util::html::get_form (public)

 util::html::get_form -forms forms [ -id id ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/html-procs.tcl

Extract form with the specified id from a structure as that coming from util::html::get_forms proc.

Form structure
HTML id of the form to be read. If structure contains only one form, this parameter can be omitted, otherwise the proc will throw an error.
form structure

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::http::cookie_auth util::http::cookie_auth (public) util::html::get_form util::html::get_form util::http::cookie_auth->util::html::get_form

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    if {[llength $forms] == 1} {
        return [lindex $forms 0]

    if {$id ne ""} {
        # We have more than one form, check for supplied id
        foreach form $forms {
            if {[dict get $form attributes id] eq $id} {
                return $form

    error "Form was not found in supplied HTML"
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