package_create (private)

 package_create [ -debug_p debug_p ] object_type

Defined in packages/acs-subsite/tcl/package-procs.tcl

Creates a packages with a new function and delete procedure for the specified object type. This function uses metadata exclusively to create the package. Resets the package_object_view cache Throws an error if the specified object type does not exist or is not dynamic

(defaults to "f") (optional)
If "t" then we return a text block containing the sql to create the package. Setting debug_p to t will not create the package.
object_type - The object type for which to create a package
Michael Bryzek <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 package_recreate_hierarchy package_recreate_hierarchy (public) package_create package_create package_recreate_hierarchy->package_create acs_object_type::get acs_object_type::get (public) package_create->acs_object_type::get db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) package_create->db_exec_plsql db_string db_string (public) package_create->db_string package_generate_body package_generate_body (private) package_create->package_generate_body package_generate_spec package_generate_spec (private) package_create->package_generate_spec

No testcase defined.
Source code:

    if {[catch {
        acs_object_type::get -object_type $object_type -array acs_type
    } errmsg]} {
        error "The specified object, $object_type does not exist."
    if { ![string is true -strict $acs_type(dynamic_p)] } {
        error "The specified object, $object_type is not dynamic. Therefore, a package cannot be created for it"

    # build up a list of the pl/sql to execute as it will make it
    # easier to return a string for debugging purposes.
    set package_name $acs_type(package_name)

    lappend plsql  [list "package" "create_package" [package_generate_spec $object_type]]  [list "package body" "create_package_body" [package_generate_body $object_type]]

    if { $debug_p == "t" } {
        foreach pair $plsql {
            #        append text "[plsql_utility::parse_sql [lindex $pair 1]]\n\n"
            append text [lindex $pair 2]
        return $text

    foreach pair $plsql {
        lassign $pair type stmt_name code

        db_exec_plsql $stmt_name $code

        # Let's check to make sure the package is valid
        # This seems to be a speciality in Oracle: The status of a
        # program unit (PL/SQL package, procedure, or function) is set
        # to INVALID if a database object on which it depends is
        # changed. That program unit must then be recompiled (which
        # Oracle Database will often do automatically the next time
        # you try to use that program unit).
        if { ![db_string package_valid_p {}] } {
            error "$object_type \"$package_name\" is not valid after compiling:\n\n$code\n\n"

    # Now reset the object type view in case we've cached some attribute queries
    package_object_view_reset $object_type

    # Return the object type - what else to return?
    return $object_type
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_create.package_valid_p">

--          select case when exists (select 1
--                                       from user_objects
--                                      where status = 'INVALID'
--                                        and object_name = upper(:package_name)
--                                        and object_type = upper(:type))
--                        then 0 else 1 end
            select 1 from dual;


Oracle XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_create.package_valid_p">
	    select case when exists (select 1 
                                       from user_objects 
                                      where status = 'INVALID'
                                        and object_name = upper(:package_name)
                                        and object_type = upper(:type))
                        then 0 else 1 end
	      from dual

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