cr_import_content (public)

 cr_import_content [ -storage_type storage_type ] \
    [ -creation_user creation_user ] [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] \
    [ -image_only ] [ -image_type image_type ] \
    [ -other_type other_type ] [ -title title ] \
    [ -description description ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -item_id item_id ] parent_id tmp_filename tmp_size mime_type \

Defined in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/revision-procs.tcl

Import an uploaded file into the content repository.

-storage_type (optional, defaults to "file")
Where to store the content (lob or file), defaults to "file" (later a system-wide parameter)
-creation_user (optional)
The creating user (defaults to current user)
-creation_ip (optional)
The creating ip (defaults to peeraddr)
-image_only (optional, boolean)
Only allow images
-image_type (optional, defaults to "image")
The type of content item to create if the file contains an image
-other_type (optional, defaults to "content_revision")
The type of content item to create for a non-image file
-title (optional)
The title given to the new revision
-description (optional)
The description of the new revision
-package_id (optional)
Package ID of the package that created the item
-item_id (optional)
If present, make a new revision of this item, otherwise, make a new item
parent_id (required)
The parent of the content item we create
tmp_filename (required)
The name of the temporary file holding the uploaded content
tmp_size (required)
The size of tmp_file
mime_type (required)
The uploaded file's mime type
object_name (required)
The name to give the result content item and revision This procedure handles all mime_type details, creating a new item of the appropriate type and stuffing the content into either the filesystem or the database depending on "storage_type". The new revision is set live, and its item_id is returned to the caller. image_type and other_type should be supplied when the client package has extended the image and content_revision types to hold package-specific information. Checking is done to ensure that image_type has been inherited from image, and that other_type has been inherited from content_revision. Is up to the caller to do any checking on size limitations, etc.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_fs_add_delete_copy fs_add_delete_copy (test file-storage) cr_import_content cr_import_content test_fs_add_delete_copy->cr_import_content test_fs_add_file_to_folder fs_add_file_to_folder (test file-storage) test_fs_add_file_to_folder->cr_import_content test_oacs_dav_put oacs_dav_put (test oacs-dav) test_oacs_dav_put->cr_import_content ad_conn ad_conn (public) cr_import_content->ad_conn content::revision::update_content content::revision::update_content (private) cr_import_content->content::revision::update_content db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) cr_import_content->db_0or1row db_dml db_dml (public) cr_import_content->db_dml db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) cr_import_content->db_exec_plsql content::item::upload_file content::item::upload_file (public) content::item::upload_file->cr_import_content fs::add_version fs::add_version (public) fs::add_version->cr_import_content oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::put oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::put (private) oacs_dav::impl::content_revision::put->cr_import_content text_templates::store_final_document text_templates::store_final_document (public) text_templates::store_final_document->cr_import_content

fs_add_delete_copy, fs_add_file_to_folder, oacs_dav_put
Source code:

    if { ![info exists creation_user] } {
        set creation_user [ad_conn user_id]

    if { ![info exists creation_ip] } {
        set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]

    # DRB: Eventually we should allow for text storage ... (CLOB for Oracle)

    if { $storage_type ne "file" && $storage_type ne "lob" } {
        return -code error "Imported content must be stored in the filesystem or as a large object"

    if {$mime_type eq "*/*"} {
        set mime_type "application/octet-stream"

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    set old_item_p [info exists item_id]
    if { !$old_item_p } {
        set item_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]

    # use content_type of existing item
    if {$old_item_p} {
        set content_type [db_string get_content_type {
            select content_type
            from cr_items
            where item_id = :item_id
    } else {
        # all we really need to know is if the mime type is mapped to image, we
        # actually use the passed in image_type or other_type to create the object
        if {[db_0or1row image_type_p {
            select 1 from cr_content_mime_type_map
            where mime_type = :mime_type
            and content_type = 'image'
        }]} {
            set content_type image
        } else {
            set content_type content_revision
    set revision_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]

    db_transaction {

        if { ![db_0or1row is_registered {
            select 1
            from cr_content_mime_type_map
            where mime_type = :mime_type
            and content_type = 'content_revision'
        }]} {
            db_dml mime_type_insert {
                insert into cr_mime_types (mime_type)
                select :mime_type
                from dual
                where not exists (select 1 from cr_mime_types where mime_type = :mime_type)
            db_dml mime_type_register {
                insert into cr_content_mime_type_map (content_type, mime_type)
                values ('content_revision', :mime_type)

        switch -- $content_type {
            image {

                if { ![db_0or1row image_subclass {
                    with recursive type_hierarchy as (
                        select object_type, supertype
                          from acs_object_types
                         where object_type = :image_type
                        union all
                        select s.object_type, s.supertype
                          from acs_object_types s,
                               type_hierarchy h
                         where h.object_type <> 'image'
                           and s.object_type = h.supertype
                    select 1 from type_hierarchy
                     where object_type = 'image'
                }]} {
                    error "Image file must be stored in an image object"

                set what_nsd_told_us ""
                if {$mime_type eq "image/jpeg"} {
                    catch { set what_nsd_told_us [ns_jpegsize $tmp_filename] }
                } elseif {$mime_type eq "image/gif"} {
                    catch { set what_nsd_told_us [ns_gifsize $tmp_filename] }
                } elseif {$mime_type eq "image/png"} {
                    catch { set what_nsd_told_us [ns_pngsize $tmp_filename] }
                } else {
                    error "Unknown image type"

                # The AOLserver/ jpegsize command has some bugs where the height comes
                # through as 1 or 2, so trust the valuesresult only on larger values.
                if { $what_nsd_told_us ne ""
                     && [lindex $what_nsd_told_us 0] > 10
                     && [lindex $what_nsd_told_us 1] > 10
                } {
                    lassign $what_nsd_told_us original_width original_height
                } else {
                    set original_width ""
                    set original_height ""

                if { !$old_item_p } {
                    db_exec_plsql image_new ""
                } else {
                    db_exec_plsql image_revision_new ""


            default {

                if { $image_only_p } {
                    error "The file you uploaded was not an image (.gif, .jpg or .jpeg) file"

                if { ![db_0or1row content_revision_subclass {
                    with recursive type_hierarchy as (
                        select object_type, supertype
                          from acs_object_types
                         where object_type = :other_type
                        union all
                        select s.object_type, s.supertype
                          from acs_object_types s,
                               type_hierarchy h
                         where h.object_type <> 'content_revision'
                           and s.object_type = h.supertype
                    select 1 from type_hierarchy
                     where object_type = 'content_revision'
                }]} {
                    error "Content must be stored in a content revision object"

                if { !$old_item_p } {
                    db_exec_plsql content_item_new ""
                db_exec_plsql content_revision_new ""


        #ns_log notice "TESTING ::content::revision::update_content -storage_type $storage_type"
        # insert the content into the database
        ::content::revision::update_content  -storage_type $storage_type  -item_id $item_id  -revision_id $revision_id  -content ""  -mime_type $mime_type  -tmp_filename $tmp_filename

    return $revision_id
XQL Not present:
PostgreSQL XQL file:
<fullquery name="cr_import_content.image_new">
         select image__new(
            /* name          => */ :object_name,
            /* parent_id     => */ :parent_id,
            /* item_id       => */ :item_id,
            /* revision_id   => */ :revision_id,
            /* mime_type     => */ :mime_type,
            /* creation_user => */ :creation_user,
            /* creation_ip   => */ :creation_ip,
            /* title         => */ :title,
            /* description   => */ :description,
            /* storage_type  => */ :storage_type::cr_item_storage_type_enum,
            /* content_type  => */ :image_type,
            /* nls_language  => */ null,
            /* publish_date  => */ current_timestamp,
            /* height        => */ :original_height,
            /* width         => */ :original_width,
            /* package_id    => */ :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.image_revision_new">
         select image__new_revision (
            /* item_id       => */ :item_id,
            /* revision_id   => */ :revision_id,
            /* title         => */ :title,
            /* description   => */ :description,
            /* publish_date  => */ current_timestamp,
            /* mime_type     => */ :mime_type,
            /* nls_language  => */ null,
            /* creation_user => */ :creation_user,
            /* creation_ip   => */ :creation_ip,
            /* height        => */ :original_height,
            /* width         => */ :original_width,
            /* package_id    => */ :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.content_item_new">
         select content_item__new (
            /* name          => */ varchar :object_name,
            /* parent_id     => */ :parent_id,
            /* item_id       => */ :item_id,
            /* new_locale    => */ null,
            /* creation_date => */ current_timestamp,
            /* creation_user => */ :creation_user,
            /* context_id    => */ :parent_id,
            /* creation_ip   => */ :creation_ip,
            /* item_subtype  => */ 'content_item',
            /* content_type  => */ :other_type,
            /* title         => */ null,
            /* description   => */ null,
            /* mime_type     => */ null,
            /* nls_language  => */ null,
            /* text          => */ null,
            /* data          => */ null,
            /* relation_tag  => */ null,
            /* is live       => */ 'f',
            /* storage_type  => */ :storage_type,
            /* package_id    => */ :package_id,
            /* w_child_rels  => */ 't'

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.content_revision_new">
         select content_revision__new (
            /* title          => */ :title,
            /* description    => */ :description,
            /* publish_date   => */ current_timestamp,
            /* mime_type      => */ :mime_type,
            /* nls_language   => */ null,
            /* data           => */ null,
            /* item_id        => */ :item_id,
            /* revision_id    => */ :revision_id,
            /* creation_date  => */ current_timestamp,
            /* creation_user  => */ :creation_user,
            /* creation_ip    => */ :creation_ip,
	    /* content_length => */ null,
            /* package_id     => */ :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.set_lob_content">

	update cr_revisions
	set mime_type = :mime_type,
 	   lob = [set __lob_id [db_string get_lob_id {select empty_lob()}]]
	where revision_id = :revision_id


<fullquery name="cr_import_content.set_lob_size">

         update cr_revisions
         set content_length = lob_length(lob)
         where revision_id = :revision_id


Oracle XQL file:
<fullquery name="cr_import_content.image_new">
            :1 :=
               name          =>  :object_name,
               parent_id     =>  :parent_id,
               item_id       =>  :item_id,
               revision_id   =>  :revision_id,
               mime_type     =>  :mime_type,
               creation_user =>  :creation_user,
               creation_ip   =>  :creation_ip,
               title         =>  :title,
               content_type  =>  :image_type,
               storage_type  =>  :storage_type,
               height        =>  :original_height,
               width         =>  :original_width,
               package_id    =>  :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.image_revision_new">
           :1 := image.new_revision (
             item_id       => :item_id,
             revision_id   => :revision_id,
             title         => :title,
             description   => :description,
             mime_type     => :mime_type,
             creation_user => :creation_user,
             creation_ip   => :creation_ip,
             height        => :original_height,
             width         => :original_width,
             package_id    => :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.content_item_new">
            :1 :=
               name          =>  :object_name,
               item_id       =>  :item_id,
               parent_id     =>  :parent_id,
               context_id    =>  :parent_id,
               creation_user =>  :creation_user,
               creation_ip   =>  :creation_ip,
               content_type  =>  :other_type,
               storage_type  =>  :storage_type,
               package_id    =>  :package_id

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.content_revision_new">
           :1 := (
             title         => :title,
             description   => :description,
             mime_type     => :mime_type,
             item_id       => :item_id,
             revision_id   => :revision_id,
             creation_user => :creation_user,
             creation_ip   => :creation_ip,
             package_id    => :package_id,
	     filename      => :object_name

<fullquery name="cr_import_content.set_lob_content">

        update cr_revisions
        set mime_type = :mime_type,
        content = empty_blob()
        where revision_id = :revision_id
        returning content into :1


<fullquery name="cr_import_content.set_lob_size">

         update cr_revisions
         set content_length = dbms_lob.getlength(content)
         where revision_id = :revision_id


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