auth::password::retrieve (public)

 auth::password::retrieve -authority_id authority_id -username username

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/password-procs.tcl

Retrieve the user's password.

-authority_id (required)
The ID of the authority that the user is trying to log into.
-username (required)
The username that the user's trying to log in with.
An array list with the following entries:
  • password_status: ok, no_account, not_supported, retrieve_error, failed_to_connect
  • password_message: A human-readable message to be relayed to the user. May be empty if password_status is ok. May include HTML.
  • password: The retrieved password.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_password_retrieve auth_password_retrieve (test acs-authentication) auth::password::retrieve auth::password::retrieve test_auth_password_retrieve->auth::password::retrieve _ _ (public) auth::password::retrieve->_ ad_log ad_log (public) auth::password::retrieve->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) auth::password::retrieve->ad_try auth::password::RetrievePassword auth::password::RetrievePassword (private) auth::password::retrieve->auth::password::RetrievePassword auth::password::email_password auth::password::email_password (private) auth::password::retrieve->auth::password::email_password auth::password::recover_password auth::password::recover_password (public) auth::password::recover_password->auth::password::retrieve

Source code:
    ad_try {
        array set result [auth::password::RetrievePassword  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username]

        # We do this so that if there aren't even a password_status in the array, that gets caught below
        set dummy $result(password_status)
    } on error {errorMsg} {
        set result(password_status) failed_to_connect
        set result(password_message) "Error invoking the password management driver."
        ad_log Error "Error invoking password management driver for authority_id = $authority_id: $errorMsg"

    # Check the result code and provide canned responses
    switch $result(password_status) {
        ok {
            if { [info exists result(password)] && $result(password) ne "" } {
                # We have retrieved or reset a forgotten password that we should email to the user
                ad_try {
                    auth::password::email_password  -authority_id $authority_id  -username $username  -password $result(password)  -subject_msg_key "acs-subsite.email_subject_Forgotten_password"  -body_msg_key "acs-subsite.email_body_Forgotten_password"
                } on error {errorMsg} {
                    # We could not inform the user of his email - we failed
                    set result(password_status) "failed_to_connect"
                    set result(password_message) [_ acs-subsite.Error_sending_mail]
                    ad_log Error "We had an error sending out email with new password to username $username, authority $authority_id: $errorMsg"
            if { ![info exists result(password_message)] || $result(password_message) eq "" } {
                set result(password_message) [_ acs-subsite.Check_Your_Inbox]
        no_account - not_supported - retrieve_error - failed_to_connect {
            if { ![info exists result(password_message)] || $result(password_message) eq "" } {
                array set default_message {
                    no_account {Unknown username}
                    not_supported {This operation is not supported}
                    retrieve_error {Error retrieving password}
                    failed_to_connect {Error communicating with authentication server}
                set result(password_message) $default_message($result(password_status))
        default {
            set result(password_status) "failed_to_connect"
            set result(password_message) "Illegal error code returned from password management driver"

    return [array get result]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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