lang::catalog::import (public)

 lang::catalog::import [ -package_key package_key ] \
    [ -locales locales ] [ -initialize ] [ -cache ]

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-catalog-procs.tcl

Import messages from catalog files to the database. By default all messages for enabled packages and enabled locales will be imported. Optionally, the import can be restricted to a certain package and/or a list of locales. Invokes the proc lang::catalog::import_messages that deals with multiple imports (upgrades).

Restrict the import to the package with this key
A list of locales to restrict the import to
(boolean) (optional)
Only load messages from packages that have never before had any message imported
(boolean) (optional)
Provide this switch if you want the proc to cache all the imported messages
An array list containing the number of messages processed, number of messages added, number of messages updated, number of messages deleted by the import, and a list of errors produced. The keys of the array list are processed, added, updated, and deleted, and errors.
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_lang_test__lc_procs lang_test__lc_procs (test acs-lang) lang::catalog::import lang::catalog::import test_lang_test__lc_procs->lang::catalog::import test_locale_language_fallback locale_language_fallback (test acs-lang) test_locale_language_fallback->lang::catalog::import test_test_catalog_import_export test_catalog_import_export (test acs-lang) test_test_catalog_import_export->lang::catalog::import test_upgrade upgrade (test acs-lang) test_upgrade->lang::catalog::import ad_log ad_log (public) lang::catalog::import->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) lang::catalog::import->ad_try apm_enabled_packages apm_enabled_packages (public) lang::catalog::import->apm_enabled_packages lang::catalog::get_catalog_paths_for_import lang::catalog::get_catalog_paths_for_import (private) lang::catalog::import->lang::catalog::get_catalog_paths_for_import lang::catalog::import_from_file lang::catalog::import_from_file (private) lang::catalog::import->lang::catalog::import_from_file apm_load_catalog_files apm_load_catalog_files (private) apm_load_catalog_files->lang::catalog::import install::xml::action::enable-locale install::xml::action::enable-locale (private) install::xml::action::enable-locale->lang::catalog::import lang::test::execute_upgrade lang::test::execute_upgrade (private) lang::test::execute_upgrade->lang::catalog::import packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-import.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n-import.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-import.tcl->lang::catalog::import packages/acs-lang/www/admin/import-locale-from-files.tcl packages/acs-lang/ www/admin/import-locale-from-files.tcl packages/acs-lang/www/admin/import-locale-from-files.tcl->lang::catalog::import

lang_test__lc_procs, locale_language_fallback, upgrade, test_catalog_import_export
Source code:
    set message_count(processed) 0
    set message_count(added) 0
    set message_count(updated) 0
    set message_count(deleted) 0
    set message_count(errors) [list]

    if { $package_key ne "" } {
        set package_key_list $package_key
    } else {
        set package_key_list [apm_enabled_packages]

    if { $initialize_p } {
        set uninitialized_packages [uninitialized_packages]

    foreach package_key $package_key_list {
        if {$initialize_p && $package_key ni $uninitialized_packages} {
            # The package is already initialized

        # Skip the package if it has no catalog files at all
        if { ![file exists [package_catalog_dir $package_key]] } {

        set catalog_files [get_catalog_paths_for_import  -package_key $package_key  -locales $locales]

        # Issue a warning and exit if there are no catalog files
        if { $catalog_files eq "" } {
            ns_log Warning "No catalog files found for package $package_key in locales: $locales"

        foreach file_path $catalog_files {
            # Use an ad_try so that parse failure of one file doesn't
            # cause the import of all files to fail
            array unset loop_message_count
            ad_try {
                array set loop_message_count [lang::catalog::import_from_file $file_path]
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                ad_log Error "The import of file $file_path failed, error message is: $errorMsg"
            } on ok {r} {
                foreach action [array names loop_message_count] {
                    if { $action ne "errors" } {
                        set message_count($action) [expr {$message_count($action) + $loop_message_count($action)}]
                lappend message_count(errors) {*}$loop_message_count(errors)

    if { $cache_p } {

    return [array get message_count]
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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