link>)</para></listitem>
          <para>a Mail Transport Agent, such as exim or sendmail (or <link linkend="install-qmail">install qmail from source</link>)</para>
    <para>In order to cut and paste the example code into your shell, you must first do <xref linkend="cut-and-paste-name-var"/>.</para>

    <para>To install a machine to the specifications of the Reference Platform, do the 
    <link linkend="install-redhat">walkthrough of the Red Hat 8.0 Install for OpenACS</link>.</para>
    <para><phrase role="cvstag">($Id: os.xml,v 1.16 2017/08/07 23:47:55 gustafn Exp $)</phrase></para>