xo::db::require proc function_args (public)

 xo::db::require[i] function_args [ -kernel_older_than kernel_older_than ] \
    [ -package_key_and_version_older_than package_key_and_version_older_than ] \
    [ -check_function check_function ] sql_file

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl

Load the SQL file, if the kernel is older than the specified version, and the version of the specified package is older, and the check_function does not exist in function_args.

Sample usage: ::xo::db::require function_args \
  -kernel_older_than 5.5.0 \
  -older_than_package_key_and_version "xowiki 0.50" \
  -check_function "acs_object_type__create_type" \
  [acs_package_root_dir xotcl-request-broker]/patches/funcs-1.sql

-kernel_older_than (optional)
-package_key_and_version_older_than (optional)
-check_function (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_acs_version ad_acs_version (public) ad_file ad_file (public) apm_highest_version_name apm_highest_version_name (public) apm_version_names_compare apm_version_names_compare (public) db_driverkey db_driverkey (public) xo::db::require proc function_args xo::db::require proc function_args xo::db::require proc function_args->ad_acs_version xo::db::require proc function_args->ad_file xo::db::require proc function_args->apm_highest_version_name xo::db::require proc function_args->apm_version_names_compare xo::db::require proc function_args->db_driverkey

No testcase defined.
Source code:
if {[db_driverkey ""] eq "postgresql"} {
  # only necessary with PostgreSQL
  if {[info exists kernel_older_than]} {
    if {[apm_version_names_compare  $kernel_older_than [ad_acs_version]] < 1} {
      # nothing to do
  if {[info exists package_key_and_version_older_than]} {
    set p [split $package_key_and_version_older_than]
    if {[llength $p] != 2} {
      error "package_key_and_version_older_than should be of the form 'package_key version'"
    lassign $p package_key version
    set installed_version [apm_highest_version_name $package_key]
    if {[apm_version_names_compare $installed_version $version] > -1} {
      # nothing to do
  if {[info exists check_function]} {
    set check_function [string toupper $check_function]
    set function_exists [::xo::dc 0or1row function_exists {
      select 1 from dual where exists
      (SELECT 1 FROM acs_function_args WHERE function = :check_function)
    if {$function_exists} {
      # nothing to do

  if {[ad_file readable $sql_file]} {
    :log "Sourcing '$sql_file'"
    db_source_sql_file $sql_file
    ::xo::db::Class create_all_functions
    return 1
  } else {
    :log "Could not source '$sql_file'"
return 0
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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